THE M1ICiIGAN DAILY 'HE MICHIGAN DAILY Established 1890 Y 14 the state is to be fairly distributed, it is seen that amendment two would be an obstruction to this much and justly desired goal. Other proponents of the amendment argue, in the second place, that they are necessary to force the legislature to adopt new and fairer taxes. But a study of the facts reveals that this argu- ment is invalid. The property tax is already prov- ing unsatisfactory and will, by the high percent- age-35 per cent-- of its delinquency, force the legislature to adopt tie desired additional and fairer means of taxation. From these considerations it is evident that ratification of these amendments (1) would crip- ple all institutions in the state dependent on a mill tax, and (2) would not be a means to more equitable distribution of the tax burden. In the event of their ratification, the University n must undergo hardship, and know that nothing will be gained by its pain. State, county, city, village, township, and school district governments must suffer, and know that r they suffer in vain. Vote "NO" on proposed amendments two and Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board i Control of Student Publ1)ications8. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa tion and the Big Ten News Service. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or n~ot otherwise credited in this paper and the local n~ews published herein. All rights of republication of specia dispatches are reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Anil Arbor, Michigan, as second clacs matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Postmaster-General. Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail $1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214. Representatives: College Publishers Representatives; Inc., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80 Boylston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago. DTRA TF when they are fired they go into selling life insur- ance. For this historical reason my clansmen and I shall not give our voices for Heribjartr inn Digra at the approaching Thing. We think he should be succeeded by another king who may have better luck. We feel too that we made an unwarranted mistake in elevating Heribjartr on the shield in 1928, had we been aware that he had such facility in making untrue political prophecies we should have known that nature had intended him to grace the Political Science department of some worthy university. Prof. Normani L. v Wiiey DR. ANNING LEAVES A POINT OPEN To The Editor: It seems to me that, on a strictly logical basis, given the premises that there are thousands of Indians to each British soldier on the plains of India and that these soldiers are not immediately wiped out, there are at least three possible con- clusions: 1. The one given by Dr. Anning, vs. that the majority of Indians desire the presence of the British soldiery. 2. That the majority of Indians are indifferent. 3. That the majority of Indians, being peace- fully inclined, desire to try peaceful methods be- fore ruthlessly wiping out the British. Why does Professor Anning leave the second two possibilities out of all consideration? G. A. Cook, 28Ed... READ THE DAILY ADVERTISEMENTS e All New Coaches Same Low Week-End Fares Toledo, $2.50 round trip Flint, $3.60 round trip L gA l. .i &OTYPEWRITERS - PORTABLE PROMPT PRINTERS Noo- aise esis, IIAL 8132 Underwood,R , Raninton. 109-111 E. Washington St. r1d, Second Floor.4 State St., Ann Arbor. 1, ,, EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR..............FRANK B. GILBRETH CITY EDITOR..... .................KARL SEIFFERT SPORTS EDITOR.....................JOHN W. THOMAS WOMEN'S EDITOR.................MARGARET O'BRI3B ASSISTANT WOMEN'S EDITOR......MIRIAM CARVER NIGHT EDITORS: Thomas Connellan, Norman F. Kraft, John W. Pritchard, C. Hart Schaaf, Brackley Shaw, Glenn R. Winters. BPORTS ASSISTANTS: Fred A. Huber, Albert Newman. REPORTRS: Hyman J. Aronstam, A. Ellis Ball, Charles G. Barndt, James Bauichat, Donald R. Bird, Donald V. Blankertz. Charles B. Brownson, Albert L. Burrows, Arthur W. Carstens, Ralph G. Coulter, Robert Engel, William G. Ferris, Eric Hall, John C. Healey, Robert B. Hewett, George M. Holmes, Walter E. Morrison, George Van Vleck, Guy M. Whipple, Jr., W. Stoddard White. Eleanor B. Blum, Louise Crandall, Carol J. Hannan Frances Manchester, Marie J. Murphy, Margaret C. Phalan, Katherine Rucker, Marjorie Weston, Harriet Speiss. BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER...............BYRON C. VEDDER CREDIT