The Weather
Cii dy .a 1d rain; colder;
Sunayfitirarnd warmer.
Now That the Poll Is Over
The Princetonian Criticizes U
Raskob List
5 Points Tha
Would Returi
He Says Democrats Hav4
Won Election Aliread
Wants Legalization U
Light Wines And Bee
'Impose Sales Tax
If Found Necessary
Asks Budget Balancing
Assails Republicans Fo
Propounding 'Gospel O
Hate'; Hits Hoover Rul
NEW YORK, Nov. 4.-MP)-John
J. Raskob, in a Democratic campaig
address tonight, said he considere
the election already won by th
Roosevelt-Garner ticket, and the:
outlined a five-point program "tha
can be quickly accomplished and wi
greatly facilitate a quick return o
prosperity and morality in our coun
His program as outlined in an ad
vance copy of his radio talk given ou
at Democratic national headquarter
"1. Pehding repeal of the Eight
eenth Amendment, liberalize the Vol
stead Law to pernit the manufac
ture, transportation and sale of ligh
wines and beer.
"2. Levy an excise tax on beer
and wine designed to produce a fed-
eral revenue of $1,000,000,000 annual-
ly, instead of having the public pa
twice this amount to bootleggers for
poor products illicitly made.
"3. Make radical reduction in the
high surtaxes on incomes, and im-
pose a general sales tax of one and
one-half per cent, if this is neces-
sary temporarily to balance the bud-
"4. Drastically reduce all federal
expeditures, by forcing the govern-
mentto economnize inall directions
exactly as every individual citizen ha
had to do, and in this way.
"5. Balance the budget."
Of the presidential campaign, the
former Democratic national chair-
man and manager of the Smith-Rob-
inson campaign, said:
"In 1928 we witnessed the sorry
spectacle of our Republican oppo-
nents under the leadership of Her-
bert Hoover preaching a 'gospel of
"Today, four years later, that same
Republican party is preaching a 'gos-
pel of fear' to a prostrated people
just as they are beginning to see a
ray of light at the end of the tunnel
after three years of dread, darkness
and uncertainty-all under Repub-
lican rule."
Roosevelt Addresses
Large Brooklyn Crowd
BROOKLYN, Nov. 5.-(P)-Frank-
lin D. Roosevelt tonight told a crowd
that filled every seat of the Academy
of Music he considered that "to take
advantage of the deprivation of the
people, and to spread among them
the gospel of fear is about the most
reprehensible act of the campaign
that has yielded many examples of
unscrupulous appeal for votes."
In the speech made while Alfred
E. Smith sat on the stage awaiting
the time when he should start an
appeal to the people of Brooklyn for
support of the Democratic national
and state tickets, the presidential
candidate said that the business
men "in battling to maintain their
financial solvency and integrity were
told in blunt language at Des Moines,
Ia., how close an escape the country
had some months ago from going off
the gold standard.
"This has been clearly shown since
there was a libel on the credit of the
United States," he said.
"No adequate answer has been
made to the magnificent philippics
of Sen. Glass the other night on
which he showed how unsound was
this assertion."
394 Absentee Ballots
Given To Local Voters
A total of 394 absentee ballots
have been given out to date to ab-
sent reident rf Ann Arbn rfr thie
Miss Morrow Will Wed'
S(Associated Press Photo)
The engagement of Elizabeth
n Morrow, sister of Mrs. Charles A.
n Lindbergh, to Aubrey Niel Morgan,
d Welsh business man, was announced
e recently by her mother.
l Hoover Attacks
f 9
- Democrats In
St. Louis Talk
- President .Tells For The
First Time The Story
t Of Dawes Bank Loan
ST. LOUIS, Nov. 4.-(0P1-Before
a throng that filled this auditorium,
President Hoover tonight declared
r the Democratic party was conducting
"a campaign of avoidances" and
"vague promises," and that its "eva-
sions" extended even to the prohibi-
tion question. ,
The chief executive asserted di-
rectly that Democratic leaders were
seeking to win votes through the "de-
liberate misrepresentation" that the
Republican party was responsible for
the depression.
He called upon Franklin D. Roose-
velt to answer more than a dozen po-
litical questions. He was cheered for.
more than five minutes as he appear-'
ed and again as he stood up to speak.
At Springfield, Ill., where he spoke
after laying a wreath upon Abraham
Lincoln's tomb, the crush and rush
was so great that part of his party
was left behind.'
