The Weather
Rain or, snow today and Fri-
day; colder.
011e igar
Two Political Reforms
Late Returns
Show Fall Of
R ep ublicans
Through State
Comstock Takes Brucker
Strongholds In Running
70,000 Vote Margin;
Roosevelt Lead 105,000
Wet Amendment
Is Given Approval
Entire Republican Slate
Crumbles With Possible
Exception Of Fitzgerald
For Secretary Of State
DETROIT, Nov. 9.-(P)-Almost
complete returns from Tuesday's
election marked a path of Republi-
can wreckage from one end of the
state to the other.
Gov. Wilber M. Brucker was de-
feated for re-election bst William A.
Comstock. The latter, who three
times before had aspired unsuccess-
fully to the office, ran away from the
incumbent in counties normally re-
garded as Republican strongholds.
Comstock's lead hovered around the
70,000 mark with the prospect it
might grow.,
For the first time in Michigan his-
tory a Democratic presidential can-
didate was given a majority over a
Republican. Franklin D. Roosevelt's
lead over President Hoover was more
than 105,000.
The complete state Republican
slate, with the possible exception of
Frank D. Fitzgerald, secretary of
state, crumbled under the Democratic
attack. Fitzgerald was in a desper-
ate fight which may require counting
almost the last ballot to decide..
DETROIT, Nov. 9.-)-The bone
dry clause in the state constitution
has been repealed by an overwhelm-
ing majority on the basis of returns
from nearly two-thirds of the pre-
cincts tonight.
The proposal to limit taxes on real
estate to $15 per $1,000 of valuation
seemed to be losing. In 1,992 precincts
the vote was 349,888 for and 399,720
against. An amendment to accept
homesteads to the amount of $3,000
was hopelessly snowed under by a
nearly two-to-one vote.
Reapportionment of the legislative
districts on a purely population basis
in the 'house, with the retention of
existing senatorial districts, provided
a. tug-of-war. With 1,991 precincts
heard from the vote was 340,694 for
and 333,908 against. Two amend-
ments dealing with voters' qualifica-
tions, one permitting citizens to vote
after 20 days residence in a city with-
out regard to ward boundaries and
another limiting the vote on bond is-
sues and public expenditures to tax-
payers were sailing to adoption. Both
had substantial leads. In 1,962 pre-
cincts there was a vote of 334,055 for
and 351,459 against an amendment to
take from the governor his power to
grant clemency to first degree mur-
A two-to-one vote was registered
against the state law proposing a li-
cense tax on dealers and manufac-
turers of oleomargarine. In 1,950 pre-
cincts there were 201,874 for and
470,577 against.
Parade, Talk
Will Feature
Armistice Day
Ruthven, Newkirk Review
Troops; Other Local
Organizatio s Assist
Armistice Day, Novem~ber 11, will
be fittingly celebrated with the an-
nual parade sponsored by the various
patriotic organizations of the Uni-
versity and of Ann Arbor, which will
begin at 10 a. m.
The units that are to take part in
the parade will form at the intersec-
tion of East and South University
Avenues and will march along East
and North University Avenues to Hill
Auditorium where the principal cere-
monies will be held.
The order of march will be in the
following sequence: Company K,
Michigan National Guard, the Var-
_.?i._ e".. r t~r /'Y _.i.. , t1.w T~ .s°"e c
Votes Democratic
This Associated Press telephoto shows President-elect Franklin D.
Roosevelt, Mrs. Roosevelt and son, Elliott, when they visited the polls
at Hyde Park, N. Y., near the Roosevelt home. The governor pulled
the lever of the voting machine on row A, which meant a straight
Democratic ticket.
0-- ~ ~ - - - - - - ~ - - -
Major Edwards
Gives Out New
Perkinson Is Selected As
Cadet - Major; Captains
Chosen From Seniors
Appointment of commissioned and
noncommissioned officers of the Re-
serve Officers' Training. Corps has
been completed,according to a gen-
eral order issued by Major Basil D.
Edwards, commanding officer of the
local unit. Oscar T. Perkinson, '33,
has been selected as Cadet-Major in
command of the entire battalion.
As Captains the department has
made the following appointments:
Clarence H. Allen, Owen K. Brown,
Natale Cancila, Emerson F. Com-
stock, Paul H. Eason, Harold P. Hes-
ler, Jorge J. Jimenez, MacLellan L.
