The Weather Rain; Wednesday cloudy; colder. L it iant Iaii Vote 'No' On Two Tag Amendments; A Vote For Thomas Is Not 'Thrown Away.' VOL. XLIII No. 38 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, NOV. 8, 1932 PRICE FIVE CENTS Gubernatorial Nominees End Campaigning; Estimate Vote Detroit And Wayne County Expected To Cast Large Vote In Today's Election As Excitement Increases Large Feminine Poll Is Expected Republicans H a v e E d g e In Majority Of Counties, Both Parties Lay Claim T o Populous Sections] DETROIT, Nov. 7.-()-With all candidates for state political offices bringing their campaigns to a close tonight, predictions as to the outcome of the state elections and the immin- ent power of the women's vote were outstanding in last minute develop- ments. The political excitement centered in Detroit and Wayne County. William A. Comstock, candidate for Governor, closed his campaign at Monroe.' Meetings of Republican precinct workers and more than a score of neighborhood meetings, together with the radio broadcast of Gov. Wilber M. Brucker's fnal message from Sag- inaw, helped to churn Republican en- thusiasm. Leaders of both parties were loud in their complaints of anonymously- circulated literature, much of it of a defamatory and untruthful nature. Republicans, for instance, spent part of the day checkmating in for- eign sections a pamphlet asserting that all foreign-born citizens would be deported if Gov. Brucker were re-elected, an obvious impossibility. Intimidation Reported Assured of a substantial vote of women, they also had frequent re- ports of attempted intimidation, with claims of registration errors which might subject women voters to chal- lenge. By radio they exploded that fallacy. Democrats, on the other hand, con- demned campaign whispering, alleg- ed coercion and literature, which they said was designed to provoke religious prejudice. State Chairman Howard C. Law- rence, for the Republicans, and Chairman Alfred Debo, for the Dem- ocrats, both found evidence of a last-minute swing favorable to them. Their claims as to the ultimate out- come were in sharp conflict. Analysis found agreement between them on one point, however, namely that 53 of Michigan's 83 counties are most likely to turn in Repub- lican majorities. Lawrence claimed a substantial edge in 78 counties and Debo's hopes lay in 30 counties. Wayne, Oakland, Monroe, Manis- tee, Crawford, Claire and Arenac Counties, according to Lawrence, are so even that the outcome is disput- able. Democrats Exult These counties, according to De- bo's estimates are in the Democratic bag" emphatically, and along with them he is claiming Dickinson, Men- ominee, Delta, Ontonagon, Mackinac and Iron Counties, in the Upper Pen- insula, al s o Cheboygan, Alpena, Crawford, Ogemaw, Bay, Leelanau, Muskegon, Ionia, Saginaw, Tuscola, Genesee, Macomb, Presque Isle, Liv- ingston, Berrien, Cass, Jackson, Len- awee, Washtenaw and St. Clair. Such populous counties as Kent, Calhoun, Kalamazoo and Ingham seemed conceded to the Republi- cans. Fabian Prophesies Fall Of Capitalisn At Conmunist Rally "The handwriting is on the wall for the workers and we are reading it for them," Ira Welsh, communist candidate for Congress, said last night before 55 people who were gathered at a 'Communist rally in Pattengill auditorium. Before intro- ducing the main speaker of the eve- ning, Welsh presented a picture of Ann Arbor's unemployed, and an- nouncedplans for Ann Arbor to join a "National Hunger March" to Wash- ington. Fate Of Hoover, Roosevelt Submitted To People Today Hoover, Roosevelt _ - _ __ _ i I ''a Make Final Pleas To U. S. Electors -"---c? County Voting Ends Intensive Political Drive Record Vote Is Expected In Washtenaw; 50,000 May Go To Polls Calvin Last For On Coolidge M a k e s Campaign Speech President Hoover Eve Of Election Both Candidates To Hear Retur Roosevelt Winds Up T4 At Poughkeepsie 1 Night; Hoover Spe At Elko, Nevada 1% HERBERT HOOVER (Associated Press Photo) FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT By NORMAN F. KRAFT Bringing to a close one of the most intensive campaigns in the history of the county, Washtenaw electors will go to the polls today to register their decisions on national, state, dis- trict and county officers, and also upon six proposed amendments to the state constitution. A record vote of at least 50,000 is expected in the election. In the city of Ann Arbor 11,520 ballots have been sent to the ward clerks, while in the rural precincts, 30,462 ballots are ready for use. The cities of Ypsi- lanti and Saline are also expected to ,ast a heavy vote. The total city registration for Ann Arbor is more than 2,000 greater than that of four years ago. The Aiggest gain is the second ward, a Democratic stronghold. All wards 'how an increase in registration, al- 'hough the heaviest gains seem to )e in the Democratic wards in the vestern and northern parts of the Aty. i a p r tl ti b F b S" C k r ,e t' c F Treatment Of Lit