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November 04, 1932 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-11-04

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Thbe Weather








Campus Socialists Learit
$500 Lesson-Indulge in Ho
Headed Puerilities.




I I _ ... .

Hoover 'Fear
By Roosevelt
U r g es Republicans -For.
Roosevelt To Join For
'Work And Security'
Contrasts Views
With President's
Democrat Candidate Out-
lines A 'Philosophy Of
Government' In Talk
NEW YORK, Nov. 3.--P)-Frank-
lun D. Roosevelt invited Republicans
tonight to join him in efforts to get
for the American people "work and

Seeks Re-Election

Talks Form
First Session
Of Institute


Educator Gives
Closing LeCture:

President Ritliven
To Speak Tonight

Prominent Teachers
Afternoon's Speal
Discnssion Leaders


Speaking to the Republicans-for-
Roosevelt League in the Metropolitan
Opera House, the Democratic presi-
dential candidate described these as
the essentials of a philosophy of gov-
ernment and contrasted his own
ideas with those he said were held
by President Hoover.
"Hoover's A Campaign of Fear"
Mr. Roosevelt renewed his asser-
tion that the President was conduct-
ing a campaign of fear and said that
"no doubt" he was seeking to extend
that campaign a few nights ago when
he "made the statement that if the
policies, he had so valiantly develop-
ed be not continued the grass would
grow on the streets of the cities.'"
"Well." the New York governor
.added, "the grass has little chance
to grow in the streets of our cities
now. It would be trampled into the
ground by the men who wander these
streets in search of employment."
Mr. Roosevelt said that to con-
dense the sum of all the arguments
the President has made for his re-
election "into two sentences is not
"He asks for a vote of confidence
because he says that but for him the
situation would have been worse,"
the governor continued. "He asks the
nation to wait and hope for some
miracle or invention to make things
"My political philosophy and my
chart of action for the country's fu-
ture differs widely from those of
President Hoover. This program in-
trusted to me is essentially a national
"An Unselfish Program"
"Such a program permits of no
yielding to sectional or immediate
selfiuslh special interests such as those
represented by the clients and back-
ers of Mr. Grundy.,'
Referring to the American system
of government which he said Mr.
Hoover had mentioned in his recent
New York speech, Governor Roose-
velt said "The American government
itself was founded on the principle
that many men from many states
with many economic views and many
economic interests might through the
medium of a national government;
build for national harmony, national
unity and interdependent well-being."
'Yeats TendinA
To Draw Away
From Realists'

(Associated Press Photo)
Gov. George White of Ohio is run-
ning a close race for re-election on
the Democratie ticket.
"War Hero Will
Battle Repeal
lin Talk Here

Dr. W. E. Blatz, of the University
of Toronto, ended the first day of the
Parent Education Institute with an
earnest speech "Why Should a Child
Conform?" The afternoon was taken
up by two conferences, one "Rural
Education" under the direction of
Miss Ottilia Frich, commissioner of
schools of Saginaw County; the other
on "The Handicapped Child," con-
ducted by Dr. Charles M. Elliott, di-
rector of special education, Michigan
State Normal College. Mrs. J. K. Pet-
tengill, fourth vice-president of the
National Congress of Parents and
Teachers, was the principal speaker
at the morning session. Her subject
was "The Parent-Teacher Associa-
tion in Relation to Parent Educa-
Dr. Blatz made four divisions in his
speech last evening: physiological

Sergt. York Will
Tomorrow Night3
Group At Church


Sergeant Alvin C. York, "the great-
est civilian soldier of the World War,"
according to General John Pershing,
will speak at 8 p. m. Saturday at the
First Presbyterian Church.
The subject for the lecture by the
war-time hero and Tennessee moun-
tain. farmer will be, "Why I Am for
"'This talk is being featured at this
time because of the nearness of the
elections at which some considera-
tion must be given to this vital prob-
p lem," stated Frank Galati, '34, chair-
man of the committee of the Student
Christian Association which is co-op-
erating in his appearance here.
The first all-university convoca-
tion of the year will also be sponsor-
ed by the S. C. A. and is scheduled
for 8 p. in. Sunday, Nov. 6 in Hill
Auditorium. The program will fea-
ture an address by Reinhold Niebuhr,
prominent theological scholar and
active worker with Norman Thomas
Mr. Nichols will speak on "Moral
Man and Immoral Society." The Uni-
versity Glee Club will sing at theI
convocation at which Dr. Merle An-
derson will lead the group in prayer.
Michigan Alumni GatherI
At Indianapolis Banquet
Indiana alumni will convene for a
banquet in honor of the Michigan-
Indiana football game tonight at the
Antlers Hotel, Indianapolis.
Speaking for the University of
Michigan will be T. Hawley Tapping,
general secretary of the Alumni As-
sociation, Director of Athletics Field-
ing H. Yost, and Head Coach Harry
Kipke. Judge E. H. Ireland will rep-
resent the Indiana group.
The alumni association will main-
tain headquarters at the Graham
Hotel in Bloomington the morning
prior to the game.