MANAGER................HARRY BEGLEY WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER......DONNA BECKER DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Advertising, Grafton Sharp; Advertising Contracts, Orvil Aronson; Advertising Serv- ice, Noel Turner; Accounts, Bernard E. Schnacke; Cir- culation, Gilbert E. Bursley; Publications, Robert E. Finn. ASSISTANTS: Theodore Barash, Jack Bellamy, Gordon Boylan, Charles Ebert, JacksEfroymson, Fred Hertrick, Jo.seph Hume, Allen Knuusi, Russell Read, Lester Skin- ner, Joseph Sudow and Robert Ward. Betty Aigler, Doris Gimmy, Billie Griffiths, Dorothy Laylin, Helen Olson, Helen Schume, May Seefried, Kathryn Stork. TUESDAY, NOV. 8, 1932 Vote 'No' On Two Fax Amendments . . S OME of the persons who read this will, as residents of Michigan, vote in the elections today. Among the decisions con- fronting them will be whether to say yes or no to proposed amendments two and four to the state constitution. We believe that it is definitely in their best interests to reject these amendments. Amendment four, the "$3,000 Exemption- Amendment," proposes, with a few exceptions, to exempt from taxation all owner-occupied prop- erty assessed at $3,000 or less, and to exempt the first $3,000 worth of owner-occupied property as- sessed at more than $3,000. If ratified, it will destroy a large part of the basis of the property tax and cripple all governmental institutions in the state dependent on a mill tax. The University in such an event must suier heavily, as would state, county, city, village, township, and school district governments. The "$3,000 Amendment" in addition proposes to allow property owners to assess their property themselves, provided that they are willing to sell their property for a cash amount equal to their assessment. Since the larger businesses and in- dustries are aware that their properties have a cash value that is but a very small fraction of their real value, they would assess them at ma- terially lower figures than those at the present time. They would thus escape a large portion of the tax burden which they justly should carry. Amendment two, the "15-Mill Limitation Amendment," proposes to limit the property tax to 15 mills per dollar of assessed valuation, which will reduce it materially; if amendment four is also ratified the revenues collected in the state from property will dwindle to a mere fraction of their present sum. Since such revenues today amount to about 80 per cent of the state govern- ments' incomes, they would obviously be crippled by their ratification to the point of inconvenient and perhaps perilous inefficiency. Furthermore, and of particular importance to those interested in maintaining Michigan's repu- tation for unsurpassed public education, it would be necessary to divide the revenues collected under these amendments between state, county, city, village, township, and school district, and the University. It is inconceivable that the Univer- sity, with its virtually negative political influence, should not be worsted in the scramble for shares in the pauperishly small funds available. Most of the proponents of these two amend- ments admit that they would inconvenience the governments in the state, but desire them as a mueans to lighten the burden at present carried by property. We concur whole-heartedly in their belief that property in this state is overtaxed. We subscribe without reservation to their propo- sition that the tax burden should be equitably distributed. But we do not believe that proposed amendments two and four would be a means to this end: four. A Vote For Thomas Is Not 'Thrown Away' TIHIS FALL, The Daily, as a student . newspaper, has felt that its duty was political impartiality. It has tried to present the platforms of the rnree leading national parties fairly. However, since Republican and Democratic stories are overwhelmingly favored by national news services, and since those stories are more important to The Daily's Republican-Democratic public, we have been unable to give as much space to the Socialist party as we would have liked. To counteract this unfortunate circumstance, but more especially because it feels that the effort is a necessary one, The Daily has tried to point out to its readers that Norman Thomas and the Socialist party deserve their consideration. On the morning of Election Day we intend to reiterate our stand. A vote for Norman Thomas is not a vote 'thrown away,' Although Thomas has no chance of being elected, that vote will count as a protest against the two established parties, and against the vast volume of bigoted "anti-Red" propa- ganda. If you believe, as we do, that that protest might well be made; if you believe, as we do, that a powerful third party is necessary to the country's well-being, you will vote for Norman Thomas. The Daily could not actively campaign for Thomas, but it can and does insist that you recog- nize the value of some Socialistic ideas, and the blindness to those same ideas on the part of our more popular politicians. Campus Opinion Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous communcaons will be disregard- ed. The naies of communicants will, however, be re- garded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, conning tuienseives to less than 300 words if possible. EDITORS' NOTE: The Daily has been flooded with Campus Opinion letters concerning the So- cialist-Presidential Poll controversy. For the most part, these letters only repeat each other. The Editors feel that the cause of liberalism will not particularly be served by publishing constant reit- erations of charges and counter-charges over this case, to the exclusion of letters on other contro- versial topics. Contributors on this subject there- fore are requested to limit themselves strictly to new points in the discussion and to avoid repeat- ing or simply rephrasing what has already been said. In simple courtesy to other contributors who have as much right to be heard as you, please confine your letters to 300 words or less. TIME TO IMMOLATE 'HERBERT THE FAT' To The Editor: Since no reporter from The Daily has approach- ed me to inquire how I intend to vote at the coming election I think that it is incumbent upon me to ask for a little space in the disgruntled column that I may give my statement. This Spring it was my privilege to stand on the venerable Thingvollr of Gamla Uppsala, where, according to Snorri Sturlasson, the ancient Sviar once killed their king, Domalldi, and wet the altars of the gods with his blood because during his reign there were three successive years of crop failure. That the Sviar were right in killing their king was proved by the result, for under his successor there were abundant crops again. The king in those days, just as in our own times, promised prosperity to his people, a chicken in the pot and two autos in the garage, and if he could not perform he knew what to expect. Domalldi had not lived up to his campaign promises. We cannot call this a barbarous custom which we no longer follow, for we have today the same attitude toward our foot-ball coaches. The coach is hired for his success, not for an alibi, he is supposed to produce a winning team every year and for that reason he is paid as much as all the rest of the Faculty together. If he does not produce satisfactory results we kill him, witness the Ohio- procedure. It strikes me that we are in precisely the same situation today as were the ancient Sviar at Upp- sala some fifteen hundred years ago. We have suffered four years of famine and misery and it is high time that we sharpen our spears and go to the Thing to immolate King Heribjartr in Digra (alias Herbert the Fat). However there is this unpleasant difference to be noted between the ancient customs and the de- generate ones of our modern times. Domalldi, Music and Drama SUNDAY'S FACULTY CONCERT; JOSEPH BRINKMAN With a brilliant technique underlying his firm conceptions, Joseph Brinkman gave a recital Sun- day afternoon that was outstanding both from the .standpoint of his individual medium and that of music in general. In order to be truly sig- nificant, a pianist, violinist, or any other repro- ducer of music, must not only imitate but re- create and that implies a technique so facile that it can be forgotten, a sound and deep musical understanding, and a genuine ability to develop out of another's work an art form that is unique- ly your own while it is still primarily and funda- mentally his. It is not a simple task. .Only a few of our contemporary "artists" are fully en- dowed with this God given capacity-the rest seem content to remain as "interpreters." But, in Mr. Brinman's playing, one could not help feeling a sincere merging of the self with the written music in order to create a unified and clearly conceived whole that assuredly set him out from the ranks of the latter level. There is nothing superficial or careless about his playing -it is serious, nearly studious work, and yet im- mensely vital at the same time. The "three B's" of music had ample chance to justify their triumvirate glorification-Bach in the lovely little Italian concerto, Beethoven in the famous "Appasionata" Sonata, and rather