TIHE MICHIGAN DAILY AILY Al --^. a ,* thus work untold hardship on the citizens and students patronizing them. This reduction would be permanent for (1) no income tax could be created and (2) powerful lobbies would block a sales tax. Screen Reflections Four stars means a super-picture; three stars very good; two stars good; one star just another picture; no stars keep away fromAit. AT THE MAJESTIC If-zl' "ONCE IN A LIFETIME" - arO eR .Si+N AAEp PAM R rStRM+m . eefttrM hed every morning except Monday during the ty year and Summer Session by the Board in of Student Publications. er of the Western Conference Editorial Associa- di the Big Ten News Service. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ssociated Press is exclusively entitled to the use blication of all news dispatches credited to it or erwise credited in this paper and the local news d herein. All rights of republication of special es are reserved. d at the Prst Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as class matter. Special rate of postage granted by ssistant Postmaster-General. iption during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, uring regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by .50. Student Publications Building, Maynard Street. >or, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214. entatives: College Publishers Representatives, East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80 L Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue, EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 :NG EDITOR......... .FRANK B. 0ILBRETH )ITOR...........................KARL SEIFFERT EDITOR.................JOHN W.THOMAS 'S EDITOR............ MAR CARET O'BRIM3 LNT WOMEN'S EDITOR............Miriam Carver EDITORS: Thomas Connellan, Norman F. Krart, W. Pritchard, C. Hart Schaaf,, Brackley Pha*, R. Winters. ASSISTANTS: Fred A. Huber, Albert Newnau. 'ERS: Hyman J. Aronstam, A. Ellis Ball, Charles ndt, James Bauchat, Donald R. Bird, Donald'V. rtz, Charles B. Brownon. Arthur W. Carstens, Engel, Eric Hall, John C. Healey, Robert B. George Van Vleck, Guy M. 'Whipple, Jr., W. Elocution Teacher .. . .. Aline MacMahon The Nut-Cracker..........Jack Oakie The Business Manager ..., Russell Hopton Sweet Young Thing ..... ...Sidney Fox Producer.............Gregory Ratoff The program in brief: "Once In A Lifetime" will get on your nerves. Attempting to be a slap-in- the-f ace at Hollywood and the movie producers and players, it is a tiresome, repititious, boom- erang thing that centers around the activities of Aline MacMahon and her two vaudeville pals (Jack Qakie and Russell Hopton) to get in at the bottom of the talking-picture racket. Sidney Fox is there for Jack Oakie and the love interest. Gregory Ratoff's part (like all the rest) is over- drawn even beyond all satire'limits. There isend- less bickering about in an attempt to get some- where. Episodic scenes are introduced in what seems to the reviewer an attempt to stall for time. Wit- ness the shots of the Movie Columniste and the barnstormers on the train. The columniste is one of the chattery oh-dear-me-suz-dud but it still remains that her head-tossings and oh-ahs are distorted beyond all appeal. There was a chance for some good crazy-man scenes concerning the distraught young man who is seeking an audience with the producer (likewise mishandled), but the director muffed it when he didnt get Edgar Kennedy to do his mad act. --G. M. W. Jr. the respect of the great majority are detrimental to the institution of law itself." The Michigan Daily for Friday, Oct. 28, pub- lished ample proof that the above statement from Thursday's editorial column was inaccurate. The results of a poll of Ann Arbor persons listed in Who's Who in America taken by this paper re- vealed that 60 favored the retention of Prohibition while 58 were in favor of eliminating it from our governmental system. As it seems fair to assume that the 60 are as apt to be fair-minded and sane as the 58 we conclude that the proposal to repeal State and National Prohibition does not command the overwhelming support of thinking people - quite the contrary, there would appear to be more (or at least as many) who favored the retention of our provisions" and laws which prohibit the traffic in alcohol. In condemning Prohibition its opponents claim that this institution is to blame for the increase in the number of persons indulging in alcohol, for the increase in the use of alcohol by women and adolescents, and also for the hold which the under- world has oi modern society. Let us grant the possibility that there may be more persons using alcohol as a beverage today than before 1920, there never have been any reliable estimates