Discipline Cases Altered Action's Terms Withheld; Entrance Requirements Also Are Changed Resolutions altering the method of handling disciplinary cases and revis- ing slightly the entrance require- ments to the literary college were passed yesterday in the regular, monthly faculty meeting, said Dean, John R. Effinger last night. The nature of the changes was not definitely announced. However, at the last meeting on Oct. 4, when the measures were introduced, it was proposed: (1) That a committee be appoint- ed to report at the November meet- ing as to how cases of discipline should be handled by the literary faculty. This committee was com- posed of Professors J. S. Reeves of the political science department, R. D. MacKenzie of the sociology de-' partment, and S. L. Bigelow of the' chemistry department. (2) That certain proposed changes in entrance requirements be investi- gated, and reported on at the next meeting. The present requirements state that a high school student must have had two credit groups of three units each. It was proposed that the two units in each of two foreign languages be substituted for the sec- ond three-unit group. Although the two measures have been passed, in some form, by the faculty, the disciplinary measure must be approved by the Regents of the University, said Dean Effinger, who added that he felt there would be no difficulty in having the action approved. ARCHITECTS VOTE TOMORROW Junior and senior elections in the architectural school will be held from 2 to 3 p. m. tomorrow in room 102, Architecturaldbuilding, it was announced yesterday by John Deo, Councilman in charge of the elec- tions. Presidential Candidates Finish Campaigns On Eve of Election Roosevelt Sees 'Greater Realization' I f H e Is Chosen; Reviews Talks Of His Campaign COLUMBUS HALL, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Nov. 7.-(,)-In his final speech of the campaign, Franklin D. Roosevelt tonight told the voters of the nation if it should be their ver- dict tomorrow that he become presi.- dent, he would in humility seek to gain the ideals and hopes of the American people to aid "greater realization." The Democratic presidential can- didate cast a fleeting glance at the wide travels of his campaign and ex- pressed his gratitude for "the great understanding a n d tolerance of America" that he said had come to meet him. "Out of this unity that I have seen we may build the strongest strand to lift ourselves out of this depression," he said. "If all of this multitude of my friends and neighbors give expression tomorrow to your united confidence in the invigorating tonic of a change, I may in some modest way bring this unity of purpose to practical fulfill- ment. "To be the medium through which the ideals and hopes of the Ameri- can people may find greater realiza- tion calls for the best in any man. "I seek to be only the humble em- blem of this restoration. "If that be your verdict, my friends of America and my next door neigh- bors of Duchess county, and that be the confident purpose behind your verdict, I shall in the humility that suits such a great confidence, seek to meet this great expectation of yours. "With your help and your patience and your generous good will, we can mend the torn fabric of our common lfOn the very eve of the exercise (Continued on Page 6) Hoover Pleads Retention Of Republican Party; Stresses Divergence In Philosophies ON BOARD PRESIDENT HOOV- ER'S SPECIAL TRAIN, Elko, Nevada, Nov. 7.--(.P-)-With the parlor car of his train as a brilliant illuminated stage in this dim lit Nevada valley, President Hoover tonight broadcast nation-wide his final campaign ap- peal-a set conviction that for the welfare of the United States the Re- publican party should continue. While miners, sheep herders, cat- tle rangers and part of the 3,000 pop- ulation of this little town clustered about his car, the President told a larger audience of voters over the air that "'the choice you make now is more than the choice for another four years." "There is," he said, "great diver- gence in philosophy of government between the parties which may affect events over a generation. A mistaken choice may hazard the welfare of our children and our children's chil- dren. I have been' fighting that the wrong course may not be adopted, not by appeal to destructive emotions but by truth and logic. I have tried to dissolve the mirage of promises by reality of facts." Even as his train rolled to a stop the words of other Republican speak- ers came from a radio set in his car. From New York, Chicago, Shenan- doah, Iowa, and Washington, the same program carried pleas for the voting of a Republican ticket in to- morrow's poll. Calvin Coolidge, Sec. Mills, Senator Capper, of Kansas, Chairman San- ders of the Republican national com- Sophomores To Elect Officers This Afternoon Waslitenaw Seeks Votes Of Independents; L a c k e y. Hildebrand Head Tickets The Washtenaw party of the soph- omore literary class carried its