SDAY, NOV. 9, 1932 THE -MTCHTGAN DAILY .. x as a1 a a a 1,A yi a V .I.a i f a! 1Y 1 L 1 Spe ehe s To: Open C P. A. Meetag Here Eighth Annual Michigan Accounting Conference Will Begin Tomorrow Ruthven Will Speak Present Trends, Education Will Be S ubjects Of Talks By Executives Public accountants of Michigan will convene at the Union tomorrow for the eighth annual Michigan Ac- counting Conference, sponsored by the Michigan Association of Certified Public Accountants, the Michigan So- ciety of Public Accountants, and the University of Michigan School of 1usiness Administration. The members will register at 9 a. m. and the first meeting will be called to order at 10 a. m. with Har- ld. L. Moran, of Detroit, presiding. At this gathering there will be a round table discussion, led by Mervyn Walsh, on "The Amplification of Fi- iancial Statements." The speakers are expected to be R. E. Payne, Max H~arrie, D. M. Kimball, and A. J. Ricine. To Discuss Business Education At 2 p. m. Clare Griffin, dean of the School of Business Administra- taon, will address the gathering on "Business Education in an Unstable World." Following t h i s address, George Bailey, of Detroit, will dis- cuss "current Trends in Public Ac- counting." The concluding speech on this technical side of the program will be by Alexander Wall, of Phila- delphia, banker, and secretary of the Robert Morris Associates, a national association of bank credit men. His topic will be, "The Importance of Being Accurate." A non-technical program, which, it is believed, will be of more general initerest than the purely technical program, will feature an address of welcome by President Alexander G. Buthven at a luncheon for members ,and guests at the Union, a party for the ladies in the Alumnae Room of the Michigan League at 2 p. in., and an informal banquet at 6:30 p. in. Kohler to Speak The feature address of the day will be delivered at the banquet by Eric Kohler, of Chicago, editor of the Ac- Counting Review and former pro- fessor of accounting at Northwestern University, who will discuss "Trends Toward Financial Standards." It is expected that Mr. Koler's ad- dress will deal with the need for 2%ndards in the financial practices of pomoters and issuers of securities end prospectuses, the necessity of adequate a n d timely disclosures therein, the demand for full and complete puolicity of the financial policies of corporations in the annual; corporation reports, and the evolu- tion of financial principles which will i nevitibly follow such publicity. Entertainment, at the banquet %rhich will be concluded by 9:30 p. m. -or the benefit of those who will be driving home, will be provided by the University Glee Club, the University string Trio, and the Vagabonds. Education Honor ociety Initiates 13 at Banquet Thirteen new members were it- yated into Pi Lambda Theta, honor- agry education society, at its annual ;Fall banquet last night at the Mich- *gan League. Prof. J. B. Edmonson, dtean of the School of Education, ;poke on "The Position of the Hon- orary Society." Those initiated are: Louise Hursh, Frances Isabelle Unruh, Hazel G. Woodley, Margaret Jean Brown, Har- vey Inez Evans, Jane Beckett, Eu- genia M. Provin, Marie Sisson, Doro- tho A. Jackson, Frances E. McClel- Uan, Glendora Gosling, Elizabeth May £nyder, and Mary J. Chapman. PORTRAITS areI Always Appreciated as XMAS GIFTS Incomplete Tabulation Of Roosevelt's Victory }~ .. -- 5 ti T' ~C.NT.J .-;/ * 4 K --' CC2:l. 9 l jN I _ CAIp \* / rte. -i 'r -1, , I Os Ag L E TTERS ON BL AC K S QU A RES - ____________ <9 NUMRAS INO CA TE ZLETOAL "; (O +lStY FROM/CZD EAt+CH ' s TA"T - Michener H as Lead Over Lehr In Early Count Washtenaw County Vote Shows Large Republican Advantage In Towns (Continued from Page 1) of Lehr. The vote stood, 30,193 for Michener and 28,062 for Lehr. Sheriff Jacob Andres was running far ahead of the rest of the Repub- lican ticket. Andres had 12,252 to William Pommerening's 8,608. Frank Ticknor, incumbent Republican, led Sylvia Braun, Democrat, 12,457 to 9,568. In the race for the office of register ofhdeeds, Frank Stampfler, Democrat, led the Republican incum- bent, Frank Cummings, 9,719 to 7,927. Philip Pack, University athletic publicity director, led his Democratic opponent, Edward W. Staebler, for- mer mayor of Ann Arbor, by the smal lmargin of 6,949 to 6,662. An- drew Moore of Pontiac was winning the state senatorship from Lee Daw- son, Democrat of Ypsilanti by a vote of 14,183 to 8,379. Both President Hoover and Gov- ernor Brucker were leading in the county. Hoover had a marginof 77,- 289 to 6,300. Brucker held a lead of 7,917 to 7,236 over Comstock. The returns from Washtenaw county were from 20 precincts out of a total of 30. The city of Ypsilanti was reported entirely but three pre- cincts only had reported partially from Ann Arbor. Frances Johnson Rosevelt Wins As Democrats To Opponent As State After State Deserts Him (Continued from Page 1) Texas, home of Vice-President- elect Garner, piled up a 198,477 vote for the Democratic ticket aainst 25,- 822 for Hoover in 124 of the state's 254 counties. Wisconsin went Democratic in a big way, giving Roosevelt 324,894 votes to ,60,485 for Hoover in 1,272 of the 2,899 districts. Knifing deeply into traditionally Republican territory, Gov. Roosevelt accumulated such a majority in