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November 02, 1932 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-11-02

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Local rains; colder Thursday;

Sfr ian


A New Type Of Auto
The Straw Vote Refutes A






Institute For
Education Of
Parents Will
Meet Nov. 31
Extension Division Will
Bring Group Here For
Third Annual Three-Day
Convention 'T'his Week
Sessions To Open
Thursday At 9 A. M.
Dean J. B. Edmonson Will'
Give Greeting; Dr. Maud
Watson To Head Child'
Guidance Conference

Smith Assails T
Changes In S
Disapproval of three important
proposed amendments to the state
constitution was voiced by Harold R.
Smith, Secretary of the Michigan
Municipal League, who led an open
forum in Pattengill Auditorium last
Characterizing the bond expendi-
ture amendments, the Homestead
amendment, and the Fifteen-Mill
Limitation amendment as proposals
which are "inconsistent and would
lead to disenfranchisementMof a large
part of the electorate," Mr. Smith
pointed out that all are inseparably
linked together in spite of their sep-
aration on'the ballot, and that pass-
age of the measures would foster
"gross inequalities" and strike deep
into University and primary school
I appropriations.
i Would Limit Bonding Issuesd-
".The first of these proposed amend-
ments would limit the vote on bond-
ing issues to those who have property
assessments, and so presupposes aa
continuance of the property tax," Mr.
Smith stated, adding that it would
disenfranchize many voters who at
present are not so affected." As for
the Homestead exemption proposal, Ia
believe that the exemptions which
will apply to all assessments under

hree Proposed
tate Constitution
$3,000 will foster discontent, since
holders of estates valued at $4,000
will be paying almost two and one
half times as much as the former
Mr. Smith also showed how the
Homestead amendment, if passed,
would slash small town and village
assessments by as much as 90 per
cent in some cases, since property is
characteristically split up into small-!
er holdings per land holder in these
The Fifteen-Mill Limitation pro-
posal would, in the opinion of Mr.
Smith, be detrimental to the interests
of the state in that it would prove a
hindrance to the adoption of an in-
come tax, would reduce University
and other school funds, and would
lessen, instead of broaden, the basis
of taxation. Indecision as to the
proper distribution of the fifteen
mills would be a further resultof
passage of this proposed amendment,
he added.
Discusses Liquor Control
The liquor control amendment, the
legislative reapportionment amend-'
ment, the ward election amendment,
the referendum and the pardon werej
also discussed by the speaker.
"Michigan is a peculiarly difficult
state in which to obtain perfect ap-
portionment in both the Senate and
House of Representatives," Mr.
Smith said, "because'of the size of
the principal city, Detroit, which is
constantly charged with 'control' of
the state government through pre-
ponderance' of representatives at
The amendment would change the
tenure of office of Senate members
from two to four years, while the
state would be blocked off into sec-
tions of 48,000 population for election
of delegates to the House of Repre-
sentatives. Mr. Smith argued in fa-
vor of this proposal, since he declared
it would put Michigan in the van of
several other progressive statesvwhich
are adopting similar four-year ten-
ures for state Senate members.

Juniors Make
Last Minute
Vote Canvass
Large Turnout Predicted
By Both Parties; Each
Anticipates Victory
Voting To Be Fron
4 to 5:45 P. M. Today,

Fighting Mobs
Repulsed By
London Police
F u r io u s Rioting Results
As March On Parliament
Is Stopped With Clubs
Leader's Arrest
Starts Movement,