In his first direct bid tonight for
Missouri's votes, the President told
for the first time publicly "the story
of the Dawes bank in Chicago," to
which the Reconstruction Corpora-
tion recently made a large emergency
Had not action been taken by him-
self and federal reserve officials in
two cities between a Sunday after-
noon and 3 a. m. Monday morning4
several months ago, the President
saidr the huge bank headed by
Charles G. Dawes would have been
"unable to open on the following :
Monday morning."
Martin Mol Speaks At
Republican Meetings ]
Martin J. Mol, president of the j
University of Michigan Republican j
club spoke to five meetings in De- X
troit last night in a whirlwind fin- f
ish to the intensive campaign being
waged by the G. 0. P. in Michigan.
In addition to introducing Gover-
nor Brucker to two assemblages Mol r
spoke to the Coolidge Republican:1
club, the Wolverine Republican club a
and at a mass meeting in the Detroit v
armory. r
Patel Will Be
Welcomed By
Members Of Cosmopolitan
Club Will Wear Famous
Gandhi Cap At Greeting
Indian Lead(er Due
Here At 9:30 A. M.
W ill Inspect University
After Formal Reception
By Newkirk At City Hall
With a colorful procession of Cos-
mopolitan Club members, all wearing
the famous Gandhi "whitecap," the
Indian leader, Vithalbhai J. Patel, of
Bombay, will be met at 9:30 a. m.
today at the Ann Arbor city limits
and conducted to the City Hall, where
Mayor H. Wirt Newkirk and other
offilals of the reception committee
will officially greet him.
After the reception at the City Hall
Mr. Patel will visit the university
campus with members of his party
and by 12:30 p. in., in company with
about 50 others, he will eat lunch at
the home of Dr. and Mrs. Frederick B.
Fisher. In the afternoon Mr. Patel
will devote two hours conferring with
Hindu students, and from 4:00 to
5:30 p. m. he will be at the League
to receive the public and newspaper
reporters. Afterwards the 70-year old
Indian leader will rest until 8:00 p.
m. when he is to appear at Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre and give a talk
on "Behind the Scenes With Gand-
'i," under the auspices of the Cos-
mopolitan Club.
Second only to Gandhi in the In-
dian National Movement, the Hon. c
Mr. Patel is considered one of the
most important Indians ever to have 1
visited the United States.r h
Comedy Club
The Wife' Soon
__ l
Prances Johnson, Donald e
Brackett Are Featured r
In Amusing Love Drama f
With Alan Handley, great lover of f
>ast Comedy Club play successes, and a
Lis last memorable show "Meet The
Prince" which amused theatregoers v
ast year now past history, Comedy s
lub is again pushing rehearsals for b
i show which promises to come up s
o the standard of first class enter- e
ainment. "Meet The Wife" will open p
t the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre s
'hursday for a three night run.
The show, a love tangle by Lynn
tarling, will feature Frances "Billy"
ohnson, '33, who plays the part of a
charming fool" who has been foolish
nough to annex two husbands. Her
aughter, played by Mary Pray, '34,
as also been a bit indiscrete and was
ortunate enough to be "kicked out"
f college for spending the night with
newspaperman. It
Male leads are taken by Donald
rackett, '35, Max Bribil, '34, and
tobert Hogg, '34. Hogg, the reporter,
seen in complicated love scenes as
Jack Nestle, '33, who plays the
art of a silly architect who falls
r the indiscrete mother. (
STOCKHOLM, Nov. 4.- (P) -A c
ewspaper report said today that the w
932 nobel prize for literature prob- p
bly will be awarded to the Russian
rriter, Dmitri Merezhkovsky, who is .x
ow living in Paris. n
ISgt. A lvin C. York
Will Speak Tonight
In S.C. A. Program
Sergeant Alvin C. York, acclaimed
by General Pershing as the greatest
civilian soldier in the World War,
will speak tonight at 8 p. nat the
Presbyterian Church on "Why I Am
For Prohibition." The program is
being sponsored by the Student
Christian Association.
The feat that made Sergeant York
a national hero was the capture,
during the closing months of the
World War, of an enemy machine
gun nest with only 17 men under
his command. He returned from the]
expedition with 132 prisoners and
had lost but 11 of the original raid-
ing party.
The Student Christian Association
will also sponsor the first All-Univer-
sity Convocation of the year at 8 p.t
m. Sunday in Hill Auditorium. Music1
will be furnished by the UniversityI
Men's Glee club and the address will
be delive-ed by Reinhold Niebuhr on
"Moral Man and Immoral Society."
