THE MICHIGAN DAILY ICHIGAN DAILY Established 1890 -4 1~~~~" 4- -J - ~- -- - "' ._ 'A Q -ax _' tL{ Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications.' Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa- tion and the Big Ten News Service. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited: in this paper and the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches are reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third -Assistant Postmaster-General. Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, $1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214. Representatives: College Publishers Representatives, Inc., 40. East: Thirty-Fourth Street,. New: York Cityl; S0 Boylston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago. EDITORIAL STAFF . Telephone 4925-- MANAGING EDITOR...........FRANK B. GILBRETH CITY EDITOR.......................KARL -SEIFFERT SPORTS EDITOR...................JOHN . W. THOMAS WOMEN'S EDITOR.............MARGARET O'BRIU ASSISTANT WOMEN'S EDITOR.........Miriam Carver NIGHT EDITORS: Thomas Connellan, Norman F. Kraft, John W. Pritchard, C. Hart Schaaf, Brackley Shaw, Glenn R. Winters. SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Fred A. Huber, Albert Newmax. REPORTERS: Hyman J. Aronstam, A. Ellis Ball, Charl G. Barndt; James Bauchat, Donald R. Bird, Donald I. Blankertz, Charles B. Brownson. Arthur W. Carstens, Robert Engel, Eric Hall, John C. Healey, Robert B. Hewett, George Van Vleck, Guy M. Whipple, Jr., W. Stoddard White. Eleanor B. Blum, Louise Crandall, Carol J. Hannan Frances Manchester, Marie J. Murphy, Margaret C. Phalan, Katherine Rucker, Marjorie Western and Har- riet Speiss. BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER...... ......BYRON C. VEDDER CREDIT MANAGER.................HARRY BEGLEY WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER........DONNA BECKER DEPARTMENT MANAGERS : Advertising, Grafton Sharp; Advertising Contracts, Orvil Aronson;-Advertising Serv- ice, Noel Turner; Accounts, Bernard E. Schnacke; Cir- culation, Gilbert E. Bursley; Publications, Robert E. Finn. ASSISTANTS: Theodore Barash, Jack Bellamy, Gordon Boylan, Charles Ebert, Jack Efroymson,]Fred Hertrick, Joseph Hume, Allen Knuusi, Russell Read, Lester Skin- ner, Joseph Sudow and Robert Ward. Betty Aigler, Doris Gimmy, Billie Griffiths, Dorothy Laylin, Helen Olson, Helen Schume, May Seefried, Kathryn Stork. FRIDAY, NOV. 4, 1932 E D I T O R'S N O T E: The following editorial had been written and set up in type before the Socialist demonstration of last night. It's statements weretso well carried out by the attitude of the. demonstra- tors that we are printing it in full, with a further discussion below it. Campus Socialists Learn A $500 Lesson AT TIMES we find it difficult to understand the purpose of the Student Socialist Club on the University of Michigan campus. In spite of the misleading name, the organization denies any connection with the Socialist Party. Exactly what ties bind the group together is almost impossible to de- termine as one can seldom find' two members who agree oneanyset program. Perhaps it is a persecution complex which one finds so often in' radicals. The Daily has politely refrained from making any' comments . on the recent radical bookstand fracas between the Ann Arbor police and the Student 'Socialists. Now that the preliminary storm 'is over, one can look at the situation from arexternal point of view and arrive at a definite their hereditary bigotry-for bigotry has usually been the largest voter in our national elections- and consider the Socialist stand fairly. It has advocated the rolling up of a large vote of protest against the two leading parties. That should, obviously, make The Daily the most liberally-inclined independent newspaper in Michigan, stronghold of Republicanism. Blind to that fact, some sixty persons belonging to the Socialist and Communist parties held a demonstration in The Daily's office last night. It was a demonstration with no point. It was a great disturbance over a quibbling technicality which had n'o discernable bearing on anything. As the story on page one points out in more de- tail, nine illegal votes were inserted in the ballot boxes day -before yesterday by James Inglis, '33, as a joke, which he related to a great many friends. He told The Daily's editor what he had done, with the understanding that the votes would be thrown out. They were thrown out. - Because The Daily neglected to print the fact that the joke had been perpetrated, sixty loud- talking, little thinking radicals invaded its offices and made of themselves the most perfect asses that it is possible for earnest, honest citizens to be. They meant well, perhaps. But they betrayed their cause abominably. They gesticulated. They talked at length, all at once. Most of them were content to talk. A few favored violence. "We won't let them go to press 'till they