I I IAN DAILY I IN = ., - .,. . . °, II blished every morning except Monday during the ersit year a me ssion y the Board in rol of Stu.dent pul ications:. mber of the WLstern Conference Editorial Associa- anld U-h0 :31g;Ten Newps lervice. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS r Associatecd Press is exclusively entitled to the itse 'publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this paper and the local news shed herein. All rights of republication of special tches are reserved. ered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as id cla;smatter. Special rate of postage granted by :1 Assistant Postmlaster-General. scription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mall, During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by $4.50. ces: Student Publications Building, Maynard Stree , Arbor, Mtchigan. Phone: 2-1214. ' presentatives: College Publishers Representatives, 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80 ton Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue, lie will) by prosecuting violators under the Fed- values of life. It is of course true that conformity oral law." (Detroit News)w.sin externals leads to the unconscious feeling that Washtenaw County's Circuit Judge George W. similar conformity in thinking is desirable. Here Sample: "The Ann Arbor police department and lies the danger, and the great problem is to know the county will have nothing to do in regard to where to draw the line, to know at what point controlling sale, possession, and manufacture of standardization loses its practical worth and be- liquor. In my opinion all state laws will auto- comes an obstacle to intelligent and progressive matically be repealed December 8, 30 days after thought. At the same time the criterion of the the repeal vote. After December 8, I would refuse value of uniformity cannot be confined solely to to hear such a case." (Ann Arbor Daily News) its outward aspects, for there are certainly ec- A sentiment for the repeal of liquor laws is! ments of deeper undergraduate attitude which is sweeping the country. to the advantage of all to absorb. The Governor-elect of this state has committed In any event, it is apparent that there should himself to a policy of pardoning, if possible, be a balance between the conformity and stand- violators of the state liquor laws. The circuit ardization which is practically expedient and thel um of Wa.s htenaw County has said that he will individuality and lack of uniformity which is men- refuse to hear any cases pertaining to violations tally stimulating and healthful. The atmosphere after December 8. of the university should be such as to achieve this If violators are to receive no punishment, if the balance by overemphasizing neither conformity circuit judge of Washtenaw County will not even nor freedom. The "Golden Mean" is the goal dhear a liquor violation case, it is pretty certain which, if it cannot be reached, can be approached. that before so very much longer this state and --The Daily Princetonian this city will again be wet. The Federal law may remain, but, with no support from state and local authorities, it will a be impossible to enforce it. A similar condition exists in Wisconsin, where there are no state liquor laws. In Madison, seat of the University SCHOOL OF MUSIC of Wisconsin, there are speakeasies without num- SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA ber. We have approached members of the law school Professor David E. Mfattern, conductor of the for. confirmation of our analysis. No one so far is School of Music Symphony Orchestra, will pre- willing to commit himself, but it appears that sent his band of nearly a hundred players in a such will be inevitable. The majority of our symphony program, Sunday afternoon, Nov. 13, teachers do not wish the student body ag--ain to 'o' '4it9 w. ui a a aa a v " t rmn.. rrir Sri -- - - - I I To Send That DaVily Home --I I fl f1't Wait A$ny Longer EDITORTAT, STAFF TJielephone 92?5 MANAGING EDITOR,............FRANK B. G0I3RETH CITY EDITOR.......................KARL SEIFFERT SPORTS EDITOR..................JOHN W. THOMAS WOMEN'S EDITOR..............MARGARET O'BRIZU ASSISTANT WOMEN'S EDITOR......MIRIAM CARVER NIGHT EDITORS: Thomas Connellan, NormanP. Kratt, John W. :Pritchanrd, C. Hlart. SChaaf, iBrackley Shaw, Glenn R. 