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November 10, 1932 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-11-10

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10, 1932


,, i

'_ocking Drill
:eatures Work
Of Wolverines
Practice, Forced Indoors,
Is Hampered By Laying
Of Basketball Floor
Petoskey Returns
Backfield Lines Up With
Petoskey, Westover, Fay
And Everhardus
Although greatly handicapped by
advere conditions yesterday, Coach
Kipke continued to drive his
ctball machine in preparation for
the Chicago game.
A hard driving rain soaked the
field, and made outdoor work impos-
sible, while the practice, which was
feld in the field house, was' greatly
ampered by the newly-laid basket-
,1 floor.
Blocking was again the major or-
der of the day. The varsity worked
um assauT eaiout uonu t M Ono
they had displayed last night, ripping
huge holes in a substitute line.
Cecil Cantrill returned to his post
at lft ;uard and acquitted himself
vtr peditbl as did Duke Mar-
t; c d at the other guard
as was absent
-:.ay, because
lassw o rk r;:">:
me Cantrill was
J1, recovering
om minor injur- f
s incurred ;d
anst Indiana.
\V an added fea- r
e of the block-
drill Coach
appy Cappon
Lk hiplace at MeI COVS VY
left tackle, but
n he was unable to stem the rush-
ide of the varsity backs
°d Petoskey was back at the full-
k post, but worked only lightly in
lie blocking practice. Herm Ever-
Aardus and Stan Fay occupied the
half-back posts, while Lou Westover
filled in at quarter, Newman having
school work.
Later in the day a picked squad of
Jayvees ran throughhChicago plays.
Jack Blott drilled the. "B" griders,
but the varsity was able to stop the
Maroon attack in a dummy scrim-
All men interested in freshman
track are asked to report to the field
house any afternoon this week.
Ken Doherty, Coach.
Freshman Backs
May Not Play In
Physical Ed Game
Sweet and Tripplehorn, outstand-
ing freshman gridders, may be kept
out of next Tuesday's game against
Coach Wally Weber's Physical Ed.
team by injuries received during the
past week.
Both the injured men are half-
backs. Sweet is almost definitely out
with a twisted arm while Triplehorn,
who is suffering from a severe char-
leyhorse, has been appearing at prac-.
tice in uniform but Coach Cliff Keen
may decide to keep him out to avoid1
running the risk of further injury.

Asked to name a tentative lineup
for the Physical Ed. game, Keen said
he wouldn't select a starting team
before next Monday, but did list
some of the men who have been out-
standing all year and are sure to see
action Tuesday. These were Muello
at end, Stone and Swanson at the
tackles, Wells at a guard and Schultz
at center. The latter, after showing
up extremely well in early practice,
suffered a neck injury and hasn't en-
tirely recovered.
Have Good Backfield
In the backfield the freshman
coaches have an abundance of good
material. Even without Sweet and
Tripplehorn they have Bolus and
Hahn, quarters, James and Wall-
bridge playing a blocking halfback
position, with Rhemus at full. The
latter is easily the most experienced
player on the squad, having played
regularly on a junior college team in
New York before enrolling here.
Interest in Tuesday's game is al-
ready running high, with both Wally
Weber and Cliff Keen jealously
guarding their plays from the enemy.
Keen said yesterday that while he
knows nothing about the strength of
the Physical Eds. he is sure that his
boys will give them a good fight.

