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September 27, 1932 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-09-27

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Established 1890



e"L L' t- ii-.. .4 * ES
dished every morning except Monday during the
rsity year and Summer Session by the Board in
:1 of Student Publications.
nber of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
and the Big Ten News Service.
Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
publication of all news dispatches credited to it or
Itherwise credited in this paper and the local "news
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ches are reserved.
ered at tle Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
: class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
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scription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,
During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by
ces: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
resentatives: College Publishers Representatives.
40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80
ton Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue,
Telephone 4925,
EDITOR............. ....KARL SEIFFERT
TS. EDITOR.................JOHN W. THOMAS
T EDITORS: Thomas Connellan, Norman F. Kraft,
DI W. Pritchard, Joseph W. Renihan, C. HartSchaaf,
ckley Shaw, Glenn R. Winters.
TS ASSISTANTS: Fred A. Huber, Ward D. Morton,
ert Newman.
RTERS: Stanley W. Arnheim, Edward Andrews,
nan J. Aronstam, A. Ellis Ball, Charles G. Barndt,
nes Bauclhat, Donald. R. Bird, Donald F. Blankertz,
lard E.cBlaser, Charles B. Brownson, C. Garritt
rating, Arthur W. Carstens, Theodore K. Cohen,
ert S. Deutsch, Donald Elder, RobertrEngel, Albert
edman, Edward A. Genz, Harold Gross, Eric Hall,
n C. Healey, Robert B. Hewett, M. B. Higgins, Alex-
er Hirschfeld, Walter E. Morrison, Ward D. Moton,
bert Ruwitch, Alvin Schleifer, G. Edwin Sheldrick,
)rt W. Thorne, George Van VleckCameron Walker,
Mv. Whipple, Jr., W. Stoddard White.
.ie L. Barton, Eleanor B. Blum, Jane H. Brucker,
iam Carver, Beatrice Collins, Mary J. Copeman,
uise Crandall, Mary M. Duggan, Prudence Foster,!
ce Gilbert, Carol J. Hannan, Therese R. Herman,
nces Manchester, Elizabeth Mann, Edith E. Maple,
rie Metzger, MarieEJ Murphy, Margaret C. Phalan,
ah K. Rucker, Beverly 'Stark, Alma' Wadsworth,
.rie Western, Josephine Woodhams.
Telephone 2-1214
- MANAGER ...................HARRY BEGLEY
MENT MANAGERS: Advertising, Grafton Sharp;
rtising Contracts, Orvil Aronson; Advertising Serv-
Soel Turner; Accounts, Bernard E. Schnacke; Cir-
ion, Gilbert E. Bursley; Publications, Robert' E.
ANTS: Theodore Barash, Jack Bellamy, Gordon
an, Charles Ebert, Jack Elfroymson, Fred;,Hertrick,
3ph Hume, Howard Klein,' Allen Knuusi,. George
arie, Charles Mercill, Russell Read, Lester Skinner,
,na Sudow and Robert Ward.
ty Aigler, Edna Canner, Genevieve Field, Ann Gall-
yer, Doris Gimmy, Billie Griffiths, Helen Grossner,
, n Jackson, Dorothy Laylin, Virginia MColub,
oline Moshr, Helen Olson, Helen Schume, May See-
,, Kathryn Stork.'

the enforcement of pot wearing are scarcely
worthy of refutation. The real reason for artifi-
cial maintenance of the custom lies in a different
The Student Council, stripped of all real power
in governing the student body, has clung to its of-
fice of expounding traditions simply because that
is almost its only means of expression. What the
Council seems unable to realize is that its prac-
tices only justify its impotence. Every edict issued
by the Council in an attempt to impose outworn
traditions upon the freshmen serves only to con-
vince the intelligent body of students that their
governing organization is u n w o r t h y of any
further authority.
Our advice to the Council members is this:
If the Council wants more power, it should con-
centrate its efforts upon proving to the students
and to the Administration that it deserves more
power and is capable of handling increased
authority with intelligence; and the best way to
start such a move would be to abandon this futile
and ridiculous gesture of displaying authority
over the freshmen in such a way as to annoy the
freshmen themselves and disgust most of the
Our advice to the freshmen is this:
Don't wear pots. Don't take part in hazing ac-
tivities. Get accustomed to the idea that Michi-
gan is a University, not a college.


By Barton Kane
18 For The Dekes r, t
Michigan's Cherry QueenDIMP.
Dirty Rushers
RUSHING HAS STARTED, and the Delta Kap-A nn
pa Epsilons were prepared. Last Wednesday,
Richard Reynolds went to work; counted up the
prospects; purchased 18 new, shiny pledge pins.
THE SIGMA PHIS, who boast of Edwin T. Tur-
ner, Olympic star and Interfraternity Council TH
president, have found a way to beat the rushing
rules. During Orientation Week they had three
pretty girls parked just outside the driveway in CLASSI
a large, shiny, Lincoln. Freshmen passing the
house would make a mental note of the street
and number and go home to look the fraternity
up in the Bible.
.* * *
MISS LOUCKES, who knows almost every stu-
, dent in the University and is the only person
in the registrar's office who seems to understand
the problems of classification, says that this year
was as complicated as any she can remember.
"They always change the procedure just enough
so that no one knows just what he is supposed to
do next," she said.

