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November 09, 1932 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-11-09

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Established 1890

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which have proved advantageous and to cast out
the dross. The new President, in fact, will be
classed as "great" at the end of his four years;
he will not be known as a horrid word.
We base this opinion on past records. In the
course of the nation's history, there have been
few Presidents who have proved inadequate, de-
spite the effluvium of mire that has been cast
at them during the preceding campaign. Further-
more, a President who brings the nation out of a
serious crisis is forever covered with glory and
At the time this editorial was written, complete
returns were not in; the election was still uncer-
tain. If Roosevelt becomes the new President, he
is certain to bring America out of the crisis; his
past record shows competency and a complete
grasp of national affairs. But if Hoover is re-
elected, we can make exactly the same statement.
Both men, in other words, are competent to
handle the job. Which is the more efficient will
be shown soon enough. Meanwhile, we reiterate,
all credit to the new President; he will be a great
man four years from now.

-5 7
blished every morning except Monday during the
ersity year and Sumner Session by the Board in
trop of Student Publicationl-s
mber of the Western Conoreact -Editorial Assoela-
and the Big Ten News 3:)(,f.
e Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use
'epublication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
ished herein. All rvights of republication of special
%tches are reserved.
tered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
ad clas matter, Special rate of postage granted by
d. Assistant Postmaster-.General,
bscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mall,
. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by



Offies;rStudent Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
Representatives: College Publishers Representatives,
nc., 40 East Thirty -Fourth2Street, New York City; 80
Boylston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue,
Telephone 4925
NIGHT EDITORS: Thomas Connellan, Norman F. Kraft,
John W. Pritchard, C. Hart Schaaf, Braekley Shaw,
Glenn R. Winters.a
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Fred A. Huber, Albert Newxaq
REPORTERS: Hyman J. Aronstam, A. Ellis Ball, Charlea
G. Barndt, James Bauchat, Donald R. Bird, Donald I:r
Blankertz, Charles B. Brownson, Albert L. Burrows.
Arthur W. Carstens, Ralph G. Coulter, Robert Engel,
William G, Ferris, Eric H-all, John C. Healey, Robert B.
Hewett, George M. Holmes, Walter E. Morrison, George
Van Vieck, Guy M. Whipple, Jr., W. Stoddard White.
Eleanor B. Blum, Louise Crandall, Carol J. Hannan
Frances Manchester, Marie J. Murphy, Margaret C.
Phalan, Katherine Rucker, Marjorie Weston, Harriet
Telephone 2-1214
DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Advertising, Grafton Sharp;
Advertising Contracts, Orvil Aronson; Advertising Serv-
ice, Noel Turner; Accounts, Bernard E. Schnacke; Cir-
culation, Gilbert E. Bursley; Publications, Robert E.
ASSISTANTS: Theodore Barash, Jack Bellamy, Gordon
Boylan, Charles Ebert, Jack Efroymson, Fred Hertrick,
Joseph Hume, Allen Knuusi, Russell Read, Lester Skin-
ner,, Joseph Sudow and R~obert Ward.
Betty Aigler, Doris Gimmy, Billie Griffiths, Dorothy
Laylin, Helen Olson, Helen Schume, May Seefried,
Kathryn Stork.
Fire The Republican -
.Editors Of. The Free Press?

Student FHe,,alth
On a "carefree" campus such as this, feet be-
come of great importance. In fact, they fre-
cuently insist upon attention in most painful and
insistent ways; for no foot is going to let itself be
put into too tight or too short a shoe without
many grumbles and occasionally even "yips" of
pain. While the foot is of flexible structure of
twenty-six bones, held together by muscles and
ligaments, it has limits of compression beyond
which it refuses to exist quietly and unprotest-
The arches of the feet may be at the basis of
many a revolt. The arch between the heel and
the forepart of the foot is the longitudinal arch.
Across the ball is another which is known as the
anterior arch. In a foot with good arches,
whether they are high or low, the toes fall straight
ahead in standing and walking. The great toe
acts as a lever and the four small toes rest on the
ground as though clinging, not crowded or over-
In covering up the foot the stockings or socks
are of first importance. Foot deformities may
result from short socks as well as from short
shoes. They should be one-fourth to one-half
inch longer than the foot if it is to be completely
But shoes are the feet's great oppressors. For
walking purposes, a shoe should have a straight
inner line, a broad roomy toe and be at least one-
fourth to one-half inch longer than the foot. An
excellent way to judge the length of a shoe is to
check it with an outline of the bare foot drawn
while standing. Short shoes are the cause of bun-
ions, many cases of sore heels and many corns.
The important point about such conditions is that
prevention is much easier than treatment. After
a bunion has once formed it may be painful in a
well fitted shoe and there is no way to do away
with its ungainly appearance except by an opera-
When it comes to the ladies, we find them
further maltreating their feet by high-heeled
shoes. For walking purposes, high heels should be
out, both from the standpoint of health and that
of good taste. The high heel puts an additional
burden upon the anterior arch, weakens the whole
foot, and increases the lordosis or sway back. Al-
together it causes much discomfort and pain but
personal demonstrations are usually the most
convincing proof of that statement.
-Health Service