Star Blocker


Stan Fay, key blocker of the Michi-
gan backfield, whose recent return
to the eleven has aided the Wolverine
running attack. In the capacity of
blocker as well as runner, Fay is ex-
pected to play a large part in the
offensive here this Saturday.
Surprise Showing
of Harrier Team
Settles Big Ten
The improved running of several
nembers of the team was responsible
Eor the spirited exhibition which
lead to the victory of the Michigan
harriers over Illinois and Ohio State
last Saturday at Columbus. Although
Michigan was conceded a slight
:hance to win, Illinois was chosen
as the team that would dispute the
Wolverine bid for victory most bit-
Most encouraging of all was the
showing of Capt. Doc Howell, who
finished seventh. His performance
was taken as an indication of his
return to form. Having recovered en-
tirely from the leg injury that ham-
pered him in the early part of the
season, his future performances will
depend largely on his physical con-
Independent Teams Play
Tie In Touch-Football
Independent' touch-football teams
have been putting on some interest-
ing and exciting games this fall.
Tuesday night in one of the games
neither the Untouchables nor the
Humpty Dumpties could score in two
overtime periods. The game was fin-
ally called on account of darkness.
The final score was 0-0. In the other
game of the evening the Dark Horses
scored two points to beat the Has

From the
By John Thomas
COACH KIPKE asked Herm Ever-'
hardus the other day if he ever
was home at night. He had come
over to Evie's rooming house and not
found him home. After this had hap-
pened several times he began to won-'
der. Also to complicate matters the
other football players that live in the'
same house were not in whenever
Kipke called.
Herm replied, "You should have
come over to the library. I had all
of them over there studying." Instead'
of becoming suspicious of his stars,
Coach Kipke seconded the motion
for Evie and his pals to continue
their nights out-if they would con-
tinue to study.
be admired for a great many
things but nothing more than his
complete honesty and fairness. In an
interview the other day he said that
Harry Newman was the most valu-
able player on the Michigan squad.
Red really believes what he said,
heart and soul.
* * *
JAMES KIRK, of Canton, Ohio, is
Ohio State's average football
player. He is 20 years old, six feet
tall, and weighs 185 pounds. This is
the average of the roster of nearly
70 players. We will determine Mich-
igan's average man soon for this col-
CHUCK DeBAKER sings as he re-
ceives passes. During practice
he was running down taking tosses
from Jerry Ford, reserve center, and
was singing, "Let's Turn Out the
Lights and Go to Sleep."
* * *
Now that national politics have
started on the downgrade of public
interest we will give you the straw
vote taken among the coaches, all of
whom favored Hoover. Auer, Kipke,
Yost, Johnstone, Weber, Fisher, Cap-
pon, Hoyt, Doherty, Blott, and Oos-
terbaan backed the defeated candi-
date unanimously.
FRED RATTERMAN, injured in the
first day of practice last year, is
back in uniform again. When he
came to Michigan he brought along
one of the best prep school football
reputations ever brought here but he
injured his knee in the first practice
and has been out ever since. Re-
cently he recovered from his second
operatibn on the injured linirb and is
back in uniform.
The Detroit News said that
Ratterman was one of the great-
est examples of a football player
with nerve. Although the Doc-
tors said definitely last year that
he would never play football or
basketball again, he has prac-

