The Weather Snow, colder; moderate cold wave; Wednesday cloudy, cold. Q ,g 6 iAzi tRat #I Editorials Time To Pay The Debt. to Fraternities. VOL. XLIII No. . ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, NOV. 15, 1932 PRICE FIVE CENTS Debt Fight On Extension Of Moratorium Is In View -today House Democrat Expects Refusal Of French And British Pleas Followed By Default Dec. 15 Situation Foreseen As Inevitable Fact Government Stand Given In Moratorium Rider Is Opposed By Foreign Notes Lying Unanswered WASHINGTON, Nov. 14.-(IP)-A momentous diplomatic and legislatie battle was forecast today as Wash- ington studied week-end develop- ments in -the ever-thorny war debts problem and President Hoover hur- ried to Washington for a discussion of the subject with his successor-elect Franklin D. Roosevelt. Meanwhile, a distinct possibility arose-and was put into words by one influential House Democrat- that America's answer to the plea of Great Britain and France for an ex- tension of the Hoover moratorium and re-examination of the debt sit- uation might be a flat "no" with this followed by an outright default of payments due on Dec. 15. Possibility Foreseen This possibility has been foreseen for months by the administration as a regrettable -certainty, but perhaps inevitable. If it should come about the situation of asdefaulting nation would be much the same as that of a man unable to meet a debt that has faillen due-no money paid, but the obligation still outstanding. - However, Mr. Hoover and Mr. Roosevelt will analyze the situation within a few days and an effort may follow to avoid a default by some al- teration of the present arangement. Whatever the outcome of this almost unprecedented exchange of views be- tween present and future government heads, one fact was clearly appa- rent-that a real solution. can be reached only through the tedious and laborious process of compromising the sharply differing attitudes not only of nations, and, equally impor- tant, of the men in Congress whose collective word, in the end, will be final. , Views Are Contrasting Thus the official attitude of the American government as expressed n the rider which Congress attached by an emphatic vote to the Hoover moratorium agreement, opposing both reduction and extension of the debt holiday, was brought into bold contrast with Europe's insistence upon some measure of relief from its obligations, attested by French and British notes lying unanswered in a statedepartment vault, asking that the moratorium be prolonged and the whole problem will be made the sub- ject of international re-examination. University Press Publishes Senate, Council Records A complete indexed record of the proceedings of the University Coun- cil since its organization in May, 1931, and of the University Senate since the beginning of President Ruthven's administration are con- tained in a volume issued yesterday by the University of Michigan Press. Also included in the volume are reprints of memorials presented for record in the Senate, and photo- graphs of each person so remem- bered. Memorials and photographs are published for Robert Emmet Bunker, Charles Horton Cooley, Ralph Hamilton Curtiss, H a r r y. Burns Hutchins, Calvin Henry Kauf- man, Victor Hugo Lane, Albert J. J. Rousseau, Victor Clarence Vaughan, Aldred Scott Warthin and Robert Mark Wenley. The book is the first of a series to be published each year. It is edited by Prof. L. A. Hopkins, secretary of the Council and) Senate. LET CLASSI F I E DS DO IT! Astronomers Predict Brilliant Meteoric Display For Tonight By CHARLES BARNDT The'most striking display of shoot- ing stars in the last half century is scheduled for tomorrow morning, be- tween 2 and 3 a. m. This meteoric swarm which is visible for three suc- cessive nights is known as the Leon- ids and reaches its peak only every 33 years. That there may be no possible mis- apprehension on anyone's part Charles P. Olivier, president of the American Meteor Society, has issued a statement that no human skill can definitely predict what a meteor stream is going to do. "Although with what appears to be a good reason," he said, "we hape for an excellent display, nobody can predict with certainty what will happen. 