The Weather
Cloudy; probably snow Mon-
day; colder,
Scientists To
Convene Here
Tomorrow In
3-Day Session
Group Will Meet In Ann
Arbor For First Time
Since T h e Beginning
Of The Academy
Meetings Will Be
Open To Public
Membership Limited To
260; Pillsbury, Novy,
Gomberg, Curtis Are
University Delegates
The National Academy of Sciences,
most distinguished scientific body in
the United States, will begin its an-
nual autumn three-day meeting with
a business session at 9:30 a. m. to-
morrow in the Alumnae Room of the
League. This will be the first time in
the history of the Academy that it
'has met at the University of Mich-
The Academy was formed by an
act of Congress in 1863. Abraham
Lincoln, then president, and his close
friend Joseph Henry, Secretary of the
Smithsonian Institute and the na-
tion's leading physicist, were the
chief forces back of the movement.
Membership Limited to 260
Membership is rigidly controlled
and is limited to 260. University of
Michigan faculty members are Pro-
fessors Heber D. Curtis, astronomy;
Walter B. Pillsbury, psychologist;
Moses Gomberg, chemist; and F. G.
Novy, bacteriologist.
The scientific sessions tomorrow,
Tuesday, and Wednesday will be held
in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theater,
and will be open to the public. Of
special, interest tomorrow will be the
lecture at 8:00 p.. on 6 cosmic rtays,
by Arthur Holl' Compton, of the
University of Chicago. .
The program for tomorrow follows:
10:30 a. m.-Address of welcome
by Alexander Grant Ruthven, Pres-
ident of the University of Michigan;
response by William Wallace Camp-
bell, President of the National Acad-
emy of Sciences.
10:45 a. m.-Karl T. Compton: In-
terpretation of phenomena due to ac-
commodation coefficient of ions of
cathode surfaces, illustrated, 15 min-
utes; Vannevar Bush (introduced by
K. T. Compton): Development and
program of the differential analyser,
illustrated, 15 minutes; N. H. Wil-
iams and D. Wilbur (introduced by
M. Gomberg): Thermal agitation of
electrons in a metallic conductor. 10
minutes; William L. Ayres (intro-
duced by H. D. Curtis): Topological
definitions.of simple figures. 15 min-
utes; Harlow Shapley: Report on
metalgalactic studies, illustrated, 15
minutes; Joel Stebbins: Absorption
and space reddening in the galaxy,
as shown by the colors of globular
clusters, illustrated, 15 minutes; Dean
B. McLaughlin (introduced by H. D.
Curtis): A suggested mechanism of
Class B stars, illustrated, 10 min-
utes; Robert R. McMath, H. S. Hul-
bert and F. C. McMath (introduced
by H. D. Curtis): Moving pictures of
celestial phenomena, taken at the
McMath Observatory of the Univer-
sity of Michigan, illustrated, 15 min-
utes; Walter Hough-Biographical
Memoir of Jesse Walter Fewkes, (To
be read by title); Arthur E. Kennelly
-Biographical Memoir of Thomas
Alva Edison. (To be read by title).
2:30 p. m.-Werner E. Bachmann
(introduced by M. Gomberg): To
what extent are the so-called ketyls
free radicals? Illustrated, 10 minutes;
J. D. Hardy, E. F. Barker and D. M.
Dennison (introduced by M. Gom-
berg): The infra red spectrum of
H (2)C1, illustrated, 12 minutes; Wil-
liam D. Harkins--The neutron and
atom building, illustrated, 15 min-
utes; Worth H. Rodebush (introduc-
ed by W. A. Noyes)-The determina-
tion of reaction probabilities of some
elementary mechanisms, 12 minutes;
William A. Noyes-Types of chemical
reactions, illustrated, 15 minutes;
John R. Bates (introduced by M.
(Continued on Page 2)
24 Men Lose Lives In
English Mine Explosion
WGAN T.ancshir enwnnand .No.
Laws Above Comstock;
Cermak Legal Anarchist'--Bates
"The adoption of the amendment
to the Michigan Constitution has ab-
solutely no effect upon the 18th
Amendment to the Federal Constitu-
tion and the national "Volstead Law,"
Henry M. Bates, dean of the law
school, said in an interview yesterday
in which he discussed recent state-
ments pertaining to the enforcement
of wet laws made by Governor-elect
Comstock and Anton J. Cermak,
mayor of Chicago.
