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November 12, 1932 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-11-12

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ALAL dpi as



in=s constmtve noatnR to arllmembern of M t
Coy received t the office of the Assistnt to the PresvleFnt tuntlli
a. ju, Saturdayj.


No. 421

President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home from four to six o'clock
on Sunday, November 13, and on Sunday, November 20, to members of the
faculties and other residents of Ann Arbor.
University Broadcasting Service-Saturday, Nov. 12, 8 p. m.: "Modern
Trends in Anaethesia," Dr. Henry K. Ransom, Assistant Professor of Sur-
gery; "Constructive Economy in State and Local Government," Thomas
H. Reed, Professor of Political Science.
Pre-Medical Students: The Association of American Medical Colleges
Committee on Aptitude Tests recommends that any student applying for
entrance by September, 1933, to a medical school should take the Aptitude
Test. This test is now a normal requirement for admission to practically
all medical schools. All applicants for admission to the University of
Michigan Medical School are expected to take it. A fee of one dollar is
charged to defray the expenses of the Committee. Full information and
application blanks should be obtained at the Office of the Registrar,
Ira M. Smith, Registrar.
Latin 137 will meet at thge regular hour on Monday, November 14,
for a blue book on Virgil's Eclogues.
Latin 155 will meet at the regular hour on Wednesday, Nobember 16,
for a blue book covering the subject matter of the campaign against Ario-
vistus and the Belgian campaign, including the Battle of the Aisne, to-
gether with questions on the text of the above portion of the Belgian
campaign and Chapter III of Johnston.
Chemistry 45: Assignment given was for Monday instead of Wednes-
Geology 31: The mid-semester bluebook will be given Monday, Novem-
ber 14. A-b (inclusive) will meet in Room 25 A.H. M-Z will meet in Room
2082 NS., the Mineralogical Lecture Room.

Italian Pla n
Will Make Tr
To World
Squadron Under Ge
Balbo Will Bring
To A Successful F
ROME, Nov. 11.-(A')-Gen
Balbo's long-planned mass fl
20 military airplanes from R
Chicago and return for the 19
cago exposition was official
nounced today by the Italian
ment. The flight will start ii
and will take probably twoi
by easy stages.
Gen. Balbo, Italy's young ai
ister, will lead the flight as
one to South America more
year ago. One hundred picket
tors have been training for th
for the past year.
Air scouts for months hav
surveying the route of 'the
which probably will be from
via Ireland, Iceland, Gre
Newfoundland, Washingtonc
York and other undecided An
The census bureau said today
13,261,928 foreign-born white
tbove 10 years of age in the
States 1,304,084, or 9.9 per ce

s When Curtis' Projectile Leaves,
ip If Ever, It'll Head For Venus
air Venus is the first planet toward definite knowledge of life on Venus,
which Prof. Heber D. Curtis of the we can at least say that it appears
Astronomy department would direct that life would be a possibility."
rieral a mythical Jules Verne projectile in Professor Curtis said that the high
P shis search for another race of beings temperature of the planet Mercury.
. .u like ourselves. Speaking on the pro- "might well be too warm to support
inish gram of the University Broadcasting life as we know it."
Service form station WJR yesterday, Mars he characterized as the
. Italo Professor Curtis said that the tem- "newspaper planet" because as he
ight of perature of Venus was sure to be put it, there has been so much writ-
ome to much warmer than that of Mars, and ten about its so-called canals and
33 Chi- hence more favorable for life. the probability of life on it, most of
ly an- We know almost nothing about which, it may be said, is pure specu-
govern- the surface of Venus," Professor Cur- lation and without any observational
n June tis said, "is the planet is nearly al- basis',
months ways covered with clouds, but these
clouds mean an atmosphere, and He pointed out that the tempera-
ir min- very probably oceans and rivers." ture of Mars, while much lower than
he did Professor Curtis reminded his radio that on the earth, might support
than a listeners that the conditions under life No clouds exist on its surface,
d avia- which life can exist are remarkably he said, and other scientific obser-
e flight narrow and limited. "The temper- vations indicate that its atmosphere
ature must be somewhere between must be very much thinner than that
e been I the freezing and the boiling point of the earth.
flight, of water, otherwise there is no life. "If some one on the planet Mars
Rome The conditions of sunlight, moisture, were trying to signal to us when that
enland, atmosphere, and the chemical sur- planet is cloest to the earth," de-
or New roundings, must be just right. clared Professor Curtis, "he would
nerican "But it would seem that the condi- have to wave a flag the size of the
tions for the start of life on the state of Michigan."
planet Venus would have been at On the question of the canals on
least as favorable as those which ex- Mars, Professor Curtis said that the
WP))- isted on the earth a billion years opinion of astonomers is divided.
that of ago. Many observers, he said, using large
persons "While the astronomers has no telescopes have been unable to find
United any trace of them.