cam- paign into the independent territory last night by naming two indepen- dents on their ticket and canvassing league houses and other non-frater- nal organizations in support of thei party at the election which will take place from 4 to 5:45 p. m. today ir the Natural Science Auditorium. The State Street politicians felt content to concentrate on fraterni- ties, sororities and dormitories, an made elaborate plans for campaign- ing on the campus today. Joseph Lackey, Sigma Chi, will head the State Street ticket, with Georgina Karlson, Mosher-Jordan, vice presi- dent; Kathleen Carpenter, Betsy Barbour and Delta Gamma, secre- tary; and Jack Healey, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, treasurer. Willard Hildebrand, Alpha Kappa Lambda, will head the Washtenaw ticket with Barbara Bates, Pi Beta Phi, running for the vice presidency. The other two candidates Helen Clark, Helen Newberry, and John Sheriff, running for secretary and vice president respectivley, are both independents. 'Square Deal,' Says McComb "We have always given the inde- pendents a square deal," said Allen McComb, caucus chairman for the Washtenaw party, last night, "and we are depending on them to swing the election." Robert Ward, fiery orator of the Campus party last year and publicity chairman for the State Street party this year, has been on the stump for his party and, after speaking at many of the sororities and dormitories, said last night he felt that the State Street party would win by as big a margin as the junior and senior State Street parties. The Washtenaw politicians will feature anew style of plugger at noon today, which they claim will swing many votes for them. They "stand pat" on the platform laid down by the junior Washtenaw party, and McCombs said last night that it was one of their main drawing cards. Auto Publicity Planned Not to be outdone by the strategic moves of the junior State Street men in flying an airplane over the cam- pus, the sophomore men of the same party will tour the campus with a "loud speaking" automobile, begin- ning at noon, to boom up their prom- ises to members of their class. Identification cards must be pre- &snted before anyone will be able to secure a ballot, Joseph Zias, president of the Student Council, said last night. Freshian Men's Glee 3rU,.t..L".]A~l National issues Leada The local campaign has centered 'tself mainly upon national and state ;andidates and issues. The local contest has been overshadowed bye he Roosevelt-Hoover and Brucker-E .omstock contests. National speak- :i ,rs have traveled across the country 'n a continual parade, includingt lellie Tayloe Ross, Dr. Ray LymanV Xilbur, Henry T. Rainey, Dr. Daniel ?oling and Bainbridge Colby. Gov- J 'rnor Brucker and William Com- }tock have both made speeches in ,he city. Comstock has made his iome in Ann Arbor, although he has ;pent most of the recent months :ampaigning about the state. Democratic leaders are sure that ;heir local candidates will be carried ;hrough with a Roosevelt landslide. Non-partisan observers believe that Roosevelt and Comstock will both tarry the county, although the local 3lections are not so certain. One .andidate, Jacob Andres, the "torch amurder" sheriff, appears to be sure -f re-election. He has practically lisowned his own party in campaigng posters and expects a large supportt from the German population.t Dems Hope for VictoryC Edward Staebler, Democratic can- didate for the legislature, and Wil-t liam Murray, the Dems' nominee forf the probate judge post, are expectedi to run ahead of the rest of the ticket.- Staebler was twice elected mayor of Ann Arbor with large majorities and is popular in the German rural sec- aions. Murray is a former occupantK '>f the post he seeks and accom- plished the seemingly impossible in defeating Ernst Wurster, holder off many county and city posts, in the primary. Staebler's opponent is Phil Pack,1 publicity director of the University Athletic Association. Murray's rival is Jay G. Pray of Whitinore Lake, in- ,2umbent probate judge..1 Other important races in the county include: Albert Rapp, Repub- lican incumbent, vs. Robert Cav- anaugh, Democrat, for prosecutor; Claramon Pray, Republican incum- bent, vs. Harry Atwell, Democrat, for county clerk; Frank Ticknor, Re- publican incumbent, vs. Sylvia Braun, Democrat, for treasurer; John S. Cummings, Republican incumbent, vs. Frank Stampfier, Democrat, for register of deeds; and Cornelius Tuomy, Republican incumbent, vs. Daniel Sutton, Democrat, for drain commissioner. Republican leaders have invited members of the Democratic county committee to join them in listening to the election returns at Republican headquarters. City cigar stores are. planning to remain open all night to receive the results. Ann Arbor High School students will hold a straw vote this afternoon while the election is in progress. WASHINGTON, Nov. 7.