Tuesday' Jection that some sup- porters of President Hoover began to concede a Democratic v ory within a few hours after the polls had closed. In New York alone, the figure was so great before tabulation was com- plete that Hoover's eastern managers acknowledged the 4T electoral votes lost to them. The-Chicago Daily News and the- New York Herald Tribune, both Re- publican, conceded the election of 'Roosevelt and Garner. It looked also as though the Demo- cratic lead was carrying with it a Congress of that party, there being several overturns of Republican seats in the House and none the other way. At 9 p. in., eastern tine, The As- sociated Press returns showed a pop- ular vote of 2,611,754 for Roosevelt and 1,613,251 for Hoover. These fig- ures were fragmentary as to many states; roughly they represented about one-twelfth of the total pre- cincts in the country. Their plurality of nearly 1,000,000 for the Demo- cratic nominee would become a final plurality of better than 10,000,000 of the same ratios hield in later re- turns. Hoover held but eight at this time -with the extreme west yet to be heard from-Pennsylvania, Michigan, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine. The Roosevelt lead was piled up in states having an aggregate of over 330 electoral votes, with only 266 necessary to elect. The Hoover figure was 104 at this stage. Roosevelt Will Bring Youthful Atmosphere To White House By KIRKE, SIMPSON WASHINGTON, Nov. 8.-(/P)- Franklin Delano Roosevelt will bring to the White House, as thirty-second President of the United States, some-, thing of the atmosphere and outlook of youth. It is to be discerned in his voice and his buoyant temperament, his smiling approach to most of the problems of life, his eagerness to have a part in the active, stirring current of life and of public service -an eagerness that overrode even the handicap of infantile paralysis when it fell upon him in mid-career. Mr. Roosevelt will not be the youngest man to be entrusted with the presidency. That honor goes to his distinguished fifth cousin, Theo- dore Roosevelt, who was 42 when he was inducted into office at the death of President McKinley. Only 51 Years Old Franklin Roosevelt will be little' more than entered on his fifty-first year when he is inaugurated. Eleven of the thirty men who have preceded him in that high office-Tyler, Polk, Fillmore, Pierce, Grant, Garfield, Arthur, Cleveland, Theodore Roose- velt, Taft and Coolidge-were as young or younger when they took office. Yet this De'nocratic Roosevelt, de- spite his phyical handicaps, has youthful qualities that will stand him in good stead in the task he faces. Through his two administrations as governor of New York, no word has ever come from the executive mansion of the arduous labors he has endured. On the contrary, he reached out eagerly to deal personally with every phase of state activity. Like his cousin, Franklin Roose- velt will bring to the White House also an atmosphere of family life it has not known since the days of that other Roosevelt. His own children are grown men' and women, rearing families of their' own except for the two younger lads, who are well in their teens. Was In Wilson Cabinet The White House itself is an old story both to the new President and to Mrs. Roosevelt. They knew it long ago, when she, herself a Roosevelt, was favored among nieces of the late President Roosevelt, and later when they came to Washington to live for nearly eight years during the Wilson administration. Franklin Roosevelt's office as as- sistant naval secretary as then just across the narrow strip of West Executive Avenue, in the old War, State, Navy building, perhaps 200 yards from the room where he is now to sit as President. It can hardly be doubted that Mr. Roosevelt in those days was observ- ingly conscious that he was himself a humble factor in a careful process of integration of conflicting party in- terests and personalities with which President Wilson began his term. For Mr. Wilson built into his cab= inet and "Little Cabinet" slate not only a reflection of the broad out- lines of his own political philosophy and economic conceptions; but an inter-relationship of factions and groups within the Democratic major- ities in house and senate designed to facilitate a party legislative program. Success Proved Before War The success of his effort was at-, tested by the legislative product of. those first Wilson years, before the world war intervened to divert the course of peace time developments. Young Roosevelt saw all that. As state legislator and member of the "little cabinet," he was an apt stu- dent of practical politics. His own primary and election campaigns this year won him a reputation for po- litical adroitness and understanding among political observers. And as president-elect and president he will be called upon to exercise those qual- ities to the highest degree. The first test will come in selection of his cabinet. To aid him as he sifts the personal and political qualifica- tions of those to whom he may offer portfolios, Franklin Roosevelt will have intimate memories of his first official years in Washington, just 20 years ago. Attempt To Wreck Train Of Hoover Party Fails ELKO, Nev., Nov. 8.