Attraets More Th
1,500 On First D


To Sing Tonight

------------ #0

Co-operating with the Michigan
Congress of Parents and Teachers,
the Extension Division of the Univer-
sity will bring to Ann Arbor the Par-
ent Education Institute for its third
annual conference scheduled for
Thursday, Friday, and Saturday of
this week.
In an interview yesterday, Dr.
Charles A. Fisher, assistant director
of the extension division, stated that
the main purpose of the institute is
to bring together the parents, teach-
ers, and school administrators from
the districts about Detroit and Ann
Arbor to hear eminent speakers in
the field of parent education. A reg-
istration fee of $1.00 will be charged,
according to Dr. Fisher.
Greeting to be Given
The session will open at 9 a. m.
Thursday, Nov. 3. The greeting will
be given by Dr. Fisher, Prof. James
B. Edmonson, dean of the School of
Education, and Mrs. D. W. Stewart,
president of the Michigan Congress
of Parents and Teachers. The ad-
dress, to be given by Mrs. J. K. Pet-
tengill, of the National Congress of
Parents and Teachers, is entitled
'The Parent-Teacher Association in
Relation to P a r e n t Education."
Thursday afternoon will be devoted
to conferences on rural education and
the handicapped child. Dr. W. E.
Blatz, University ?f Toronto, will give
an address In the evening on "Why
Should a Child Conform?"
Friday morning will open with a
conference on child guidance at
which Dr. Maud E. Watson, director,
child guidance division, Children's
Fund of Michigan, Detroit, and Dr.
Louis A. Schwartz, Director of Clinic
for Juvenile Research, Detroit, will
McCluskey to Speak
Dr. Howard Y. McCluskey, assist-
ant professor of educational psychol-
ogy, will speak on "Parent and Adol-
escent Confidences." The afternoon
will be devoted to conferences on rec-
reation and child feeding. Friday
evening President Ruthven will give
the opening address on the subject
"Parental Training," and Dr. Ada
Tart Arlitt, professor of child care
and training, University of Cincin-
nati, will give the main address on
"The Educator and the Moder; Par-
Saturday morning Dr. William H.
Kilpatrick, Columbia University, will
speak on "My Child as a Person."
Immediately after Dr. Kilpatrick's
speech two talking pictures will be
shown, one on "Classroom Instruc-
tion in Primary Grades," to be ex-
hibited by Dr. B. H. Bode, and the
other on "Methods of Teaching Pri-
mary Reading," by Dr. Arthur I.
Gates. These pictures will be shown
throh the courtesy of the Electrical
Research Products, Inc. Dr. Kilpat-
rick will speak again at a luncheon at
the Michigan Union on the subject
"Why Educators Must Consider More
Than the School."
Oratorical Association
Reduces Series Price
A new sale of season tickets for
the 1932-33 lecture series, at greatly;
reduced prices, will begin today at1
Wahr's campus bookstore, it was an-1
nounced yesterday by the Oratorical
The reduction in price is designed
to accommodate those who have been
unable heretofore to purchase season,
tickets, it was said.-
A 50 cent reduction is being made
on each set of tickets, to cover thet
cost of the Lowell Thomas lecture
last Saturday. New prices are: or-
chestra, $2.50; balcony, $2.25 and


Figures Show
Attendance To
Be Over 8,500
Final Registration Drops
Seven Per Cent, Latest
Tabulation Indieates

There are 8,523 students in the
University this year, according to of-
ficial figures released yesterday by
Ira M. Smith, registrar. This number,
which was revised to include late
registrations and withdrawals
through November 1, represents a
drop of seven per cent from the 9,165
total of a year ago, which was itself
a decrease of two per cent from the
9,431 in 1930-31.
An additional 3,757 students at-
tended the 1932 Summer Session, and
1,630 are enrolled in the Extension
Division, making a grand total for
the year of 13,910.
Of the present enrollment, 6,187
are men and 2,336 are women. The
women show a greater decrease than
the men, losing 8.5 per cent as
against 6.4. The percentage drop in
the summer Session was 13.2 per dent
and in. the Extension Division, 7.7.
Three schools, Forestry, Music
and Graduate, showed increased en-
rollment this year. The Graduate
School has 1,417 students, an in-
crease of 23. The School of Forestry
and Conservation has the largest
percentage increase, 7.5. The School
of Music had 188 a year ago and 189
today, an increase of one.
In the column of losses, the most
conspicuous are the College of Phar-
macy with a decrease of 32.8 per cent
and the School of Nursing with a loss
of 22.2 per cent.
Total enrollment in each depart-
ment is as follows: literary college,
3,667; engineering school, 1,294;
medical school, 484; law, 506; phar-
macy, 43; dentistry, 192; oral hy-
giene, 9; architecture, 214; education,
278; business administration, 114;
forestry and conservation, 57; nurs-
ing, 189; music, 189; graduate, 1,417.
Noted Explorer,
Sven Hedin, To
Adventures In Tibet Will
Be Related By Swedish
Scientist In Talk Here
Sven Hedin, called the dean of As-
iatic explorers, willdeliver a lecture
at 4:15 p. m. Wednesday in Natural
Science. Auditorium. His subject will
be "Tents and Temples in Tibet," and
besides telling of his explorations in
Tibet he will give an account of the
Buddist temple which has just been
completed in Chicago.
Hedin calls himself an "ordinary
explorer" but few men living today
have seen as many extraordinary
things or had as many extraordinary
experiences as he. For over 40 years
he has made expeditions into pre-
viously unknown parts of Asia and
has come back with thrilling tales
of adventure, which have been read
thrnuh his many ohnk niihpdhri