20 Showers Since 902 A. D. Our hopes are based on three things: at 33 year intervals great showers have been reported at about the proper dates 20 times since 902 A. D.; the reported numbers have been steadily increasing for the past three Novembers as we would expect just before a maximum; finally, com- putations of the perturbations to which we believe the stream has been subjected since its last return to peri- helion show that it has been shifted much nearer the earth's orbit. Hence we have hopes that this year's return Discipline Case Action Is Taken. By Lit._College Rich Announces Measure Adopted Nov. 6; Alters Entrance - Requirements An announcement of changes in entrance requirements and method of handling disciplinary cases in the literary school, adopted at the regu- lar monthly meeting of the faculty on Nov. 6, was released yesterday by Prof. D. L. Rich, secretary of the college faculty. Give Dean Discipline Power The disciplinary measure reads: "Resolved, that this faculty est the dean of this college with authority to hear and determine all cases of dis- cipline of a non-academic nature, except those cases over which the University Committee on Discipline or the Du'n of Women has jurisdic- tion. "The dean of this college may at his discretion refer cases over which he has jurisdiction either back to this faculty for action, or to the Univer- sity Committee on Discipline." Previously, disciplinary cases have been handled by the iterary College Disciplinary Committee, or the dean of the college, or have been referred to the University Committee. The ac- tion is merely a legalization of pre- vious procedure, said Professor Rich. Approval of the Board of Regents must be secured before the plan can' go into effect. Change Entrance Demands Entrance requirements to the col- lege have formerly been on a basis' of two three-unit credit groups from' the student's preparatory school. It was decided that a two-unit credit group in each of two foreign langu- ages might be substituted for the second three-unit group, provided that the student continue the study of one of these languages during his freshman year. Permission to make this substitu- tion, however, is subject to the dis- cretion of the dean. will rival the one in 1866, but yet not that in 1833." The earth passes through the path of the meteors between Nov. 13 and 16 each year. Whatever maximum therewill be shouldcome along in the early morning hours of Nov. 16. According to Professor Heber D. Cur- tis, of the astronomy department of the University, this unfortunately happens to be within two days of the full moon. Even with a large swarm expected, as it is, the light of the full moon will probably cut out all the fainter objects, so as to diappoint the amateur watcher. Linked With Comet The November meteors are1asso- ciated with a comet known as 1866 I, which has a period of roughly 33 and one-third years. Since 1866 this comet has not been seen, and many astronomers believe it collapsed shortly after that year. Thus it is really nothing but a cloud of debris left by it that we are entering if the schedule holds. "Wonderful displays of shooting stars were seen in November, 1833. and again in 1866," Professor Curtis said, "but there was no display worth the name in 1899,as the number re- corded at that time was not very much larger than can be seen on any night during the year, if one watches carefully.. So as far as statistics go, there is a chance that we may have another meteor shower worth watch- ing, but no one can tell in advance whether this will be the case, or whether the Leonids this year will (Continued on Page 6) Local Charities To Open Drive Here Tomorrow Communit Chest Includes $2,000 For Student Re- lief In $99,521 Budget Ann Arbor's Community Fund drive 'will begin here Wednesday night with a send-off dinner for the workers. At this occasion they will be addressed by the Rev. Frederic Siedenburg, S. J., executive dean of the University of Detroit, who has long been iden- tified with social work, it was an- nounced yesterday by Edith Owen, executive director of the Community Fund Association. The goal of the 400 workers is to raise $62,938, which, added to the $36,583 earnings of the organizations supported by the Communty Fund, will make up their $99,521. Among other items included in the budget is $2,000 for student emer- gency relief. Rabbi Bernard Heller, of the Hillel Foundation is head of the drive this year. Other officers are J. Raleigh Nel- son, head of the speakers commit- tee; James Inglis, head of the "Big Gifts" committee; President Alexan- der G. Ruthven, head of the resi- dential committee; George J. Burke, head of the business district commit- tee; Robert Greve, head of the hos- pital committee; and Robert Gran- ville, head of the schools committee. The campaign will begin on Thurs- day and continue through Thanks- giving, provided that the quota of $62,938 is reached by that time. This is $260 less than the goal of last year's drive. Roosevelt To Confer With Hoover Soon President's Suggestion Of Meeting At Washington Meets With Approval Democratic Parley At Warm Springs No Date Is Set For Talk Between Two Leaders; To Debate War Debts ALBANY, N. Y., Nov. 14.