THE_MICHIGANDAILY I [ICHIGAN DAILY Established 1890 E-7-7 7 Tea y rg ._ - 3 \fr ment that The Daily was a private enterprise and could print what it plea'sed offers a logical ex- planation; and the vulgar editorial about the same case must certainly have been of more harm to the paper's reputation than to the group at whom it was directed. One can't doubt that if there had been more time for consideration that editorial would never have been printed. It must be noted that the above mentioned threat could not have been composed by a stu- dent of Socialism, which science clearly indicates that any social institution founded on private capital, as is The Michigan Daily, must inevitably be prostituted to class distinction. Mr. Gilbreth himself informed the group that if they wanted a truly free press they'd have to initiate a paper that took in no advertising. No Socialist can experience any desire for re- venge on Mr. Gilbreth in the ballot-box case- only pity, or at the most, contempt. __. ? SFMKN7C ANNF to~ o. a .+..,uom+xv .uu o v )(VeNofS %P(?i SijN, . Published every morning except Monday during the Un versity year and Summer Session by the Board in Conltrol of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa- tion and the Big Ten News Service. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PR1SS The Associated Press is exclusively- entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches are reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second clas matter. Special rate of postage granted by *Third Assistant Postmaster-General. Subscription during smmser by carrier, $1.00; by mail, $14.0. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, Annl Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214. Rapresentatives: College Publshers Representatives, Inc., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80 Boylston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago. EDITORIAL STAFF elephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR ...........FRANK B. GILBRETH CITY EDITOR...........................ARL SEIFFERT SPORTS EDITOR.....................JOHN W. THOMAS WOMEN'S EDITOR.................MARGARET O'BRIEN ASSISTANT WOMEN'S EDITOR.......MIRIAM CARVER NIGHT EDITORS: Thomas Connellan, Norman F. Kraft, John W. Pritchard, 'C, Hart Schaaf, Brackley Shaw, Glenn R. Winters. SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Fred A. Huber, Albert Newman. REPORTERS: Hyman J. Aronstam, A. Ellis Ball, Charles G. Barndt, James Bauchat, Donald R. Bird, DonaldP. Blankertz, Charles -B. Brownson, Albert L. Burrows, Arthur W. Carstens, Ralph G. Coulter, Robert Engel, Wiliam G. Ferris, Eric Hall, John . Healey, Robert B. Hewett, George M. Holmes, Walter E. Morrison, George Van Vleck, Guy M. Whipple, Jr., W. Stoddard White. Eleanor B. Bum, Louise Crandall, Carol J. Hannan Frances Manchester, Marie J. Murphy, Margaret Phalan, Katherine Rucker, Marjorie Weston, Harriet Speiss.' BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER...... ...BYRON C. V GEDDER CREDIT MANAGER....... .,.....HARRY BEGLEY WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER.......DONNA BBKER DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Advertising, Grafton Sharp; Advertising Contracts, Orvil Aronson; Advertising Serv- ice, Noel Turner; Accounts, Bernard E. Schnacke; Cir- culation, Gilbert E. Bursley;. Publications, Robert E. Finn. &SSISTANTS: Theodore Barash, Jack Bellamy, Gordon Boylan, Charles Ebert, Jack Efroymson, Fred Hertrick, Joseph Hume, Allen Knuusi, Russell Read, Lester Skin- ner, Joseph Sudow and Robert Ward. Betty Aigler, Doris Gimmy, Billie Griffiths, Dorothy Laylin, Helen Olson, Helen Schume, May Seefried Kathryn Stork. TUESDAY, NOV. 15, 1932 Time To Pay The Debt To Fraternities . . ONCE AGAIN we feel called upon to ask the Senate Committee on Student Affairs to lift one of their objectionable and oppressive fraternity rulings and save many of the houses on the campus from ruin. On the Senate Committee, one can place the brunt of the blame for the unfortunate financial straits in which the majority of houses find them- selves today. It was this body that imposed the "noble ex- periment" of deferring rushing last year which, although finally repealed, crippled many houses temporarily and some, at least, permanently. We realize that there are too many fraternities on the campus. We know that some of them will have to close their doors to meet the demands of creditors. However, we are convinced that the Senate Committee is, to a great extent, responsi- ble for the unfortunate situation. Fraternity men are still paying for the deferred rushing ruling. In all probability they will con- tinue to pay for it for several years. With this in mind, we fail to see how the Com- mittee can refuse the fraternities any reasonable request, especially if the request deals with an- other ruling that is a financial burden to fra- ternity men. Therefore, we urge the Senate Committee to allow freshmen to live in fraternity houses during the second semester of this year. We assure them that there are few houses that are fully occupied. We remind them that the lives of many organiza- tions in which the tradition of the University is interwoven depend on immediate relief measures. We call to their attention the fact that fraterni- ties and sororities solved the rooming problem for the administration in the pre-dormitory days and are still a valuable asset in this line. Finally, we point out by repealing the ruling that prohibits first-year men from residing in fraternity houses, they will relieve every fraternity man of an op- pressive financial strain. campus