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November 05, 1932 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-11-05

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Established 1890


I 2

shouting was merely a natural mob reaction
against external authority and bore no element
of ill will toward the Princeton eleven.
As the Princetonian 'editorial writer admits,
"such incidents are common almost anywhere."
And the Princeton coaching staff, realizing this
4 fact, should adopt a signal system to be used
under such circumstances in ordtr to avoid an
occurrence that is embarrassing not only for their
f own team but for the opposing school.



Campus Opinion
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous communcanons will be disregard-
ed. The names of communicants will, however, be re-
garded as confidential upon request. Contributors are,
asked to be brief, connning themselves to less than
300 words if possible.

P*"blished every morning except Monday during the
Jnliersity yearrand Sumner Session by the Board in
.ontrol of Student Publications.,
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
ion and the Big Ten NewsService.E
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
or republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
Lot otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
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ispatches are reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
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Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00by mail,
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Offries:.Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
nnt. Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
Representatives: College Publishers Representatives,
ac., 40. East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80
oyIston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue,
Telephone 4925
ITY EI'IOR. .....................KARL SEIFFERT
PO TS EDITOR.................JOHN W. THOMAS
88I'TANT, WOMEN'S EDITOR.... ... 4.Mriam Carver
IGHT EDITORS: Thomas Connellan, Norman F. Kraft,
John W. Pritchard, C. Hart Schaaf, Brackley Shaw,
lenn R. Winters.
PORTS ASSISTANTS: Fred A. Huber, Albert Newma.
MPORTERS: Hyman J. Aronstam, A. Ellis Ball, Charles
. Barndt, Jame -auchat, Donald R. Bird, DonaldF.
anert, Chares B. Brownson. Arthur W.Carsten,
1~brt Engel, ric all, John C. Healey, Robert .B.
ewett, George Van Vieck, Guy M. Whipple, Jr., W.
Stoddar'd White.
Eleanor B. Blum, Louise Crandall, Carol J. Hannat
Frances Manchester, Marie J. Murphy, Margaret C.
Pb alin , atherin Rucker, Marjorie .Western and Har-
het Speiss.
Telephone 2-1214
IPARTMENT MANAGERS: Advertising, Grafton Sharp;
Adertising Contracts, Orvil Aronson; Advertising erv-
ice o Turner; Accounts, Bernard . E.Schnacke.Cir-
cuation, Gilbert E. Bursley; Publications, Robert E.
S"ISTANTS: Theodore Barash, Jack Bellamy, Gordon
ylan, Charles Ebert, Jack Efroymson, Fred Hertrick,
seph Hume, Allen Knuus, Russell Read, Lester Skin-
ner, Joseph SUdow ad Rober Ward.,
etty Aigler, ors Ginmy, Billie Griffiths, Dorothy
ayln, Helen Olson, Helen Schume, May Seefried,
lthryn Stork.
SATURDAY, NOV. 5, 1932
'0w That The
oUIs Over. .
T HE Union-Daily presidential straw
vote is completed, and President
:oover has carried both students and faculty by
2-1 vote. Both sides will have a number ofi
pmarks to make.
The Hoover adherents will say, "It is obvious
iat the present incumbent will win the election
n Nov. 8. He has been shown the favorite of
ollege students and faculty, and these men are,
anyone, qualified by their superior intelligence
choose the nation's executive. It is unfortunate
hat the majority of college students cannot vote,;
Sorder to give President Hoover's imminent vie-1
>ry greater assurance."
Other Republicans will take a somewhat differ-
it standpoint. "College Students," they will say,
save their ideas greatly influenced by their par-
its. If they select Hoover, it is obvious that their
:rents also are preponderantly in favor of Hoo-
r; therefore, he is sure to win."
Roosevelt men, on the other hand, will pooh-1
ooh the results, although they compare per-]
,ctly with those in college polls all over the
)untry. "What is the significance of a college
te," will be their attitude. "Most of these stu-
eats and instructors have their heads stuffed
a full of academic nonsense that they have no
)nception of what is what in national politics.
nd most students have no votes, anyhow; so
here is any significance in a vote of this kind?"
These arguments tend to cancel each other. We
'e inclined to feel that the most significant thing
bout the poll is the comparatively huge vote-
tting power of Norman Thomas, the Socialist
ndidate. He piled up more than half as many
>tes as Governor Roosevelt, and more than a
uarter as many as President Hoover.
It is probably an open question whether the
epublican or the Democratic candidate will win
ext Tuesday. It is certain, however, that Norman
homas will not be a mere ticket-splitter..

