THURSDAY, NOV. 17. 1932
. . . . .... . ......... . .......... -..- ................. . ....... - ----- . ......
National Academy
Of Science
Final Ses
Group Hears
13 Papers At
Final Session
Seven Faculty Members
Speak On Program On
Last Day Of Meeting
With yesterday morning's session
in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, the
1932 autumnal session of the Na-.
tional Academy of Science came to
a close. Members of the Academy,
who include most of the nation's
foremost scientists, have disbanded,
and the many lectures and reports
made by them during the past three
days now belong to history.
Thirteen short lectures were de-
livered yesterday morning, six of
them by members of the faculty of
the University.
The graphic story of the unearth-
ing of the primitive skeleton known
as "Minnesota Pleistocene Homo,"
as told by Dr. Albert E. Jenks, of the
I-University of Minnesota, was afat
ure of the morning's program. Dr.
Frank Leverett of the geology de-
partment augmented Dr. Jenks' paper
with a brief discussion of the prob-
able age of the fossil man, as shown
by geological studies.
SOther talks covered various aspects
of geology, anthropology, psychology,
biology, and neurology.
George O. Sqtier,
Preston E. James
Dr. George O. Squier opened the
Wednesday session with a brief re-
port on Senate Bill 2,778, relating
to patent rights.
The first scientific discussion was
given by Prof. Preston E. James of
the geography department on the
surface configuration of a part of
Southeastern Brazil.
Frank Leverett
Dr. Leverett, formerly with the
U. S. Geological Survey, and at pres-
ent a resident of Ann Arbor, gave a
new interpretation of drainage shift-
ings in Ohio, based on the eight years
of study he has made since first an-
pouncing the results of his field ex-
cursions in the Ohio region.
He pointed out that much of Ohio
drained into Lake Erie during the
preglacial era, and that early glacia-
tion did not alter this arrangement
radically. Not until the Illinoisan
glaciation, 150,000 years ago, did the
topography of Ohio assume its pres-
ent form, with most of its rivers
draining into the Ohio and Missis-
sippi river system, Dr. Leverett said.
Albert E. Jenks
One of the most perfect and most
complete specimens of fossil man
ever discovered is the skeleton found
in June, 1931, in northern Minnesota,
described for the academy by Dr.
Jenks. It was dug up by a road crew
laying drainage tiles, about two feet
beneath the road surface and almost
10 feet below the present surface
of the ground, the road passing
through cut at that point.
Further diggings disclosed about
350 additional parts, -.d geological
analysis of the silt proving that the
body must have come to rest at the
bottom of an extinct glacial lake at
that spot 20,000 years ago.
A hole in the skeleton has led
Minnesota scientists to believe that
she, for the skeleton is evidently that
of a young woman, Dr. Jenks stated,
was shot. From this they have con-
structed a possible story of the event.
Nathaniel Kleitman
Dr. Nathaniel Kleitman, of the Uni-
versity of Chicago, who spoke next,
told of tests of diurnal variation of
efficiency he has been conducting. By
requiring his subjects to do certain
tasks at five different hours during
the day, he learned that efficiency,
varies directly as the body tempera-
ture. Both are lowest at about three
or four o'clock in the morning, he
has found, the time when it is hard-
est to keep awake. The height of
efficiency comes at some time in the
afternoon, varying according to the
individual. These diurnal variations
are found to correspond regularly to!
the body temperatures, and occur at
a regular time of day, regardless of
the amount of sleep the subject may
have had, Dr. Kleitman concluded.
Ralph W. Gerard,
Robert Gesell
Two papers treating of neurological
topics followed. R. W. Gerard read
Samiuel Instill, Jr., Appears In Court
j. G. Winters Appoinied
Successor To Reeves
Prof. J. G. Winters of the classical
ianguage department has been ap-
pointed to succeed Prof. J. S. Reeves
of the political science department,
whose term of service on the Dean's
Advisory Committee of the literary'
school has expired.
Prof. H. S. Randall of the physics
department will act as substitute
eommi-tteeman for Prof. H. P. Thieme
of the Romance Language depart-
ment, during the latter's current
leave of absence this year.
possibilities of the use of the feather
germ reaction as a test for thyroid
Carl V. Weller
"One must conclude that the pro-
tective mechanisms found in the my-
ocardium are of biological signifi-
cance and that they have been devel-
oped and perpetuated in order to
maintain, in so far as possible, the
integrity of the myocardium, so es-
sential for the perservation of the
organism," Dr. Carl V. Weler, direc-
tor of the University 'pathological
laboratories, told the audience, enum-
erating a number of the protective
features he had in mind.
John F. Shepard.