Johnston, Allen H. Keally, Cyrenus
P. Koozuck, Louis J. Ottoman, James
B. Townsend-Sutton, Fracis D.
Townsend, and Louis O. Walton.
Staff Captains are Donald E. Knight,
Russel D. Oliver, and Walden A. Sun-
dell. All of these men are seniors
in the department.
First lieutenants are: Hugh L. Ba-
ker, Edward Bergman, Harry R.
Breniser, DeElton J. Carr, John G.
Cherry, Jerry M. Gruitch, Frazer F.
Hilder, Louis L. Horton, Louis J.
Klinge, William E. Langen, Don W.
Lyon, Edward Lividais, Taylor D.
Lewis, Robert C. Mair, Paul A. Rauff,
Charles K. Rhed, John N. Seaman,
and Stuart Williams, who also are
seniors in the department.
The men who have been appointed
Second Lieutenants are: William D.
Allison, Harvey C. Bauss, Richard F.
Becker, Paul R. Bergman,Lyman D.
Rothwell, Herbert H. Brodkin, A.
Kyle Brumbraugh, Ray H. Brundige,
Vaughn H. Christensen, Paul J. Fir-
ring, Charles R. Gibson, William F.
Gleason, George S. Keller, Howard
M. Lamb, C. Lehvinne, Donald S.
McKenzie, Bruce H. Maddock, and
Leland M. Morse.
Willis R. Munger, John D. Neal,
Carl W. Nelson, Leon Patt, Myron H.
Paul, Maurice A. Pettibone, Louis Op-
penheim, George Reynolds, Her
Roosa, Myron M. Ruby, Harold G.
Seamans, Walter Simmons, Phillip N.
Vasil, Howard Verbridge, and Arthur
H. Wilson. This completes the list of
(Continued on Page 2)
Varsity Debaters Will
Meet In Initial Contest
Four Varsity debaters will meet for
the first forensic contest of the year
in the instruction radio debate to be
broadcast over the University Broad-
casting Service and station WJR at
2 p. m. today. The debate is intended
primarily as a guide for members of
the Michigan High School DebatinA
League and will be on their subject,
"Resolved: That the State of Mich-
igan Should Adopt a State Income
Tax." . .
County Election
Returns Show
G. 0. P. Majority
State Editors
Open Meeting
Three Day Convention Of
Press Club Featured By
Outstanding Speakers
Ruthven To Speak
At Evening Dinner
Schuyler Marshall To Give1
President's Address At
First Session Of Club
The fourteenth annual convention
of the University Press Club of Mich-
igan opens in Ann Arbor today.
Schuyler Marshall, of St. John, pres-
ident of the organization, will deliver
the first address at 2:30 p. in., open-
ing a three day program of talks and
discussions of problems connnected
with newspaper work.
The feature of the first day's ac-
tivity will be the president's dinner
in the evening, given in honor of the
club by the regents of the University.
President Ruthven will speak on
"Three Thoughts on Education." Dr.
Frederick B. Fisher will also address
the club, taking as his subjet "Mena
and Events."
To Discuss Economic Outlook
The afternoon session will be de-
voted to a consideration of the eco-
nomic situation, with talks on "The
Background of the Present Depres-
sion" by Clare Griffin, dean of the
school of business administration,
and on "The New Economic Outlook"
by Prof. I. L. Sharfman, of the eco-
nomics department.
On Friday the convention will
swing into a full program of activity
in which the delegates will hear four
of the principal outside speakers, sev-
eral members of the University fac-
ulty, and will attend a reception and
theatre party in the evening. A one-
act political farce will be presented
at the Laboratory Theatre undet. the
direction of Mr. Valentine B. Windt.
This play, entitled "The Mayor's
Husband," was written especially for
the occasion.
Newspapermen to Speak
Paul Y. Anderson, Washington
correspondent for the St. Louis Post
Dispatch, will speak Friday morning
of "The Press and Government," Carl
Magee, editor of the Oklahoma News,
Friday afternoon on "Newspapers
and Reform," and Waldemar Kaemp-
ffert, science editor of the New York
Times, at the Friday evening banquet
on "Science and the Newspaper." Ed-
gar A. Guest will give readings at the
The president's dinner this evening
will be at 6 p. m. in the Union. Music
will be furnished by Miss Thelma
Newall, violinist, and Miss Louise
Nelson, pianist, both of the faculty
School of Music. Shirley W. Smith,
vice-president and secretary of the
University, will be toastmaster. Miss
June O. Warsaw, '34, only woman
member of the International Society
of Magicians, will give a demonstra-
tion of magic.