Laboratory Supplies
200-202 E. LIBERTY ST.





tm Lre


Unusual Program =-New Low Prices

in1en, Don't
Your Pots. . .

A BOUT this time every fall, we be-
gin to hear a faint rumbling that
orecasts one of the most ludicrous proceedings
o be found in our sophisicated University: the
nforcement, by the Student Council and certain
mlf- appointed s o p h o m o r e s, of campus "tra-
The freshman, who is, of course, the victim of
hese farcical activities, may as well be disillusion-
d at once. Michigan, in this post-war era of
Ahange and confusion, has retained none of the
onventional collegiate traditions.
A tradition, by its very nature, is an unenforce-
ble thing. It is a living custom, an unwritten law
ianded down from one generation to the next,
md observed by common consent of the persons
Pot wearing, the "custom" which freshmen will
undoubtedly be called upon to observe, is a relic
f the University's earlier days. It belongs to the,
period when students made up an intimate body;
when sophistication was a uniique trait of upper-
lassmen and traveling salesmen; when the fresh-
nan was really a yokel, who had to be initi-
ated into the mysteries of the fast life.
No one now attending the University can recall
a time when freshmen wore pots without com-
pulsion, and hazing was a simple and spontan-
ous reaction to existing circumstances. That era
passed with the war; but the Student Council, as
f unaware of its passing, has perpetuated the
'ah-rah-college anachronism of the pot, even to
he detriment of the Council's own prestige.
During the fall season, three reasons will proba-
>1y be marshalled for the observance of the arti-
icial custom: 1) that it is a tradition and is, ipso
acto, worthy of retention; 2) that it helps to bind
he freshman class into a unit; and 3) that it in-
pires a feeling of humility in the new student
and keeps him from becoming too ambitious and
The answers are almost self-evident. As We
iave observed, a tradition that cannot stand on
ts own merits is worthless. And it is absurd to
ay that any large and heterogeneous group of
.Jung men should be bound into a unit without
>gard to the diversity of their interests and
'tes, simply because of the accident of their en-
ing in the same university and in the same
-ester. As for the last argument, we are inclin-
d to believe that work in classes-after all the
irinary aim of the student-is the really ef-
tive influence in cooling the ardor of the
ky" young high school boy who comes to
.igan; and, in any case, the freshman is likely

University Black Sheepf
Clean House...t
IT HAS long been the habit of those
who decry the fraternity and sor-I
ority system to point to the combined fraternityr
and sorority scholastic averages as opposed to
those of independent men and women and that
of the campus as a whole. For many years, those
who wished have been able to point gleefully to
the fact that the Greek letter organization drag-i
ged down the average of the student body.
This year, however, there has been a reversal in
the old order of things. In the scholarship aver-
ages for the year 1931-1932 recently issued by the
registrar's office, the organization stood ahead of
the. corresponding independent classification ina
each case, This time it was the fraternities who
brought the average up and the independents who
tended to lower it.
General sororities stood at the head of all com-
bined classifications, with all women and inde-
pendent women following closely in that order.
General fraternities and sororities were above the
all campus average, and general fraternities led+
all men and independent men.
There is no reason to suppose that the inde-
pendents on the campus are any less assiduous in
their studies than they ever were. Organization
members, then, must be taking their education
more seriously.
So many things have been laid at the door of'
the depression that one more makes very little
difference; just another candle on its birthday
cake. According to prominent educators, after
every general cataclysm, the World War and pre-
vius depressions, there has been an increased in-
terest in education. Young men and women, feel-
ing more than usual the need of preparation for
making their way, have turned to the universities.
In the freshman registrations for this year this
more serious attitude on the part of the entering
students is evident. There is a large proportional
increase in the number entering who have signed
for some pre-professional course; pre-law, pre-
medic, or business administration. The greatest
decrease in enrollment is, significantly, in the
men students in the literary college. The men
who formerly came to college for a "liberal arts
course"-that phrase sometimes connected with
a four year loaf-either have stayed at home or
have seen the necessity for preparing themselves
for some definite career.
Registrar Ira M. Smith points out that more
students than usual are entering the University
on examination. These students have seen the
futility of attempting to advance very far in this
depressed world without the advantage of a uni-
versity education. Consequently, because they
couldn't enter the University on certificate for
any one of a number of reasons, they have been
sufficiently earnest to take entrance examina-
In line with the more serious tenor, and rather
to be expected than to be wondered at, then, is
the rise in the scholarship standard. A little less
money and a little more incentive have worked a
wonder that 900 faculty members could not.