The opening address of tonight's
banquet meeting of the Parent
Education Institute will be deliv-
ered by President Alexander G.
Ruthven. The title of Dr. Ruth-
yen's address has been announced
as "Parent Training."
maturity of the child, economic ma-
turity, social maturity, and religious
In the conference on rural educa-
tion, Dr. W. N. Robinson, director of
the department for rural education
at Western State Teachers' College,
spoke on "A Parent-Teacher Program
for Rural Schools." Dr. H. L. Turner,
director of the division of rural edit-
cation, Michigan State Normal Col-
lege, spoke on "Rural Child Welfare
in Michigan." Miss Frisch next pre-
sented a short talk on "Child-Guid-
ance in Rural Schools" in which 1he
stressed the changing idea of teach-
rhe conference on the handi-
capped child conducted by Dr. El-
liott was addressed by John J. Lee,
of the State Department of Public
Instruction, who spoke on "Michi-
gan's Problem of Rehabilitation and
Special Education." Dr. Elliott spoke
on "Special Educ tion at Michigan
State Normal College."
Prof. Arthur Boak will address
members of the University Club at
their monthly meeting at 8 p. m.
today at the clubrooms in Alumni
Memorial Hall. An extensive pro-
gram has been planned for the ex-
pected large attendance.

Voters Scheduled
To Receive Longer
Ballots Than Usual
LANSING. Nov. 3. _._ i) Voters
Nov. 8 will look over the largest bal-
lot in the history of the state. Two
sheets of paper each almost the size
of a newspaper page will he handed
each voter on entering the polling
booth, the department of state an-
nounced today.
Candidates of 10 parties will have
their names on the ballot. Twy are
the Republ ican, Dermocra t, Socialist,
Prohibition, America, Socialist ..a-
bor, Communist, Proletarian, Liberty
and Farmer Labor, and will appear
on the ballot in this order.
The Republican and Democratic
parties are the only ones with com-
plete tickets. The American party has
no candidates except in Wayne
county. Two parties-the American
and Proletarian-haven't any Pres-
idential or vice presidential candi-
The Communist, Proletarian, Lib-
erty and American groups appear on
the Michigan ballot for the first time.
The eight issues on the general
election ballot will take up 45 inches
of space. Some counties have print-
ed the oleo referendum ballot in two
columns to make the huge sheet
easier to handle, the first time
this has been done in the history
of the state.
Working Cass
Conditions Bad,
Briton States
Former Commons Member
Calls Present Supply
And Demand Paradox
"In order to retain hold of ex-
port markets of the world, through
intense competition, working-class
conditions have become worse and
worse," said A. Fenner Brockway,
former member of the British House
of Commons, in a talk at the latiral
Science Auditorium last night.
"Mountains of goods and machines
of miraculous capacity and beside
them millions of people in want is
the situation today," Mr. Brockway
pointed out. "You must give those
people'purchasing power to buy those
goods, before you can ever improve
ecnomic conditions,' 'he said.
Mr. Brockway suggested a National
Economic Council to take the whole
economic life of his country, a coun-
cil composed of trained men, who will
operate a plan which will benefit the
community as a whole.
The speaker drew an analogy be-
tween the present struggle against
economic conditions in England and
the struggle against political condi-
tions there in the first part of the
nineteenth century and voiced the
opinion that mass arising would se-
cure relief, as it did then.
Partner' Ballot
I Method Of
Protesting Vote
Political Group Arranges
Co-operation Of Voters,
At Polls Tuesday
A highly novel and interesting plan
for the express benefit of Democratic
and Republican voters who wish to