Hockey Squad In ter - Fraternity FALL DA
lleti c ed leU. of M. LEAGUE BALLROOM and PLATE, $1.75
To H a v e Six sponsored by Blue Triangle League --Any Style
nder Way Wednesday, Nov. 16, 1932 DAVIS & OBLINGER
Veterans Back W900U-W12:00ye, ocv. 1109-111E. rWashington St.
9:0-120 'cokPhone 8132 Second Floor
Of the seven Intramural athletic Tickets 40c each
events scheduled for the fraternities
Ice-hockey practice starts Monday during the fall season only one,
with the olverine squad looking' for- speedball, has been completed. Three
ward to big things this year. Mich- more, swimming, water polo, and vol-
igan lost only two of last year's squad ley ball, are well under way. Three
Captain Tompkins by graduation and more, handball, cross-country and
Joe Frumkes who was injured in an wrestling are scheduled for the near
automobile accident and could not future.
return to school. Six lettermen re- Twenty-five speedball teams have
turn to the ranks, these being Bill completed their schedules in the
Williams, Ted Chapman, and Gabor elimination tournament, the league Stands Out As
at defense with co-captains Keith winners being Alpha Kappa Lambda
Crossman, Emmet Reid, and George Upsilon, Theta Xi. Alpha
David at the forward positions. Ga- Deltars Ubilen Alha K a Lahad
bor was at school here four years Delta Phi, while Sigma Chi and
ago and was captain-elect the year he Delta Sigma Phi are tied. This tie
failed to return. game will be played off this evening.
Sophomores Look Good In the playoffs to determine the
Coach Ed Lowry has a good-look- champion Theta Xi met Alpha U
ing set of last year's freshman squad Kappa Lambda Tuesday and won the
back who intend to put up stiff com- game by a score of 6 to 5. The Thetas
petition for varsity jobs. Johnny Jew- will play the winner, of the Sigma
ell, a goalie, looks like the best pros- Chi-Delta Sigma Phi game.
pect for that position and according The dual swimming match reached
to Coach Lowry, is as good as last the quarter-finals after yesterday's Dress better. You can get fin Bench
year's captain Tompkins. The other matches. Water polo is also in the Made quality now at rices that meet
outstanding sophomores are Curtis, quarter-final stage. The annual vol-ap
Johnny Sherf, Doug McEachien, and leyball tournament has about 40 your 1932 budget. Hart Schaffner &
Tommy Stewart. teams entered in the competition.
The team has a well arranged , Handball competition starts on the Marx put 72 Bench Tailoring features
schedule with games against the Uni- 16th, the cross-country run is on the
versity of Western Ontario, Ontario 22nd, and wrestling comes on Dec. 7. found only in last Spring's $65 to $75
Aggies, Chatham, White Star, and suits, into the new Fall clothes priced
Toronto Universities besides the Con- National Hockey League
ference games. There are also ar- as low as $22.50. That's why you can
rangements being made for an East- Season To Open Today
ern trip this winter, but no schedule trust the Trumpeter label to gieyou
has been made as yet. NEW YORK, Nov. 9.-P)-Thelt
National Hockey League opens its more quay or ess.
ticed and practiced in an effort 1932-33 season tomorrow with every
to get back into good condition. prospect of a close and exciting race.
All last summer he swam one mile With the return of the Ottawa
and ran one mile everyday without Senators, nine clubs will be in the
missing even one. If his left leg ever battle and every one appears to have - SPECIAL -
does come around Michigan will have a good chance of winning one of the
another great quarterback. He gave six coveted berths in the playoffs for
an exhibition of drop-kicking last the Stanley Cup and the world's pro-
Tuesday that was the best seen here fessional championship next spring. o
yet this season. Tomorrow night's opening schedule
finds the New York Rangers oppos-
ANOTHER TROPHY has been re- ing the Montreal Maroons at Mon-
ceivedfrom Japan. A large solid treal; the Boston Bruins playing the
silver loving cup, approximately 15 Toronto Maple Leafs at Toronto; and
inches high, mounted on a black Chicago's Blackhawks battling the
wood block, and enclosed in a blue Detroit Red Wings at Detroit. C n i & e h r e
silk-lined case, arrived with the in- On Saturday the other three en- 118 E. Washington Downtown
scription which reads, "To the Uni- tries, Montreal Maroons, Ottawa and
versity of Michigan Baseball Team Montreal Canadiens will begin their
from Waseda University, 1932." seasons.

'I |
Service and Souvenirs for the children. Free guessing con-
test on football games. Free Manicure with all haircuts.
$3.00 ia Trade for $2.40

1+1!£ WAN'D' "
-IR cc'i
We-P opm 4OUR
\ i) llARIJ-V rorr
I~\\ uI
1Fom 'C

Kepler Mills, 7-0
G. G. Could, 7-0
615 E. Liberty (Near Mich. Theatre)

Harry J. Pellinger, 7-0
S. O. Goldsmith, 7-0
Glenn Lichty, Prop.

One Man Tells


, +



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