THERE has been a great deal of speculation on
the Campus concerning the manner in which
deferred rushing will be given the credit for the
fact that fraternity men had higher marks than
the student body as a whole.
* * *
NEDRA ALEXANDER, of Flint and Cincinnati,
is the campus nominee for the most popular
freshman co-ed, Nedra came to college all alone
and knew no one in town. To date she has dated
three captains of sports here and two regular
football players.
THE ALPHA DELTA PHI sophomores, who are
thinking of going into partnership with Mr.
Fingerle, have transfered their interests from
Betsy Barbour to the Alpha Phi house. Four
members of the class were busy during most of
Orientation Week painting furniture for the girls.
M3ISS ALICE LLOYD dean of ladies, had a dual
job at the dance for freshmen girls Friday
night. No men were allowed in the League ball-
room and Miss Lloyd, besides being anchor-lady
of the receiving line, was official bouncer of men.
Crashers were grabbed by the shoulder; pulled
out of the ballroom. Said Miss Lloyd, "Oh, no you
don't, young man."
THE BURGLAR ALARM at Wagner's clothing
store on State Street has the habit of sound-
ing periodically a false alarm. Recently it sound-
ed; attracted the attention of an Ann Arbor po-
liceman, resting in a billiard room. The police-
man emerged; looked slightly bored; proceeded
slowly to Wagner's front door; flashed his lamp;
kicked the door; looked disgusted; returned to the
billiard room.
DIRTY RUSHING is being employed this year
in a more subtle way than ever before. Mem-
bers of one house encountered an extremely ugly
student working in a local hash-house; gave him
the glad hand; invited him to the Psi Upsilon
house. for dinner. Another trick was played on
the Sigma Phis. Members of a certain house call-
ed up; said they were freshmen; wanted to look
the house over; asked to be invited for Monday
supper; received invitations.
By George Spelvin
It was our purpose to start this column out with
a bang by giving a summary, forecast, statement
of aims, and general vituperative attack on almost
everybody, but all that will have to wait.
In the meantime we'll fill our space by letting
you know what's happening to Robert Henderson
in the big city, in case you're anxious. We are in
receipt of an airy letter from him which runs
something like this:
In the doubtless nebulous state of the Daily
at this moment, this may be forgotten and
not printed; but you may care to run a
story to the effect that I am in the Crosby
Gaige production of "I Loved You Wednes-
day" by Molly Ricandell and William DuBois
(he wrote "Pagan Lady" for Lenore Ulric.)
The cast includes Rose Hobart and Humph-
rey Bogart (of the movies), Frances Fuller,
who created the part of the artist with Leslie
Howard in "The Animal Kingdom"- played
in Ann Arbor by Amy Loomis; and Henry
O'Neill. I play a temperamental pianist,
Freddie - although God knows I am not
temperamental, but I always get cast in such
parts. Incidently I play the piano in it - a
bit of the Brahms' Double Concerto - and
Guy Maier's curses at me when I studied with
him stand me in good stead. The production
is directed by Worthington Miner, who stag-
ed "Reunion in Vienna" with the Lunts, and
"Five Star Final." The whole production is
smart and, I feel, very distinguished; but
actors are always hopeful before an opening.
Right now things are at the exciting stage.
Raymond Sovey, who did our setting for our
"Electra" last winter in New York, has de-
signed the production. We open at the Broad
Street Theatre in Newark this Monday, Sept-
ember 26; and we come into New York the
following week of October 2.
"I Loved You Wednesday" is a comedy about a
dancer - she loved someone Tuesday, and some-
one Wednesday, and someone else Thursday, Mr.
Henderson continues rather vaguely.
My regards to the staff, and thank you for

your many coutesies. And if you print this on
anything but the Front page I take it all back
and curse you! But, with best wishes, sin-
cerely... .

Frederic William
William Butler
Dr. Raymond L.

"From Singapore to Mandalay"
with motion pictures

"Noah's Home. Town"
with motion pictures

Season Tilckets:s Six Numbers--$3.0 $2.75 -and $2.50

Address Orders to

Oratorical Ass'n, 3211 Angell Hall



Will Durant,

and -second-raters in football , just as
there are experts and "dubs" in golf and
successes and failures in life so there is
good and inferior laundry work. We
ask you to try our laundry service. We
believe that you will proclaim us chan
pions, our work as expert, and see why
we have been successful withthe
students' laundry.

The Union Solves
A Difficult Dilemma.. .
FOR many years, the question of
paying a salary to the president
and recording secretary of the Union has been
discussed. Campus opinion has always been in
favor of such a move as it was believed that the
amount of time put in by the two officers merited
some sort of recompense.
It was further brought out that, as the editors
of The Daily and other campus student officials
are paid, it was only fair for the Union heads to
be treated the same way.
Following numerous requests, the Board of
Directors of the Union voted at their final meet-
ing last spring to allow scholarships' to the presi-
dent and recording secretary. The terms of the

I~fl300 South Fifth

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