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November 08, 1932 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-11-08

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Roosevelt Sees
'Realization' If
He Is Elected

Frances Kennedy Johnson To

Sums Up Promises Of
Campaign; 'God 1
You All,' He Says


Acted In Several Comedy
Club Productions Here
Last Year, As Junior
Frances -enneciy (Guillee) Johnson
who is to play the title role in Com-
edy Club's production of "Meet the
Wife" on Nov. 10, 11, and 12 is a very
versatile young actress.

(Continued from Page 1)
of the greatest right of the American
electorate I bid you good night. And
I add to that, God bless you ail."
Gov. Roosevelt said that his travel
through the west and through the
south, the north and the east had
brought to him a realization that the
people that he had seen "had ex-
pressed to me hope in the future,
confidence that things will be better."
Rutgers Opens
Student Bank
A campus bank, formed as a "ped-
agogical experiment," has made an
appearance at Rutgers University,
according to a report in the New
York Times. The bank, which will
be operated as a lesson in the theory
and practice of banking, also will
function as an agency for the grant-
ing of loans to students.
Capital stock in the amount of
$200 was issued for the venture and
has already been subscribed. Stu-
dents act as tellers and comprise the
board of directors of the intitution,
which offers all the banking services
except the maintenance of checking
Shareholders will be entitled to
dividends resulting from the opera-
tion of the bank. Loans to students
will be granted for short periods at
a nominal rate of interest.
A series of fraternity house rob-
beries during the early part of the
year resulted in an increase of de-
positors for the new bank. Although
no interest is paid on the deposits,
the officials of the bank guaranteed
the safe-keeping of fraternity funds.
Dr. Eugene E. Agger, head of the
economics department, made the fol-
lowing comment on the new institu-
"The bank is a pedagogical expedi-
ent which makes the course on
money and banking realistic and aids
the students to grasp the theory
more readily."

This senior from Chicago played
her first part for Comedy Club a
year ago in "The Streets of New
York" and since then she has been
in more than six shows for Comedy
Club with a different type to portray
in each one.
Did Radio Work
Not only is she a dramatic star of
talent but last summer in Chicago
she won a radio audition giving her
singing and skit parts over the radio.
This fall she has been in Detroit sev-
eral times to entertain from the De-
troit stations.
It runs in the family, however, for
her mother is a well-known guest
artist. Her mother's name is Frances
Kennedy and it is this name that
"Billee" plans to use when she grad-
uates to the professional stage.
"In Meet the Wife" she is to play
the part of a very charming woman,
a complete change from her role of
Lady Blacknell in "The Importance of
Being Earnest," according to Mary
Pray, '34, president of Comedy Club.
She is able to play the part of an
older woman convincingly, quite, ac-
cording to Miss Pray, a feat for a
young actress.
With Repertory Group
Among the plays that she has been
in here are "The Streets of New
York," "Anthony and Anna," "The
Taming of the Shrew," "Robin
Hood," the Junior Girls Play of last
year, and "The Importance of Being
Earnest." Last summer she worked
with the Summer Reportory players



Varsity Debaters
Broadcast Thursday

Four Varsity debaters will broad-
cast the first debate of the year over
station WJR and the University
Broadcasting Service, Thursday, Nov.
10,at 2 p. m. This is also an instruc-
tion program for the league high
school debaters and is on the ques-
tion, "Resolved, That the State of
Michigan Should Adopt a State In-
come Tax." Debaters in order of
speaking are: Charles B. Brownson,
'35, Abe Zwerdling, '35, Erle Kight-
linger, '34, and Clinton Sandusky,
The first practice debate on the
Varsity subject of property tax re-
lief will be held with Albion College
Nov. 16. Try-outs of the squad to
determine who will represent the
University on the negative team de-
bating at Albion and the affirmative
team speaking at Grass Lake high
school will be held Friday afternoon.
Wandering Professors
Will Use Lapel 'Mike'
IOWA CITY, Nov. 7.-(BTNS)-
The speakers from the University of
Iowa's faculty who have conducted
classes by radio for the last three
years, via station WSUI, have shaken
off their fetters.
No more cases of being "chained"
to the microphone will hamper the
classroom broadcasters, since late
plans call for the installation of
lapel "mikes." Now the perambulat-
ing lecturers are free to wander up
and down the platforms.
Scalp and Blade, honorary society
for Buffalo, New York students, will
hold a meeting at 8:00 p. m. Wednes-
day at the Union.


President Ruthven received the
University's smallest gift yesterday
It consisted of one cent.
But it was not an ordinary cent.
It was minted in 1817, the year the
University was founded, and was sent
to the president for that reason by
A. H. Brennaman, of Battles Wharf,
Ala. In his letter, Mr. Brenneman
"I am enclosing one of the old-time
copper cents of 1817, the date of your
institution's birth; it may interest
some of the students. It is not val-
uable, nor do I have any other use
for it than to feel I may share a
bit in someone's pleasure. Coming
near to 81, I may not very long have
need for material trinkets." Mr.
Brenneman said he had obtained the
date of founding of the University of
Michigan from a University of Ala-
bama bulletin.
A letter expressing the thanks of
President Ruthven and the Univer-
sity was mailed to Mr. Brenneman
yesterday. An appropriate place for
preservation of the coin will be se-
lected, Dr. Frank E. Robbins, as-
sistant to the president, said.

Hoover Goes Over Big
In Health Service Vote
Approximately 60.7141 per cent of
the votes cast in yesterday's Health
Service Infirmary 1932 Presidential
straw poll were for President Hoover,
it was disclosed yesterday in an ex-
clusive interview which was shrouded
with great secrecy.
Franklin D. Roosevelt, Democratic
candidate, was second with an even
25 per cent vote.
Although the communist candidate,
W. Z. Foster, was by tacit consent
excluded from favor in the voting,
other extra party candidates gained
a large following, Norman Thomas
receiving 7.1422 per cent and William
Upshaw gathered 3.5714 per cent.
The returns were as follows: Hoo-
ver, 17; Roosevelt, 7; Thomas, 2; Up-
shaw, 1; Eddie Cantor, 1; total bal-
lots cast, 28. It is unofficially ru-
mored that the Cantor supporter is
in the psychopathic ward.
Reinhold Neibuhr spoke Sunday at
the first S. C. A. convocation in Hill
Auditorium on "Moral Man and Im-
moral Society." The University of
Michigan Glee Club sang.



MORE BOOKS New and Worthwhile

Halliburton-The Flying Carpet....
Rascoe-Titans of Literature . .
Hilaire Belloc - Napoleon.
Lippmann - Interpretations.
Russell - The Harvesters..............
Bernard Shaw - Playboy and Prophet.
Hamlin Garland - My Friendly Contemporaries
Will Durant - On the Meaning of Life.
Morris Markey - This Country of Yours



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