-(A)- Franklin D. Roosevelt tonight agreed to visit President Hoover at the White House for "a wholly informal and personal" meeting at which the two could go over "the entire situa- tion." In his message to the chief execu- tive, accepting the invitation of Mr. :Ioover to come to Washington for a -:onference, the President-elect said, however, that "the immediate ques- ion raised by the British, French :nd other notes creates a responsi- bility which rests upon those now vested with executive and legislative authority." Mr. Roosevelt reminded the Presi- lent of the forthcoming conference which the President-elect has ar- 'anged to hold at Warm Springs with various congressional leaders and said it would be very helpful if he had the views of Mr. Hoover and "all pertinent information when I meet with him." No date was set for the conference, Mr. Roosevelt relating to the Presi- dent that he had been confined to the house with a slight cold for the last several days. "I shall call you on the telephone as soon as the time of my departure. for the south has been determined," the message said. Mr. Roosevelt said that he -would be glad to co-operate in every appro- priate way with the outgoing chief executive on all matters affecting the welfare of the country, "subject, of course, to the requirements of my present duties as governor of this ;tate." Cinema League Starts Drive For Members Having as its chief aim to work actively toward the raising of the cultural level of the campus, the newly founded Art Cinema League is officially launching a drive for asso- ciate members to support its program+ this year. "The mechanics of organization and recognition have already been attended to, and Cinema League is prepared to put forth its program to the campus and will start with the showing of films of high artistic and scientific merit. The first project will be presented toward the end of the month," Philip R. Seidel, Grad., sec- retary-treasurer of the League, said. The art Cinema League proposes to accomplish its aim at first through the presentation of foreign films that have gained great reputation for their cultural value. Then with the surplus funds that it will accumulate from these enterprises it will finance other cultural projects such as bring- ing prominent dramatic productions to Ann Arbor. The league will op- erate on a non-profit basis, all funds passing through the Dean's office, it was announced. The executive board consists of such prominent faculty members as Professors Erich A. Walter, Oscar J. Campbell, J. E. Thornton, H. J. Mc- Farlan, as well as Valentine B. Windt of the speech department. Tickets to see league films, which. will be presented in Lydia Mendels- sohn Theatre, will be sold at 25 cents. trans-Continental Plane Record Cut By Turner BURBANK, Calif., Nov. 14.-(A)- Breaking the trans-continenatal east-west speed record by two hours and 17 minutes, Roscoe Turner set his airplane down at the United Air- Freshmen To Elect Class HeadsToday Officers Of Architectural School's Four Classes Elected Yesterday Identification Cards Necessary To Vote Candidates Of One Party In S o p h Engineering Election Announced The Campus will. again be the scene of political turmoil with the Freshmen literary students going to the polls at 4 p. m. today in Natural Science Auditorium for the last class election of the year. Both the State Street and Wash- tenaw parties made last minute drives last night canvassing the un- decided fraternities, sororities and league houses for supporters. Phillip Van Zile, Delta Kappa Ep- silon, will head the State Street party, while William Dixon, Kappa Sigma, is the Washtenaw nominee. Other Washtenaw candidates are Florence Kemp, Alumni House, vice president; Virginia Almand, Mosher- Jordan and Gamma Phi Beta, secre- tary; and Irwin Lewitt, Kappa Nu, treasurer. State Street nominees are Helen Farley, Mosher-Jordan, vice presi- dent; Bob Hilty, Phi Kappa Psi, treasurer. Voting will take place between 4 and 5:45 p. m. and identification cards are necessary to obtain ballots. Architects' Election Results Announced Members of the Architectural School elected officers yesterday with the result that Charles Burrough will head the senior class. Other seniors elected to office were Sherman Hatch, vice president; Jo- seph Appelt, secretary; Robert Bro- die, treasurer; Arthur Schmidt, sen- for ball; and Albert Rouse and Rich- ard Bailey, architectural council. John Abbott was elected president of the junior class with Donald An- derson receiving the vice presidency. George Narovec was elected secre- tary; John Burgess, treasurer; Fran- ces Palms, J-Hop committee; and Walter Maurer, architectural