Glass Rephes
To G.O.P. With
Counter Attack
Virginia Senator Assails
President's Proposals As
WASHINGTON, Nov. L.-(/P)-Sen.
Glass of Virginia tonight said that
President Hoover submitted to the
last Congress "inflationary proposals
that would have rocked the founda-
tions of our banking system."
In his first speech of the campaign,
released by the Democratic national
committee, in advance of its delivery
over the radio, the former secretary
of treasury assailed the Hoover ad-
ministration and urged the election
of Franklin D. Roosevelt to the pres-
He denied statements of President
Hoover and his supporters that eco-
nomic troubles had their origin in
Europe, and the Republican asser-
tion that the Democrats impeded
administration efforts to balance the
budget and improve business.
Of the inflationary proposals
which he attributed to the President,
he said that if they had been enacted
they would "not only have tempted
foreign raids on our gold reserve but
would have incited a dangerous de-
mand for redemption."
"Had these proposals been adopt-
ed," he said, "they would have made
millions of dollars of foreign secur-
ities with which this country was de-
luged by administration connivance a
basis for tremendous credit expan-
Gargoyle Appears
Today With Many
Political Satire s
Gargoyle's second edition of the
year appears on the streets today
with satire on politics, national and
campus, the main theme. The cover
is a brillaintly coloredcartoon on
some of the main phases of the na-
tional campaign by the Gargoyle's
versatile artist, Tom Powers.
The most outstanding feature of
this issue is a full page of political'
caricatures by Powers of Roosevelt,
Hoover, Thomas, and Joe Zias.
Another feature of this issue is a
characteristic hook review ncimn

Degener Opposes Bernard
For Presidency; Briggs
Runs Against Jewett
Both political parties of the jun-
ior literary class canvassed the cam-
pus last night for supporters in a
last minute drive before the election
which will take place from 4 to 5:45
p. m. today in room 25 Angell Hall.
The largest turn out in the history
of class elections is predicted by cau-
cus chairmen of both parties, and
each claims to have a sufficient num-
ber of pledged supporters to carry
the day.
The State Street party is head ed
by Richard Degener, Chi Psi, while
Charles Bernard, Independent, has
been nominated by the Washtenaw
party for the presidency of the class.
The J-Hop chairman nominees
are Richard Briggs, Pi Kappa Alpha,
Washtenaw party, and Charles Jew-
ett, Alpha Delta Phi, State Street
Other nominees on the State Street
ticket are Francis M. Wistert, Phi
Delta Theta, treasurer, and Wallace
Graham, Psi Upsilon, Cyrus Huling,
Phi Gamma Delta, Robert Saltzstein
Zeta Beta Tau, Brackley Shaw, Sig-
ma Phi, for J-Hop representatives;
Martha Bowen, Mosher-Jordan and
Delta Gamma, vice president; and
Josephine Woodhams, Collegiate So-
rosis, secretary.
Washtenaw Candidates
Washtenaw candidates are Clinton
Sandusky, Trigon, treasurer; Pru-
dence Foster, Kappa Delta, vice pres-
ident; Louise Crandall, Mosher-Jor-
dan, secretary; and Martin Cavan-
augh, Phi Kappa Walter .acel).
Sigma Nu, Paul Pryor, Alpha Kappa
Lambda, and Bernard Good, Phi Sig-
ma Delta as J-Hop representatives."
An attempt was made yesterday by
the Washtenaw party to call another
vote on the grounds that the one held
Monday night was not accurate. The
petition was denied by the president
of the dormitory, however, and
Mosher-Jordan will support the State
Street ticket, unless last minute
changes are made today.
More than 25 independent men
gathered at the Union at 7:30 p. m.
yesterday to pledge their support to
the Washtenaw party. Charles Ber-
nard, Washtenaw candidate for pres-
ident, was present and claimed that
the independent vote was behind
him. Gilbert Bursley, chairman of
the State Street party, said that a
number of independent votes had al-
ready been pledged to the State
Street party.
State Street claimed the pledge
support of Mosher-Jordan, Betsy
Barbour, Helen Newberry and Mar-
tha Cook late last night, but political
leaders of the Washtenaw party
claimed to have forced a split in the
Mosher-Jordan vote.
To Use Aeroplane
The State Street party is cam-
paigning in real political style and
will have an aeroplane fly over the
ampus at noon today.
"A full hearted endorsement of
Charles Bernard was made at the
Washtenaw caucus tonight," Irving
Pearistone told The Daily reporter
ast night. "The independents on the
campus are well organized," he said,
"and are going to support their can-
didate. The party platform has been
accepted by four domitories and the
party will win."
Bursley said last night that "with
all the dormitories, all the sororities,
with the exception of Kappa Delta,
and more fraternities than ever be-
fore, State Street is confident of in-
creasing its victory margin of last
year from 145 to 200."
500 Students Use Union
Absentee Voting Service
More than 500 applied for absen-
tee voting information at the bureau
in the Union, John W. Lederle, '33,
Union president reported last night.