print a retraction! We want a free press." Somebody suggested wrecking The Daily's machinery, all in the cause of a free press. The otherslaughed. Someone else was afraid the cops might come with machine guns. They did more harm to their campaign on cam- pus- in one evening than they could make up for in weeks of constructive work. They made themselves ridiculous, and very nearly did the same for their cause. Martydom is sweet. Publicity is sweet. Going places in a big angry crowd is sweet. The radical mob last night was Inferiority Complex on a bender. The Daily has believed the Socialist platform to be an intelligent one, and the Socialist party an enlightened one. It is disillusioning to find that terrorism, mob spirit, mass production of a moron voting body, are -as typical of Socialism as of other political creeds. Last night's demonstration was doltishly planned, stupidly carried out, and had assinine motivation. If it had been directed at a privately-owned newspaper, it would have resulted in legal retalia- tion and would have alienated that paper to So- cialist thought for all time. The Daily, of course, does not intend to change its previously stated political stand, even under pressure from such back-handed allies. The Daily still urges you to VOTE FOR NOR- MAN THOMAS if you believe that a protest against the established parties is needed. The Daily believes that it is more liberal than the radical mob of last night-if liberality means democracy and defense of Constitutional rights. The criticism made of the Socialist Club in the editorial above, we believe, is highly prophetic. Although the crowd insisted that it had no con- nection with the club, the membership of the two groups co-incided remarkably. And both are marked by a superfluity of theories and a paucity of results. The demonstration failed. The Daily is "not printing the retraction de- manded.. -It will not print it at any time in the future. Failure, of bourse, is glorious. Martydom is sweet. Yes, but a little disgusting to watch. Uspinin Letters pulished in this column should not be construed as. expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily., Anonynxo is -coniuncations will be disregard- ed. The imes of -communiants will, however, be re- gardedaci Ad etetJl upon request. Contributors are askced to balr t, ;- ~oniininggthemselvesto less than 300.words, f possible. PROFESSOR ANNING APPLIES 1fAHIIEMATIC TO INDIA To Thle Editor: Things' run 'their course. The orbit of campus discussion on India is easy to plot. Sunday an impartial prejudiced, reader cancel one, observer like Lovell Thomas states an opinion to a- Daily reporter.' Tuesday one 'who knows India inti- imately comes out with statements of indisputable fact. On Wednesday some one may be impelled to reply. Thursday and Friday remain for a fluent Hindu to call the roll of Britain's folly from the first indiscretion of the East India Com- pany to the machine guns of Amritsar. By Sat- urday the stage is set for the visit of President Patel. Musical Events LAWRENCE TIBBETT The mention of restraint in connection with a movie star seems like a contradiction of terms and yet, among other things, Lawrence Tibbett I proved that the combination was not only possible, but practical. Tibbett not only captures his au- diences but he completely'enthralls them until it does not matter what he sings or how he sings it. And that is what he does primarily. His voice has been acclaimed widely as a "natural," much as the latest golf player or. baseball pitcher is heralded, yet underlying and surpassing that "natuial" voice is that subtle essence, that mys-. terious synthesis of elements which might have been termed "'X" but is better known as "it"- in other words, personality. He is a showman and whether he sings a song, tells a story or merely makes a bow, the point always gets over. It is not surprising that he is so - genuinely popular with the American people; in this country of "stars," whether they be swimmers, writers or preachers, it is only natural that we add singers to our heavenly collection. Consequently, it is not the music which is the essential feature but rather the performer-so, in like manner, such a recital as Wednesday night should properly be called not a concert but a "Tibbett." He was surprisingly restrained in the attitude which he took towards his songs. There was none of the florid lyricism of the usual operatic star nor the conventional mannerisms of the concert singer. He, in turn, was this or he was that, always sincerely and sympathetically conceived-and always with the utmost good taste. One had the feeling that he sang the song as a unit-behind it lay a clear understanding of the essential qual- ity-the story to be "put over." And that is what he is-a "story teller." Not that he cannot sing. The first half of his program, in particular, was ample proof against that mistaken idea. But it was in the Brahms "Verrath" where both the' musical aid dramatic elements were combined in one finely expressive whole that he reached the heights of his creations in the medium of the song proper. His first numbers were pure music- his last, well, shall we say, musical verse?