Five Are Killed
As Plane Veers
Far Off Course
Florida Couple, Children
And Young Woman Are
Victims of Wind, Drizzle
KEMPVILLE, Tenn., Nov. 11--(P),
-Flying far off its course andi ap-
parently lost, a plane crashed in the
woods on a steep hillside near here
Thursday night, carrying its five
occupants to their deaths.
Two of the dead were identified
as Mr and Mrs. Joseph F. Hirt of
Ford Lauderdale, Fla. A young wo-
man, presumably their daughter, and
a boy and girl, about five and four
years old, respectively, were the
other victims. All were killed in-
stantly except the girl, who died
of a brain concussion this morning.
The children were believed Go be
grandchildren of the Hirts.j
Dr. C. W. Robinson, who was with
the searching party that found the
demolished plane, said it crashed
during a high wind that was accom-
panied by a slight drizzle. The plane



NEW YORK, Nov. 11.,-(A)-4Evan-
geline Adams, noted astrologer, is
dead-and her followers are sorrow-
ful, but very proud. They say that
Miss Adams, who went through a long
life wresting predictions and a for
tunes from the stars, was accurate to
the end--she predicted her own
George E. Jordan, Jr., her husband,
whom she married after a horoscope
romance, declared after her death at
the age of 60 late Thursday that she
had foreseen her fate.
via Chattanooga. Favorable weather
conditions prevailed all the way, but
instead of flying southeast, the plane
went northeast and was about 200 or
300 miles off its course,




Was Financial Baron
11.--(P)-Joseph F. Hirt was a Chi-
cagoan who had considerable finan-
cial interests in the Fort Lauderdale
area. He was a wood-working engi-
neer and associated with a Chicago
concern. During the World war he
held a government contract for man-
ufacture of airplane propellors and
this work caused him to become
greatly interest in aviation. He held
a private pilot's license.

had left Sky Harbor near Nashvillej
at 5:15 p. m, en route to Atlanta

ent, are

panIsh 31, Sec. III will have a test on Friday instead of Monday.
ison 2 in composition for Monday.
National Scholastic Exhibition of Pictorial, Arts and Crafts Work, large
'ibition room Architectural Building. Open daily 1 to 5, except Sunday,
vember 4 to 17. The public is cordially invited.
"osmopoitan Club meeting 8 p m. in Lane Hall, Dr. Lutfi M. Sadi
I give an illustrated lecture on "The Millenium of Ar-Razi." An interest-
social program will be provided and will be followed by refreshments.
sabers of the club and their friends are cordially invited to attend.
Graduate Dance: Informal dance for graduate students at Women's
ietic Building at 8:00 p. m. Admission 25 cents to cover expenses o1
itor service and music. Husbands and wives of graduate students are
9 invited.
Upper Ioae eIn: Class meets 7:00 to 8:00 p. m. Welcone to new
n and old.
Wesley Hall: 6:3, Sunday, Mr. L. Preuss will give a talk on "World
.rt." At the sa e time there will be the meeting of the Graduate group
h Mr. Roy Bur pughs as chairman. "Religion as Culture" will be
cussed. '
9:30 Dr. Blakeman will lead the upperclass group in the discussion of
rsonality and Religion." Prof. del Toro will have charge of the fresh-
n grou which is discussing "European and American Christianity."
3:30 the Oriental-American group will meet with Mr. Dunn presiding.
5:30, social hour. Cost supper will be served.
Dr. Fisher will have the Sunday morning service at the Methodist
irch at 10:45. He will speak 4n "Lost in Our Own Troubles." In the
ning there will be a union meeting with the Congregational church;
r. Heaps will have charge.
Harris Hall: Usual student supper in the Hall Sunday at 6:15 p. m.
a cost of 25c. The program will begin at 7 o'clock with an address by
. names K. Pott of St. John's University, Shanghai, China.
$t. Andrew's Church: Services of worship Sunday will be: 8:00 a. m.,
Holy Communion; 9:30 a. m., Church school; 11:00 a. m., Kinder-
ten; 11:00 a,. m., Special Armistice Day service and sermon by the Rev-
ad Henry Lewis.
Psbyterian tudent Appintments .Sunay: '9:30 a. Mi., Student
uses, Church House; 10:30 a. m., Morning Worship, theme, "Conscience,
es Truest Magistrate"; 3:30 p '., Student Volunteer meeting to confer
a Ted Schultz;; 4:30, Young People's Cabinet meeting at the church;
), Social hour and supper; 6:30, Student Forum Leader, Dr. W. D..
derson, "Fundamentals of Character Building"; 8:00, Fire Side Hour at
Church House.
Baptist Guild, Sunday noon at Guild House. Mr. Chapman leads in a
ussion on "The Christian Citizen Today." 6:30 p. m., Miss Mildred
t:r 134M, Fred Cox '35 Architecture, and William Hopkins '35 Forestry,
each speak of the religious or ideal values in their chosen professions.
Lutheran Student Club will introduce its new song book at the regu-
meeting, Sunday evening, November 13, at the Zion Lutheran Parish
L, corner of Washinton Street and Fifth Avenue. In addition to an
orical background of the hymns given by certain members,' the club
sing both popular and religious songs. Social half-hour at 5:30;
per (25c) at 6:00, and Club Sing at 6:30.
S4ihomore Engineering Cass Elections will be held Thursday, Nov. 17,
0 o'clock in Room 348 West Engineering Bldg Identification cards will
.cessary in order to vote. Candidates must have eligibility slips.
W0edad Hispanica: All those interested in becoming members of the
Sare urged to meet the advisers at 408 R. L. Monday, November 14,
1 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. - -----~--- _- -
November 15, at 7:30 p. m. The at-
elphi: regular meeting Tuesday tendance of all members is required.