[he Princetonian
-riticizes Us e
W E HAVE heard and read a number
of comments on the conduct of
he spectators at the Michigan-Princeton foot-
all game last Saturday, some of them snot alto-
ether commendatory.
The Daily Princetonian, undergraduate news-
aper at Princeton University, recalls in its edi-
orial columns, quite without malice, that, when
ae announcer requested onlookers to remain quiet
hile the Tiger punt formation signals were being
alled, "the petition was greeted by a noisy chorus
f disapproval," and "thereafter the crowd de-
berately and amazingly increased its shouting
ach time the visiting team went into punt for-
"Members of the squad felt this pointed insult

To The Editor:
In regard to throwing your vote away.
Under present conditions the president is elect-
ed by states as a unit rather than by popular vote.
Now it is a -fact that in the past Michigan has
been a Republican state and it will probably re-
main a Republican stronghold.
If Hoover wins at all he will have carried this
state by a large-majority.
If there is a close contest in this state he will
not be elected regardless' of whether he carries or
loses it. Also if Roosevelt carries this state he will
carry almost every other state and would therefore
have been elected without this state.
It therefore follows that if we, residents of
Michigan, vote for Hoover or Roosevelt we throw
our vote away.
This argument, of course, breaks down if a suf-
ficient number believe it. If 51% of the voters
of each state will throw their vote away and vote
for Thomas, let us say, then he will be the first
president since Washington to be elected by a
unanimous vote of the electoral college.
At a horse race it is logical to pick the horse
you think will win and then pull for him. It is
silly to use this method in voting, even though
recommended by both Hoover and Roosevelt sup-
porters. -
You "utilize your vote to the utmost" if you
study the principles of all the parties, the past
records of the candidates, and the campaign
speeches. Then vote for the man and party which
you believe is best.
. A. N. B.
To The Editor:
Question: Who is a liar-Zeldon S. Cohen, '33,
or the managing editor of The Daily?
Your leading article in today's issue states that
"Inglis had cast several ballots illegally in a
practical joking attempt to prove that he could
evade the vigilance of The Daily and Union staff
members . . . . He (the editor) declared that In-
glis had immediately informed him of the fraudu-
lent ballots, which were deducted from the total
before publication."
Following a speech by Mr. A. Fenner Brockway
in the Natural Science Auditorium last night
(Wednesday), Mr. Cohen informed the audience
that when he telephoned The Daily about having
seen the box stuffed, they considered it such a
big "scoop" that they asked him to come downi
in person and give them full details of the event.;
Mr. Cohen said he did this and the article was
all ready to run (2) until it was found (3) that
the joker, Mr. Inglis, was a fraternity brother of
the managing editor. Will you kindly inform
your readeis as to the correctness of the statement
that Mr. Inglis is a fraternity brother of the
managing editor (4) and also as to the seeming
discrepancy between The Daily's statement that
Mr. Inglis reported immediately the success of his
joke and Mr. Cohen's statement that so im-
portant did The Daily deem the information when
he 'phoned them that they asked Mr. Cohen to
come down and tell them full details of the
event? (5)
Michael Lee
* * *
EDITOR'S NOTE: In order to clear up certain
points for the benefit of those readers who are
interested in the controversy, we have annotated Mr.
Lee's questions nd shall attempt to answer them as
completely s possibxle in a limited space.
(1) Mr. Cohen telephoned The Daily and spoke
to one of the subordinate members of the staff
who was not concerned in covering the poll or
in counting the ballots and consequently had not
heard of'Mr. Inglis' hoax.
(2) The article was not all ready to be run; it
was not even written.
(3) This is untrue. When the Editor and sev-
eral other staff members who were working on the
poll and knew of the hoax returned to the office,
Mr. Cohen learned that they were acquainted with
all the details of the situation (on which he was
only slightly informed) and were ignoring the
"practical joke" since it had been allowed for in
counting the ballots and had no further signifi-

cance in the poll. It was not "'found" that the
Editor's fraternity brother was the perpetrator of
the hoax; it had been known to the Editor, sev-
eral staff members, and a number of others since
a short time after Mr. Inglis had cast the first
"fraudulent" ballot.
(4) He is.
(5) There are about 25 men on The Daily's
news staff. Of these, probably 10 knew of Mr.
Inglis' "trick." The rest had not heard about it
simply because it had been done as a "'joke," was
explained voluntarily, and had no affect on the
poll, and therefore was not considered important
enough for any general staff discussion. It was
already known to more than 50 students outside
the staff, some of them not members of Mr. In-
glis' fraternity, and was not regarded as a secret.