Dr. John F. Shepard of the psy-
chology department presented draw-
ings of several of his rat mazes upon
the screen and explained the tests
to which the rats were put. Two of
the rodents with which he had ex-
perimented successfully passed every
test, he said, while the others fell by
the wayside as the trials became more
difficult. The tests prove that some
rats can tell the right way through
a maze by the sound of their feet on
the floor, while in others this sense
is not so strong, he explained.
sion Of Conference
Prof. Roy Holmes Begins Work
On Cultural History Of Michigan
Hunt Perfects
Instrument For
Measures Proportion Of
Materials In Rocks; Siu-
plifies Study
Prof. Walter F. Hunt, of the Min-
eralogy department, in 'conjunction
with Prof. C. K. Wentworth, of
George Washington University, has
recently perfected a measuring gauge
that greatly simplifies the study of
a given rock to determine the amount
and proportion of materials in it.
Until now one of the most wearisome
problems facing the mineralogist, the
study has been simplified so as to re-
quire about one-fifth of the time
heretofore needed.
The make-up of the rock must be
frequent determined by the mineral-
ogist. To do so he cuts out a sec-
tion thin enough to be translucent
and mounts, it on a miscroscope
lide. He then mounted a screen of
known dimensions under the slide
adcomputed one at a time the
amount of feldspar, mica, quartz, and
other rock crystals scattered in the
sample. It was a laborious and eye-
straining process.
With the new apparatus a plat-
form bearing the specimen slide is
moved across the line of vision,
driven by five dial-marked screw
grips. By giving one dial to each of
five crystals and by reading off each
dial the size of the crystal as meas-
ured by the turns required to bring
it across the sample, the five com-
ponent mineral crystals may be read
straight across the specimens at one
time. The dials register to one-five-
thousandth of a millimeter. As one
millimeter is about four-one-hun-
dredths of an inch, quick and accu-
rate computations are easily made.
are surprisingly accurate is the con-
clusion he arrives at after careful
comparison with other records. The
chronological table is based on a per-
iod of 11,960 days, or 405 lunar
For a number of years students in
rural sociology have struggled with
textbooks and theories, and, after
several weeks' work in the library,
they have written term theses, filled
with facts and statistics copied from
the pges of authoritative books.
This year Roy H. Holmes, profes-
sor of rural sociology, has conceived
a new and more practical idea for
the study of rural problems by bring-
ing the students in actual contact
with -the members of rural commou-
The purpose of the new study is
to furnish more up-to-date informa-
tion for class work, in making a
thorough study of rural Michigan
both past and present. Through rep-
resentatives which are to be located
in every township in the state, ma-
terial will be gathered. Professor
Holmes aims to develop a complete
cultural history of the state, show-
ing group tendencies through the
generations since the first settlement.
'It will be largely a sudy of leader<
ship, taking into account the work of
Michigan's p i o n e e r s," Professor-
Holmes said.
The completion of the task will
take about 10 years, Professor Holmes
explained. The work of the students
will contribute in part to the gigantic,
project with the results of their 1in1
vestigations. Foreign graduate stu-
detns are making studies of their na-
tive countries.
At the end of the complete study;
Professor Holmes expects to write a
book which will be entitled, "Social
History of Rural Michigan. Profes-
sor Holmes has already written a
book, "Rural Sociology," which has.
been adopted for class use by a num-
ber of universities.
1.. -
5 P. M. to 8 P. M.
ts ocIa C t'Press Phvt )}
Samuel Insull, Jr., (center) as he appeared in federal court in Chi-
cago with his attorney, Floyd E. Thompson (left), to testify in the
bankruptcy hearing of two major Insuill holding companies.
40c T-BONE STEAK, Mushroom Sauce,
the first, written by himself, T. H.1
Chang, and M. Shaffer, on "The in<
vitro respiration of nerve." The sec-1
ond paper, "Observations on the ner-t
vous control of respiratory mov,,-
ments," prepared by Dr. Robert Ge-,
sell and C. Moyer of the physiology3
department was read by the former.
Albert F. Blakeslee
Detailed examples of how pure-
breeding types of the jimson weed
with predicted characters may be
synthesized were given in a paper by
Albert F. Blakeslee and A. Dorothy
Bergner, of the department of gene-!
tics of the Carnegie Institute oft
Washington, and presented by the:
Dr. Blakeslee stated that types of1
the jimson weed, which might be
called new species, can be produced
by means of radiation treatment.
Gross changes in the chromosomes
can be brought about in this way,
and types can be made up to order,
he said.
Henry C. Eckstein,
B llh da Lf) Barnes
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
611 E. Williams St.
Dr. Henry C. Eckstein next read Carl E. Guthe
a paper on "The lipids and proteins The eclipse table of the Dresden
of the colon bacillus," which he had Codex, a Mayan hieroglyphic manu-
prepared in conjunction with Dr. script, was translated into English
Malcolm H. Soule, also of the medi- and elaborated upon by Dr. Carl E.
cal school. Guthe, director of the museum of
Broda 0. Barnes, a research fellow anthropology, in the closing talk of
from the University of Chicago, dis- the morning. That the Dresden fig-
cussed past experiments and future ores for both lunar and solar eclipses
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