Visitors welcome. Fourth floor of An-
gell Hall.
Scabbard and Blade: Meeting in
uniform Sunday at 10:45 a. m. at
corner of North Division and Cath-
erine, Saint Andrews Episcopal
Church. Please be on time.
Scalp and Blade: Important meet-
ing at 4:30; Sunday at the Union.
Proving Ground Trip: Parties will
visit the General Motors Proving
Ground near Milford, Mich., Monday,
N'ov. 14, and Tuesday, Nov. 15. Leave
the Auto Lab, at 1:00 p. m. and re-
turn at about 5:30 p. m. Transporta-
ion provided for M. E. '32 students.
')ther engineering students see H. L.
Kohler, 209 W. Engineering Annex.
International Relations Club will
meet Tuesday, November 15, at 8 p.
n., Political Science Seminar Room,
3026 A. H.
Freshman Girls' Glee Club: Reg-
ular rehearsal Monday -evening, No-
vember 14, at 8:00, in Lounge 1 of the
Graduate Outing Club: Meet at
W. A. A. Fieldhouse at 2:45 Sunday
for walk through Arboretum. Will
return before 6:00.
A Program will be presented at 8
p. m.. Sunday, Nov. 13, at the Hillel
poundation under the auspices of the
Hillel Players. It will include Arnold
Bennett's one-act play, "The Step-
mother," a discussion of "Contem-
porary Broadway" by John Silber-
man, "Black Magic" introduced by
June Warsaw, and a Pian~ologu~e by
Jane Magzziner.
Michigan Dames: Regular meeting
wil be held in the Grand Rapids
Room of the League at 8:00 p. m.
Tuesday, November 15. The occasion
will be social, cards and other enter-
tainment being provided. The wife
of any University student is welcome.
Varsity Band: Report at Morris
Hall aot 1 p. mn.
and PLATE, $1.75
-Any Style-
109-111 E. Washington St.
Phone 8132 Second Floor

Use 'Pie Plate'
Glass To Make
Base For Lamps

"It must be admitted," said Pro-
fessor Curtis in conclusion, "that if
these markings really exist, there
seems to be no escape from the con-
clusion that they were constructed
by intelligent beings; they are too
straight and too artificial to be the
result of chance. Nearly all the
I books written on the subject repre-
sent the hypothetical Martians as far
superior to us human beings."

Novel Invention Is Work
Of D. K. Wright; Can Be
Used IIIAirwas' Pl-11~


CLEVELAND, 0., Nov. 11.--)-
Now comes the electric light blub
made entirely of glass.
Only the flment is metal in niw
high-wattage lamps designed by D.
K. Wright, General Electric engi-
neer, for airways, baseball parks and
movie lots.
Base of the lamp, formerly made
of metal parts to fit into the socket,
is now built of tough, pressed "piej
plate" glass.
Besides the filament, the only
metal parts are two copper tips which
slip into the socket.
Since Edison made his first incan-
descent lamp tiLe problem of leading
the electric current into the bulb, I
which had to be perfectly sealed to
prevent escape of the gases, has been
Edison solved it by leading plati-
num wires through a glass seal. The
3xpansion of this metal and of glass
s about the same.
Modern manufacture has dictated
ise of tungsten for the lead wires.
The new method gets around the
problem by not leading the current
through the glass at all. Connection
is made inside the hollow copper tips,
closed at the ends, outside the bulb