'Winters. SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Fred A. Huber, Albert Newman. REPORTERS: Hyman J.Aronstam, A. Ellis Ball, Charles, G. Barndt, James Bauchat, Donald R. Bird, Donad P. 131a~1lertz, cha rles ;B. Browuso, Albert -.tBurrows, Arthur W. Carstens, Ralph C. Coulter, Robert Engel, William , Ferris, Eric Hall, John C. Healey, Robert B. hewett, George M. Holmes, Walter E. Morrison, George 'Van Vieck, Guy M. Whipple.,Jr., W. Stoddardi White. Elanor B. Bli,1Louise arandall, Carol J. Hannan Frances Manchester, M/arie J. Murpliy, Margaret C. Phalan, Katherine Rucker, Marjorie Weston, Harriet Spe1ss. BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGE ............... .YRON C. VEDDER CREDI1T MANiAGE..... ,...... _-.......HARRY1'BEGLEY WOMEN'S BUSTNESS MANAGER.......DONNA BECKER OFEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Advertising, Grafton Sharp;. Advertising Contracts, Orv1°11Aronson; Advertising Serv- t Noel Turner;A Acounts, Bernard E. Schnaeke,;Cr- cilation, Gilbert F. Blursley; Publications, Robert E. Finn. ASSISTANTS: Theodore Barash, Jack Bellamy, Gordon Boylan, Charles Ebert, Jack Efroymson, Fred Hertrick, Joseph Hlume, Allen Knuusi, Russell Read, Lester Skin- ner, Joseph Sudow and Robert Ward. Betty Aigler, Doris Cimmy, Billie Griffiths, Dorothy Laylin, HeIlen Olson, Heen 7Schume, aly See! ned, Kathryn Stork. SATURDAY, NOV. 12, 1932 The Unhappy Ruling Of Secretary Doak . . I of course the home f ols are still inter- ested. f and the new ]prices are now in e f- w have free acces even to beer, and it is only natural that they should be reluctant to interpret events and governmental statements to mean the return of the campus beer garden. But we believe that the events of the last few days point to an imminent revival of open and convivial imbibing. It seems that a very definite milestone has been passed, and that the end of the road is not far off. ditorial Comment THE NEWSPAPER QUESTION "The time given by university students to news-3 paper reading," an editor observed recently, "is deplorably little. It accounts in no small way for the average young man or woman's indifference to important national and civic affairs which should and do concern them." The statement, unfortunately enough, is found to be generally true. College people who do not avail themselves of every opportunity to keep publicly awake, show small promise of leadership in the future. There is no institution so power- fully efficient and effective in giving current in- formation as the Press. It cannot be ignored by# any intelligent actively thinking citizen. News- paper reading should become a habit. Half an hour set aside every day will prove a valuable asset in keeping abreast of the times. The successful colle e man or woman must be mentall'y alert. Following the daily news is a' recognized factor in educational training. -The Daily Troj.an at 4:15 o'clock in Hill Auditorium. The general public with the exception of small children is in- vited without admission charge but is respectfully urged to be seated on time as the doors will be closed during numbers. The Symphony Orchestra this season has taken on real professional aspects, for it includes in its personnel a large number of veteran players and many accessions from other schools and colleges about the country who have come to the Uni- versity for post-graduate work in music. The re- sult has been a fine balance of instrumentation and full choirs in all divisions. Daily rehearsals have brought about a finish rather unusual and gratifying among student ensemble organizations. Professor Mattern is a conductorl of recog nized ability and has built from his players an organi- zation of creditable attainment. The program in full is as follows: Academic Festival Overture............. .. Bhms Concerto for Piano No. 2 Op. 21 . . ..... Chopin Jeannette Rabinowitz "Elsa's Dream" from "Lohengrin".........Wagner Thelma Lewis Excerpts from Die Walkuere ............. Wagner Concerto for Piano, Op. 16...............Grieg Margaret Kimball Capriccio Espagnole .. ... imsky Korakofi The Theatre COMEDY CLUB LOCAL (By Carrier) . . $3.75 FOREIG-oN (Mlailed) $4.600 For the remainder of the year. __-- __ _.m. ._._ . __ _.._ _ _ _.._. ______-_ - .... . ....,. . c Z Yfrli an tait T 'E DOAK ruling excluding self- supporting foreign students from attending American colleges and universities is interesting in that it reveals the administration's attitude towaird the question of student unemnploy- ment. Through the exclusion of the comparatively small number of foreign students, the government apparently is endeavoring to partly relieve the critical unemployment situation by creating posi- tions through which native students may return to college. The American student, however, does not want this protection. He much prefers to, accept the ch allenge of foreign competition and work out the solution independently. With him, the question is not one of "might makes right." He regards it as a sporting proposition. Prof. Chris- tian Gauss, dean of students at Princeton Tni- versity, stated, "Young men working their way through American colleges do not wish to be pro- tected in this way from the competition of foreign students whom they have always welcomed as am- bassadors of good-will." 