THE - MICHIGAN DAILY ss Ascribes ts In London Means Test y Professor Says ting Of Parliament ipitated Trouble Co-eds Form Own Political Group State College Bricker Drew R.O.T.C. Piks From Special Girl Sp-onsors Funds, Claim Vera Cruz To Establish Budget Cut By System Of Birth Control - A M-11 il ,000 Jobless [employed Must Testify They Have No Savings Or Other Income [he cause of the recent rioting inl ndon is the discontent which has n accumulating through 10 years unemployment for 3,000,000 peo- according to Prof. Arthur L. )ss, of the history department, who >ressed his opinions in an inter- w yesterday. the immediate occasion for the orders, Professor Cross declared, the meeting of Parliament, since question of the Means Test is 'ssing. Must Submit To Test The Means Test," he said, "re- res' applicants for the dole to tify that they have no savings or .er sources of income before they eived any relief." rofessor Cross outlined two points view on the question of the Means ;t. The members of Parliament, in opinion, do not want to raise the es of their constituents in order feed a group who have money of ir own stored away, while the un- ployed who have scraped together tthe money hesitate to relinquish ir claim to the money which they draw from the government. isurance Against Unemployment The dole was first intended as an urance against temporary unem- yment," continued Professor Cross, it the difficulty is that the ex- ted economic recovery did not oc- The need for economy prompted party in power to inject the a.ns Test into the dole system." 'rofessor Cross declared that there no immediate indication of the ing of the present ministry, head- by Prime Minister Ramsay Mac- 1iald, but commented on the diffi- by of making a true prediction of These students, representing a number of campus sororities and4 several dormitories met in the Washtenaw Women's caucus last Sun- day, the first women's caucus to be held on the campus, and pledged their support to the Washtenaw party in the Junior elections. 'German Students Don't Shirk 8O'Utoc ks;It's 6 A. M. There American students who, after re- ceiving degrees in the universities of this country, travel to Germany and its famous schools for post-graduate work, find that they have to alter their conception of student life con- siderably in order to keep up with the pace set by the Teutons.i In Germany students carry 25 se- speaks of the police charging with their clubs." Outbreaks Of Extremists The present rioting is outbreaks of the extremists on the radical side, said Professor Cross. The British public, he stated, are a homogeneous group, and are opposed to these ex- tremes. He pointed out two possible solutions of the situation. Either the majority of the citizens of London, he said, will refuse to contenance any more disturbances and form committees to deal with the situa- tion as was done in the case of the rail strike a few years ago, or Par- liament will have to yield some of its points. of the modera- overnment that been armed in Every report mester hours of work regularly, classes beginning at 6 a. m. and con- tinuing straight through the day un- til 8 p. m. The only day on which this schedule is not followed is Sun- day, their one day for rest and rec- reation. No Social Life There is no social life at all in con- nection with their life at the univer- sities. The only play they get is an opportunity to attend one dance a week that is held every Friday night at the student houses. With 60 per cent of the population of Geimany out of work the only reason for students attending the university is to acquire a cultural ed- ucation. Five years of work that is really work are spent in order to ob- tain the desired "Herr Doktor" de- gree. The university student of Germany has an education equal to that of a junior college graduate when he en- ters the university and is more ma- ture than the American scholar both when he enters and when he grad- uates. Instruction is given entirely under the Oxford system, which places class attendance on a purely voluntary basis supplemented by extensive out- side reading. Examinations are given by the state at the end of the sec- ond and the fifth years. Cultural Training Stressed Broad cultural training is greatly stressed and the university freshman is able to speak at least three lang- uages fluently. These are usually English, French, and German and in addition he has studied Latin or Greek or both for four or five years and has read extensively in the classics. German students never know their professors personally, but only by name and sight and it is considered a social error to speak to a professorI in the halls or on the street unless1 he speaks first. If one wishes to speak to a certain professor an ap- poitment must be made, and even then the meeting is very formal and confined to discussion of the particu- lar course in question. Accordingly, there is hardly any personal feeling between the faculty and the student body. Each Division Elects Is Co-Ed To Pep Up Local Military Program - EAST LANSING, Nov. 1.