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November 17, 1932 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-11-17

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17, 1932

1' 11 E M 1 (; it I A IS A l f, Y

..7, 1932s ..... .: aH I(.. A Nl ) ! lA.i 1V

A*Nft Aa IAm
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Red' Nichols'
TBand To Play
At Panhellenic
Orchestra For Annual Ball
Has Been Featured In
Broadway Shows
}Red" Nichols and his world fa-
pQus Pennies will be the attraction
of the annual Panhellenic Ball which
4~ to be hield November 25. Nichols
i$s a nationally known radio star and
trwnpeter, having played many not-
bl~e engagements.
)for three seasons he and his or-
~bestra were the featured musical at-
t1,raction with Earl Carroll's "Van-
ktes" during the Broadway run of the
s 9w and later made a decide hit
isn the New York production of Joe
Cook's "Rain or Shine." He next
played feature roles in George Gersh-
wW~'s hit shows, "Strike Up thel
$apd" and "Girl Crazy."
puring the time that the orchestra r
Was playing in Broadway shows, they
als layed numerous dance engage-1
mints, and for six months were fea--
lured at the Park Central Hotel in
New York City. The New Yorker is
anpther hotel at which Red and his
orchestra have appeared.
The Panhellenic music committee'
under the direction of Pauline CScott,
'3,chairman, have been insrumeni-
tal in obtaining this orchestra, which
is, coming here direct from an en-
ragement in South. Bend, Indiana. It
is~ only during the last few years that
W,. Nichols has begun to make po-
u ar tours again.
Mr. Nichols h as raques/ed the
mttsic comrittee to send him thej
lanes of numbers that they would
Wk hint to make'a Specialty o, and
he is working now on those selections.
Nis particular obby is featuring
songs that were popular six or sevenE
years ago when hie first organized his
fliivier At League
Held For State's
Governing Boards
tine of the most important of the
social entertainmenits planned for the
delegates to the meeting o the Gov-
erning Boards of the State Universi-
ties rand Colleges1eld in Ann Abr
yesterday, was the dinner in one of
the private dining rooms of the
League last night.
Among the heads of the University
of Michigan were Dr. Alexander G.
Ruthven, Shirley W. Smith, Dr. Cla-
ence S. Yoakum, James D. Bruce, vice
presidents, Prof. Lewis M. Gram, Di-
rector of Plant Extension and Dr.
Frank E. Robbins, assistant to the
Also attending as representing the
Board of Regents were Junius E. Beal
of Ann Arbor, Esther M. Cram of De-
troit, and Richaxd R. Smith of Grand
After dinner the delegates met in
the Lydia Mendelssohn theater and
heard Dr. Frederick B. Robinson head C
of the College of the City of NewI
York, Dr. Robinsons topic dealt with
the general subject, "Formal Educa-
tion; Is There Anything Wrong With
it? What?"

Radio Star To Play

'DiplyedByShops On (ith r rmIoa

J~ ~1O . TIUAN We alaiost dec.ided to learn howt
Just for variety yes~rciwe ve vnt to sew aier looking at i i-t dif ter(-nt
IShopping for room furnishing. andc ven rios of the )oa ewnbikj
it's Sul vrisin- what a well .2ia ccr One littI S uy Ib 115)1 ootStool
lamnp or a tricky little ornament or ,tihat had a chintz paiddinug opened up
two can do 110 m,,LkC Ilic; 'room-iome- ;to disclose nelat little comp .n* t:
thI-no norc Ithain a r c thowfor *needle a~ynd thre.qad ,TnA c h,1


NiC*4LS '
"Red" Nichols, radio star and reg-
ular feature of the Golden PheasantI
R~estaurant. Cleveland, who, with his
World ]Famous P ennie s, will be fea-
tured at the Panhejienie Bait, No-
vember 25. Mr. Nichols will come here
direct from an: engagement in South
Heed, Indiana.

the coatt.
The little bras~s *coy' lamps are
so ine~pensively priced? and so much
",just the thing" for- the dressing table
that we had a hard time deciding
between them and a. quaint colonial
lamp that looked life it was made forl
oil but wasn't.s
S One of the trickiest things we saw}
Iwas a set consisting of a waste paper
basket, blotter and lamps. The bas-
ket was decorated with bright colored
suede figures while the blotter carried
out the same idea along the borders.
IThe dresser lamps were decorated in
the same manner with the exception
that this time the figures were done
in calico. The figures stood out and
seemed to give the impression of be-
ing done in low relies:.