-(P)-Sep- arated as widely as the land is broad, President Hoover and Gov. Franklin D. Roosevelt tonight were ending their campaign labors and preparing to vote tomorrow in their own home towns. For final campaign appeals, Mr. Hoover selected a stop at Elko, Nev., tonight, on the route of the train speeding to his home at Palo Alto, Calif., and Gov. Roosevelt a Pough- keepsie, (N. Y.) audience. Tomorrow night, after the electo- rate has had its say at the polls, each will watch the accumulating re- turns. Gov .Roosevelt will be at Demo- cratic National Headquarters in the Biltmore Hotel, New York City, to which he will drive after voting at Hyde Park. President Hoover will be at his home on a hill overlooking the Stanford University Campus. Curtis Attends Horse Show Vice President Charles Curtis end- ed his campaigning with speeches at Eldorado and Augusta, Kan., today, and after attending the Kansas Na- tional Horse Show at Wichita, en- trained for Topeka, where he will vote. At home also was the Democratic Vice President candidate, Speaker John N. Garner, who turned to fish- ing today in the streams near Uvalde, Tex. Complete returns on national, state, district, and county elections will appear in tomqrrow's Daily. Results of important gubernatorial and senatorial races in other states, together with a report on the apparent makeup of the new Congress will appear also. Telephone returns may be ob- tained by calling 5591. Former President Coolidge, who has given his whole-hearted support to the Hoover cause, prepared tonight to give his concluding speech of the campaign. Tonight Republican leaders based their claims and pinned their hopes for victory almost solely on the Pres- ident's extraordinary efforts in be- half of a continuance of his Admin- istration. Covering more than 10,000 miles, delivering about 10 major speeches and scores of smaller addresses from coast to coast, the President, in his drive of the last five weeks, has made the campaign to ardent partisans at least, the most exciting since the Bryan-Roosevelt e r a of political lambasting. Contrasts With 1928 Drive The Hoover -of 1932 has been a strikinglyedifferent campaigner from the Hoover of 1928. From the outset four years ago he rode complacently to overwhelming victory with a high- ly confident party through a period of comparative national prosperity and tranquility with evidences of strong Republican preference among the electorate. He made then an unhurried tour, setting forth dispassionately his theories of government in a few speeches at strategic points. 'Re scarcely took cognizance of his oppo- nent, Alfred E. Smith, who was do- ing most of the "heavy firing." Chief cannoneers in the G. 0. P. counter-attack were Charles Evans Hughes and Senator William E. Bo- rah, of Idaho. In-1924, Calvin Coolidge, with the political tide running strong in his favor, was re-elected virtually with- out making a campaign. Although Woodrow Wilson made some speeches in behalf of his re- election in 1916, he did not make an intensive drive, and the burden of the campaign was cairried by h i chif" Roosevelt's Election Inevitable, But Race Will Be Close-Reed "It is inevitable that Governor Roosevelt will defeat Hoover." So declared Prof. Thomas H. Reed,1 of the political science department, in an address he delivered Sunday night at Hillel Foundation. Professor Reed qualified his state- ment, however, by saying that he be- lieves the race will be close. "There are vast numbers of persons," he said, "who are talking Roosevelt, straw-voting for Roosevelt, but who, when they get behind the curtains with only God and their pencils as witnesses, will vote for Hoover." Based on Digest Poll Professor Reed's estimates were based on the Literary Digest poll. crats are gaining, not because Roose- velt is believed to be a great leader, but because people want to reject Hoover. "It is always easier to get people to vote 'No' than 'Yes'," Pro- fessor Reed said. Praises Hoover's Depression Work President Hoover and the methods he has adopted in fighting the de- pression were highly praised. Pro- fessor Reed said that he cannot be- lieve that the Democrats would have done any better. Surprise was expressed at the way in which the prohibition auestion has subsided as a campaign issue. Prof. Reed said that Thomas should do better in the election as the So- (Continued on Page 6) Radical, Liberal Book Stand Set Up By Students Sellouts In T h r e e Cases Feature Opening; Run By Student League A small rack, for the purpose of selling liberal and radical literature, was set up today by the University of Michigan branch of the National Student League, at the side of the Quarry Drug Store, on No. University Ave. John Olson, grad., who is operat- ing the stand, said today that con- siderable business had been done al- ready and the League's supply of "The Communist Manifesto," "The Student Review," and "Marriage in Soviet Russia," was exhausted by to- night. The question of whether or not the erection of the small rack, which oc- mv.niccnr .a *nrjQ , -,n ,a. fnnt. of the