-(MINS) -Pretty enough to catch the eye of collegian and newspaper editor alike, six co-eds were elected spon- ,ors of divisions of the R. O. T. C. unit at Michigan State College in pursuance of the War Department's effort to add sex appeal, spice, and polo, in proportions local taste dic- tates, to the R. O. T. C. program. This practice, which opponents of military training point to as evidence that the intended purpose of the R. O. T. C. is propagation of militaristic! propaganda rather than practical. military training, has been widely criticized, even by friends of the "preparedness" philosophy. Pacifist critics claim that this ef- fort of the War Department to "dress up" the R. O. T. C. helps to create a militaristic spirit, by subtly asso- ciating pleasant objects with an or- ganization which stands for extreme nationalism and the inevitability of war, in the minds of students. And when, sometime in the future, bands play and pretty girls march, young men perhaps without good logic will go off to war, these critics say-like the mice in the school-boy's psycho- logy experiment, whose mouths "wa- ter" for food at the sound of a bell, because of previous and repeated as- sociation of the two things. Daily-Union Vote Attracts More Than 1500 On First Day (Continued from Page 1) today for the use of women voters, it was announced yesterday. Part-time students who have no identification cards will be permitted to vote today upon presentation of written notices from the office of the dean of students. These notices must have the official stamp of the dean's office and will be forfeited at the time of voting. Roosevelt Vote Heavy The Roosevelt vote appears to be much larger than at first expected. The Democratic nominee appears to be getting heavy support from the campus women, according to yester- day's gossip. The Democrats are handicapped by the lack of a strong campus organization, such as the Republicans and Socialists have. Every precaution is being taken by the Union and the Daily to get an honest indication of the campus sen- timent. The identification card sys- tem appeared to be working satisfac- torily yesterday and only q few at- tempts were made to cast plural votes. The polls will be open today as they were yesterday, from 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. The three ballot boxes are stationed at the Engineering arch, on the Diagonal in front of the Li- brary and in Angell Hall lobby. An unprecedented interest in the straw vote is being taken by the Ann Arbor townspeople, with much street corner discussion of the possible out- come. Interest in Detroit is also run-' ning high. University Symphony Plans Concert Tours Several outside trips and an ex- tended concert tour for the Univer- sity Symphony Orchestra this year have been announced by Prof. David Mattern of the music school, con- ductor. ",it is the best orchestra in years," Professor Mattern declared. There are still, however,' places vacant in all instruments, he added. The orchestra meets at 3 p. m. every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday at the Music School An- nex. Combinations of Letters, Numbers On New Plates LANSING, Nov. 1.-Elimination of all automobile license plates of more than six figures is to be accomplished by the Michigan Department of State in 1933 through the use of combinations of letters and numerals, according to an announcement from Frank D. Fitzgerald, secretary of state. \The system will reduce the amount of steel needed for the plates and it is estimated that the move will effect a saving of several thousand dollars. The lower numbered plates will be easier to read and the letters which will precede the numbers will be as- signed to definite counties. Current Expenses Takent From Trust Funds, Tax' Rates Are Decreased LANSING, Nov. l.-(MINS)-Thel joker in Governor Brucker's "He- Cut-Our-Taxes" campaign slogan was found when investigators hereI learned that the State administration under Brucker has drawn upon trust and other special funds to meet cur- rent expenses, rather than with for- sight having provided for payment of the same from taxes.t Since this situation was made pub-' lic Brucker has decried the disclo- sure as campaign propaganda, claim- ing that the administration has sim- ply followed financial practices inl vogue from the time of Ferris' Demo- cratic administration. But, according to the State's accounts, diversion of, trust funds for payment of current expenses is altogether new with the present governor. Groesbeck met shortages in current funds by resorting to short-time bor- rowing from special funds, though never from trust funds. To even a greater extent Green did the same, but provided for repayment in an increase in the tax levy. It remained for Brucker to touch trust funds, to borrow from special funds to an unprecedented degree, and at the same time to cut the