cast a "protest" ballot Nov. 8 has
been created here by the League for
Independent Political Action, it was
announced yesterday.
Under the proposed plan, Repub-
licans who wish to vote the Socialist
ticket without "giving" a vote to the
Democrats, may notify the Rev.
Howard R. Chapman, the league's
representative, of their wish. The
Reverend Chapman will pair off the
Republican with a Democrat who
likewise wishes to vote Socialist, and
the two will go to the polls together
to vote for Norman Thomas. The re-
sult will be two Socialist, or "protest"
votes, while neither the Republicans
or Democrats have gained by the ac-
tion of either of the individuals con-
cerned. Theirs is a net loss of one
vote each.
John Dewey, chairman of the
league, said that the "vote exchange"
is a result of the petition of many
voters who want to make the "pro-
test" without letting the traditional
rivnit imindtr +he tn-nnarty -oetpm

Leaders Of
i Science Will
Gather Here
Program For Convention
Of National Academy Of
Science Is Announced
Meetings Are Open
To General Public
Membership In Academy
Is Termed High Honor.;
250 Members Are Listed
The program of the annual fall
convention of the National Academy
of Sciences, which will be held here
November 14, 15, and 16, was an-
nounced yesterday by Dr. F. G. Novy,
chairman of the executive commit-
tee of the medical school.
Dr. Novy pointed out that the Na-
tional Academy is the foremost asso-
ciation of its kind in the United
States, and declared that the Univer-
sity will be highly honored by the
convention here this year.
To Hold Five Sessions
The convention, according to the
announcement, will hold five scien-
tific sessions in Lydia Mendelssohn
theatre, to which the public is in-
vited. Outstanding among the lec-
tures will be that delivered Monday
evening on "A Geographic Study of
Cosmic Rays" by Arthur Holly
Compton, of the University of Chi-
cago, who has been the recipient of
the Nobel Prize.
Membership in the Academy num-
bers about 250 and is divided into 11
sections. These sections represent the
following scientific fields: Mathema-
tics, Astronomy, Physics, Engineering,
Chemistry, Geology and Paleontol-
ogy,' Botany, Zoology and Anatomy,
Physiology and Biochemistry, Pathol-
ogy, and Anthopology and Psychol-
First Time Here
The Academy meets twice annual-
ly. Every April it convenes in Wash-
ington, D. C., and every fall it meets
at some University. Some of the
schools at which it has met in recent
years are Yale, Princeton, and the
Universities of California, Wisconsin,
and Illinois. The convention here
next week will be the first that it
has held in Ann Arbor.
The Academy was founded by Act
of Congress in 1863. Joseph. Henry,
who was at that time Secretary of
the Smithsonian Institute and the
nation's foremost physicist and also
a close friend of President Lincoln,
was instrumental, with the Presi-;
dent, in causing Congress to pass the
bill creating the organization.
The present president of the Acad-
emy, William Wallace Campbell,
graduated from the University of
Michigan in 1887. He is the Emeritus
President of the University of Cali-
forma and the Emeritus Director of
the Lick Observatory.
Four Michigan Members
Scientists are elected to member-
ship in the Academy nation by a
highly complicated system of ballot-
ing and membership is generally held1
among scientists to be one of the:
highest honors that can be conferredE
in the United States. The University
of Michigan is represented in the
Academy by Professors Heber D.
Curtis, of the department of astron-
omy, and director of the Detroit Ob-
servatory; Walter B. Pillsbury, of the
psychology department; Moses Gom-
berg, of the chemistry department;l
and Frederick G. Novy, chairmani
of the executive committee of the
medical school. 1

medical school..._

Tickets Split
As Engineer
Seniors Elect
(antrill Noses Out Others
By Small Margin; Junior
Nominee Is Dalsinier