-but in this one song there was a subtle blending of both qualities into a medium of organic unity. And that should be Tibbett. Many people can sing-others can act-but in very few is a com- bination of both the musical and the dramatic found to sch a striking degree. There was an almost careful simplicity char- acterizing all of his first group. He was restricted not only in manner but in voice, which seemed to lack the resonance which one had expected. The air from "Comus" was refined into a minia ture of the clear cut vitality which is so char- acteristic of its composer. But the precision of his whole style of delivery was a satisfaction-- in the' eternal warfare which wages between in- strumentalists and singers Tibbett is a shining example of an instance in which the latter may also be a musician. And in the Donaudy "Vaghis- sima semblanza" such quibbling details were com- pletely overwhelmed in the sheer beauty of the actual song. It hovered perfectly between the dramatic moment and absolute music; neither the verse nor the tonal line was predominating, but it combined the two in an exquisitely emotional expression.' The "Jardin d'Amour," characteristically .French in its transient clarity, was done with a thrilling delicacy, and a subtle feeling for the lyrical mood of the song. Loewe's "Maidens Are Like the Wind" was charming. The fluid, ever mov- ing melodicaline gave it the suggestive quality that should be the aim of all good programme music. "If Love Hath Entered Thy Heart" is the distinctly popular type of thing that is decorated with conventional vocal acrobatics and sugared with a sentimental melody-and it was popular. In the "Sapphic Ode" of Brahms, his first encore, which was well suited to his voice, he seemed for the first time to be able to free it from the cov- ered throatiness which was veiling his tone. Stewart Wille, Mr. Tibbett's accompanist, was surprisingly adequate as a soloist-for an accom- panist. He reached all of his notes and in some cases played them well, but his touch has the same sterile clarity as that of an old time clavier and he played with a business like precision that made itrather a relief on all sides when thej time filling interlude was over.-Kathleen Murphy FOR CORRECT TIME Dial 2-3111. Boys I CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 11 IS Do you know that some one of whom you think often has a birthday this week; do you realize that Flowers express your feeling without words; Oo you know that "She" loves Flowers and can read your message in them? Just think it over. G iris . How about remembering "Him" with Flowers? Don't imagine boys don't care for Flowers, they do, especially when "shut in. The University Flower Shop, Inc., has the choicest of flowers, always fresh. You can use them for any purpose. They tell your message. INEXPENSIVE 0 BUT.. VERY EFFECTIVE Dial 2-1214 Or Stop At the Publications Building They Grow Their Own The University Flower Shop Inc. Announcing! THE RE-OPENING OF China Inn Cafe Chinese and" American Restaurant 314 S. State St.. Near the Campus Above the Morrill Stationery Store High-Class Service Tasty Food Special Chinese and Amerien Menus Daily--Everything Home Cooking. Delicious Dishes-B)ring Your- Friends to Dinner Here With You Special Noonday Lunch..30c to 35c Table d'Hote .Dinner. .40c to 50c Special Sunday Dinner......,...50c Private Dining Room for Parties All Outside Orders Call or Deliver , Prom 11 A. M., to Midnight PHONE 23818 Open from 11 A. M. to 1 A. M. Phone 9055 606 East Liberty St. _ THE DAILY CLASSIFIED ADS PAY _________ THE SPAN ISH ROOM Wishes to announce the opening of two additional rooms for danc- ing to accommodate its patroins. No Cover or Minimum Charge SPECIAL FULL COURSE LUNCH, 25C Try Our Mexican Hot Tamales, For a Limited Time . . E WILL ALLOW YOU $2.00 FOR YOUR OLD PEN Toward the Purchase of Any $5.00 Fountain Pen or Over SCHAEFFER'S EVERSHA RP CON KLIN MOORE'S PhSwioft's D g Sre 3 40 S. State St. Phone 3 534 -- We Deliver Delivery Service At All Times 308 Maynard 22019 The Cosiest Little Place in Town ®m 11 2.1214 It's a good number to keep in mind. You'll want it if you've LOS'T a book, or key or fountain pen, then if you'veP by chance WADHAM'S&Co. Gigantic $40,000SALE Reorganization . MEN'S and YOUNG MEN'S FURNISHINGS HATS SATURDAYSPECIALS Men's Suits, sold up to $45.00, $1095 large assortment of Society Brand .1 en's Fine Overcoats, sold up to $ $35-Mostly Dark Coats ........ Men's Felt Hats, Stetsons, Schobles, all ------ stls or -adto fakn tU the first place, the organization requested ssioi i from the chief of police to sell radical tute on State street. The request was ed and the Socialists launched into one of "major projects of the year." dicals are seldom good business men. The lists bought $500 worth- of literature on b and opened a stand. Before they had sold of it, the police ordered them 'to take the off the street. The members of the club left holding the bag. e Socialists' assumed, of course, that they >een 'closed because they were selling radical ture and made many threats about suing poIice and appealing to the Civil Liberties :n They were very much disappointed;" then, they discovered that they had not been cuted because they were radicals, but had ordered to close up because they had broken ' ordinance by erecting the newsstand. ef O'Brien had given them permission to ;he literature but he had not given them isuion to' sell it from a bookstand. ten this fact was eventually made clear to numerous members of the Socialist Club, ooud rumblings of protest gradually dwim- into faint rauimurs. The point was brought' iat there was a newsstand in front of the le. This, however, is inside the property of the arcade, not on the sidewalk and, e, not under the jurisdiction of -the city. hough the Socialists have not given up dream of suing the city for the $500 spent* terature, it seems - very doubtful that the will ever come to court. Perhaps the mem- of the' organization have learned a lesson. vmm Screen Reflections 0" a Take some arithmetic. India contains 350 mil- lion people, one-fifth of the human race. West- erners in India number about 280 thousand, 160 thousand European-born and the remainder of mixed blood niainly Anglo-Indian. The non-In- dian portion of the British army in India amounts to 60,000 men. Admit' what is always close to the truth that half, of these are concentrated and kept busy on the northwest frontier. That leaves on -the plains 30,000 of the hated British or, roughly, ONE TO EVERY TWELVE THOU- SAND of the population. If India were in the ferment which visiting, and perhaps local, agi- tators would have us believe, then a bare-handed India could quietly and completely smother and erase that army and hold its ports against all comers. Conclusion: British are in India because a laige majority of the Indians want them there. The person who hastens to answer this letter should note that it is not a defense of any British policy or lack of policy nor is it an attack on any one who desires a free India. SNrmmn Anninr- Four stars means a super-picture; three stars very! good; two stars good; one star just another picture; no stars keep away from it. AT THE MICHIGAN NIGHT AFTER NIGHT"t *d *,AND A HALF- Joe Anton .. .......... George Raft I Miss Healy ........ Constance Cummings Iris........... . ..... Wynne Gibson Miss Jellyman ........Alison Skipworth The program in brief: Gangster pictures are getting a bit monotonous, but "Night After Night" is different in that it opens just'as the racketeer' begins to reform and become a gentleman. Joe Anton, owner of a speakeasy at "No. 55," is tiring of the smell of booze and swaggering women. His eye is on a "Park Avenue" girl who visits his joint each night-alone. He discovers that she was born in the place that is now his speakeasy. An old flame grows jealous and pulls a shooting act while he is with Miss Healy one evening. For a moment she falls in love with him and the rest of the picture brings out his fight to get her per- manently.} Alison Skipworth (the teacher) tutors Joe in the ways of a gentleman and ends by becoming drunk, giving up her teaching job and accepting a. inh in a. hautv nalor under Mae West a a coat, a badge or hat 2-1214 will help to find the owner. But that isn't all. If you would. like to RENT a room, or have one rented, the same little number will do it. A lot of other things too ... try it Michigan Classifieds FOUND Another Lot Hosest 7 up from stock room -.- Men's 50c Hickok 29c Garters B. V. D. Men's Union en Suits going at .. . . 7C All Reg. $5 Felt }Hats for Men....9 Men's Fine White -- l d k s ., s o ld 1 O c , n o w .X.S. .eo r AllStylesaof-w ~ Collars in stock now . C19C Outing Night Shirts 95 sold at $1.95. ...C.. - c Young Men's Pants, up to $3.50 pair .t$..95 Men's Pajamas, up to $2 suit .........S M !en's Pajamas, $ 'f up to $2.50 , ,159 Up to $3.00 Men's$1 95 Pajamas.... . .7 Men's Fine Up to5 $1.50 Nelkwear ... . 95C More Shirts, to 1 .0 87 just up from reserve. Fine White Broad-- q$1.19 cloth Shirts, $2 val.. . Men's Union Suits, 8 up to $2 garment . Men's $1 Athletic Union Suis,..... 59C $1.50 Pajamas, cot- 9 ton, some $2.00.... Sc One Lot 34-36 only to $2 Union Suits.... Brown Knit Gloves, now..... ..'..... Allen A Union. $ 1 Suits, upto$1.50 . Allen A Union _F Suits, up to $2. ...0.59 Men's Shirts, up to $2.50 .........$1.2 Mcn's Fine Shirts$159 up to$3......,5 Up to 75c Shirts and Shorts, 3 for $1......5c 'I H~ot-Hecaded Puerilgties. Men's Fine Silk ('A "" Men's $1 Rayon C"r'. I a I Ii r