The Weather Snow or rain; colder; Satur- day snow flurries, colder. LLI 4 idd~.A&.At'itg au I I XOL XLIII No. 41 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOV. 11, 1932 * £WrkolvidM Kohier Slap sNo Legal Beer By Christmas,' At U- -Abbott Says; 'But In March-- HodingFirms In Union Talk Editor Traces Growth O Concerns; -Attributes It To Post-War Politics And Capitalistic Texts 'Glib Politician' His Term For Hoover Cites Samuel Insull And His Corporation As An Example; Hits Secrecy Of Their Operations Slashing out at public utility mag- nates of the Insll type as "pirates and holding companies as "monster we are now compelled to endure, Eric Kohler, editor of the Accounting Review magazine and former profes- sor of accounting at Northwestern University, called for "full, open frank publicity of every holding com- pany in the country" at a banquet in the Union concluding the eighth annual Michigan Accounting Confer- ence. "I like to think of a corporation,' said Mr. Kohler, "as emanating from the same source and from the same human 'needs as the church or the state-and that means the common man. His wants have created it; his wrath will destroy it." Traces Smith Mr. Kohler then traced the remark- able growth of public utility holding companies during the post-war years. He recounted how books favoring public utility holding companies were placed in public schools, how econo- mists were bought to protest against "putting the government in business" by federal regulatiqn of such com- panies. "'The savings '.of, consumers," he said, " were courtde y irgh poer salesmen in a desperate effort to re- capture public favor before regula- tive legislation should become ef- fective." "Glib phrases were placed in the mouths of practical politicians, as, for example, an indignant Hoover, who in 1925 said, there has been out- rageous exaggeration of the problem of probable extent of interstate power.'" Mr. Kohler charged that the hold- ing companies "utterly lacked rea- sonable standards,' and, surrounding themselves with a "curtain of mys- tery" engaged in innumerable dis- honest practices in a "maniacal urge to show profit." After detailing the record of the Mid-west Utilities Corporation, head- ed by Samuel Insull, and summariz- ing the objections to holding com- panies in general, the speaker insist- ed upon full publicity of holding com- panies' books. This, he said, would prevent many of the present prac- tices, for a "murderer will not kill in the glare of a spotlight." Paton Toastmaster Toastmaster at the banquet, for which entertainment was supplied by the University Glee Club, the Univer- sity String Trio, and the Vagabonds, was William Paton, of Ann Arbor. The arrangement committee was headed by F. E. Ross, also of Ann Ar- bor. Other speakers who addressed groups during the day were Clare Griffin, dean of the School of Busi- ness Administration, who talked on "Business Education in An Unstable World," George Bailey, whose subject was "Current Trends In Public Ac- counting," and Alexander Wall, who spoke about "The Importance of Be- ing Accurate." The address of wel- come was delivered at a luncheon for the members and their guests at the Union by President Alexander G. Ruthven. Sound Pictures Of Band To Be Made In Parade The first specially posed sound motion pictures ever made of the Varsity Band will be made today in a special drill at Ferry Field and in attempted photographs of the Armis- tice Day parade of city and Univer- sity military and civic units, it was announced last night. Present plans call for placing cam- eras and microphones on the route of the brief parade along two sides of the camnns this mornine. in attemnts. By GUY M. WHIPPLE, JR. E Horatio J. Abbott, Democratic na- tional committeeman, today had de- clared that "there won't be any legal beer or wine in this country by Christmas, but liquor is flowing like water, everywhere, anyway." "Legal beer by Christmas is news- f paper talk," he added. "No party could set the proper legislation in motion in that short length of time. S There will, however, be a modifica- tion of the Volstead act immediately after the Democratic party assumes power March 4. Modification will raise the legal alcoholic content of wine and beer, and Michigan is ready for that. The state repeal amend- ment paved the way." Investigation Underway Mr. Abbott said that a movement for investigation of Frank Fitzger- ald's