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November 16, 1932 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-11-16

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Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
tion and the Big Ten News Service.D'P
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
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Telephone 4925
CITY EDITOR...........................KARL SEIFFERT
SPORTS EDITOR.....................JOHN W. THOMAS
NIGHT EDITORS: Thomas Connellan, Norman P.'Kraft,
John W. Pritchard, C.' Hart Schaaf, Brackley Shaw,
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Kathryn. Stork.
WEDNESDAY, NOV. 16, 1932
Michigan-The Champions
Of The West...

ferent from any faced so far in the season. It
may be a test of strength against versatility. A
victory will entitle Michigan to an unchallenged
The gridiron forecasters predict one of the
hardest games of the year; but Michigan has a
habit of coming through.
So learn "The Victors."
The Grand Old Party
A Chronic Minority .
N OW that the last echoes of the
campaign have died away, it might
be well to analyze the political situation as it
stands today, in the light of the decision made
by the American electorate.
The Republican party is as demoralized at the
present time as any major political party has
been in our history. Not only have the Democrats
elected a president by the largest electoral and
popular majority ever accorded a party; not only
have they been placed in control of both houses
of Congress, one by a 3-1 majority and the other
by nearly a 2-1 majority; but they have received
90 per cent of all the state offices in the country.
No party has ever before done that. The Re-
publican party, at the height of its power, never
came close to achieving it.
Four years ago, Republicanism seemed to be
firmly entrenched. Today, it seems doomed. Of
course, the popular tendency is to say that the
Democrats were carried into office by a protest
vote and that, when times improve, the nation
will return to the Grand Old Party. At first
glance, that .actually seems to be the situation.
But a more careful examination of the facts will
reveal that the Republican party is hopelessly
disorganized. The Progressives have bolted the
party turning to the camp of the enemy. The
old guard has fallen in the onslaught so decisive-
ly that its return seems improbable.
At the very beginning of the campaign, all that
really remained of the Republican party was the
small group headed by President Hoover. That
group, that leadership, has been overwhelmingly
repudiated. Where then can Republicans turn for
leadership? The suggestion has been .made that
the young Republicans, headed by Ogden Mills
and James Wadsworth might take over the reins.
That seems to be the only feasible suggestion.
Mills, however, has been too closely associated
with the Hoover group to exert much irgsluence.
Wadsworth, returned from retirement, would be
a more likely choice.
Republicanism, as Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler
suggests, must align itself with liberalism or go
the way of the old Whig party. The old standpat
policies of isolation, of protectionism, of "laissez-
faire," of government by the few, have fallen into
disgrace and oblivion. A new party must appear
on the political horizon. Whether that party calls
itself Republican or something else matters little.
Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Democratic party
have before them the greatest opportunity ever
offered a political. party. The low point in the
economic depression has been reached or is most
certainly not far distant. The nation has given
them complete control in the executive and legis-
lative branches of the national government and
in a large majority of the state governments.
It is within the power of the new president to
select the most illustrious and capable cabinet of
recent years. Such great national figures as 14w-
ton D. Baker, Owen D. Young, Alfred E. Smith,
Carter Glass and Josephus Daniels are possibili-
ties. If the Democrats make good, and they have
every reason to do so, the country will not quickly
turn from them. The victory of Nov. 8 is nothing
temporary. It is a turning point in American
history, apparently ending the period of Republi-
can dominance.
If the Republican party does continue to exist,
in all probability, it will do so as a chronic minor-
ity party, such as the Democrats have been in
the past. The re-election of Roosevelt, with the
probable return of better times and the prospect
of a successful administration, seems inevitable in
1936. After that, the nation might well look to a
Democratic rule of 20 years.
But some unforseen event might happen which
would upset this whole line of reasoning, some-
thing which might result in the return of a re-
vived Republicanism. Such an event might be

the death of President Roosevelt and the suc-
cession of Garner to the presidential chair.
And finally, that there will be a gradual shift
to Socialistic principles is inevitable. Whether
that will mean the elevation of the Socialist party
is another thing. The showing made by that
party in the last election was disappointing, to
say the least. But from a union of the Socialist,
Farmer-Labor, Progressive and Unionist groups
may come a party that will not fail to exert a
legislative action and eventually, come into con-
trol. This might well be the substitute that time
will offer for the repudiated Republican party.

