THE MICHGAN DAIL Y Many Eastern Teams Are Hit ByGraduation (Continued from Page 10) has Pitt, Hatvard, Yale, Notre Dame and Navy ahead. Down at Annapolis, the other serv- ice team is pointing for Army al- ready. There is a large bulletin board down at the practice field list- ing the number of days before each game. The largest name on the board is Army . . . something like 68 days away. All of which indicates that service rivalry will reach a new high this fall. Coach Gil Dobie, confined to his bed with sciatica, is extremely pes- simistic about his Cornell eleven this year. Assistant Coach Tattersfield is drilling the team. The line from Reiber at one end, to the veteran Zorilla at the other has been shat- tered by graduation. -owever, plenty of material is available for closing the gap according to the reports of eastern critics. The backfield will probably consist of a quartet of vet- erans. Viviano, Ferraro, Heddon, and Switzer are the combination. Lions and Tigers will clash early in the season as Princeton travels to Baker field for a contest with Colum- bia. Both coaches are fairly pessi- mistic concerning the c o n t e s t, strangely enough. Fritz Crisler, Princeton's .,coaching importation from Minnesota, faces a strange and difficult task. Hither- to he has fashioned a heavy, grind- ing team of Scandinavians out at Purdue Mentor Campus Diving Star Denies Engagemen Dick Degener will remain singi for a few years more. The Inter collegiate diving champion yester day denied the rumors circulate this summer concerning the ro mance that was supposed to hay( sprung up between him and Mis Eleanor Holm, of Brooklyn, N. Y both Olympic swimiiing satellites "The rumors were for the mos part drummed up by newspaper men on the west coast," Dick said "I have no intention of gettin married for at least a few years. When asked if he thought h would marry Miss Holn) when h got out of school, he said, "Wel of course I can't say, but i wouldn't make me mad." RUSSELL DAMM of. Muskegon another vastly improved play He is a senior with two years ofr serve experience behind him, a this year he is out after the rig tackle berth. His former coaches the "B" team and even his tear mates consider him the most it proved lineman on the squad. 1 determined bid for the tackle J caused a re-rating of the tackle ca didates. Any team is as strong d fensively as its ,tackles andi stronger. So Damm's rise defensiv and offensively will give Kipke a other man capable of stepping i a regular tackle berth. c E k U'ER 3 Noble Kiser, Purdue coach, who has driven the Boilermaker machinzc to a fine record in the Western Con- Terence during the past few seasons. Kiser's elevens are usually to be reckoned with in the standings, and this year's aggregation promises to be no exception. Minnesota. Now he faces a new working question in the Princeton man . . . and reports have it that he is getting along well and that the Tigers are headed for a good sea= Heres everythingyouve-ever wanted in.a Portable Typewriter And it doesn't cost a nickel more than old. fashioned portable with similar equipment! The Sterling Model has a dozen refinements in design, including noiseless segment shift "piano-key" action. Full size controls- I tabulator for office use. Sx SMITH:CORQNA 45 VAthCmS!Or-Y Payment' r. ld machin.. trodod in.~ 0. D. MORRILL hiei T Typewriter and Stationery Store 314 South State Street AUTHORIZED DEALER: L. C. Smith, Smith-Corona, Underwood, Remington, Noiseless, Monarch, and other portables. New, Second-hand, Rebuilt typewriters of all makes. Bought, sold, rented, exchanged, cleaned and repaired t e d s s. 't 1. g e 1, it is er. re- nd ;ht of m- M- His ob Ie~ no ely nri- Ito 2 V to Serve the I I 1Z EA .. __ _ __ AND N OW that you're back, and ready to take up your studies where you left off, be sure to take enough time to renew old friendships and acquaint- Goldman Bras Are ancese And we sincerely hope you'll re- new your dealinis with Goldman Bros. to continue enjoying that fine clean- I quality, made so aood by Goldmxca Bros.' exclusive Miraclean and excl1u-N Since 1908 IF YOU WRITE, WE HAVE IT. Phone 6615 1' - - a sive Veleteria Form-Pressing. For 22 hatou . j I C N I .._ -s . d. r, I I - r ., t i F t I 'It p/ 9 i roe, 1 4,. ; 'l t i r .4I I rv = }, ' r # , ;: - , , ..,, , Y 1 7 i r i Suits ,Miracleaned and Valeteria Form-Pressed 35e Suits Valeteria Form-Pressed years Goldman Bros. have specialized iii keeping students' clothes clean and well-pressed. And we believe our qual- ity this season is better than ever before. But we'll leave that opinion up to you. Dresses PLAIN Miracleaned and Hand Finished 50c Coats LADIES' Miracleaned and Beautifully Refinished 50c 25c I9 Called for and delivered for cash 4?, I V ' t I F ,qd .00 iG 4 : AM R clean as a breath of Jpring $7to One and Two Trousers 214 S. State St. 1115 S. University Ave. 701 S. State, Cor. Monroe c rr_ iur n- 703 Packard St. 113 E. Liberty St. i 1