amazing plurality in the race for the secretary of state post was now in progress, under the direction of Patrick O'Brien, newly-elected at- torney-general, and Michael J. Hart, of Saginaw, Michigan's only Demo- crat in the old House. Fitzgerald, , a Republican, ran 3,000 ahead of Burnette J. Abbott, Democrat, of Saginaw, while Gov. Wilber Brucker, Republican incumbent, was losing by close to 200,000 votes. He charged that Washtenaw's Re- publican majority was due largely Reeves Speech Is To Feature Program Today A r m i s t i c e Day Services Will Begin At 10:30 In Hill Auditoriumz Prof. Jesse S. Reeves, head of the1 political science department, will de- liver the principal address at theJ Armistice Day ceremonies to be held1 in Hill Auditorium this morning. He has announced that his topic will be, "Fourteen YeaSrs After." T. Te service will begin at pprox- mately 10:30, as soon as the parade, from the other side of the campus, beginning at 10 o'clock, reaches the Auditorium. The parade will be made 1 Because of the Armistice Day cere- monies there will be no classes in the University between 10 a. m. and noon today. Librairies, museums, and clinics will remain. open.1 up of members of the University R. O. T. C., the Varsity-R. O. T. C.a band and various Ann Arbor patriotic9 and ex-service organizations, led by Company K of the Michigan Nationalt Guard. The ceremonies are being spon- sored by the Army and Navy Club of Ann Arbor, the members of whichc will sit on the stage during the cere- monies, after first reviewing the pa-0 rade from the steps in front of theo Auditorium in conjunction with Pres-I ident Alexander G. Ruthven and 1 Mayor H. Wirt Newkirkof Ann Ar- bor. 'Denies Rumori Comedy Club3 Play To Close l_ P r e s i d e n t Characterizese 'Meet The Wife' As Not f A SalaciousStory e' Rumors that "Meet the Wife,"l Comedy Club's first production of the3 year which opened last night in the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre, may be n suppressed by the authorities werej indignantly denied last night bya Mary Pray, '34, president of the club.0 "Meet the Wife" has no situations L comparable to those in some of the productions of the Dramatic Festival last spring," she said. "It is impos- i sible that anyone should take excep- V tion to the comparatively innocuous d plot of this play." Ann Vernor, '35L, business manager d of the club characterized rumors as J "utterly ridiculous and unfounded in the light of Comedy Club's reputation P for cleanliness in the past. How such n a rumor could have started is impos- 1 sible to understand," she maintained. C The theatre was approximately three-fourths full for the first per- o formance last night, which was hailed e as quite a victory by the business J staff in nvernming the cnmnetitinn r "to the high number of transients in the sixth and seventh wards of Ann Arbor." A large percentage of these residents are members of the Michi gan faculty, Mr. Abbott said, and were not interested in local elections further than to journey to the poll and vote a straight Republican ticket. These votes, he said, "stole' the electoral power from persons in the rural precincts who were really interested in the local candidates Ypsilanti was also included in the "joker" precincts which made Wash- tenaw the white elephant of Michi- gan counties. "President Hoover was in a frenzy during the latter weeks of the cam- paign," Mr. Abbott asserted. "He really reached his height in his ac- ceptance speech, and was still ra- tional in Des Moines. From then on he became progressively worse, forced as he was to take the stump after the western invasion of Franklin D. Roosevelt. This action on the part of the President was a result of the in- competence of the cabinet campaign- ers, who failed to draw appreciable crowds." Predicts Economizing Comstock will lop the state payroll from one-quarter to one-half under his accession, Mr. Abbott averred. Under his regime present useless of- fices are to meet oblivion. Abbott said that, in his opinion, Al Smith could have any position in the new cabinet that he desired. He in- dicated that Smith might be the next secretary of the treasury. He believed that Newton D. Baker would prefer to stay in retirement, and referred to Secretary Stimson as the only mem- ber of the Hoover cabinet qualified to hold his post. He noted that three of the "unqualified" were graduates of the