Mr. Niebuhr, who is the author of
Does Civilization Need Religion?"
and "Leaves From the Notebook of at
Tamed Cynic," was for 10 years pas-c
tor of the Bethel Evangelical Churchr
in Detroit.e
Denis Say Pollt
Here Indicates
Governor Brucker Tells
Mol He's 'Tickled Pink' I
With Daily's Straw Vote c
Democratic leaders yesterday de- p
lared that the showing made by Gov.
Franklin D. Roosevelt in the Daily- p
Union poll was indicative of a Demo-
critic victory. a
In all straw votes taken on the
campus in past years, Horatio Abbott,
Democratic national committeeman, t
said that the Republican party had p
been accorded a5-1 victory. The de- t
1rease in) the Republican lead, Abbott b,
said, was a sign of the times. d
O. J. Campbell, professor of Eng- b
ish, pointed out that the combined g
Roosevelt-Thomas vote was nearly w
qual to that of the president. In the d
eal election, he said, this protest, in
rder to be effective, would be cast d
or the Democratic candidate almost t
ntirely. Campbell pointed also to the M
act that the University was normally o
Republican stronghold. d
Martin Ml, president of the Uni- d
'ersity Republican club, however, s
aid that the result of the vote had t
een greeted with enthusiasm by
tate and national Republican lead- p
rs. Governor Brucker was "tickled p
ink" by the result of the poll, he
aid. i
FrisonersFire r
Shop; Troops t
Subdue Them a
_ ss
__________- -5s
sland Of Jesus Riot Is g
Third In Canadian Cells 0
During Last Two Weeks ti
P)-Rioting convicts in the peniten-
iary on the Island of Jesus set fire
o the prison tailor shop today, at- p
acked their guards with knives and d
lubs and slunk back into their cells o
vhen the Royal Canadian Mounted V
olice arrived.e
It was the third such disturbance ti
n a Canadian prison in two weeks d
nd started where two guards were h
upervising the work of about 15 pris-
"ers in the tailor shop. Suddenly the
nen drew knives and clubs as thoughW~
)y signal. fc
A Negro convict named Crossley w
ushed a guard named Aube. He beat M
ie guard with his club and in a U
noment there were screams and w
urses and that peculiar yammering w
vhich seems to mark a prison riot. nf
The men in the tailor shop threw P
own their tools. Several of them set
re to the building. They rushed out S
s the flames swept the wall. Pris- m
rers from other shops gathered A
round in a menacing mob. o
The guards went to their fire sta- di
ions. Several manned the hose. Con- a
icts with knives cut the line. ar
Ruthven Tells
Educators Of
Child Training
Suggests University May
Give Aid In This Work;
Dr. Arlitt Also Speaks
She Defines 'Ages
Of Human Growth"
Dr. Thompson Talks On
'The Recreational Life
Of School, Community'
More than 300 delegates to the
third annual meeting of the Parent
Education Institute last night heard
President Alexander G. Ruthven ad-
dress the group at a dinner in the
League. President Ruthven spoke on
child training.
Suggesting that the University may
assist in the "training for parent-
hood," he outlined a curriculum in
child training made up of courses in
psychology, medicine, dentistry, and
education. "Further," said Dr. Ruth-
ven, "the institution may with pro-
priety serve as a source of informa-
tion for parents under conditions
similar to those which have been
adopted for other units in the field
of adult education."
Dr. Arlitt Speaks
The other speaker of the evening
was Dr. Ada Hart Arlitt, professor
of child care and training at the Uni-
versity of Cincinnati. Toastmistress
for the affair was Mrs. Fred M. Ray-
mond, first vice-president, Michigan
Congress of Parents and Teachers.
"The training of every child," said
President Ruthven, "is a research
problem, and parents should be
rained to be investigators as well as
practitioners in physiology, in ap-
plied psychology, in characterology,
nd in the techniques of living.
Must Experiment
"Fathers and mothers must learn
hat the knowledge they. need is
artly factual, partly theoretical;
hat the experimental method is .to
)e used, and that innate traits are
liscovered and influenced not only
y parental control, precept, and sug-
estion, but also by environments
hich provide experience in indivi-
lual and social living.