"The 18th Amendment and the
Volstead Law are not only the law
of the United States but also quite
as fully the law of Michigan," Dean
Armistice Day,
Rit e s Feature
Worshi Today
Speci Al
Church Holds
Service; Heaps
Two Sermons
A special Armistice Day service will
feature the eleven o'clock service at
St. Andrew's Church this morning.
The Reverend Henry Lewis will
preach on the subject, "The Neces-
sity for Moral Horror."
As in previous years, a delegation
from the University R. O. T. C. will
attend in a body and the colors will
be presented. A minute of silence will
be observed, and the bell given by
of their son, Richard Neville Hall
Dr. and Mrs. Louis P. Hall in memory
who was killed in 1915, will be tolled
14 times, one for each year since the
Nowell S. Ferris, organist and
choirmaster, has arranged special
music for this. service which will be
sung by the chdir. All members of
the parish as well as their' friends
and students are invited to attend
this Armistice Day program, Dr.
Lewis said.
"Practical Christianity in Egypt" is
the subject of a talk to be delivered
by Miss' Elsie French, missionary
from Egypt, before members of the
Student Fellowship of the Congrega-
tional Church at 6:30 p. m. today in
the church parlors of the Congre-
gational Church.
Miss French, whose present post
is at Zagazig, 50 miles from Cairo, is
considered the foremost student of
Arabic in the mission field. As a
teacher in Egypt for the past 23
years, she has been a first hand ob-
server of changes wrought there by
external governmental control.
"The Art .of Being Kind" is the
subject of the sermon to be delivered
this morning by Rev. Allison Ray
Heaps at the Congregational Church.
Palmer Christian will be heard at the
A service of special interest will be
conducted at the Methodist church
tonight by the Reverend Heaps, it is
announced. The exact time of the
service has not been decided as yet.
Nations Decide
On Publication
Of Debt Notes
State Department Wishes
To End Rumors As To
Probable Contents
WASHINGTON, Nov. 12-()-The
many and varied speculations on the
contents of the British and French
debt notes have caused the State De-
partment to decide to make them
public for Monday morning papers.
This decision was reached today
after consultation with the British
and French embassies. Simultaneous
publication will be made in Europe.
Early publication was decided upon
to squelch reports termed mislead-
At first it seemed likely that the
notes would be kept secret until
President Hoover's arrival in Wash-
Meantime, Secretary Stimson and
his assistants, as well as the British
and French embassy staffs, refused
to answer questions as to whether an
extension of the moratorium is defi-
nitely asked or overtures are made in,
the notes for a general reconsidera-
tion of war debt settlements without;
a request for suspension of the pay-
ments totaling more than $123,000,-
000 due this country from 10 Euro-
nor nnW rcAn nP:. 5.
Bates declared. "The 18th Amend-
ment forbids the manufacture, sale,
or transportation of intoxicating li-
quors. It follows that any act of
manufacture, sale, or transportation
of intoxicating liquors is a violation
of the law of the land.
"The 18th Amendment operates di-
rectlyhand without Congressional or
state action in support or by way of
enforcement of its prohibition," Dean
Bates emphasized. "No state action
and no court can annul or mitigate
the illegality of any violation of the
Federal prohibition laws.
"The 18th Amendment gives to
the states concurrent power with
Congress to enforce the prohibition
by appropriate legislation," he con-
tinued. "No way is provided, how-
ever, for compelling the states to en-
force or aid in the enforcement. It
follows that the State may refrain
from enforcement and that State
prosecutors, judges, and other offi--
cials may likewise abstain.
"I do not think that abstention
from enforcement indicates a proper3
conception of official duty," DeanI
Bates declared, "but there is no way1
of punishing it. The recent election
indicated a large popular majority int
favor of repealing the Federal laws,!
and this fact may perhaps justify
State officers in refraining from im-I
mediate prosecution of new offen-<
ders, pending action in the direction,
of repeal. However, state officials who
adopt this course assume a large re-
sponsibility, for the issue is not yet
determined. -.
"It is humiliating to some of us,"
(Continued on Page 2)
Hoover Gives
Talk On Way
Back To Worke
Tells Audience That Party
Will Be Returned To
Power Againa
TON, Nov. 12.-(RP)-Taking time out
on his return trip eastward from his
Palo Alto, Calif., home to inspecte
Hoover dam in Nevada under flood-s
lights tonight, President Hoovera
moved to that project through a
series of ovations..
From his train at Glendale, Calif.,'
this morning he delivered his first
address since the victory of his Dem-
ocratic successor, Gov. Franklin D.