of the numbers using alcohol and the population has in- creased since then. Let us grant the possibility that there are more women and adolescents drink- ing today than before 1920 - we must remember that there.occurred from 1914 to 1918 a world war which rent the social and moral fabric of all the nations of the world. Let us grant, that the illegal liquor traffic does offer the underworld a pro- ductive source of revenue -but let us examine further. , FOR CORRECT TIME Dial. 2-3111 SEND A TAX EXPERT ToLANSI . .. Vote for ANDREW L. MOORE, Republican Candidate for State Senator on the Republican Ticket. As Chairman of the Property Owner's Division of the National Association of Real Estate Boards, member of National Education Association, an eminent attorney and the tax committee of the National Chamber of Com- merce, member of the committee on school costs of the government expert, Mr. Moore offers the citizens of the Twelfth District of Michigan their opportunity to elect to the State Senate a tax expert." I,;pill Ligo choice R IL L 1Ann Arbor. m. Louise Crandall, Carol r J. Hannan, ester. Marie J. Murphy, Margaret. C. ne Rucker, Marjorie Western and Har- BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 2-1214 GER...............BYRON C. VEDDER ............... ..BARRY BEGLEY ESS MANAGER......I)ONNA BECKER LNAGERS: Advertising, Grafton Sharp; tracts, Orvil Aronson; Advertising Serv- ; Accounts, Bernard E. Schnacke; .Cir- t E. Bursley; Publications, Robert E. ASSISTANTS: Theodore Barash. Jack Bellamy, Gordon Boylan, Charles Ebert, Jack Efroymson, Fred Hertrick, Joseph Hume, Allen Knuutsi, Russell Read, Lester Skin- ner, Joseph Sudow and Robert Ward. Letty Aigler, Doris Gimny, Billie Griffiths, Dorothy Laylin, Helen Olson., Helene Schume, May Seefried, Kathryn Stork. THURSDAY, NOV. 3, 1932 Tax Amendments Preclude Other Revenue Measures ... IT IS clearly demonstrable that pro- posed amendments two and four to the state constitution, if ratified in November, would cripple all institutions in the state, in- eluding the University, which are dependent on a mill tax. The proponents of the measures d&- end them in the face of this fact with some such argument as the following: "At the present time," they point out, "prop- erty bears about 80' per cent of the state tax burden. We will admit that these amendments night impair the efficiency of the institutions n the state dependent on a mill tax, since they would cut their revenues: However, such impair- nent would only be temporary, because the leg- .slature would soon pass an income tax to make up the deficit. Hence the ultimate result would be a more equitable distribution of the tax burden. This result," they conclude, "is highly desirable, and hence would justify any momentary incon- venience that might be caused, such as the neces- ity for greatly increased tuition in the state edu- cational institutions." The premise of this argument is that the leg- slature could pass an income tax. Without paus- ng to consider whether the legislature would choose to act in this way, or whether the tem- >orary inconveniences would be endurable, let as examine this premise. On the surface it appears to be reasonable. But: . Hidden away in the wording of amendment wo is a phrase that precludes an income tax. the amendment proposes to limit "the total amoupt of taxes against property for all purposes n one year . -. ." It has been determined in he courts that income on property is part of >roperty, and hence cannot be taxed when the property has already been taxed to a maximum et by law. Illinois has a law limiting the amount to which property can be' t'axed. Last year the legislature in that state, anticipating a deficit, passed a bill' creating an income tax. The law was contested, and last week the Illinois Supreme Court declared .t void. Some time ago South Carolina under- went a similar experience. And the Supreme Court of the Ur.ited States has followed the same .ogic. So it appears that the income-tax argu- ment is invalid., Other proponents of amendments two and four argue that they would eventually bring about nore equitable taxation because they would make a sales tax necessary. Merchandi crs and farm- ers, however, are strenuously opposed to this form of raising revenue. A sales tax has been proposed a number of times at Lansing, but the powerful lobbies which they maintain have always been successful in defeating it. They would cer- O +O Campus Opinion Letters publi1shed in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous communcatons will be disregard- ed. The names of communicants will, however, be re- garded as confidential upon request. Contributors are sked to be brief, connning