Dr. Arlitt, speaking in Lydia Men-
elssohn Theater, discussed the rela-
ion between "The Educator and The
vodern Parent." She defined "a few
if the ages in the growth of the in-
ividual." The first of these occurs
uring the period between three and
ix, and was defined by Dr. Arlitt as
he "age of vivid imagination."
"At such a time,"she said, "the
arents should play the game of 'let's
retend' with the child. The parents
hould encourage imagination, giving
t right exercise and experience."
Speaks on Recreation
Mr. Alden W. Thompson, state di-
ector of physical and health educa-
ion, Lansing, opened the afternoon
ession of the conference on recrea-
ion with his speech on "The Recrea-
ional Life of the School and Com-
iunity." Mr. Thompson corroborat-
d the points in Dr. H. L. Turner's
peech on "Rural Child Welfare,"
iven Thursday.
"Recreation is what one does when
ne does what he wants to do," stated
fr. Thompson, "we connect recrea-
on with the rights of children by
aying that recreation is the enjoy-
ent these rights."
Recreation and Vocations
Dr. Elmer D. Mitchell, associate
rofessor of physical education and
irector of intramural sports, spoke
fn "The Relation of Recreation to
ocations." His lecture was illustrat-
d by charts in support of his theory
hat there is a reciprocal reaction be-
ween the professions which people
ecide upon and their sports and
The conference ondchild feeding
vas also held yesterday afternoon.
Simplicity and Adequacy in Menus
or the Elementary School Child,"
as the subject of a discussion by
iss Lucile Streater, Dietician at
niversity Hospital, and "Dealing
ith Children's Food Difficulties,"
as discussed by Miss Mary E. Swee-
ey, assistant director of the Merill
almer School, Detroit.
Prof. Howard Y. McClusky, of the
chool of Education, addressed the
orning session on "Parent and
dolescent Confidence." He reported
n an investigation of the problems
iscussed with parents by 600 boys
nd girls between the ages 11 to 19
end school grades 7 to 12.
Coaches ,Worried'
As Michigan Girds
For Indiana Gam
Three radios will be placed at
different points in the Union this
afternoon for those interested in
listening to the broadcast of the
Michigan-Indiana game, John W.
L Lederle, '33, Union president, an-
nounced yesterday.
" Particularly important, Lederle
said, is the fact that a radio will
be placed in the Union lobby
where it will be possible to sit on
comfortable chairs while listening
to the game.
Campus Party
Attempts Third,
Straight Victory
Joseph Lackey, Georgina
Karlson, Jack Healey To
Head Sophomore Ticket
State Street's party machine is in
action again to attempt a third polit-
ical victory for the year when the
sophomore literary class holds its
election on Tuesday, Nov. 8..
Both the senior and junior State
Street candidates were swept into of-
fice with substantial margins and the
hopes of the second year men were
high for another party victory at the
Caucus meetings have been held
during the past two weeks and ac-
' tive campaigning is well under way,
but it was riot until last night that+
party nominations were announced..
Joseph Lackey, Sigma Chi, will
head the ticket in the coming election
with Georgina, Karlson, Mosher-Jor-
dan, running for the vice presidency.
Jack Healey, Sigma Alpha Epsilon,
is the nominee for treasurer and the
candidate for secretary has not been
chosen as yet.
Mosher - Jordan, Betsy Barbour
and Helen Newberry have all indi-
cated that they will join the State
Street party.
Griffin Named
To Position On
Play Committee
J. G. P. Central Committee
Now Numbers Thirteen;
Cole Will Lead Dancing
Team Appears Off Fo
In Butler Field Workou
Will Arrive In Stadiu
Shortly Before 1 O'Clo
Hoosiers All Seem
To Be In Top Form
Stan Fay Back In Lineup;
Replaces Regeczi; Small
Group Of Maize And Blue
Rooters Go With. Squad
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Nov. 4.-
Michigan lacked the usual zip and
fire in the practice this afternoon on
the Butler stadium field, and the
coaches kept hammering at the squad
until it was evident that they were
"highly worried" as to the outcome
with Indiana tomorrow in Blooming-
The team will make the 50-mile
trip tomorrow morning and will enter
the field at 1 p. m. in an effort to
gain a fourth Big Ten victory and
their sixth straight game of the sea-
Every regular who starts tomor-
row will be playing with - injuries.
Backs, legs, knees, arms, ankles, and
hips are included in the list that the
Michigan Varsity have made. In-
diana, on the other hand, is in the
best shape of the season with every
regular in first class shape.