200 Delegates Expected
Over 260 editors and newspaper-
men in the state of Michigan are ex-
pected to register for the convention
this morning, the registration taking
place at the Union. All sessions of
the club are open to the public with
the exception of the two banquets,
the theatre party, and the reception.
Comedy Club.
To Give First
'Meet The Wife' Is Called
As Good Comedy As Any
Given In Ten Years
Russel McCracken
Is Directing Show
Pribil And Johnson Have
Leading Roles, Parker
In Charge Of Settings
"'Meet the Wife," Comedy Club's
first production of the year will open
tonight in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre. Russell McCracken, who
has worked with the Michigan Reper-,
tory Players for several seasons and I
is now on the staff of Play Produc-
tion is directing the show.
"This play is as good a light com-
edy as has been given in the last ten
years," McCracken said last night.
"Paul Osborn undoubtedly was ac-
quainted with this play and got some
ideas from it when he wrote 'The
Vinegar Tree."
"The Vinegar Tree' was presented
in Ann' Arbor last spring by the
Dramatic Festival company. "Osborne
wrote the play especially for Mary
Boland to present some years ago
in New York," McCracken said.
Good Demand For Tickets
Ticket sales for Friday and Satur-
day night are very good, the business
manager reported last night, and
there are a few choice seats left for
the opening tonight. All seats in the
theatre are fifty cents.
Maxwell Pribil, '34, is to play the
male lead in the show, opposite Fran-
ces Johnson, '33. Other players are
Donald Brackett, '34, Mary Pray, '34,
Robert Hogg, '34, Jack B. Nestle, '33,
Virginia Roberts, '35, and William
Rodes, '33.
The -ettings for the production
have been executed by Orrin Parker,
'33. Marian Heald, '33, and William
Rodes, '33, have had charge of col-
lecting the properties.
To Hold Tryouts Next Week
Tryouts will be held for Comedy
Club -some time next week, Mary
Pray, '34, president, announced last
night. The time of the tryouts and
the form they will take will be de-
cided at a meeting of the club to be
held on Wednesday at 4 p. m.
O'Brien Named
Mayor Of N. Y.;
Breaks Record
NEW YORK, Nov. 9.-V)-Surro-
gate John P. O'Brien (Dem.) was
elected mayor by a plurality of 616,-
736 on the basis of complete returns,
breaking the record James J. Walker
set with a half million in 1929.
O'Brien polled a total of 1,055,768
votes, to 439,032 for Lewis H. Pounds,
Republican, and 248,425 for Morris
Hillquit, Socialist. /
A huge vote registered for Joseph
V. McKee, who has been mayor since
Walker resigned Sept. 1 in the
course of a removal hearing before
Gov. Roosevelt, surprised most ob-
servers in view of the difficulties con-
fronting his supporters.
Of The Few Counties
State Failing To Join
Roosevelt Landslide
I Irish DramatistI
Yeats To Talk
(xx. r-
{e rY'euSi$}ivr}v.+rv:}.
On 'Th Iris
Appearance Wecomed By
Lovers Of L iter atur e;
Entertainment Planned
William Butler Yeats. Irish drama-
tic poet who will lecture at 8 p. m.
today in Hill Auditorium on "The
Irish Renaissance," last - week open-
ed his latest play in New York City
on the very heels of organization
Lwor n the new Irish Academy of
Mr. Yeats, who will speak tonight
in the Oratorical Association Lec-
ture Series, is co-organizer of the
academy with George Berniard Shaw.
Entertainment Planned
The appearance of the -poet here
tonight is hailed as a welcome pre-
sentation by the English department
of the faculty, which may be said to
speak for all the lovers of literature
in Ann Arbor. Last night it was
learned that arrangements were be-
ing attempted by the department to
entertain the poet Iduring his short
visit here. He stayed last night in
Detroit, and will arrive in Ann Arbor
this afternoon.
"The Appearance," Etc.
"Certain Irish writers of the young-
er generation," the poet-plarg
tol rish newssapeen"astfewwpeeks
ago, "have asked Mr. Bernard Shaw
and myself to assist in the founding
of an Irish Academy of Letters. Our
newspapers, absorbed in politics, give
little attention to literature, our Gov-
ernment attends to it so much that
it has established a censorship which
has banned one of the best Irish
novels since Miss Edgeworth, Mr.