council. In the sophomore election Albert Foss received the presidency and Fred Graham the vice presidency. Other officers elected are Arthur Tarphagen, secretary; Ross Petrie, treasurer; and George Bery, architec- tural council. Jerry DeGalleke will head the freshman class, while Nina Pollocld will be the vice president. Leontine Lewis was elected secretary; Paul Gorman, treasurer; and Stanhope Ficke, architectural council. Engineering School P a r t y Nominates The first drive in the sophomore engineering election got under way yesterday when Charles Weinfeld, campaign manager announced the candidates to run for office on his c o m b in e d Fraternity-Independent ticket. Donald Pomeroy, Phi Delta Theta, will run for the presidency; Sidney Shelley, independent, is the party candidate for the vice-presidency; while John Kreger, Delta Chi, and William Goetz, Sigma Nu, will run for the offices of secretary and treas- urer, respectively. Edward Jaros, Sigma Alpha Epsi- lon, is on the ticket for representa- tive on the Honor Committee, and Allen Knuusi, Phi Sigma Kappa, is the candidate for representative on the Engineering Council. The elec- tion will be held Thursday. Compton Argues Ray Composition Before Academy General S a le Of Directory Begins_'Today Student Telephone Books Will Be Distributed At Union, On The Campus The Student Directory for 1932- 1933 appears on general sale on the campus today, it was announced last night by John A. Carstens, '33, bus- iness manager. The price of the directories is, as in the past, one dollar. They are be- ing distributed at the Union, at the Michiganensian business offices in the Student Publications building, and through a general sale on the cam- pus, Carstens said. Complete alphabetical lists of all men and women students on the campus are included in the directory together with their class, -Ann Arbor address, home town, and Ann Arbor telephone number. In the faculty section degrees, titles, home addresses and telephone numbers are given and the office location and phone num- ber. Lists of fraternity and sorority members are given in the back with residents of dormitories and league houses. Officers of all campus organ- izations are also listed in the new book. Of. especial interest to students is the University calendar in the first. part of the book, telling, for instance, that Christmas, vacation begins on Friday evening, Dec. 16, and ending Tuesday morning, Jan. 3 For the benefit of new students a page is included telling the location of Ann Arbor's important buildings such as the public library, the rail- way stations, the fire department, the police station, and the churches. Libby Holman May Go Free Of Death Count Solicitor To Decide Today Whether To Drop State's Case As Relatives Wish WINSTON-SALEM, N. C., Nov. 14. -( GP)-Libby Holman Reynolds may be freed tomorrow of the murder charge that has hung over her since shortly after her tobacco heir hus- band, Smith Reynolds,' was fatally shot here last July. Solicitor Carlisle Higgins said to- day that he would probably decide within 24 hours whether to drop the case against the former Broadway blues singer and her nineteen-year- sld co-defendant, Albert Walker, Winston-Salem youth who was a chum of young Reynolds. Will Not Hurry Trial Refusing to forecast his probable decision, the solicitor did indicate, however that the State will not seek an early trial, in the event the case is not thrown out of court. "I think I shall decide either to nol pros the case,or to ask a con- "inuance tomorrow," hecsaid. No date for a trial has ever been set. Blood relatives of young Reynolds publicly suggested dropping of the cases in a letter to the solicitor a month ago. The solicitor said that his decision would be announced in open court. Noted Physicist Supports Electron Against Photon Theory Of Composition Of Cosmic Ray Matter Public May Hear Meetings Today Experiments Have Taken Scientists To All Parts Of The Earth; Speaker Has Won Nobel Prize A search that has lead to the four corners of the earth taking a num- ber of the world's most eminent physicists from equatorial sea levels ro the highest mountain peaks in re- 'note and uncivilized countries was described last night in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theater by Arthur Hol- !y Compton, professor of physics at -he University of Chicago, and fore- mnost student and observer of what -cience terms "cosmic rays." The .ecture, which was public, was de- livered as a part of the annual au- imn three-day convention of the National Academy of Sciences, meet- ng in Ann Arbor for the first time 'n its history. Professor Compton is one of two living Anericans who have received theNobel