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November 03, 1932 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-11-03

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College Dailies'
Straw Vote Gives
Hoover Big Lead
College Papers' Results
Tabulated By Princeton
Daily In Straw Vote
29 Favor Hoover
Roosevelt Second, Polling
18,212; Thomas Runs
Third With 10,470
A tabulation of straw polls con-
ducted in various colleges throughout
the country by the Daily Princeton-
ian, student publication of Princeton
University, shows President Hoover
in the lead by a substantial margin.
Governor Roosevelt second, and Nor-
man Thomas running a much better
than average third.
The total vote is Hoover, 29,289,
Roosevelt, 18,212, and Thomas, 10,-
470. Hoover won in 29 colleges,
Roosevelt in 11, and Thomas in five
Of the 18 eastern colleges in the poll
Hoover was ahead in 16, running up
large leads in the older and more
conservative institutions. Two east-
ern colleges, Columbia University and
New York University, both in New
York City, lived up to their reputa-
tion for liberalism by favoring Thom-
as. Roosevelt was second at N. Y. U.
and Hoover was second at Columbia.
Midwest Picks Hoover
In the mid-west Hoover was again
favored, winning in eight colleges
while Thomas was ahead in one. The
far west went for Hoover by five to
two, St. Louis University and Colo-
rado University supporting Thomas.
The 11 colleges favoring Roosevelt
were all situated in the south, that
section of the country reaffirming its
traditional allegiance to the Demo-
cratic Party.
Three eastern women's colleges,
Wellesley, Smith, and Vassar were
polled, "and they also leaned toward
the President. Norman Thomas had
a fair lead over Governor Roosevelt
at these institutions. The vote was
Hoover, 1,982, Thomas, 560; and
Roosevelt, 329.
Anti-Hoover Vote Big
While at first glance the poll would
seem to illustrate that American col-
lege students compose one of the most
conservative groups in the country,
further study indicates that although
Roosevelt is greatly outdistanced by
the President the total anti-Hoover
vote is considerable.
This "protest" vote, instead .of go-
ing to the major party out of power,
which has always been the case, is
split between the Democratic and
Soialist candidates. Roosevelt has
18,212 and Thomas 10,470. The total
anti-administration vote is thus 28,-
682, only 607 behind Hoover's 29,289.
The vote in the leading colleges
is as follows:
Hoover Roosevelt Thomas

Taking Time Out For Lunch

(Associated Press Photo)

Gov. Joseph Ely of Massachusetts, campaigning for re-election, and
Governor Roosevelt, campaigning for the Presidency, met and ate hot.
dog sandwiches together on the Mohawk Trail in Massachusetts.

Dean Talks To
Paretts; Opens
SLecture Series

New Entrance

Advocates Use Of
Without Modern
For Child's Study


W. R. Humphreys, professor of
English and assistant dean of the;
literary college, spoke to parents yes-
terday afternoon on the subject "The
Bible as Literature for Children." His
lecture was the first of a series of
six weekly talks which have been ar-'
ranged on the child's approach to re-
Professor Humphreys advocated
the use of actual Bible passages for
children without the aid of modern
texts and interpretations. For this
purpose he advised the King James
version as being far superior in lit-
erary merit and poetic quality. The
child should be exposed to the Bible
and allowed to form an appreciation
of its beauty, even though its thought
may be beyond his reach.-
The lectures are scheduled for 3
p. m. on succeeding Wednesdays and
are open to all those interested in
how to provide a religious back-
ground for their children. Other
speakers have. been secured to ap-
proach the subject from the particular
viewpoint of the speaker. Next Wed-
nesday Prof. L. I. Bredvold will dis-
cuss "The Ethical Influence of Lit-
Officer Of Corps Area
Inspects Lsocal R.O.T.C.
Col. A. V. P. Anderson, attached
to the staff of Major-General Parker,
commandant of the sixth corps area,
is spending the first part of this week
inspecting the local Reserve Officers'
Training Corps, according to Major
Basil D. Edwards, head of the Uni-
versity batallion.
Colonel Anderson is a staff officer
in charge of R. O. T. C. affairs in
this corps area and the inspection is
one that is made annually for the
purpose of having accurate informa-
tion at headquarters as to the condi-
tion of the various corps under the
jurisdiction of the commandant of'
the area. Colonel Anderson expressed
complete satisfaction with the ad-
ministration of the department here.