Roosevelt, advising Republicans not
to "be discouraged by defeat" and p
asserting that the Republican partyt
"will return to power."s
Before a crowd at the station, the r
President urged Republicans to im-t
mediately strengthen their state,t
county and precinct organizations toc
be ready for "'militant action." a
"If we are to continue the recoveryv
so evidently in progress during thea
past few months by overcoming the
many difficulties which still confrontt
us," he said, "we must have con-s
tinued unity in constructive actiono
Press Club
Re-Elects All
'32 Officers
S. L. Marshall Will Again
Fill Presidency; Brumm
Continues As Secretary
Beukerta Talks On
Taxation Problems
Pleads For Reduction Of
Public Expenditures At
Closi"n gMeeting
This year's convention of the Uni-.
versity Press Club of Michigan was
brought to a close yesterday morn-
ing with the re-election of all the
present officers to lead the club for
Schuyler L. Marshall, editor and
publisher of the Clinton County Re-
publican-News, St. Johns, will again
be president, carried into office along
with those who served under him
this year, by a unanimous resolution
of the members.
J. S. Gray, of the Monroe Evening
News, was re-electednvice-president,
and i. A. Gorman, of the Flint Jour-
nal, and Charles O. Monroe, of the
South Haven Tribune, were chosen
second and third vice-presidents, re-
spectively. The secretary-treasurer
will again be John L.aBrumm, pro-
fessor of journalism at the Univer-
sity, who has held that office since
the first year of the club's existence.
Beukema Speaks
The concluding session yesterday
morning was devoted to the problem
of taxation, with J. C. Beukema of
Muskegon, executive secretary of the
Michigan Council of Government Ex-
penditures, pleading for a thorough
survey of the. problem and urging a
reduction of the costs of government,
wherever consistent, with efficiency
of 'actual administration.
Mr. Beukema emphasized that the
only safe, certain, and dependable
way to reduce taxes is to reduce 'inb-
lic expenditures. "This implies," he
said, "more than cutting a few salar-
ies here and there. It implies a re-
survey of our entire structure of gov-
ernment. It means that government
shall cease to engage in works that
are primarily of a local or sectional
benefit. It means that government
shall stop competing with private in-
dustry, and that it cease rendering
to industry costly and nonessential
services at the public exppense."
Illustrates Point
Illustrating this point with the de-
partment of agriculture expendi-
tures and citing figures, the speaker
summed up the situation with this
reaction from one of the farers
themselves: "All we farmers ask is
that the government quit sending us
crop reports, bulletins and extension
agents and cut our taxes a little and
we'll make money on the farm just
as our parents did."
The property tax was upheld as
the essential foundation of our tax
structure, and the most stable source
of revenue. Although admitting that
our present tax laws require revision,
Mr. Beukema held that neither the
income tax nor the sales tax can
ever supplant the property tax as
a primary source of revenue. "In
spite of its faults, and they are many,
the property tax alone provides as-
surance of revenue 'irrespective of
business fluctuation. So long as gov-
ernment is unable to curtail its serv-
ices and adjust its expenses to the
same degree as private business, it
must rely on a basic tax of undoubt-
ed stability."
Proposes New Steps
Mr. Beukema proposed that a com-
lete review of governmental struc-
ture in Michigan and of the sources
of wealth in the state should be made
immediately as the first step in a
complete revision of taxation. He
urged the editors to help to maintain,
in this time of crisis, the. faith and
credit of their local units of govern-
ment, many of whom are perilously
hard pressed to maintain payments
>n their bonds, and consequently in
-anger of following irresponsible
all along the e
"I shall work
the remaining
conomic front.
for that unity during
four months of this
Furthermore, it is
our duty after the fourth of March
to co-operate with our opponents in
every sound measure for the restora-
tion of prosperity.
"I am making an early return to
Washington in special concern that
the measures and instrumentalities
which we have in motion on an en-
tirely non-partisan basis shall con-
tinue to function vigorously and con-
tribute their utmost."
Official Count
Shows Greater
Loss For Pray
Republicans Suffer Single
Local Defeat By Margin
Of 191 Votes.
Claramon L. Pray, county clerk,
lost his office in the Tuesday elec-
tion by a greater margin than unoffi-
cial returns indicated, according to a
report of the board of canvassers.
Pray, the only Republican defeat-
ed here in the Tuesday vote, was still
undecided today on the question of a
,pr.flr1n,'n + h,+et 'h w h.AmniA lfal +.hila_
Student Directories for 1932-
1933 will go on sale Tuesday morn-
ing, it was announced last night
by John Deo, '34, business man-
ager of the publication. They will
be sold at the Union, at the Mich-
iganensian business office in the