themselves to less than 300 words if possible. PROFESSOR HOBBS WILL VOTE FOR ROOSEVELT To The Editor: As I was left out in the Who's Who straw vote I would like to indicate that my vote is for Roosevelt. Always a Republican I am now in that vast assembly which voted for Hoover in 1928 and now composes nearly one-half of the Roosevelt following in the Literary Digest poll. I do not wish to take up your space with my rea- sons further than to say that Hoover from the start has failed utterly to foresee the present un- happy condition, to sense its real nature after it had arrived, or to suggest any remedy other than to continue to prophesy prosperity waiting "just around the corner," which now for several years should already have been turned. I do, however, feel that a protest should be voiced against the campaign of senseless fear which Hoover and his supporters in the cabinet are now trying to transform into a panic. This campaign has reached its culmination in Mr. Hoover's major address on Moniday in Madison Square Garden, where, referring to the Grundy tariff of the Republican administration he de- clared: "The grass will grow in the streets of a hundred cities, a thousand towns; the weeds will overrun the fields of millions of farms if that protection be taken away. The churches and school houses will decay.' Of course Mr. Hoover knows better, and he, would never address the more intelligent voters in any such terms. With his back to the wall and in full view of the impending landslide to his political opponent, his speech is intended to develop a panic of unreasoning fear in the lower classes of the population. It is unworthy of a man who has been elevated to the high position of the head of the nation. Those who would condone such an incendiary utterance because it comes within the "silly stage" of the presidential campaign, should remember that the political campaign of four years ago was conducted by Mr. Hoover on the same plan. The story is told of a Republican voter who left for Europe shortly before election day in 1928, and having been quite out of touch with affairs on this side, he returned two years later. Sensing at once the terrible business depression and the resulting unemployment, the evidences of which were on every hand, he exclaimed: "I see Al Smith was elected." "What do you mean" was the reply, "Hoover was elected. "I can't understand that" he said. "This is just what Hoover said would happen if Al was elected." WILLIAM H. HOBBS. EDUCATION AND PROHIBITION To The Editor: Our task as university students in the world of today, it seems to me, is one of educating ourselves and the members of society with whom we have contact, by instilling into ourselves and them a moral duty to live up to our knowledge and idealism-not only with respect to the use of alcohol as a beverage but also with respect to other anti-social practices of our society. In these days immediately before an election at which the people are to decide whether or not to modify the portion of their constitution dealing with the alcoholic traffic, as well as other portions of that document, we hear the usual bunk so common to political campaigns in the United States. We are greeted with such slogans Prohibition may have resulted in more people drinking - although we can find no definite proof of this and although other causes may have con- siderable more weight than the existence of anti- liquor laws - still we do know from estimates, made by Commissioner Woodcock on reliable statistics, that the consumption of alcohol as a beverage has beeri' materially less since 1920 than it was before the adoption of National and State Prohibition. In 1930 -the year in which there was the largest estimated consumption of alcohol since 1920 - the consumption estimated by Wood- cock to be 35% of pre-Volstead days. It might be noted here that there has been an increase in the production of alcohol 7,000,000 gallons per year during the last few years but it must also be remembered that the Du Pont chemical works absorbed this increased production in commercial uses. Should we grant that there are more people drinking than before we are still forced to con- clude that they are drinking less. If Prohibition is responsible for adolescents -and women drinkking why it is that they are also drinking noticeably in England, which does not have a system of prohibition of the liquor traffic? Why did they drink before 1920 - if an y o n c doubts that they did ask Judge Sample, or read Lincoln Steffins' Autobiography. Granted that Prohibition gives to the under- world a remunerative traffic on illicit liquor, why do we find that there was general graft and cor- ruption of our governments