'I he storm of protest that has burst forth from many student organizations throughout the coun- try clearly defines the sentiment prevalent in, American universities on this subject. The Na-. tional Student League has taken up the torch in an effort to have the ruling rescinded. Many prominent educators also realize the mistake made by Mr. Doak. The unfavorable reaction throughout the coun- try should be sufficient to convince Secretary of Labor Doak that the measure is unsound. - The obvious remedy would be the removal of the ob- jectional judgment. Agitation at home and abroad will only serve to arouse sentiment against the unjustified discrimination. Hlappy Days Are Beer Aa... C HICAGO'S Mayor Anton J. Cer- A mak: "Chicago brewers need not wait for repeal of the state's search and seizure act. The police department will not enforce it, so far as beer is concerned." (Detroit News). Chicago's Alderman John Coughlin, discussing the $1,000 saloon license law he proposes for Chi- cago: "Why wait for the repeal of the national prohibition laws? They don't mean anything, here anyway, anymore." (Detroit News). Michigan's Governor-Elect William A. Com stock: "The people have discarded the state's pro- hibition amendment by a vole of 3 to 1. It seems to me that the only fair thing to do is to release those convicted under the laws that the people now demand be repealed. It is my belief that the enforcement laws now have no standing - - - I shall consult with Patrick H. O'Brien, attorney- general-elect, on the legal phases of the question before I take office." And: "If possible, it is my :vEETS THE WIFE INTELLIGENT ECONOMY AT TUE UNIVERSITY OF C1ICAGO "Meet the Wife," Lynn Starling's play, now run- Despite the fact that the University of Chicago ning at the Lydia Mendelssohn is a grand open- is experiencing the widespread ordeal of budget ing for Comedy Club. balancing, it is stimulating to note that the insti- Just subtle enough to escate being a farce, its tution is contemplating no reduction in academic lines were enthusiastically received by a la'ge salaries, second night audience. Although it is a great The University of Chicago's approach to the temptation to call it a Johnson show, in all budget slashing problem deserves notice. Instrue- critical fairness it should be thought of as a three tion was reorganized, more than 300 overlapping star hit, picking Miss Johnson, Mr. Nestle, and and duplicating courses were eliminated, and costs Mr. Brackett as the stars. I have placed the two of operating the university plant were reduced in men on the same level with Miss Johnson be- an effort to meet the decrease in income. Thus, cause, although the other characters were not instead of impairing instruction the action has Imquite as centered as she, it took as much ability resulted in increased efficiency-a condition for Victor and Harvey to gain the attention they which schools everywhere should realize. did as for Miss Johnson to execute the important It may be true that most institutions have not role in which she was cast. found themselves able to withstand the rigors of a Jack Nestle as the flat-footed, asthmatic, high- depression for as long a time as this privately ly undesirable Victor Staunton is perfect. His owned endowed institution, but it is equally true every action is intelligently witty, and he scored that many educational systems, as well as govern- a point in a rather difficult part. Victor could mental institutions, have come face to face with have been insipid or he could have been revolting false economy. age cuts, impairment, of efficiency, enough to fall short on every line. However, be and the breakdown of morale are most frequently it to Mr. Nestle's credit, Victor was neither of acts which "cut off the nose to spite the face." A these types. prime requisite for an intelligent citizenry in these As to the second member of the trio, Donald hectic days is the ability to discern true economy Brackett, one finds him admirably cast. His from the false. The precedent established at the makeup was too young (as was Pribil's) but his University of Chicago is indeed commendable, voice saved the situation. After reading the -The Daily Cardinal script, it is difficult to see how Brackett was as agreeable as he was. But he was good contrast- FR1EEDOM AND CONFORMITY ing material to Harvey and Gertrude and was One of the commonplaces of educational criti- t f cism has been the charge of standardization, the acceptable and quite subtle in a dull witted sort of contention that university life is a mold from way, which the undergraduate emerges a mirror-image1 -.e, ~1 Frances Johnson is the last to be mentioned, I , i { ,f t r E > 'r i FIRST METHODIST WESLEY HALL EPISCOPAL E. W. Blakeman, Director HI L(L E L CHURCH FOUNDATION State and Washington Streets Cor. E. Univ. Ave. and Oakland Sunday, 6:30 P.M. - "The World Ministers Court and Peace" will be coa ;id- Dr. Bernard Heller, Director Frederick B. Fisher cared at the Student Guild. Peter F. Stair Regular Sunday Services- a1 the 10:45-Morning Worship 6:30 P.M.