the Michigan Union. In the story prominence
is given to the statement that "no cases of stuf-
fing or dishonesty were reported. Let me state
that I presented The Daily at 10:30 p. m. on
Wednesday, Nov. 2, with one case of ballot stuf-
fing that I personally witnessed at the hands of
two individuals whose identity is known to the
editor of The Daily. When the story was first
presented to the the reporter by phone he con-
.sidered it a scoop of sufficient importance to get
the story at first hand in The Daily offices. For
reasons known only to the editor and the two
persons who stuffed the ballot box nothing was
published. It can be stated fairly that when it
was learned that one of them was a fraternity
brother of the editor's, an entirely different atti-
tude was shown. Further, the editor stated to
me that he could do nothing because of the
affiliation. Instead, The Daily, impelled by mo-
tives which I brand to be anti-social published
the lie quoted above. When I asked the editor
if he would retract the statement publicly, he
refused, justifying his action on the ground that
one of the persons (the fraternity brother) ad-
mitted to him that he had stuffed the ballot box.
The edtior further justified his stand on ithe
excuse that he, as a counter, subtracted the
ballots from the total of the candidate for whom
the ballots were marked.
It is my purpose to make clear that, contrary
to The Daily, the poll was fraudulent to the
extent that it printed a deliberate falsehood in
the face of the contrary evidence that I present-
ed. The attitude of The Daily on this whole
matter was clearly set forth when some 40 people,
interested in a truthful campus press, followed
me to The Daily office demanding a retraction
of the lie. The whole affair, The Daily thought,
was "too trivial," and besides The Daily "could
not admit the weakness of a function which it
sponsored," and anyway, "no paper in the country
prints retractions."
Certainly we can question the policy of oir
)aily for preferring to let stand a deliberate false-
hood offered under the guise of accuracy, pre-
tending to print the facts and afraid to admit
its misstatement of fact-too cowardly to admit
that any function of its instigation could be any-
thing but a system of perfection, for it said that,
"the identification card system worked per-
I appeal to the students and the faculty that
we have a right to expect-and demand if it is
not forthcoming-a really free press on this
campus. We have a right to expect a retraction
of the "triviality" from a Daily, some of whose
staff members sneer at the concept of an unbiased

It's a good number
to keep in mind.
You'll want it
if you've
r1 book, or key
or fountain pen,
then if you've
by chance
a coat, a badge,
or hat
will help to find the
owner. But that isn't
all If you would
like to
a room, or have one
rented, the same little
number will do it.
A lot of other things
too . .. try it
Mich ignn

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and Allied Subjects

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Phone 7831 17th Year State & William Sts.
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Admission 50c and 75e
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Zeldor S. Cohen, '33



.._.__. m __ ___-- ___


Screen Reflections


- W E URGE that the Republican edi-
tors of the Detroit Free Press be
.discharged at once i
If the editors of the Free Press do not under-
'tand the political situation in this country, they
,are grossly ignorant and not fit to be in charge
of a publication that might influence the voters.
if they understand the political situation and in
spite of their knowledge urge the election of Mr.
4Ioover, they ought to have their heads and ante-
cedents examined. Something is seriously wrong
'with them, intellectualy or ethically.
Of course our stand is preposterous. The edi-
ors of the Free Press may understand the poli-
ical situation and may be highly intelligent and
still support the Republicans. At any rate, no one
would question their right to attempt to influence
the voters.
We should feel called upon to apologize to the
Free Press for our strong -language if we were
not repeating their own words.
In an editorial in that paper on Nov. 4, discuss-
ing the faculty poll conducted by The Daily and
the Union, the following statement is made in ref-
erence to the faculty members who voted for
William Z. Foster:
"If the seven faculty members who went 'Red'
do not understand this (that Foster is an agent
of Moscow) they are grossly ignorant and are not
fit to be instructors in an institution of higher
learning. If they do understand it, and in spite
of their knowledge voted for Mr. Foster, and pre-
sumably are trying to influence others, in his
favor, they ought to haye their heads and ante-
edents examined. Something is seriously wrong
with them, intellectually or ethically,"
We feel that the Free Press editors would be
anong the first to object to any attempted cen-
oring of the press. Why, then, if they are cham-
0ions of freedom of the press, do they condemn
reedom of thought at the University? We are
stounded at their inconsistency!
While we are not In sympathy with Mr. Foster
r his party, at the same time, we recognize the
act that scholars of the subject admit that there
re some worthy principles in the Communist
latform. The seven professors might well be
egistering a protest vote in the hope that some7
f& the better principles might be embodied into
he platforms of the major parties.,
But the Grand Rapids Herald goes even farther3
han the Free Press in urging an investigation of
he situation "by President Ruthven and perhapss
he Board of Regents."
Our only answer to this is that such an investi-
ation would be a violation of the rights embodied
i the spirit, of, our democracy. A voter, whether <
e be a college professor or laborer in a giantr
utomobile factory such as Henry Ford's has the C
ight to vote for whom he sees fit; he is noti
.~i~~aA f^ ianv nn f+r ' his ,hnijc- his s