by the underworld' during the gay 90's and in the years just previous to Prohibition? Attorney General Mitchell has stated that 23%of the income of the underworld comes from the illegal liquor traffic - 75% then must come from other sources. If prohibition is responsible for the racket in alcohol, how can one explain the vicious influence of the saloon, and the existence of bootlegers and moonshiners before. Prohibition? The statement from the Daily editorial quoted above that only fanatics believe in legislating morals brings to our attention a common objection which is raised against social legislation. When anyone proposes to pass a law which would im- prove the condition of society by putting a penalty on anti-social action we are immediately told that we cannot legislate men into being good. Only by education, the argument runs, 'can we improve men's morals or conduct. Wet and dry alike seem to think that the purpose of the Prohibition legis- lation is to prevent the use of alcohol as a bev- erage, but is' it? What is the purpose of law? Is it a process of writing ideals on a statue book and setting them up as a standard of conduct for in- dividuals? Rather I think it is a generally ac- cepted standard 'of conduct, or principle of gov- ernment which society thinks should be accepted and to which the sanction of enforcement by authority should be supplied. Prohibition, then, is not a subsitute for education as a means of con- vincing the individual of the desirability of refrain- ing from the use of alcohol as a beverage, but a regulation of business in alcohol which makes profit out of human degredation. Only when by education the individuals of society realize the ad- vantages and the necessity of refraining from the the use of alcohol as a beverage will the traffic in alcohol - be it legal or illegal - be eliminated. When we realize that murder is anti-social we know why society has passed laws against murder and enforced them against the individual. If we realize that the traffic in alcohol is anti-social (which 100 years of attempts to control it demon- strates), we can see why society through its gov- ernment is justified in passing legislation to eliminate the traffic and to enforce the law against it. But none of our anti-social practices will dis- appear from the world until everyone knows the truth and has a desire to live up to his knowledge. I repeat, that our task as students and future citizens is one of education and the instillation of a sense of moral duty in ourselves and the other individuals composing society with whom we as- sociate, not only with respect to the use of alcohol but as well with respect to other anti-social practices present in society. Robert W. McCullock After all, there is some gain. A cow pasture Vie sagqesCt WALKYERV Try Our Evenng Specials Served from 8:30 P. M. to Midnight Friday and Saturday Nights Open Until 1:30 A. M. 1. Chop uey with Rice............25c .tread, Butter 'and Tea 2. Chow Men with Fried Noodles... 30c Bread, Butter and Tea 3. Club Sandwich (1 deck), Coffee.. 25c NOON-DAY LUNCHEON .. ..30c EVENING DINNER...........:.... 40c CAMPUS CAFE 611 E. Williams St. Menof Michigan BURTON'S WALK-OVER 115 So. Main St. 0#1 FACTORY-TO-YOU OVERCOATS $12.00 At xS - , T READ THE DAILY ADVERTISEMENTS smart!1 T RY ON T HE SE FEAT H ERWEIG HT RUBB.S.. Ask for aa. B A L L 8 A N D S Girls-here are rubbers so light you scarcely know you'are wearing them! Smartly tailored-to hug the shoe snugly and gently. They fit like a glove. A new Satin Finish provides lustrous beauty that endures ... the very last word in fine rubber footwear. Ariel Rubbers hold their shape-do not become loose and sloppy. A-'heel plug of special material keeps your leather heels from punching through. And a patented elastic band prevents edges from tearing. Best of all the price is so low you can easily enjoy the greater comfort and beauty of Ariel Rubbers. The name Ball-Band and the Red Ball trad- mark are your assurance of greater value. For Men and Women-LOCKER SANDALS .., . clean, comfort:able, safe-to protect you from "athlete's foot" and other infections--for locker room, shower or beach. Soft, cush- ioned soles of sponge rubber-sealed' so they do not soak up water or germs. Don't slip on wet floors. ' Easily sterilized. r 36-Oz. All-Wool Very Latest in Styles Exhibition and Sale by Qur Factory Representative at the Sales Room Above Slater's Book Store, 234 S. State OPEN NIGHTS UNTIL,' 10 P.M. 41 :_ .".. . Of Course You Want it! *And At The New Price You Can't Afford To Be Without It. i THE MICHIIGAN DAILY FOREIGN (Mailed for the rest of the year) $4.00 I 0 ja )~ n n .oon. An LOCAL (By Carrier for the rest of he year) w,