Plan Tried At
Junior Selection System
Accepts Seniors Without
Final Examinations
A new method of college admis-
sions, which is expected to reduce the
overemphasis placed upon examina-
tions, especially in the senior year,I
is being tried by Smith College of.
Northampton, Mass., one of the old-
est women's institutions in the coun-
try, according to the New York
The new system is known as the
junior selection plan, and under its
provisions a limited number of ap-
plicants with exceptionally good
marks are chosen by the Smith Col-
lege board of admissions in their
junior year in secondary school to
take the college board comprehensive
If they pass they do not need to
take examinations at the end of their
senior year, provided they carry a
normal senior program and maintain
the high standard of their work dur-
ing that year. If the record for the
senior year is not satisfactory, the
candidates have the privilege of
again taking college board examina-
tions as is customary under the reg-
ular plan of admissions.
In this first year of the plan's
operation there were 49 candidates
for admission, the Times said. Forty-
three were successful.
Reed Announces Lates
Publication In Series
Prof. Thomas H. Reed, of the po-
litical science department, and Prof.
David P. Barrows, head of the politi-
cal science department of the Uni-
versity of California, have announced
the latest publication in the Govern-
ment Handbook Series which they
are jointly editing.
The volume is called Government
and Politics in Italy. It has been
prepared by Prof. Henry Russell
Spencer, of Ohio State University.
Hagerstown, Ind., located on the
historic Whitewater canal is 100 years
old this year.

Banks Show
ht 1Btsin es s
World Recovery Readily1
Financed Once UnderI
Way, Say Leaders
NEW YORK, Nov. 2.-- AA) --Thez
recent improvement in the financial
position of American banks, which
has been widely commented on in2
current bank reviews, including that
at the New York Federal Reserve
bank, is being hailed by businessk
leaders as an indication that worldt
recovery can be readily financed,i
once it gets well under way.3
The unexpectedly good results of
foreign government refunding plans,
whereby their maturing bonds have3
been replaced by obligations bearing
lower interest coupons, have been re-,
garded as proof that the financial
machinery of Great Britain and
France has been well lubricated. And;
on this side of the Atlantic, there
have been notable gains recorded in
the past several months toward credit
This expansion, which has been
accompanied by a gain of nearly $1,-
000,000,000 in the past half year in
deposits of leading New York banks,
although as yet this has not extend-
ed in more than nominal degree to
-banks outside New York, has been
largely the result of two wholesome
forces at work.
One has been the return of gold to
this country, after its flight earlier in
the year, and the other has been the
return of hoarded money, which with
reviving confidence has gradually
been released from the tin boxes of
hoarders and allowed to work back
I to the banks.
Accompanying this measurable
gain has been a sharp falling off in
the number of bank suspensions. In
January there were 342 bank clos-
ings. In June, when the worldwide
run on American gold was nearing an
end, there were 151. In July, it fell
to 132, in August to 85 and in Sep-
tember and October to 65 each, ac-
cording to a tabulation presented in
the monthly survey of National City
With October figures of bank sus-
pensions falling to one of the smal-
est monthly totals for the year to
date, a precedent of two years stand-
ing was smashed. In both 1930 and
1931, the peak of ourbbank troubles
was witnessed in October, but this
year the month was one of compara-
tive calm.
George Olsen Will
Feature 'Victors'
On Air Thursdays

I Hubbs;
Other scientists
on solar eclipses, wa
frozen wastes ofi
penetrate the wilds
ests, but Dr. CarlI
of fishes in the
stays at home an
The guppy, Dr. Hi
is viviparous, bearin
and also that it is
inhabits the aquaria
Dr. Hubbs proce
world about the su
speaking over the
of the University B
i c e on "Breedin

Bear Young Alive, Says
StudyBreeding Habits
may concentrate Hubbs, as will the hybridization of
ander through the sword-tags a n d platies, another
polar regions, or breed of the live-bearing group.
of equatorial for- "Every fish has interesting breed-
L. Hubbs, curator ing habits," concluded Dr. Hubbs,
zoology museum, "and it is the observation and study
d studies guppies. of these which lends much charm to
:ubbs can tell you, the breeding of live-bearing fishes."
ng its young alive.

a small fish that
ums of the zoology
eded to "tell the
ubject" yesterday,
regular program
3roadcasting Serv-
g L i v e-Bearing

Many Guppies Here
The University has many guppies,
Professor Hubbs said, which it raises
in order to study the breeding habits
of the tiny creatures.
Other species of fish which bear
their young alive are the sword-tails
and the mollenisia. The male of the
mollenisia, said Professor Hubbs, has
large spots on its tail, which it uses
for courting the females of the spe-
cies in two different ways.
Uses Tail as Lure
In order to attract her admiration,
the fishy Romeo may wave it in front
of the object of his affections, but if
she is reluctant to hear his words
of love and seeks to quit his presence,
he turns it so as to obstruct her
progress and catches her as in a
Cross-breeding of variously colored
guppies will yield specimens of ut-
most brilliancy, according to Dr.
T bbett Liles
Jazz, Sports;
Favors Demsi

Receivers For
Insull To File,
Suit On Funds
CHICAGO, Nov. 2.-(M)-Receivers
for Middle West Utilities Co. today
prepared to file claims against a trust
for creditors into which they charged
Samuel Insull -had transferred mil-
lions of dollars worth of personal
The allegations were set forth in
a petition filed in federal court by
the receivers, Edward N. Hurley and
Charles A. McCulloch and which said
that claims against the trust
amountedto $16,000,000. Assets con-
tained in the trust, the petition said,
amounted to $1,000,000.
In acting on the petition, Judge
Walter C. Lindley issued an order
authorizing Hurley and McCulloch to
file claims against the trust fund up
to March 15, 1933. The petition did
not reveal the actual value of the
trust or the character of the trans-
ferred property.
At a federal bankruptcy investiga-
tion into the financial mechanism of
Insull Utility Investments, Inc., law-
yers representing investors in the
firm's debentures charged that Chi-
cago banks had sold to the public
$0,000,000in the debentures, at the
ame time accepting for loans securi-
ties pledged to secure the notes.