Hint Republi


Senior engineers waged a' closely
contested battle in their class elec-
tions yesterday, which resulted in a
split of both party tickets. The mar-
gins by which the candidates won
were closer than in any other elec-
tion so far this year.
Cecil Cantrill will head the sen-
for engineers this year as a result of
having nosed out two other candi-
dates, Robert Hayes and Harold
Hessler, by a small margin. The
vote was 74, 69 and 62, respectively,
Earl Briggs ran a poor fourth, polling
only eight votes.
For the office of vice-presidency
Jerry Gruitch polled a total of 90
votes while his two opponents, E. J.
Carr and Harvey Bauss, received 80
and 43 respectively.
Richard F. Becker polled the high-
est number of votes during the day,
defeating his opponent, Emmerson
Reid, 128 to 84. Elgin 0. Marshall
also ran up a substantial lead when
he defeated Erwin Boyton and Ala-
stair Mitchell in a final vote of 113,
93 and 12.
Duane Erikson defeated Mathias
Matzek for the office of honor com-
mitteeman by a vote of 123 to 75, and
Harold Toro was elected engineering
councilman when he defeated James
Smith and James Creagan. The vote
for the three candidates respectively
was 115, 54 and 33.
Junior engineers are beginning
their campaign for the election to
be held at 10 a. m. in room 348 West
Engineering -building Tursday, Nov.
10. At a caucus held at the Theta
Delta Chi house Tuesday, Phillip T.
Dalsimer was nominated for presi-
dent; Jack Salmon, vice-president;
Royal Peake, secretary; Kenneth
Campbell, treasurer; Taylor Drysdale,
honor committee; and C. F. Blanding
and Charles Nisen, engineering coun-
The J-Hop representatives nomin-
ated were Joie Burnett Albert .Little
and Stewart Smart.
Varsity Glee Club Will
Make First Appearance
The year's first local appearance
of the Varsity Glee Club is scheduled
for Sunday night when members of
the 1932-33 organization will render
several numbers as part of the stu-
dent convocation program sponsored
by the Student Christian Association.
In the absence of Director David
Mattern from the city, the club will,
appear Sunday under the leadership1
of Warren Mayo, '33.
Indian Assembly Leader
To Discuss Gandhi Here
V. J. Patel, for many years presi-
dent of the Indian National Assem-
bly, will speak at 8:15 p. m. Saturday
in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theater,
on "Behind the Scenes With Gand-'

'Free Speech' Advo
Threaten To Hold
Presses In An Att(
To Coerce Editors
Hastily organized to demo:
against "misstatement of fac
"suppression of news" in the
account of the campus Presi
straw vote, more than 60 sti
and a handful of townspeop
by Zeldon S. Cohen, '33, and F
Kuhne, '33, active members
Michigan Socialist Club, storml
offices of The Daily in the S
Publications Building shortly a
o'clock last night and threate
"stop the presses until we get
While members of The Dail
were attempting to reach Fra
Gilbreth, '33, managing editor,
Union, where he was atteni
meeting, leaders of the mob oc
the editorial office and, amid
waving of arms and demands
fair deal," threatened violence
alleged irregularities in the ci
of the poll were exposed.
Gilbreth Arrives
Gilbreth arrived in the office
10:30 n. m.. accomnanied by


Mob Invades Publi
Plant, Demands I
Of A Practical J
Presidential Poll

To Protest

Straw ote ra

Socialists Storm


Campbell Says Lecturer
Is Becomini Constantly
More Subjective
William Butler Yeats is tending
more and more to draw away from
the objective realism that is growing
in importance in the Irish theatre,
said Prof. O. J. Campbell of the Eng-
lish department in an interview yes-
Mr. Yeats, who will speak in Hill
Auditorium Nov. 10 under the aus-
pices of the Oratorical Association,
was a prime figure in the Irish Ren-
aissance of Literature at the time of
its origin about 1890, and has con-
tinued ever since in the midst of
Irish literary activity.
The modern exponents of Irish
drama, explained Professor Camp-
bell, have sought more and more to
portray the objective, common, every-
day incidents of human life. They
have lifted realism to a place of
prime importance in Irish letters. Mr.
Yeats, on the other hand, has be-
come more and more subjective, and
has attempted to establish a circle
of theatre-goers who will enjoy an