o ampus Opinion Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous communcaions will be disregard-r ed. The names of communicants will, however, be re- garded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, connning themselves to less than 300 words if possible. __ r. " ~, John L. Ali. OPTOMETRIST 'QUACKS' AND THE USE OF EYE DROPS To The Editor: In the column of your paper entitled "Student Health" there are some facts which I do not be- lieve are absolutely true. I do, however, congrat- ulate you for your just criticism of the optome- trist because he is an eyesore in the medical pro- fession and operates under the same category as do "patent" or "quack" medicine dispensers. You state that "The examination of eyes and the fitting of glasses without the aid of 'drops' are based on guesswork." This is not true. The use of "'drops" is entirely dependent upon the physical nature of the patient .With some people "drops" are an absolute necessity and with others they are an equally absolute impossibility. I am not writing this to correct an error as an error but to protect the oculists. Someone might read your article and then go to an oculist who in his or her case did not use "drops" because it would be of no use. The person would lose con- fidence in the doctor and spread his fears so that the doctor's practice might be partially ruined. I hope that this misstatement will be corrected in a future number of the Daily." . -Carlton Brickell MILLION DOLLAR BUILDINGS GO TO THE DOGS To The Editor: I have heard rumors that a filling station is being erected on State street directly opposite Angell Hall, The construction done so far seems to bear this out. It doesn't seem possible that those responsible for the granting of the license would use such poor judgment as to permit this. Perhaps there are no zoning laws in this city but a legal tech- nicality of some sort could have prevented it. If this sort of policy continues, it won't be long before a hot dog stand will be set up inside of the i Law School group. What is the sense in erecting million dollar buildings, if the surroundings are permitted to go to the dogs? Student, '34. GANDHI IS BOTH A PROBLEM AND THE SOLUTION down of the walls of CASTE. Many of your well- wishers believe that you must do that entirely by yourself. Others equally sincere think you should retain a partnership with Britain until the job is more nearly completed. The choice of one of these lines of action is one of your minor problems. Here follows what is, or shortly will be, another problem which cannot be solved for you by any sympathetic or interfering outsiders: At the pres- ent rate of increase your population will be doubled in less than seventy years. Remember to take care of your digestion. Many of your present internal ills are complicated by partly digested and imperfectly assimilated rem-" nants of other proud conquerors al lthe way back to the Mahabharata. -Norman Anning S cr %c~ en ReV.flecions Four stars means a super-picture; three stars very good; two stars good; one star just another picture; no stars keep away from it. AT THE MICHIGAN ***"R6RED DUST" Lily ......................Jean Halrow Dennis ....................Clark Gable Willis..._..............Gene Raymond Barbara .................... Mary Astor Even if you don't like Harlow very much you'll like this turbulent romance, with its setting in French Indo-China near Saigon. Harlow, who has marvelous speaking lines, plays Lily, an amiable harlot who walks in, unasked, on Dennis Rubber plantation in the jungle. She in- sidiously works herself into the picture until the time when Dennis finds he cannot do without her, and the picture ends thus. But that's not all. Starry-eyed Mary Astor has her hand in on the fun and there is the barest touch of the eternal triangle under. sultry tropic, skies. As Dennis nurses her husband back to health after a fever attack, he falls in love with Barbara (Mary Astor). The rest isn't hard to imagine, but their affair is startlingly brief, and a little innocuous pistol- play reconciliation in the end brings things out well and returns Dennis to his lovable harlot. Harlow not only has wonderful lines to read but she reads them excellently. Her sarcasm and her eloquent use of a twisting mouth are price- less. And she's the same old voluptuous Harlow, but this picture is not dirty. It is just plain funny, particularly in scenes such as when Dennis is trying to keep her from bathing in the drink- ing-water barrel. The movies seem to be running to educational shots inserted in the story, and this is no excep- tion; however, we commend the idea. There are some excellent shots of a rubber plantation and the production of the rubber, and some nice scenes in the surrounding jungle, which may or may not be very authentic. The Charlie Chase comedy, "Girl Grief," in which Charlie has adventures in a girls' board- ing school with about 25 kittens and a large dose of catnip is uproariously funny. How they faked the photographs to make those catlets spring into the air is beyond the reviewer. --A. E. B. Now -- 1932-33 Stuent Directory FACTS FOR MEN Who Is That Gal? Where Is That Gal? Sorority? League House? Dorm? Dial?. FOR CO-EDS Who Is That'Freshie?' Where Does He Lived Eating Club? Phone No. ???? Is That Instructor Mar ried? ALL THE CONCENTRATED DOPE IN A HANDY LITTLE BOOK On Sale at the Publications Bldg., The Union and on the Diagonal TODAY ONLY, NO .1T5. $1.00 1932-33 Student Directory MICHIGAN DAILY ADVERTISEMENTS PAY Y wrwr To The Editor: Professor Anning's article in The Daily of Nov. 8 on "Ghandi is neither the problem nor the solution," shows