Illinois Athlete
Falls Into Paint,
Breaks Into News
1.-This is the story of J. Norman
Gray, letterman and personality boy
of the University of Illinois' gym
team, who crashed into paint and
then into print without even trying.
With the development of his phys-
ique into Herculean proportions,
Gray secured a position as artist's
Yesterday he was to pose before
a large art class, too large, in fact,
for not everyone could see his Tar-
zanian figure, posed this time as the
statue of an Indian brave. In order
that all might see he mounted a tiny
stand, which, however, was insecure.
The statue tottered, tottered again,
then fell heavily onto a palette cov-
ered with paint and came back to
life in glorious war paint of an In-
dian warrior. Another redskin bit the
That is the story of J. Norman
Gray, letterman and personality boy
of the Illinois gym team.

carry your shoes to be
repaired, when we call
for and deliver FREE.
Shoe Shop

426 Thompson

Call 6898


(Continued from Page 1)
'Ol' Man River' the best of the pop-
ular songs."
To Sing "Simon Boccanegra"
An honor which has been conferred
on no one since the days of Caruso
will be Lawrence Tibbett's when he
goes to New York to sing the lead in
"Simon Boccanegra," termed a bari-
tone's opera. "Usually the opening
opera is designed particularly for a
soprano," Mr. Tibbett continued.
"'Aida' and 'Tosca' are examples.
But 'Simon Boccanegra' is a pecu-
liarly marvelous opportunity for me
in that it is almost made to order for
my voice."
When asked what he thought
about Michigan's football prospects
(Mr. Tibbett is an enthusiastic fan)
he warned that "they shouldn't for-
get Southern California.'
"As for politics," Mr. Tibbett con-
cluded, "Although I'm not deeply in-
terested in the subject since I cannot
I vote this year, I favor the Democratic
ticket. I further believe that radical
changes are necessary if the United
States is to avoid in years to come an
economic calamity which. will be
more far-reaching than the present


Printing in all its forms-commercial
printing and social printing-we are
thoroughly equipped to handle any
job-calling cards, letter heads, busi-
ness forms, ledger ruling-in fact, all
printing pertaining to your business
or personal affairs.

Harvard ... 1,211
Yale .......1,415
Princeton .. 1,392
Dartmouth 1,120
Cornell . ... 1,468
Columbia .. 307
Brown ......750
Amherst ... 358
Williams ... 411
M. I. T. .... 1,131
N. Y. U. ... 668
Ohio State . 2,440
Northw'tern 988
Wisconsin . 1,481
Minnesota . 718
Chicago ... 981
Florida .... 302
Kentucky .. 146
Vanderbilt . 45
Tulane ... 93



M i c h i g a n ' s famous "'Victors"
march, as played by an orchestra
led by a prominent musician whol
was the first drum-major of the Var-
sity Band, will be a regular feature
of the Thursday night Lucky Strike
radio broadcasts, it was announced
last night.
The alumnus is George Olsen, '17,
leader of the dance orchestra which
has made him famous and which is
one of the country's most popular to-
day. He began with the orchestra
upon graduation from his post as the
band's first drum-major and built
up its prestige until it became one
of America's first-rank dance or-
Olsen's fraternity, Phi Kappa Sig-
ma, was notified late last night that
"The Victors" will be played on each
of his programs.

Stationers, Printers, Binders, Office Outfitters
112 South Main Street, Phone 4514

I. --~____________________-__________________________________________________.__._____ _.___

Hold Hard Times Party
At Harris Hall Saturday

JUST READY-- By Rev. Lloyd Douglas

Approximately 6,000,000 trout,
brooks, browns and rainbows, were
planted in Michigan streams during
luncheon features >
two grilled pork chops
potted Swiss steak
with an idaho baked potato
complete luncheon
browned corn beef hash
toppded with a fresh poached egg35c
complete luncheon
-quality foods . . in fact only the best . . are served at the fingerle operated res-
taurants . . coupled with excellent courteous service . . . amid pleasant surroundings
at no price penalty to you
the the
hut fingerle operated'de
hut daen aaa aa p

In ke(

ping with the spirit of the
n a Hard Times party will
Saturday night, Nov. 5, at
:all. Music will be furnished
Grail and his orchestra and
ets are priced at 25 cents

A New Novel by the Author of "MAGNIFICENT OBSESSION"


e Persons Dead
hI Cuban Elections
ANA, Cuba., Nov. 2.-VP)-
persons were slain in the Cu-
ections, returns from which
today the Liberals of Presi-

316 State Street



Main Street opposite Courthouse

) Macha

do in tne ed. -- --

w v ,


The Michigan League Presents








Brunswick Recording Artist
at the

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