tax levy. Thus at present the State is vir- tually penniless, and indebted to trust and special funds to the extent of almost $12,000,000. To the Univer- sity of Michigan alone, the State now owes $993,341. Not even monies being held for depositors of closed banks have remained untouched. Glanville Talks On Egypt And Old Testament British Museum Authority Says Bible Is Borne Out By Historical Data Speaking on the subject "Egypt and the Old Testament," Mr. S. R. K. Glanville, of the British Museum, yesterday declared that the Old Tes- tament must be regarded as showing us only one side of the story of the past. He bore out his assertion by ,resenting several instances wherein ,he Old Testament story is closely 'elated to data recently discovered on surrounding civilizations, par- ticularly the Egyptian. The work going on in the field of archeology, such as that conducted )y the British Museum, was shown 'y Mr. Glanville to have definite )earing on the Old Testament as an aid in settling historical questions, as a supplement to its social ac- counts, and as an illustration of the great similarity to be found in Egyp- tian and Old Testament literature. Mr. Glanville is termed one of the most active of the younger genera- tion of British archeologists. He as- sisted in the excavations of El Am- areh and Armant and has for some years been engaged in Egyptological studies. The lecture was illustrated. A 17-year e _urt fight over a $1,100 tractor at Valparaiso, Ind., ended in a $2,500 judgement and court costs. A Hat Made by KNOx . $5.00 . SOFT TURBANS, velvet or wool crepe, made to order $3.00 and $5.00 VERA CRUZ, Mex., Nov. 1.--/ Dr. Salvador Mendoza, onc of the drafters of the new civil code, an- nounced yesterday that state author- ities had decided to draw up a law to establish a system of birth con- trol in Vera Cruz. Dr. Mendoza, an attorney, said the various provisions of the law and penalties for violation had not been settled upon as yet, but that a state birth control office would be pro- vided to carry out the plan. As now sketched, the attorney said, the law would require parents wish- ing to have children to appear before the board. An inquiry would be made as to the size of family, ability to provide andieducate, and condition of the health of parents. Dr. Mendoza explained he was pre- paring the birth control law of the code with the idea of "benefiting the proletariat and bettering the race." The state government planned, Dr. Mendoza said, to appoint a commit- tee of obstetricians to discuss with Margaret Sanger, the birth control advocate, how best the code could be applied to better the race. Ii - II FELT HATS REMODELED McKINSEY HAT SHOP 227 South Stat For Your ' V r on-iY.1il1KpI. t Wiwconsin MADISON, Wis. Nov. 1.-Slashing the University of Wisconsin budget- ary request for the next two years by a total of $1,309,942, the board of regents last week approved a recom- mendation by Pres. Glenn Frank which will give the university 20 per cent less income than it required during the 1931-1933 period. This drastic retrenchment, which will find reflection in severe curtail- ment of university activities, is re- vealed in two sources: 1. Reduction in requests from the state totalling $960,650. 2. Reduction in estimated receipts from fees, $349,292. The $7,556,810 which the regents voted to ask of the state, a decrease of 18.5 per cent over the past bien- nium, represents the lowest amount requested from the legislature in nearly a decade. Enstan Photograph, Sale of Better Hats $3.50 /- When Undecided- GIVE CANDY :U Betsy Ross, Maillard's, Gilbert and Johnston's Bnetsy Ross Shop In fhe Arcade Insist On a Portrait By .."'"" 'I Wc Deliver' Dial 5i931 I The NAME is your guarantee of 43 years of distinctive service in fine photography ___._. Tonight at 8:15 Studio 319 East Huron Dial 5541 "The Ad Elmer Rice's Ultra-Modern Drama t.._.._ LABORATORY THEATRE (In Back of Michigan Union) Phone 4121 (Extension 789) fieer And Bear Hunting Licenses Now On Sale LANSING, Nov. 1.-Deer and bear hunting licenses for 1932 have been placed on sale by 1,800 agents of the Department of Conservation in all parts of the state. There will be no "buttons" this year to accompany the licenses. JUST READY~. By Rev. Lloyd Douglas "FORGIVE US OUR TRESPASSES" A New Novel by the Author of""MAGNIFICENT OBSESSION" All Seats 50 Cents Also 'Tomorrow x2.50 -1 I "Stick With State" "Stick With State" "Stick With State" WAHR'S 316 State Street BOOK STORES UN- I, -ISO Main Street opposite Courthouse I% i_ _ _ __ VOTE FOR THE luncheon feature STATE STREET-INDEPENDENT TICKET MARTHA BOWEN for Vice-President President J-Hop) Ci ri an fried brookfield pork sausages with bakedapes complete luncheon roast sirloin oswf ste ebeef with 'idaho baked potato complete luncheon 3'5c "DICK" DEGENER (Sphinx-U. S. Olympic Diver) JOSEIPHINE WOODHAMS for Secretary 40c "CHUC(K" JEWETTF (Sc- rcu3.Interfrat. Council) 4L, , 7Euur-urn T rerr-rr--.r.-, -w-.-r.. 1 l m I F