Liam O'Flaherty's 'The Puritan.'"
forte ersovitedr
Invitainsth oi'ngths society have
not been confined to Irish writers.
Such foreigners as George Moore,
Eugene O'eil James Joyce, Lord
Dunsany, and araic C um haver
been asked to become founder mem-
hers. o
The poet, an exponent of the mys-
terious and symbolical as opposed to
the realistic in drama and literature,
was co-organizer with Lady Gregory
of the Abbey Theatre i Dublin, and
has been a central figure in the Irish
literary renaissance since its begin-
ings in the last decade of the nme-
teenth century. In addition to his
contributions ir the literary fiterd
(which followed initial work as a
painter), he has been active in Irish
Vote For Class
Officers Today
Roosevelt Has
Decided Upon
New Cabinet,
It Is Rumored
Victor Would Like Help
Of All In 'This Happy
Task' Of Restoration;
Thanks Independents
Smith, Howe, And
McIntyre Named
Staff May Include A Jew,
A Woman, A Catholic
In Aim To Harmonize
Elements Of The Party
WASHINGTON, Nov. 9.-(P)-An-
ticipating the burdensome duties that
will be his after March 4, Franklin
D. Roosevelt has let Congressional
leaders know we will devote much of
the next four months to intensive ef-
forts to weld an efficient organism
to effect the Democratic program.
At the same time, the President-
alect plans to carry ahead his con-
Sultations with experts on interna-
tional and national finance, industry
and agriculture; with a view to form-
ulating definite projects as well as
seeking cohesion of endeavor regard-
less of party lines.
The victor said in a message to the
'ountry today, that the people believe
there is a great possibility of "'order-
ly recovery through a well-conceived
and actively directed plan of action."
Asks Help of All
"I pledge you this," he declared,
"and I would like your help, the help
of all of you, in the happy task of
restoration." The country having
been so dominantly Republican since
the Civil War, his tremendous margin
was only by virtue of support from
independents of that party. Roosevelt
reiterated it openly.
Rumors reached Washington days
ago that, if elected, the New York
governor would announce almost at
once at least one or two of his cab-
inet appointments. The treasury and
commerce portfolios were mentioned,
the point being raised that business
would be wanting to know just what
to expect as to those key positions.
As usual, a plentiful array of
names has entered into the conjec-
turing. For the treasury or commerce
assignments, Owen D. Young, Melvin
Traylor, Bernard Baruch and Jesse I.
Strauss of New York have been men-
As. the final returns from the,
Washtenaw county election came yes-,
terday with the report of the count
in the township of Pittsfield made;
at 3 p. m., it was discovered that the
county had gone Republican by a,
small margin, one of the few coun-
ties in the state failing to join whole-
heartedly in the Roosevelt landslide.
The gain in the Democratic vote in
this normally strong Republican sec-
tor was significant.
One Republican Loses
The county reported majorities for,
President Hoover, Governor Brucker
and the entire state ticket in addi-
tion to electing the whole county;
G.O.P. slate with the exception of
one candidate. Majorities also were
given Representative Earl Michener
and Andrew Moore, Republican can-
didate for the state senate. The one
Republican office-holder who met de-
feat was Claramon L. Pray, county
clerk, who lost to Harry Atwell, Dem-
ocrat, by the slender margin of 37
votes. The Pittsfield precinct decided
the vote on this office, giving Atwell
a four vote lead.
County Goes Democratic
The final count on local offices was
as follows: Probate judge, J. G. Pray,
(Republican) 14,716; Murray (Dem-
ocrat), 13,148. Prosecutor, Rapp (Re-
publican), 15,016; Cavanaugh (Dem-
ocrat), 12,663. Sheriff, Andres (Re-
publican), 16,88 6; Pommerening
(Democrat), 10,482. County clerk, C.
L. Pray (Republican), 13, 875; Harry
Atwell (Democrat), 13,912. Treasur-
er, Frank Ticknor (Republican), 15,-
184; Braun (Democrat), 12,477. Reg-
ister of deeds, John S. Cummings
(Republican), 14,449; Frank Stamp-
fier (Democrat), 13,470. Drain com-
missioner, Cornelius Tuomy (Re-
publican), 15,366; Daniel Sutton
(Democrat), 12,092. Circuit Court
commissioners, Hooper (Republican),
15,239; Brown (Republican), 14,582;
Conlin (Democrat),. 13,311; Whit-
ker (Democrat), 12,643.