The prevailing opinion here is that
if the Wolverines are stopped this
season Indiana will do it. A capacity
crowd is expected in the small Hoo-
sier stadium. The spirit is high
among the Crimson followers. A vic-
tory over the Maize and Blue will
make the season a succesful one, the
Indiana fans say.
Fay in Lineup
Stan Fay, although crippled with
rib injuries, has been forced into the
lineup as John Regeczi's shoulder
has failed to heal sufficiently. Ted
Petoskey will be in bandages as a re-
sult of his injuries in the Princetop
Michigan has sent only a small
contingent of followers to urge on the
badly crippled team. Although Mich-
igan is in for the hardest game of the
season, as injuries have depleted their
ranks of men in the best of shape,
little or no enthusiasm in Ann Ar-
bor was evident when the team left
and the few students who are staying
overnight here have abandoned ex-
pectation of an overwhelming vic-
Michigan has the edge over the
Hoosiers in season records to date.
Matched with the Wolverine unde-
feated record is Indiana's of one loss
to Chicago when the team was crip-
pled, one tie 7-7, with Ohio State
when both squads were in the best
condition possible, and a victory over
Iowa, 12-0.
If Michigan just ekes out a victory
over Indiana, the team will have a
small chance to beat Chicago and
Minnesota in the next two weeks. The
coaches are worried over the possi-
bility that the team is on the skids
and after the game tomorrow the
whole season's record can be fore-
Elizabeth Griffin has been named
assistant chairman of the central
committee of the 1933 Junior Girls'
play, it was announced yesterday by
Frances Manchester, general chair-
With the new policy of subdivision
into co-chairmanships successfullyj
inaugurated, the 13 aides to Miss'
Manchester have been selected. They
are Margaret Cole and Mary Pray,
co-chairmen of dancing; Prudence
Foster and Louise Crandall, co-chair-
men of publicity; Elizabeth Cooper,
co-chairman of finance; R u t h
Duhme, co-chairman of properties;
Helen Gray and Sally Place, co-
chairmen of music; Katherine Mac-
Gregor and Josephine Talbot, co-
chairmen of costumes; Grace Meyer,
co-chairman of hostesses; and Ruth
Robinson, co-chairman of make-up.
Miss Cole, who is conducting the
dancing classes for those interested
in preliminary instruction, announc-
ed yesterday that choruses in the
production will berchosen, in the
main, from these groups.
The classes will meet each Tuesday
at 4 p. m., but pupils are asked to
take note of the change in place from
Sarah Caswell Angell Hall to Barbour
Dr. George Addresses
Democratic Rally Here
Dr. Conrad George, Jr., candidate
on the Democratic ticket for Coroner,
spoke last night at a Democratic rally
of the second ward in Schwaben
Frederick William Wile, Author,
Journalist, Will Lecture Dec. 1
Savage is Back
!Carl Savage is back at left guard
as John Kowalik is out with injuries.
Savage is suffering from minor
sprains but can start. Cecil Cantrill
will be at the other guard position
as Abe Marcovsky is on the sidelines
with injuries.
Harry Newman and Herman Ever-
hardus wil be in the backfield with
Ted Petoskey and Stan Fay. This is
the first time that this combination
has worked together and Coach
Kipke indicated that after a play or
two he could see if it would click.
If it does not rain, Everhardus and
Petoskey will probably see consider-
able action in end runs.
Michigan fears a wet field and a
smart enemy forward wall that may
stop Newman, before he gets his
passes off as Princeton did. Every in-
dication is that the day will be dark
with possible showers, the weather
man reports, and if this is the case,
Michigan's chances will decline and
without its ace kicker, Regeczi, the
Maize and Blue chances seem slim.
For eight years preceding the World
War, German war plans were report-
ed by Frederick William Wile, jour-
nalist, radioscribe, author, and lec-
turer who will speak here on Dec. 1
in the third lecture of the Oratorical
Association series.
He was one of the first correspond-
ents to scent out the approaching
catastrophe. Working principally in
the Northcliffe interests, he was one
the microphone for the first time
about the time Calvin Coolidge suc-
ceeded to the presidency in 1923. He
had already been a correspondent at
Washington during the Harding re-
gime and the last few months of the
Wilson presidency.I
Ever since his first broadcast, Mr.
Wile has been on the air with the
same topic: "The Political Situation
in Washington Tonight." In 1929,
with the advent of President Hoover,
11,f. mIT~. 4, -