false and others that were incomplete and hence
Mr. Cohen, evidently, is unaware of the logica
principle that proposition cannot be half true. H
is also, it seems, ignorant of the fact that "fraud
ulent" not only means 'deceitful" but also neces-
sarily connotes an attempt to gain some advan-
tage by the deceit.
Mr. Lee's major question is a bit difficult to
answer. The Editors do not wish to call Mr. CoheJ
a liar. Perhaps he isn't. Our impression is that
Mr. Cohen has simply failed to recognize that
those principles of courage, impartiality, integrity,
and accuracy which he would advocate fora free
press might well be observed in the statements o
those liberals who bend such prodigious and mag-
nanimous efforts toward freeing the press from
the anti-social dangers that result from a prac-
tical joke.
To The Editor:
The cordon of barriers organized to protect the
University of Michigan against hoards of boys
outside of the stadium on Main St. is a marvel
to one interested in law and order. The Uni-
versity with the receipts from the football games
maintains a number of minor and major sports as
well as a fine intramural program. Therefore,
a 1 t h o u g h one may admire the c o u r a g e and
patience of the fence jumpers he must see the
necessity of the fences topped with three barbed
wires, ticket takers, deputies, motorcycle "cops",
aisle guards, and Boy Scouts. Yet the boys outside
of these fences are not criminals, unless we wish
to look back at our own adventures "sneaking into
the Fair Grounds," crawling under circus tents
E and the like as thievery. The game is heavily
weighted in favor of the deputies and their aides
so that it would seem sufficient to catch and escort
the ones who jump the fences beyond the pale.
At the Illinois game one youngster climbed the
South fence, and ran toward the stadium. He was
soon surrounded by guards and as he tried to rush
past three of them in a group he was half-tackled,
tumbled in a sprawl, and ended in a slither
across the cinders. The onlooker could not but
admire the way in which the deputy tripped the
runner without falling himself, and feel that it
was an unnecessary as well as unsportmanlike
act. The guards then proceeded to pick him up by
his appendages, shake him like a rat, and tumble
him after a short trip into a Ford pickup. During
this activity the expressions of the protectors of
the sacred sanction would have been a study for
abnormal psychologists. The Ford was driven
away. The picture of the blood streaming down
the boy's face was a sufficient antidote for any
pleasure that one may have taken in the game.
May there be no repetition.
C. E. Lutes, '27
To The Editor,
With full respect to Professor Anning's mathe-
matical analysis of the Indian situation, I wish to
make this comment:
First of all, mathematical formulas do not apply
in a political situation as we have here. Admitting
that the non-Indian portion of the British army
in India amounts to 60,000 men, and that these
are able to handle the situation as efficiently as
they do, still it doesn't follow that the British
are in India because a large majority of the In-
dians want them there. Anyone acquainted with
war tactics, even on a small scale, may readily see
that 60,000 well equipped soldiers, holding the
strategic' points that the British hold in India,
can, with little effort, especially when confronted
with a defenseless population be it larger than
that of India, maintain peace and order and when
necessary rule with an iron hand.
Moreover, we must not ignore the fact that
these 60,000 men are supplemented with a much
larger force of native soldiers, who not unlike the'
early Turkish Janissaries, are trained on the
strictest mnethods and lured by the deadliest prop-
aganda, toi think of nothing except showing dis-
tinct valor and winning military honors. While

blinded with such narrow desire, these men na-
turally stand as a great factor in the British sub- I
jugation of india.
In conclusion, from the standpoint of a soldier
I can tell you that India has no hope of ever
facing the British forces with arms and driving
them out In the first place, if you search all
India you couldn't find enough arms to equip a
modern bandit, and secondly, even if they were,
equipped, the Indians are emphatically opposed
to such brutish measures. India wants her free-
dom, and' wants it by non-violence. There are
more college trained men in India today than in
all Great Britain. If Great Britain, with such a
handful of college trained men can maintain as
large an empire as they do, we must not worry
our heads as to whether those Indian college men
are capable of organizing their country.
H. I .Khalaf
To The Editor:
Where the devil is that 1932-33 student direct-
ory? School has been going on for more than a
month now and I have not so much as seen a pre-
view of the directory. If it is the 'Ensian staff
that issupposed to be doing this job, I can only
reiterate* the truism that the 'Ensian boys and
girls are darn good decoration for the press build-
ing and not much more. Why if anybody thinks
that one person could not correct proof on that
book in a week's time I wish they would give me
the job.
The trouble, as they will find out, is that the