-Graduate Forum. Mr. Women's League Chapel 11:00 A.M. Glas'ow will lead a cliscus..ion Prof. Leo I. Scharfman. "LOST IN OUR OWN TROUBLES" upon "The Ethics of Jesus.. Dr. Fisher Subject:%"The Cultural Impiations (The second sermon in the series 3:30 P.M.--Orientai-American Group. ofZionism." on "Thinking Through to an Ade- quate Philosophy of Life.") 9:30 A.M._.,Two classes. Freshmen 8 P.M.-One-act play by Hillel Play- 7:30-Evening Worship with Prof. del Toro;Uppercas- es at the Foundation. Union Service-Ministerial Asso- men with the Director. ciation. Reverend Heaps preaching. THE FIRST THE FELLOWSHIP FIRST BAPTIST PRESBYTERIAN of CNURCH CHURCH L. AEast Huron, West of Stiatt LIBE RAL R EL IGI NR. Edward Sayles, Minister Huron and Division Streets Howard R. Chapman, University Merle H. Anderson, Minister State and Huron Streets Pastor Alfred Lee Klaer, Associate Minister 9:30 A.M.-Church School. Dr. Logan, 10:45-"Liberal Religion and Social Superintendent. 9:30 A.M. - Student Classes at the Change." Dr. Augustus P. Reccord Church House, 1432 Washtenaw 10:45 A.M.-Worship. Mr. S ay l e s Avenue. of Detroit. will preach on Jesus' Supreme 10:45 A.M. - Morning Worship. Ideal,"J Sermon: "Conscience-Life's Tru- est Magistrate." The Vested Choir 7:30-"The Lore of Life and Liter- will make its initial appearance. 12:00 Noon-Students meet 0;Guild 5:30P.M.-Sociai Hour for Young ture." Professor Bennett Weaver, House. Discussion on "The Chris- People Dept. of English. tian as a Citizen Today." 6:30 P.M.-Young People's Meeting Speaker: Prof. Wm. B. Henderson 6:00 P.M.-Devotional Meeting, Ad- vestyExn sindamet.s f ha- Where religion is the co-operative dress. Refreshinents and social acstyoudentlquest for the good life. hour will follow. actorBuilding__q__st; of his fellows with a resulting loss of individuaiity. There is, to be sure, much truth in this allegation~ but it does not follow from it, as some would seem to infer, that there should be no standardization. The most satisfactory solution would appear to lie, rather, in a rational balance between the two con-{ flicting ideals, between freedom and individuality on the one hand, and conformity and similarity on the other. The need of a certain degree of standardization, one aspect of this balance, is justified by the practical requirements of life. As America is a melting-pot for all nationalities, so a university such as Princeton is one for the various types of undergraduates who come from a great variety of localities and environments. It is by the pro- cess of influenciiig this conglomerate group to conform to a generally accepted standard in such rmat ters as dress, manners, and the other outward amenities of life that more easy and satisfactory soc'ial contact and relationships, both in college -and afterward, are achieved. The complete indi- vidualist may be a genius in a certain field, but the averag Y man, if he is to get on must adhere in general to the dictates of custom. topping the performance of the previous two by a few inches. Her Gertrude Lennox gushed and emoted her way through each act with perfect control of every tear and adjective, including a scream or two at the end of act one. If there is one thing Miss Johnson excels in it is projection. A parenthetical remark might be inserted at this point to the effect that, although Miss Johnson's voice is pleasing, it conflicted a bit too much with Harvey's lines in act one, script or no script. Maxwell Pribil was interesting as Lord but was handicapped by a lack of makeup. Virginia Rob- erts and William Rhodes made an adequate Alice and William. This play marks the debut of Russell McCrack- en as director of a campus play, and he is to be complimented for his production. Generally speak- ing, his directing showed intelligent insight, fail- ing in only one instance, which might not have been his fault. This instance is the emotional scene in act two between Phibil and Brackett. As strong a climax as this pros ed to be deserved a slower transition than it was given. The setting was well done and lent an agreeable asmosphere ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN (Missouri Synod) Third and West Liberty C. A. BrauerPastor Sunday, Nov. 13th 9:30 A.M.-Church School 9:30 A.M.-Service in German ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH Washington St. at 5th Ave. 1?. C. Stelihorn, pastor 9 A.M.-Bible School. Lesson Topic: "Mlakiag n honest Living." 10:30 A.M.-Service with sermon by thellPastor on: "'The New Crea- Lion-, BETHLEHEM EVANGELICAL CHVRCI (Evangelical Synod) South Fourth Avenue Theodore Schmale, Pastor 9:00 A.M.-Bible School 10:00 A.M.-Morning Worship. Sermon Topic: "Sacrificial Shar- ing." t U;