him "not an enemy of India," but it does reflect his opinion to justify the "dog-j in-the-manger" policy of the British Imperialism in India. My noble professor ought to know, even through his scanty knowledge of the Indian situa- tion, that it is not a question of British "trustee- ship" of India, but is a question of economic ex- ploitation by Britain.1 British administration of India, in proportion to India's wealth and the average income of her7 citizens, is the most expensive in the world, the personnel of which is almost entirely British. For example, the Premier of Great Britain gets a' salary of $25,000 a year, President Hoover is paid] $75,000, while the British Viceroy of India is paid; from the pockets of the Indian taxpayers, at thej normal rate of exchange, $96,000 a year. During the World War India was forced to contribute- to Britain more than 1,100,000 men with their pay at home and overseas, and an entire supply of general stores and medical equipment. Besides, the British Viceroy, against the protests of the Indian people, paid to the Imperial government the sum of $500,000,000, and declared it a dona- tion on behalf of India. What did India get in return? The massacre of 1,500 people, and the laws prohibiting the assembly of more than five people. That Britain holds India to dispose of her goods, is revealed by the fact that till re- cently 65 per cent of the Indian imports came from "Britain, and, thanks to the Indian boycott which Britain is trying so desperately to suppress,i the original figures have dropped about one-half. In the name of protection, law, order, and world peace, Britain has locked up 60,000 intellectuals of India, merely because they demanded freedom; she has either deposed or forced to abdicate those native princes who happen to be in sympathy with the nationalists-the rulers of Nabha, In- dore, Mundie, Skait. The Professor, in his previous article, talked about the efficiency of 60,000 British soldiers. What would the professor think of the efficiency of a 12-year-old boy who sets up a machine gun at the front door of the Professor's house and is ready to slaughter the residents, regardless of their number, at the slightest provocation? There can be no better explanation of the relation be- tween India and Britain. There is no use beating around the bush; if he really believes the British authorities to be just and intent on educating the public, let the pro- fessor have an open discussion with me in public. Gandhi is both a problem and the solution-a problem .for those whose grip he desires to take Editorial Comment PUBLICITY NOT ENOUGH PAY FOR FOOTBALL PLAYERS No person connected with a university does as much work for as little-return as does the average football player. During the football season he practices several hours daily and during the rest of the year he must keep himself "in trim" for the next season. He has little time to study, and, less time to earn a living. A football player gets publicity which in this day has a value to the man who intends to get into any work in which he can cash in on his personal fame. If he intends to sell insurance, bonds or au- tomobiles, a name which has been broadcast to the land by radio and newspapers has a value which can be turned into profitable use. If he in- tends to become a football coach, college football is the only iecognized training school for this profession. If he intends to go into the movies he can start with a name which already has been put before the public. It would cost a film com- pany thousands of dollars if they had to pay for this advertising. If he intends tb become a pro- fessional football player, his college has given him the necessary training and the publicity to boot. The use of nationally-known heroes, the free publicity enjoyed by college players is the only leg which supports professional football. But out of the thousands of men devoting all their time, energy and thought to football in the schools of the land, only a mere handful from each college attain enough prominence and publicity to repay them for this expenditure of time and energy. The rest find that they have only been marking time, as far as preparation for their future is concerned. Football at all large universities is a business proposition. Coaches are shifted as soon as a team has a losing streak, and everything is done to keep the team winning and maintaining gate- receipts. This is good business practice. The most important cog in the money-making ma- chine is the football player and his only return I is "that tired, aching feeling," and; a lot of slush about "fighting for the dear old Alma Mater." Why not pay the deserving workers? -The Minnesota Daily President-elect Roosevelt's troubles have begun already. A man sent him the following telegram: "Mido mi si la so dore fr mire do mi fa." Later the sender called 'round to explain that the message 4 Shirt styles may come and go - the colors may change, the size of the collar will vary, but a clean, neat-appearin shirt is always necessary. Nine distinct machines are used in shirt pressing at the Varsity, insuring the most satisfactory job possible - perfect free- dlom from wrinkles. Phone 2-3123 For Call and Delivery Service UNDR c. 4T THE MOST - CONTEMPT FOR MR. GILBRETII To The Editor: The Michigan Daily reports that a threaten- ing letter was received by the editor concerning the ballot-box controversy and signed "A Liberal." Inoppositioir to this, I, as one of the group of protesting students, wish to thank Mr. Gilbreth. Firstfor his verbal admission before the entire group that their claim of mis-statements in that 11 1