You have read in the columns of The Daily what Lowell Thomas thinks he saw
in India - what Dr. Sunderland knows by experience -and what other corre-
spondents say -
TON IG At the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, you will hear the Honorable V. J. Patel,
distinguished ex-President of the Indian Parliament -
Dr. Frederick B. Fisher's Book
Published by Ray Long & Richard R. Smith, N. Y., $2.50
An international best-seller, well-balanced, thoroughly documented and full of
human interest -
Banned in India by the British government - but hailed by Indian leaders as
their "Uncle Tom's Cabin."

The Truth About India.,

NM Il lll A 14 NNfN !NN I
. "_"_-

They're a Wise Crowd
These University People!
They know what they want, and
what they're going to use it fr .. .
but when it comes to where they're
going to get it they depend on the
columns of The Michigan Daily
. for they know that they can
depend on the merchants who put
show-windows in its pages .. .

Reigious Atvtes,
EPISCOPAL 1. W. Blakeman, Director
State and Washington Streets Sunday, 9:30 A.M.-Student classes. Cor. E. Univ. Ave. and Oakland
Freshmen, Prof. del Toro, instruic Dr. Bernard Heller, Director
Ministers tor. Upperclassmen, the Director,
Frederick B. Fisher instructor.
Peter F. Stair Regular Sunday Services at the
Pee .Sar3:30 PM.-Oriental-American Forum Women's League Chapie 1100 A.M
10:45-Morning Worship J. K. Dunn '24 chairman. Rabbi Heller will speak.
Dr. Fisher 6:30 P.M.- Graduate Forum. Dr. Subject: "Does the Old Testament
(Beginning a series of sermons on Fisher will speak on "Ethical Es- Sanction War?"
the theme: "Thinking Through to scntials of Christianity."
an Adequate Philosophy of Life") 8PM-pnfrm rf.Ree
he* o hto entils f Cristaniy."8 P.M.-Open forum. Prof. Reeves
6:30 P.M.-Student Guild. Program will lead discussion on "The Com-
"Education and True Patriotism" by the Ann Arbor Community Or- iag Election."
President Daniel L. Marsh chestra.
of Boston University
East Hutron, West of State
C HUNRTHR. Edward Sayles, Minister
Huron and Division Streets DO NOT Howard R. Chapman, University
Merle H. Anderson, Minister
Alfred Lee Klaer, Associate Minister N L 9:30 A.M.-Church School.Dr.Logan,
9:30 A.M. - Student Classes at the YOUR' 10:45 A.M.Worship. Mr. S a y 1 e s
Church House, 1432 Washtenaw
1 Avenue. will. preach on "The Supreme
Avenue. RE LIGIOUS n a
10:45 A.M. Morning Worship. R L:OSQeons
Sermon: "Will-the Royal Faculty inn.E 12:00 Noon--Students meet at Guild
of the Soul." - ACTIV IIES House. Discussion on the Modern
5 :30 P.M.--Social Hour for Young
People .6:00 P.M.-Mr. Benjamin King of
Shanghai, China, will be the
6:30 P.M;-Young People's Meeting speaker. Eats and a social hour
Speaker: Reinhold Niebuhr on
"Religion and Ethics." will follow the program.

(Missouri Synod)
Third and West Liberty
C. A. Brauer, Pastor
Sunday, Nov. 6th
9:30 A.M.-Church School
9:30 A.M.-Service in German
10 45 A.M.-Moning Wors'ht

Washington St. at 5th Ave.
. C. Stellhorn, pastor
9 A.M.-Bible School. Lesson Topic:
"The Christian and World Peace."
9:00 A.M.-Service in the German

(Evangelical Synod)
South Fourth Avenue
Theodore Schmale, Pastor

9:00 A.M.-Bible School


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