University of Michigan. Abbott said that the signs of eco- nomic recovery were unmistakeable, although rehabilitation would be gradual. Fenske Elected To HeadSenior Education Class Freshman Medics, Junior, Freshman Engineers, Business Seniors Vote Frederick C. Fenske was elected president of the senior education class at the election held yesterday afternoon. Junior and freshmen en- gineers and freshmen in the Medical School also held their elections yes- terday and Wednesday. Jean Berridge was chosen as vice- president of education class while Jean Bentley was given the position of secretary. Wallace Kuijala was chosen treasurer. Senior education' class committees will be announced soon, Fenske said, and all members of the class are urged to watch The Daily for announcements of class ac- tivities. Dalsimer Chosen . In the junior engineering elections, Phillip T. Dalsimer, was elected pres- ident over Virgil C. Williams by a vote of 102 to 21. Other candidates and their counts were for vice-presi- dent, Hack E. Salmon, 88, Garrison, 32; for secretary, Royal Peake, 74, William E. Lemen, 48; for treasurer, Kenneth 0. Campbell, 92, and Wil- iam S. McDowell, Jr., 20. Steinar Vaksdal was elected to the engineering honor committee. The first three of the following were elect- ed to the Engineering Council, Clar- ence F. Blanding, 102, Charles M. Nisen, 94, and Miss Clinton, 52, Wil- iam Morhoff, 37, Erwin G. Somogyi, 33 and Frederick W. Chapman, 15. Those elected to the J-Hop com- mittee from this class were David J. Burnett, 109, Albert E. Little, 100, and John S. Smart, 75. The defeated candidates were Cass, 30, Chapin M. Lowell, 27, and Harvey Nicholson, 19. Name Chapman Marvin Chapman was elected pres- dent of the freshman engineers Wednesday afternoon by 127 votes, defeating James Eyne who had 57. Robert Fox was chosen vice-presi- dent of the class by 104 votes with Jack Bishop, 83, trailing. The class secretary is to be Harold Mertz who got 92 against Meigs Bart- mess' 73. Howard Waldbridge with 112 won out for treasurer over Charles Strick and George Graves. John Mason was elecited president of the freshman medical class in the election held yesterday afternoon. John Eichorn was chosen vice-presi- dent a~ndJ .Thn Wnd was nicked fnr Pr ess C lub Norman Thomas Fails To Poll Lare Vote H earsT alk occording to Associated Press reports at press time last night n LNorman Thomas had polled 19,876 nu Ve l Votes in Michigan, with 1,698 pre- e B y 1/lae11 cincts out of 3,417 in, and had - piled up a national total of 453,- . 764 votes with 54,689 precincts out s President Stresses Need of 119,714 in. sFor Proper Orientation Of Incoming Students Roosevelt Says n* . Dr. Fisher Also On Cabinet Is Not Speaking Program Chosen As Yet Relates Tales Of The Men Denies Rumors That Any That He Has Met During Selections Are Or Will His Residence Abroad Be Made Now A varied program, consisting of 1talks by President Ruthven and Dr ALBANY, N. Y., Nov. 10.--01) - Frtlk b. rser Franklin D. Roosevelt, the newl Frederick B. Fisher, pastor of the elected President, sought tonight tc First Methodist Church, at the eve- quell for at least two months all spec- ning banquet, and discussions of the ulation over cabinet and other pros- economic situation at the afternoon pective federal appointments. session yesterday marked the first In a plainly worded, five-sentenced day's activity of the University Press statement which the President-elect Club of Michigan, meeting in Ann said came as an answer to "wholly Arbor this week for its fourteenth unauthorized rumors," he asserted annual convention, that no decision had been reached Lists Student Needs regarding any appointments and that Taking as his subject "Three none would be reached "for at least Thoughts on Education," President two months." Ruthven stressed the need of proper The statement came at the end of orientation for each student, prog- a day which he devoted principally ressive trainingandthorgh to state business, but nevertheless cooperation between instituggoing outside matters raised by his selec- Asserting that duplication of ef- Lion as the next President crowded fort has come out of the old system in upon him. of u n i t responsibility, President Mr. Roosevelt i,1,a press conference Ruthven said that the next step in a little earlier in the day had de- educational progress must be coord- clined to comment on a variety of