Four stars means a super-picture; three stars very
good; two stars good; one star just another picture;
no stars keep away from it.
The Boy .................. Harold Lloyd
The Girl .......... Constance Cummings
The Villain .......... Kenneth Thomson
An Actor.... ...Constantine Romanoff
If you like Harold Lloyd you are bound to
chortle over his newest offering, the first made
by the be-spectacled comedian . in almost two
years. It appears to be the cleverest of the com-
edies to date, dealing with movie crazed young
people. But, on the other hand, you may have
become tired of this kind of humor. Coming as
it does on top of "Once In A Lifetime," there
may not be much desire to see it.
Harold Lloyd again goes through all the fright-
ened and wistful antics that have stamped him
as one of our foremost comedians, and, wisely,
by not releasing a picture too often, avoids making
his style of humor tedious. And another excellent
feature of the movie is the fight put on by Lloyd
and that talented 'heavy,' Kenneth Thomson, who
appears to advantage in almost any role, especially
this one.
Another clever bit is the Spanish vamp, but to
reveal her identity would be to spoil one of the
outstanding features of the picture. The entire
movie is made up of clever effects, such as these;
hence, if you're, in an election day frenzy, take
your mind off of it by going "Movie Crazy."
-F. A. It. Jr.

F, '






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C ampus Opinion
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous conmuuncanons will be disregard-
ea. The names of communicants wiU, however, be re-
garded as confidential upon reques. Contribut ors are
asked to be brief, conlning t ieri~ielver in i, i(. 1. a
300 words if possi be.
To The Editor:
The writer is not a "Dr.," not an enemy of
India, and riot so blood-thirsty as his first letter
may have implied. Heaven send that non-vio-
lence may remain something more than a slogan
in order that the British march to the sea may be
completed without rearguard actions. India now
contains 45,000 foreign women and children.
In the eighteenth century, Britain (it might
as easily have been France, Portugal, Holland or
Russia) assumed a debt to destiny. If that debt
could have been paid in British blood, it would
have been completely paid by 1857. But the
time for separation had not yet come. India was
made an empire and the British guaranteed,
among other things, protection of the frontier,
integrity of native states, and the safeguarding
of the rights of religious and racial minorities.
For seventy years those pledges have been kept.
British authority, cruel as it must be to evil-
doers, is measurably just, Authority must be sur-
rendered to authority and not to anarchy. One
steps from a boat into a boat; cases where the step
is successfully taken from a boat to a wave are
rare enough in human history to be news. India
can be awakened by its host of fiery intellectuals
and must be promptly organized into something
resembling political unity. The fusion may be
accomplished- by the pure flame of brotherly love
or by the less pure but no less effective flame of
common hatred for the British. There can be
no interregnum; what the Moplahs, believing the
Gandhi rap had already begun, did to the Hindus
in 1921 is not pleasant reading and is indeed a
sbmnle of the n1nhlems onfrontin- the nnn-


Subscribe For Your
at the

Music and Drama,
Fantasia ................... ......Froberger
Lament ......... ........... . ..Couperin
Fugue in C ................. .. Buxtehude
Sonata V ................. ..... .Guilmant
1. Allegro Appassionata
2. Adagio
3. Scherzo
4. Recitative
5. Choral and Fugue
Prelude elegiaque ................... Jongen
Ave Maria ....................... Schubert
Toccata: "Thou Art the Rock" ........ Mulet
Today's organ recital contains three numbers
that are presented with regard to the approaching
of Armistice Day, Nov. 11. The Jongen prelude is
particularly appropriate in its majestic grief, that,
transcending the personal, achieves the serene
dignity of the eternal sorrow. Schubert's Ave
Maria is so familiar that it needs no introduction.
The Toccata of Mulet is from the set of ten pieces,
"Exquisites Byzantines" which were inspired by
the famous church in Paris, Sacre Coeur, and,
knowing that, one may also find the same flowing
lines and delicate traceries that are so charac-
teristic of this beautifully ornamented church, in
the actuil music.



Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
NOV. 9$ 10 and 11


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