it is decimal, but the effort required to impose
its use on a people accustomed to think in terms
of feet and quarts is too great to undertake for
mere symmetric considerations. And has Dr. On-
derdonk thought of the billions of dollars invested
in machines constructed to the inch scale, a
length that is unfortunately not commensurate
with the metric unit? The general use of the
French system would make it necessary to scrap
every locomotive, every motor, every sewing ma-
chine, every milk bottle, every illicit still in the
land. What this would mean for us may perhaps
be realized by imagining that Austria should
change its present official liter for an accurate
one with the consequent discarding of all its pres-
ent beer mugs.
The statement that we have the metric system
for our money is an amazing one. The American
dollar, the unit of our coinage, is the continuation
of the old Spanish dollar, which antedates the
so-called metric system by a hundred years or
more. As I cannot conceive that an engineer
confuses metric and decimal I am forced to the
conclusion that Dr. Onderdonk is guilty of an
As a good Yankee I am indignant that anyone
suggests there is anything disgraceful in the so-
called "colonial" relation to England. Is the writer
so recent an arrival on our shores that he has not
learned that the political activities about the year
1776 were a purely English family row? My an-
cestors here parted political company with their
brothers and cousins, who had not yet come over,
and set up an essentially English system for
themselves. They were as English as anybody in
England and so they remained. We have kept
.heir language and their laws in greater purity
Shan has the present heterogenious population
on the other side, and it is but natural that we
have retained our racial heritage in the way of
measurements as well. I am proud of my English
blood, not ashamed of it, and I feel no inferiority
to the "Yaws-quite" cockney because he too uses
feet and quarts.
In one thing, however, I heartily agree with Dr.
Onderdonk. I too recommend that as many let-
ters as possible be sent to Washington about the
matter, the paper will be collected from the waste-
baskets and baled, while each stamp purchased
by the senders means three cents more for the
depleted treasury.
(Prof.) Norman L. Willey.
Music Zand Drama
Toccata, Adagio and Fugue in C .......Bach
Andante Cantabile (Sonata for Organ) James
Two Preludes on Welsh Hymn
Tunes ......... . ........ ....Williams
(1) Bryn Calfaria
(2) Rhosymedre
Rhapsody ....................Saint-Saens
Sportive Fauns..................d'Antalffy
Berceuse--"'Oiseau de Feu" ....Strawinsky
Two of the most prominent modern com-
posers, Vaughn Williams, and Strawinsky are
presented' in today's organ recital, against an in-
teresting relief of Bach, two contrasting French
numbers, and the more conventional contempo-
rary, James. The "Fire Bird" is an early work
of Strawinsky, only mildly prophetic of what is to
come, while the Williams preludes are the result
of a moire mature period in their composer's life,
but the two have many points of likeness. They
are both higily individual, suave, and of a rugged
clearness in outline, and yet the differences in
style are so great that none of these qualities are
presented at all similarly.
These three works of Bach might be called a
synopsis of the general character of all of his
compositions grouping as they do the brilliant and
fluid Toccata, the gay vitality of the Fugue, and
the intense, while always restrained, emotional
subtleties of the Adagio. With their emphasis
upon the underlying idea they are an interesting
contrast in expression to the moderns whose chief
concern is the beauty of the physical medium,
pointing towards opposite extremes in the un-
answerable argument-content or form.
-Kathleen Murphy