- -------------- - -
Utility CommissliOn
Rates I vestigated
By City Of Detroit
LANSING, Mich ,Nov. 11.-
(Mins)-Charging that the Michigan,
Public Utility Commission has acted
as a "rubber stamp" for the Detroit
Edison Company, and that that com-
pany's president has dictated rate
schedules for thirty years, the City of
Detroit has filed briefs here demand-
ing immediate reduction of all rates
and an aprisa of the Edison plant
for the purpose of obtaining reliable
data for rate making.
The electric power rates which the
city's attorneys claim are regularly
set by Alex Dow, the Edison presi-
dent, and accepted by the Comiiis-
sion without exception, have been
set by him without regard for "any
of the legal methods laid down for
rate-making purposes," according to
the petition.
Testimony as to lowered operating
costs already heard by the Commis-
sion justifies, the petition holds, the
demand for downward revision of

CLASSIFIED FOR SALE-Sweet cider, Paw Paw
ADVERTISING grapes and grape juice. Call 9534 or
2-24 13. Wagner Cider Mill. 20
Place advertisements' with c(las.;ied POR SALE -Wonderful bargain for
Adverti.ing Departm.rent. Phone 2-1214, family desiring large home and
The classified columns ceo.e at three nti y d n mg la hn
o' clock previous to day of stio nds and lling to live eight
Box nuinbei-.i, may be sPcuire-d ait no miles fr-om nfnAr-bor in neairby
extra charge. town. For details call Mrs. Fur-
Cash in advance--11c jlwt, reading line
(o basis of five a ea words to giusoni, 3611 -eves. 2-2839 133
line) for one or two insertions. -
Minimum 3 lines per insertion. FINANCE CO -Disposal. Today's
er ading le for three or more necial, 1932 Chevrolet coach $395.
Telephone rate--15c per reading line Terms, raes. 311 W. Huron,
for onle or two iniser tions.
14c per reading line1-or tlhre or 2-2001. 1fe
more insertions. --.--------....--
10' discount I ipa iw iriten days FOR RENT--Pleasant room on se-
from'the date of last insertion. 11-1RN -Pt 7~ltro nse
Minimum three lines per Insertion. ond floor. Single or double. R nt
By contract per line--2 lines daily, one reasonable. 402 E. Jefferson. 136
month........... .8.c _____ ___ _
4 lines E. 0. D.. 2 muonths.......c =____ ___ _
2 lines daily, college year.........7c FOR RENT-(Southeast Section) 6
4 lines E. 0. D., college year......7c attractive rooms. Oak floors. Newly
100 .tines used as desired..........9c
300 lines used as desired........Sc decorated. Garage. Tel. 2-2829.
1,000 lines used as desired........'7o135
2.000 lines used as desired.......6c
The above rates are per reading 1ue, LOST
based on eight reading lines per inrch.
Ionic type, ipiper and lower case. Add - -- - _ --T-
ic per line to above ratesfor all capi- LOST-Phi Gamma Delta fraternity
tal letters. Adid 6e p, e imeo albove
for bold face, upper arid lower case. (pin. Name of owner on back Cf
Add 10e per line to above ra.es for hold pin. Finder please call 6017.
face capital letters.
The above rates are for '7% pointI NOTICE
cent artist tuner. Office at, resi-
WA$HING--And ironing. Called for dence. Phone 6776. Not with any
and delivered. Silks and woolens I music shop. Victor Allimendinger.
guaranteed satisfactory. 2-3478. Exclusive tuner for the University
611 Hoover. 15e School of Music. 91
LAUNDRY -- Soft water. 2-1044. WANTED
Towels free. Socks darned. 13c -
WANTED--Four students, either sex
WANTED - Stodent and family to work in spare time. Good pay.
washing. Phone 3006. 8c 208 S. Fourth Ave. 134





B E f





Now Showing

in Her Latest Dramatic Effort





A limited us e o
display and floor models
$9.50 allowance
fr your old stoe
NUSUAL values are represented in this special
selling. Only a limited number of ranges are
available, and every stove in the group is in perfect
tondition. If you have wanted an .Electrochef, here
is your chance to secure one at a price rarely
obtainable. The day of extraordinary bargains for
buyersisrapidly drawing toa escIn-4-do not deLay
tny longer!
Take advantage of this opportunity to inodernuie
youir kitchen. A sparkling, snow-white Electrochef
wiN transform the entire room, making it infinitely
brighter and more cheertul. Cooking with this up-to.
date stove is pleasanter and more convenient. Elec-
troehef makes cooking really a pleasure!
We repeat, these ranges may never again be available



After the Game



Stop for

Andy Clyde Comedy



Ruth Etting



I lack I


I D AD A A .V"T T&~T'1' XTr'AC




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