ination of the schools. A unification reports, ranging from one that he of education to embrace all of the might stop in Washington on his way most important institutions in a to Warm Springs 10 days from now world wide program is the problem to confer with President Hoover to which our educators must now face, others that he intended to make a he said. trip to England between Jan. 1 and Dr. Fisher gave the final address Mar. 4. He said that his plans be- at the president's dinner on "Dy tween those two dates had not been namic Personalities I Have Met." formuated and friends of the gov- Spicing his remarks with bits of per- e" added that he did not contem- sonal reminiscence, he interpereted plate leaving the country. in interesting fashion the characters of Frederikard Kip-IPost Mortem s In lnanid MahjtmQGland.. Editorial Policies Urged Order As Election Opening the first session yesterday . afternoon, Schuyler L. Marshall, Excitement Passes president of the club and publisher of the Clinton pCounty Republican- The election is over. News, St. Johns, pointed to the need Two of the busiest centers of ac- editori re-establishment of newspaper tivity during the campaign, the head- editorial policies, aisings the re- quarters of the two parties, have uit of Truesday's elections, closed shop. Where the Democrats .The economic situation was dis- held sway campaign posters have cussed in the afternoon session by been torn down and the janitors have Clare E. Griffin, dean of the School made as clean a sweep of the place of Business Administration and Prof. as the Democrats did of the coun- I. L. Sharfman, of the department try. Tuomy and Tuomy, dealers in of economics. real estate, have again taken over the Three of the principal outside building they vacated to the Repub- speakers will be heard tomorrow. licans during the campaign. Paul Y. Anderson, who will speak in Republican leaders have been con- the morning, won the Pulitzer prize soling themselves with the fact that for reporting in 1928. Carl Magee, they captured all the county offices editor of the Oklahoma News, will but one. Del Pfrommer, publicity di- speak at the afternoon session at rector of the University Republican 2:30 p. in., and Waldemar Kaempf- club made his first public appearance fert, science editor of the New York on Wednesday morning in a State Times, will address the banquet in St. restaurant. He remarked that the the evening. whole thing was "cruel." He and other Republicans were the targets Michigan Graduate Is for countless taunts. All the ballots cast in the city dur- Elected To Mason Post ing the election are now sealed and locked in the ballot baxes placed in Jack Eliasohn, '32L, was elected a basement room of the city hall prosecuting attorney in Mason Coun- where they will be kept until 20 days ty Tuesday and is believed to be one before the next election or until some of the youngest prosecuting attorneys disappointed candidate demands a in the country, recount. Eliasohn's fraternity brothers at the Tau Delta Phi house told The RUSSIAN CLUB TO MEET Daily that he had been president of A business meeting of the Russian that house for two years and had I Student Club for 8 p. m. tonight in almost a 'B' record during his term the Michigan Union has been called in the Law School. by V. G. Prianishnikow, president. Yeats Describes Irish Literary Rebirth; Upholds Stage Realism By JOHN W. PRITCHARD others, the names of Lady Gregory, The picture of the rebirth of Irish John Synge, Lennox. Robinson, literature in the late nineteenth and Pierce, and Sean O'Casey. early twentieth centuries was color- fully painted last night by William William Butler Yeats emphatically Butler Yeats, Irish dramatic poet, denied, in an interview last night, 'Athat he was hostile to the realistic who spoke at Hill Auditorium as the tendency in the Irish drama of to- second lecturer in the Oratorical day. "On the contrary," he said, "I series. have always sought to further the Beginning with an outline of the movement, although my own ability history of Irish literature since the does not follow that line of creative sixteenth century, he traced the steps work." leading up to the dramatic renais- The very existence of the new sance about 1890, when he, Lady Irish Academy of Letters plays an Gregory, and John Synge organized important part in furthering the the Trish Theatre. Thev hegan with --at ~e of-ho am.. e