Editorial Comment


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M ICHIGAN won a football game
last Saturday.
It was the seventh victory of the hardest sea-
son Michigan has scheduled in several years. And
it leaves only one obstacle between the Wolverine
eleven and a Big Ten title-even a good claim to
a national championship.
The only team in the Conference that will con-
test Michigan's claim to a title, if the Wolverines
defeat Minnesota this week, is Purdue. The Boil-
ermakers' right to share the honor rests on the
fact that they are undefeated, though they were
tied by Northwestern, 7 to 7. Michigan defeated
Northwestern, 15 to 6. The only fair comparison
of the two teams would rest on those two scores,
since the Wolverines never attempt to run up a
big score against other and weaker opponents.
That comparison definitely places Michigan as
the leader of the Conference.
Nevertheless, the minor gridiron critics and
sports writers are already ranking Purdue as Big
Ten champion or co-champion.
We have no argument with Purdue. Our dis-
agreement is with the football writers who don't
know football, who are incapable of distinguishing
between spectacular play and winning play. The
aim of each team in a football game, as outlined
by the regulations, is to score more points than
the opponent, it is not to make more yardage from
the scrimmage line, nor to outscore the opponent
by a great many points.
Why the Michigan coaching staff choose to win
and stop at that isn't important. Perhaps it saves
plays and players for later games; perhaps it's
more sporting than the Notre Dame idea of mak-
ing the opponent look pitifully weak.
But, as we have said, the reasons are beside the
point. The only fact worthy of consideration is
that the Wolverines win-and strangely enough,
their manner of winning is pretty much in the
wider Michigan tradition: intelligent and efficient,
not spectacular.
Our critics, however, can't quite understand;
and they dislike Michigan. If Harry Newman,
Michigan's quarterback finds that passes are the
most effective weapon against a certain team,
the writers tell us that Michigan's running game
is lamentably weak. If the running game proves
most useful, they declare loudly that the highly
touted Wolverine passing attack was stopped
cold. If a blocked punt leads to a score, then
Michigan got "the breaks." Thus, the "experts,"
involved in their technicalities, totally oblivious
to the super-evident fact that intelligence and
versatility have raised the 1932 Wolverine eleven
above sheer mechanical brilliance.
Perhaps we grow too eloquent in our praise of
Michigan's team. But it is only a reaction against
the hostility of experts and superficial writers
who damn the Wolverines with faint praise simply
because intelligent football offers no tangible
feature on which good stories can be built or star

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Campus Opinion
Letters published in this column should not be,
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous comnuncatons will be disregard-
ed. The names of co inunicants Will, however, be re-
garded as confidential upon request. Contibttrs arc
asked to be brief, conrining menselves to less than 1
300 words if possible.
To The Editor:
I am greatly surprised at Dr. Onderdonk's arti-
cle advocating the adoption of the metric system,
especially so at his supporting arguments.
I doubt that every child in Europe knows the
theory that a meter is theoretically (not prac-
tically) the ten-millionth part of the distance
from the pole to the equator and that a gram is
theoretically (not practically) the weight of a
CC of water, as Dr. Onderdonk implies. As a
matter of fact the European thinks of the liter,
the meter and the kilo as quite unrelated things

While the defects of our national electorate sys-
tem are bywords with government students, it is
only right after election time that these flaws
become glaring enough to catch the eye of the
voter. The two major sore-spots in the system,
of course, are the Lame Duck Session and the
electoral college. Both once had a raison d'etre,
but now have outlived it and exist only as hang-
overs from a generation long since dead.
Things are not quite as dreadful as many of the
more Cassandra-like Republicans foretold they
would be in the event of a Democratic victory at
the polls. Even if you cup your hand to your ear
and listen as hard as you can, you can't hear
business inarking time any more pronouncedly
than it has been for lo! these many months.
Yet partisans of both sides must admit that it is
rather senseless to have the four-month hiatus
between election and inauguration. In the first
place, historically this delayed reaction set-up has
become a full-fledged archaism. It took Washing-
ton time to bump over the cow paths all the way
from Mount Vernon to New York City to take
The post chaise has ceded place to the horse-
less carriage, the Pullman car, and passenger
plane. But the interlude between administrations
haslingered on. It is devoutly to be hoped that the
29 legislatures that convene this January will rat-
ify the Norris Amendment and so write finis to
that hobgoblin.

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