-(A)-What Southern Pacific officials said they believed was an attempt to wreck President Hoover's special train was fustrated near Palisade, west of here, last night, when a watchman sur- prised and frightened away two men carrying sticks of dynamite near the railroad right-of-way. Last night, just west of Palisades, Nev., a bridge guard was shot in the hand and his coat slashed. Democrats Assured Of Senate, House; Old-Timers Beaten (Continued from Page 1) Franklin D. Roosevelt to victory had virtually assured the Democrats today of comfortable majoritiesin both House and Senate beginning next March 4. By 2 a. m., the Democrats had won three seats now held by Republicans, sufficient to give them a bare control of the Senate, and were leading in most of the other contests. Several old-timers in the Senate Republican ranks already were beat- en or dangerously close to defeat. James E. "Jim" Watson, Republican leader; Henry Bingham of Connecti- cut; and Otis Glenn, of Illinois, were all three out of the race. Reed Smoot, Senate Dean; Thomas, of Idaho; Jones, of Washington; Moses, of New Hampshire; and Oddie, of Nevada, were among those trailing their op- ponents. Republicans had won only two! seats in Vermont and North Dakota, while the Democrats had added 14 to their 31 hold-overs. The Democrats also added 15 Re- publican scalps in the House to the two they acquired in Maine last Sep- tember as they headed for a real working majority. The representative Ruth Pratt, of New York, was among the Repub- licans who went down to defeat, along with Rep. LaGuardia. Roosevelt Rise To Presidency T old In Brief Summary (By The Associated Press) Milestones in the life of Franklin D. Roosevelt: January 30, 1882-Born at hyde Park, N. Y., son of James and Sara Delano Roosevelt. June, 1904-Graduated from Har- vard with degree of A.B. September, 1904-Entered Colum- bia University's law school. March 17, 1905-Married Ana Eleanor Roosevelt, a fifthcousin. June, 1907-Admitted to bar. 1910-Elected to New York state senate from Dutchess county. March 17, 1913-Resigned as state senator to become assistant secretary of the navy by appointment of Presi- dent Wilson. July, 1920-Seconded nomination of Alfred E. Smith as aspirant for presidential nomination at San Francisco. July, 1920-Nominated for vice- president on Democratic ticket with James M. Cox. August, 121-Stricken with In- fantile paralysis at summer home, Campobello, New Brunswick. 1921-24-In retirement fighting to regain health. July, 1924 - Makes nomination speech for Alfred E. Smith at Demo- cratic national convention in New York. July, 1928-Nominates Alfred . Smith as presidential candidate of Democratic national convention at Houston, Tex. August, 1928-Nominated for gov- ernor by New York state Democratic convention. November ,6, 1928-Elected gover- nor of New York. November 4, 1930-Re-elected gov- ernor of New York by plurality of 725,001. July 1, 1932-Nominated for the presidency by Democratic national convention at Chicago. Nov. 8.-Elected President. ANN ARBOR SECRETARIAL SCH OOL Brief Intensive Courses for Special Students Typing . Spelling Shorthand Letter Writing Bookkeeping Penmanship Complete Courses Private Secretarial General Business Stenographic Platoon plan of Instruction enables the individual student to progress as fast or as slow as his time and ability permits. DAY SCHOOL EvENING SCHOOL 8 A.M.-6 P.M. 7 P.M.-9 P.M. 205 South State - Tel. 3330 - -- - To Play Lead In Meet The Wife' Campus society and theatergoers will flock to Lydia Mendelssohn Theater, Friday, and Saturday nights of this week to !- L'rmn farling's comedy success "Meet the Wife." Formals will be very much in evi- dence at the premiere Thursday night, and many students are plan- nin- to attend the show before so- rority and fraternity parties the fol- lowing two nights. Frances "Billie" Johnson, '33, pop- ular artist of past seasons, is playing the lead in the presentation. She is assisted by Mary Pray, '34, Virginia Roberts, '35, Jack Nestle, '33, Robert Hogg, '34, and Max Bribil, '34. TEA HONORS EDITORS' WIVES Members of Theta Sigma Phi, the women's journalistic society are to assist at a tea from 3 to 5 Friday %fternoon given by Mrs. J. L. Brumn'r Mrs. W. H. Maurer, and Mrs. Haines for the wives of the editors who are attending the convention of the Uni- versity Press Club of Michigan. I ... .... Ao i Effect! The Whole. Family Needs BOOKS NOV. 13 TO NOV. 19 IS NATIONAL JUVENILE BOOK WEEK For Subscriptions. to :riie MI HI GN DAILY FOREIGN(M ailed) ... $4.00 LOCAL (By Carrier) . .. $3.75 A9W Ato + 431 + i Don'tc come in to Mack Studio. delay, now - & Co. Our portraits can not be ex- celled in quality -at any price. A National Book Parade for Young America! We sincerely believe we have the finest as- sortment of books for youngsters in the city. An unusual opportunity is afforded-now while stocks are complete for a fine Xmas gift. You will find hundreds of entertaining and in- formative books both for young and old in our Fiction and Non-Fiction department. This department is efficient in both our stores. Record values at 1932 prices. No more ad- vantageous time than the present to add to your library. PLEASE, REMEMBER We offer a 10% dis- count for all orders on personal engraved Xmas cards. Hosts of beautiful selections. We invite your inspection SCHOOL PHOTOS 12 4x6 Only $5.00 1 8x10 Free OUR SPECIAL XMAS OFFER ''I SI