Crusaders Confident Of'
State Prohibition Repeal
Repeal of the state prohibition laws
following the repeal of the constitu-
tional provision was predicted yester-
day by Beach Conger, Jr., '32, re-
search director of The Crusaders in
Detroit. He also pointed out that
modification of the Volstead Act to
permit the manufacture of beer is
very probable.
"The results of the election on the
Michigan repeal question surpassed
all expectations," Conger declared.
"So many counties out-state that had
long been considered dry gave
amendment No. 1 so large a majority
4.- -4. -U-mia i n n
Pollock Says German Election
Shows Hostility To Von Papen
Smith Is Mentioned
Alfred E. Smith has been mention-
ed along with many others for one
or another of the 10 posts.
Names that have gone the rounds
in Albany and Washington include
Newton D. Baker, Norman H. Davis,
Gov. Albert C. Ritchie, of Maryland,
and George Dern, of Utah; Sen. John
S. Cohen, and Clark Howell, Atlanta
publisher; former Governors James
M. Cox of Ohio, and Harry F. Byrd
of Virginia; Senators Thomas J.
Walsh of Montana and Joseph T.
Robinson of Arkansas; John W. Da-
vis, Jesse Jones of Texas; Prof. Felix
Frankfurter of the Harvard law
school; James A. Farley, who man-
aged the victor's pre-convention and
election campaigns; Miss Frances
Perkins, labor commissioner in New
Marvin H. McIntyre, of this city,
also a former newspaperman and an
intimate associate of the governor,
may also be a part of the future
White House staff. He was in per-
sonal charge of the Roosevelt special
trains during the campaign touring.
Among the predictions made by
friends of the President-elect has
been that his cabinet circle would in-
clude a woman, a Catholic and a Jew.
The purpose ascribed in these pri-
vate assertion was to harmonize ele-
ments in the party insofar as each
such appointment could do so, with a
view to their combined effect in Con-
Senior elections in the School of
Business Administration will be held
from 5:00 to 5:45 p. m. in room 206,
Tappan Hall today. Seniors are re-
quired to bring their identification
Candidates must present eligibility
slips to run for office.
The Michigan Daily takes this
opportunity to remind you that
4,1. . - 7 4 u ..^ . . T
In an interview yesterday, Prof.
James K. Pollock, of the political
science department, made the follow-
ing observations on the German elec-
tions of last Sunday.
"In the first place," he said, "the
German people have again expressed
their overwhelming opposition to the
existing von Papen-von Schleicher
government. Eighty-five per cent of
the members of the new Parliament
are hostile to the present regime, and
if permitted to do so will repeat the
vote of no confidence which was
given in the preceding Reichstag but
which was later circumvented by a
dissolution of that body.
"The Government has made the
point that its support has increased,
but of what consequence is it when
the Government still finds itself in
tion,' but in the light of the returns
from the last two elections, this claim
is a joke.
"A second observation that may be
made about the German elections,"
Professor Pollock continued, "is that
the power of the Hitlerites has been
slightly reduced. This party now pos-
sesses thirty-three per cent of the
seats in the new Reichstag whereas
in the previous Reichstag it held
thirty-seven per cent. This small de-
crease in their popular support con-
firms the opinion which was express-
ed after the previous election, that
Hitler had reached the apex of his
power and would henceforth grad-
ually decline in strength. He has
ceased to be looked upon as a Saviour
and now becomes merely a party
t61 4 .l _ '.e _r- 0 vn'Gt![.
Junior engineers will go to the
polls today to elect class officers and
J-Hop representatives at 10 a. m. in
room 348 W. Engineering building.
The combined party will run Phil-
lip Dalsimer for president; Jack Sal-
mon, vice president; Royal Peake,
secretary; Denneth Campbell, treas-
urer; Steinar Vaksdal, honor council;
C. F. Blanding and Charles Nisen,
engineering council; Joy Burnett, Al-
bert Little and Stuart Smart, J-Hop
An attempt to organize a Washte-
naw-Independent party failed last
night when two of the candidates
nominated on the ticket refused to
run. Without approaching the can-
didates, the party named Louis West-
over and William Hanway for the
offices of president and vice presi-
dent. Westover said last night that