up, some painted green or orchid ~ V t~1~£iiI(L U Vi
writh7 Gods r tisrinits ain top. At thisa same iier-WJ ilhelinj, "Brcetse," by PaWLj
shop we saw the cheery chin, dishes. ,Iuin and "Tona:da ivirciana:' by
Perhaps dishes at'en't exactly colleg, Nin-TKochanski rendered by Mjari
} oo accessories but we couldn't re- Strutble Fr~eeman.
list them. The daintiest cups and y - --
saucers imaginable and in the gayest
chintz design possible. I"~i~enel IeIm
For lamps that can look studious Of StinentEna cm l
=end at tine same time decora ive whe I
recommend an adjustable study ]sa; Announcement has been recc ve(1
of nile green porcelain, or better ye:. of the engagement of Margaret Loi.
for ye geography students, an atlasI Webb, ex.- '34, Anin Arbor. to Clan-
; amvl with the treasure map of Cap-1 once David Hanseli-an, a student at
' ain Kidd on the parchment shade, the Lincoln Aviation School.

nathier sewing kit Wa; a painted
tard with apo,-- , for the eCq l)-
Even clothes hampers 'are dressed

I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- ------------ ------__ ________________-- ~ __________~~----.-.


~ INovei-tI

)C( 0 18



GOPIAll better values in rough wools and crepes
..Iuxurious fur tr'ins.
Sport Coats in British tweeds . greens .
browns .. wine + . black . . and white.
,$1 3m0
Topcoats in tweed mixtures. Valuies to $12.75.
Rain Coats including trench coats in grey and
tan mixtures.
$ 5.95 Values
$ 395
New Fall sweaters with the new neck and
sleeve details in all shades.

Swagger Tweeds . .. four-piece suits ... and
also two-piece short Jacket suits.. . both ini
f u r g a n d p l a in ..t r im r . v l eY, s

Wools amd silks . .. plaids and
shades. I.&

stnpe)C in all


Dollar ]Day

39-in. Silky Flat Crepes, yd. . 63e
39-in. Silky RufI Crepes, yd. . 95c
40-in. Transparent Velvet,
yd. ..... ............$2.50
Ladies' Silky Hosiery, full-
fashionecd, 2 pair for.... $1.00
One Special Lot of Fancy
Linens, Values from $1.25 to
$2.00 to sell for $ .0
$Dy only <it:
Fegt;. $4.95 All-Wool 13':.inkets,
E'ull-Size Sheet-Pimnkets .45C
lnliatn lank ets ........ cW
Special Price.s on All Other
Quilted Maixtrss Pads--
Size 60x7 .... ... $:1.50
Si /,,,42x76 .. . . . . . 10
Esxception7al Bargains in Shteets
t'md Pillow Cases
Onec Lot of reg. $1 Ladies' Slips,
Bloomers, Comibinlations, 85c


Imported kid gloves . .. no fittings.
Values to $5.95
Calf . ..YPin Seal ... and wool boucle.
Including earrings . .. bracelets . .. clips .
chains and pins.
Cotton and Silk Blouses.
39, and 49e
Our group includes full-fashioned hose .
silk from top to toe Chi2ffon2.
Values to $1.65
Ir Pa $1 .o
We are closing out our entire stock . . . no
fittings . . . -rokensizes . .. wonderful values.

3-Pi cc Knitted Swagger Suits. $10.95 Values.
$~ Ju 7A)0
Dresses for Sunday night, daytime and sports
in sheer wools, knits, crepes and velvets.
Value.; to ,$19.75$i0#0()
Dresses for all occasions in wools, crepes .and
velvets. Values to $22.50
2otfo r $25. m00

fromn the Regular Price
"(4 NNI"

a a


- 4., _

()ItAILl Our Rgu PrJriced flats
By mauch good fortune we have been able to get a
lar~ge group of hats as a special for this Dollar Day
Satle-. This group includes smnart felts, fabrics and
novelty materials in high shades as well as grey,
black and brown. The price is unbelievable .

Kit skins

Clever Pumtips
Neat 'Ties
Striap S

,,@ =
: a

li'ashion wse women will be here
V'ridvqv mornig to take advantage
of !this va lue giving event. You will
11idc hundr-eds of newest styles and
matriasat this saving of $1.00
ai p.atir. All sizes are(,c oilplete%.


p r
t _%


T1hose adorable Softies



11 tha~t were f o r in e r t v in oAtyva l imited nom. ';1I xIi


I AmmmmmwRrl '


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