prize in physics. He has servedras chairman of the National Research Council Committee on 'X- An account of the lectures given n the morning and afternoon session of the Academy yesterday, with a program of the public lectures for tomorrow, appears on page six. Rays and Radio-activity, and is 'nown to his colleagues as the first- man to make a wave-length meas- urement of hard gamma rays and as the discoverer of a change in the wave length of scattered X-rays. When first attracted to the study of cosmic rays, Professor Compton said, he discovered that emphasis had been placed by most investigators on attempts to determine the source of the rays. Theories varied from beliefs that they are created in the forma- tion of atoms of heavy elements from ighter ones to theses of the opposite opinion, that they come into being upon the disintegration of matter. Explains Approach Professor Compton explained that he has conducted his experiments with a view to learning the more fundamental nature and character- istics of the rays than to discovering their source. Belief here was and con- tinues to be split into two schools, one of which adheres to the theory that the 'rays are made up of non- electrically charged photons, the other of which considers them to be composed of electrically charged units of energy, or electrons. ProfessorCompton is of the latter uchool. The larger portion of his lec- ,ure last night was devoted to the ex- planation of phenomena that he and other physicists have observed which seem to indicate that those persons are correct who believe the cosmic nays to be electrons. He made clear that his conclusions are not original, but stated that he believes that the evidence he has been able to obtain more adequately demonstrates the credibility of this proposition than the data and interpretations of any of his predecessors or. contemporary colleagues in this field. University Council Will Re-Publish Reading List At the regular meeting of the Uni- versity Council yesterday afternoon reports were received from W. B. Shaw, director of Alumni Relations, and from the committee on the com- mencement program. Receipts from the sale of the pub- lished volume of Alumni reading lists have been sufficient, Mr. Shaw said, to warrant the publication of a sec- ond edition of the work, for which requests have already been received. He also reported extraordinary suc- cess in the lecture courses and study groups sponsored by the department in Detroit, Dearborn and other near- by cities. Fellowes Will Talk For Edmonson Blames Indifference Of Parents For Poor Teachers Indifference on the part of par- ents as to the kind of teachers who instruct their children was blamed as the chief weakness of our school system in a radio speech which Dean James B. Edmonson of the School of Education delivered Sunday over the facilities of the University Broad- casting Service from station WJR. "One might be very pessimistic about the educational welfare of boys and girls," he said, "by reviewing some of the evidence of lack of in- terest on the part of parents in the employment of teachers of unusual ability. This lack of concern enables unfriendly interests to exploit the school." Deprecates "Economy" Dean Edmonson deprecated the In anfinan ofnnnnnmivint 4, hvnn 1%., f i n n agreed that the amount of money ex- pended on a school is not always a true measure of the value of the pro- gram of. the institution. School au- thorities may find it possible in cer- tain cases to furnish an adequate program of training with decreased budgets, provided the teachers are not forced to carry out a program developed by persons who are pri- marily interested in effecting savings rather than in the education of chil- dren." Points To Neew For Training Dean Edmonson cited the need which every democracy has for train- ing its citizens. He pointed out that if education is neglected, with the saving of a small sum of money now, the State may have to pay for its curtailment of educational activities 'Peaches' Zias In The Pie Again; Want Sharpens Cookie-Cutter By BARTON KANE . his political opponents until Mon- Somehow Joseph Francis "Bully- day noon, according to Wanty. Boy" Zias can't ever stick his thumb "'Peaches' has wrecked our publi- into the political pie without slipping city plans by setting the date ahead," in up to his elbow. Wanty told The Daily. "We have The latest allegation of his ineffi- gone to some expense on preparations ciency or general crookedness (and for a campaign that cannot mature who shall say which it may be?) as now until the election is a day in the president of the Student council, past." comes from George Wanty, campaign Mr. Wanty will be remembered by