unfortunately, and certainly tediously, Brahms in his Variations and Fugue on a theme by Handel. The concerto is a beautiful miniature of the clear strength of its master, and it was so sympathetically played that one, as it should al- ways be in the final analysis, lost the intellectual conception in an emotional whole. The Beethoven is not as perfect music, but it is more vital, more vigorously close to the imperfect personal be- cause of this very fact. Where the former goes serenely along on the calm levels of a self-sup- pressing control, the "Appasionata" flares and dies away and burns innately like a leaping, sky- licking flame. But only in spots, which, how- ever, are so fine that they almost make up for the rest, are the Variations Brahms. They are mostly pedantic, conventional and heavily Ger- man. In many ways Handel and Brahms are ex- tremely different-that might account for the many forced and uninspired moments. Then, too, the form is a difficult one to handle with any emotional plasticity or freedom of treatment. But when he can be so very, very good, it is sad- dening to realize that he can also be just boringly and commonplacey bad. And yet, by comparison, such things, like the Fourth symphony, should be even more brilliant. So, even one of the hallowed three must be granted a mistake, even if a very lengthy one occasionally. The familiar Chopin numbers were as well played in their, way. Mr. Brinkman's conception of the Polish composers works is far from the "silver filagrees" and the effeminate "pastels" that the poor man is so often confined into, and while one may agree or disagree with the vibrant colorings and highly emotional climaxes, it is undoubtedly interesting from the first note to the fading, final chord. Screen Reflect ions Four stars means a super-picture; three stars very good; two stars good; one star just another picture; no stars keep away from it. AT THE MAJESTIC ** "THE PHANTOM OF CRESTWOOD" Curtis .................Ricardo Cortez Jenny Wren .............Karen Morley Esther Wren .............Anita Louise Priam Andes ............ H. B. Warner Andes' Sister ......... Pauline Frederick The program in brief: "The Phantom of Crest- wood" is old hokum, adapted from a recent radio mystery of the same name. It is more than ordi- narily scary, is well acted, is somewhat obscure in that events transpire too fast, but the identity of the murderer is well enough concealed to give the finish a big punch. Credit is due Pauline Frederick for her fine AI~-1 n c the cic-.i'r of Rnkr iPriam. Andes.Kare~ni ileiiioeraiic t alididdie for Sheriff William K Pm merenin He is a native of Ann Arbor, highly qualified for that office. On the Mexican border in 1916 with the United States troops he served as sergeant and was select- ed for special duty with the Texas Rangers and the Sheriff's and Po- lice departments at El Paso. Fol- lowing many months of active service, his duties always properly performed, he was honorably dis- charged. He was educated in the public schools of Ann Arbor and is a graduate of Ann Arbor high school and of the University of Michigan. As a member of old company "I" from Ann Arbor he served his c o u n t r y on the battlefields of France. Then he was again hon- orably discharged and worked as engineer on construction for the Pennsylvania railroad. For three years he served with credit on the Washtenaw County Board of Supervisors. He can and will reduce the oper- ating expenses of the Sheriff's office. He will enforce the laws with fairness, competence and intelli- gence. His deputies will be competent men, capable of enforcing the laws in a fair, impartial manner. Pommerening has always hon- estly and efficiently fulfilled the duties with which he has been en- trusted. He will prove a most trustwcrthy public servant. Elect him as your Sheriff. Thursday, Nov. 10 8 P. M. Admission 50c and 75c Tickets at Wahr's IMPROVED CONNECTIONS WITH GREYHOUND LINES AT TOLEDO MICHIGAN TRAVEL BUREAU Side Desk Michigan Union Building Exclusive Campus Agents "The Short Way" - Greyhound Lines Eastern Michigan Motorbuses and All Air Lines A. C. Grey, Manager Oratorical Association Lecture Course presents WILLIAM BUTLER YEATS Distinguished Irish uthor HILL AUDITORIUM 4,' THE DAILY CLASSIFIED ADS PAX Prot et 'Your C..lothes Expentsive elothing demands the highest grade of Laundering. The Varsity with its entirely modern plant is pre-eminently qualfed to ofer you this service. Then, too, the Varsity uses Ivory Soap exclusive- ly thus assi ng protection against +chem- ical harm,. Phone 2-3123 For Call and Delivery Service AUNDRtY