University, Other Institutions
Begi11 Encyclopedia Of State

ing Cohen, who had organized them
at Natural Science Auditorium after
a lecture given by Fenner Brockway,
member of the British Independent
Labor Party, to act as spokesman.
Cohen . charged that Inglis had
voted illegally in the Daily-Union
poll, and demanded that The Daily,
which, he charged, had knowingly
covered up the fact, publish a com-
plete retraction on the front page.
Gilbreth flatly refused to consider
the program.
"Won't Leave Office"
"We won't leave this office, and
The Daily won't go to press until
you agree to publish an article as
long, in the same position, and with
the same size headline as the one
that announced the results of the
Kuhne, who branded statements in
The Daily to the effect that the poll
had been conducted without any
charges of dishonesty as "lies," asked
Gilbreth "how much the Republicans
paid him" to swing the vote for Hoo-
ver. Gilbreth explained to the mem-
bers of the crowd that Inglis had
cast several ballots illegally in a
practical joking attempt to prove that
he could evade the vigilance of Daily
and Union staff members posted to
conduct the poll. He declared that
Inglis had immediately informed him
of the fraudulent' ballots, which
were deducted from the total before
Draws Deadline
Shortly after his arrival in the of-
fice, Gilbreth, in response to a threat
from Kuhne that the mob would for-
cibly prevent The Daily from going
to press, indicated a dead-line across
the editorial room and ordered mem-
bers of the mob to stay on their side.
They did.
Little organization was evident in
the conduct of the demonstration,
few besides Cohen and Kuhne being
sufficiently informed on the subject
to voice their demands coherently.
While the majority of those present
lolled about on benches and chairs,
occasionally crying, "Isn't this a stu-
dent newspaper?" the leaders hurled
threats and insults at members of
The Daily -staff.
Cohen Organized Mob
A member of the Michigan Social-
ist Club told The Daily that when
the members of the mob were organ-
ized in Natural Science Auditorium,
Cohen had promised them "that
there wouldn't be any Socialist Club
politics at the demonstration."
After an hour during which no ac-
tion was taken and the leaders con-
_--A nr:.1% "Sln-4s ara .rm-

Work on the Encyclopedia of the
State of Michigan to be written co-
operatively by faculty members of the
University and other Michigan col-
leges has been begun, according to.
information received yesterday from
Dr. George N. Fuller, secretary and
editor of the Michigan Historical
Commission, who will edit the en-
Probably no state in the Union,
said Dr. Fuller, will have a State En-
cyclopedia of such scope and scholar-
ship. Its five volumes of 500 pages
each will embody some 2,000 differ-
ent subjects, presenting a complete
survey of the economic, social, politi-
cal, intellectual, and religious life of
the people of Michigan.
Faculty to Contribute
Several members of the University
faculty have been asked to contri-
bute to the work. Dean Samuel Dana,
of the School of Forestry and Conser-
vation, will write on "Forestry and
Lumbering." Prof. Louis C. Karpin-
ski. of the mathematics denartment.

ported Education" by Prof. George L.
Jackson, of the school of education;
"Secondary Education" by Prof. Cal-
vin 0. Jackson, also of the school
of education; "Archeology and Eth-
nology" by Prof. Carl E. Guthe, di-
rector of the museum of anthropol-
ogy; '"Music" by Prof. Earl V. Moore,
musical director of the school of
music; "History of Ann Arbor" by
Prof. 0. W. Stephenson, head of the
department of social studies of the
University High school; "Fisheries"
by Dr. Van Oosten, aquatic biologist,
United States Bureau of Fisheries;
"Fauna" by Norman A. Wood, cura-
tor of the bird division, museum of
zoology; "Transportation" by Prof.
John S. Worley, of the transportation
engineering department; "Athletics"
by Prof. Fielding H. Yost, director of
interscholastic athletics.
Other members of the university
faculty who have consented to write
for the Encyclopedia are: President
Ruthven; Randolph G. Adams; di-
rector, William L. Clements library
of American history; Prof. H. H.

Hoover Receives 70 Per Cent
Plurality In Four Test Votes
By NORMAN F. KRAFT ' covered the Main street business see-
Ann Arbor public opinion has been tion and was the only one of the
four taken strictly in the west side
tested by four straw votes during the of the city. Roosevelt received 465
present presidential campaign, Pres- votes to 196 for Hoover in the Vet-
ident Hoover receiving 2,706 votes in eran poll.
the four polls to 1,927 cast for Gov- The second poll covering the Ann
ernor Roosevelt. Norman Thomas re- Arbor area was that of the Literary
ceived 527 votes in two polls and Digest, as part of its nationwide
William Z. Foster 40 in one. William straw vote. This race ran very close,
Upshaw, prohibition candidate was Hoover receiving 573 to Roosevelt's.
the recipient of one vote in the 563 in the totals. The third vote was
Daily-Union poll. that conducted by The Daily among
The four straw votes were conduct- the Ann Arbor persons listed in
ed by the Ann Arbor Veteran, the "Who's Who" and resulted in an 86-
Literary Digest, The Daily and the 19 victory for the President, Norman
last by The Daily and the Union Thomas running close behind the
jointly. Excluding that part of the Democratic nominee with a total
Dailv-Tninn vnte cnvering the stuii- ,i,-. ,o f ii

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