It is now too late to have anything
more done than having the ballots
notarized, Lederle said, consequently
the bureau has been discontinued.
There is, however, a notary public
in the office of Paul Buckley, man-

Motor Cars And Trolleys
Overturned, Crowds Try
To Terrorize Officials
LONDON, Nov. 1. - UP)- Sharp
fighting between police and unem-
ployed sympathizers broke out in Vic-
toria Embankment and at Charing
Cross tonight, after police had dis-
persed a huge throng which was
marching on the Houses of Parlia-
Rioters attempted to overturn mo-
tor cars on the Embankment. They
rushed street cars and removed their
signboards for use as clubs. Police
repeatedly charged with their batons
into the crowds. At the Cenotaph,
Britain's greatest war memorial,
wreaths were trampled.
Fireworks Discharged
Meanwhile, other police were busy
-with crowds on Westminster Bridge.
The demonstrators in that neighbor-
hood were not so complacent as their
colleagues, and fireworks were dis-
charged, apparently for the purpose
of frightening horses of the mounted
police. Several arrests were made.
These disorders occurred after po-
lice had arrested Walter Hannington,
leader of the hunger marchers.
Fight as They Retreat,
Although deprived of their leader,
one crowd, forced slowly down
Whitehall by mounted and foot po-
lice, stiffened their resistance at Tra-
falgar Square, and police batolps be-
gan to swing.
As the mounted men charged into

Presidential Straw V
To Conclude Today;
Returns Will Be Gi
Out Until Tomorrow
Unofficial Reports
Give Hoover Ed
Leaders Of Three Ma
Parties Making Defi:
Attempt To Get Out H
Vote For Candidates
Over 1,500 students cast their
lots yesterday in the first day o
Daily-Union presidential straw
Although no official count of
ballots has been made studeni
tendants at the ballot boxes re:
ed that the vote appeared to be
ning very close with President
ver holding a slight edge over hi;
ponents. First returns on the
result of the poll will be annotu
in tomorrow's Daily. No annot
ment will be made until that tin
Partisans of the three leading
didates were making definite ef
to get out the vote for the me
their choice. James Inglis,.jr., '33
John Huss, jr., '33, Roosevelt b
ers werelining up allthe Demo
available while the University
publican club, headed by Hugh C
lin and Del Prommer, posted pic
at the three ballot boxes in an
tempt to waylay Hoover suppoi
Socialists Active
Socialists, although disclain
any effort to bring out a large TI
as vote, and claiming that they r
"only upon the intelligence of

Lawrence Tibbett
Tibbett Second
Of Choral Union
1932 Confcerts
Program Includes M a 11 y
Modern Pieces; Stewart
Wille IsrTo Accompany

Lawrence Tibbett, grar
otion picture baritone,



dows in near-by buildings.
The mounted men had to charge
over and over again to keep the foot
police from being overpowered. Sev-
eral women in the crowd fainted.
Student Lea gue
Re"-Opens Bo k
StoreA Aitation
Plans M a s s Meeting On
Thursday To Consider
All Possibilities
New plans for obtaining a univer-
sity-controlled bookstore will be for-
mulated at a mass meeting at 6 p. m.
at the Union. This movement is be-
ing organized by the National Stu-
dent League, University of Michigan
chapter ,according to Edward Chey-
fitz, '34, chairman of the committee
in charge.'1.
All students and student organiza-
tions are invited to attend the con-
ference which will discuss arrange-
ments for - the petitioning of the
Board of Regents. An extensive cam-
paign will be conducted in an effort
to obtain at least 5,000 student sig-
President Ruthven, upon being in-
terviewed on the prospects of the es-
tablishment of such an enterprise,
stated that he thought the Board of
Regents would not allow it. He said
that in previous petitions, of a simi-
lar nature the Board has expressed
itself opposed to university-controlled
In rebuttal the studentsrmaintain-
ed that the university is already comn-
mercialized because of its operation
of a student chemistry store on . a
non-profit basis.

Mr. Tibbett, who first distinguish-'
ed himself in "Falstaff" at the New
York Metropolitan Opera House sev-
eral years ago, has prepared a spe-
cial song program, which includes
several pieces of distinctly modern
The baritone arrived yesterday af-
ternoon, and is staying at the Union.
Because of the popular interest in
his voice, aroused to a great extent
by his motion picture and radio sing-
ing, a capacity crowd is expected to-
night, said Pres. Charles A. Sink of
the music school.
Assisted by Stewart Wille, accom-
panist, Mr. Tibbett will present the'
following song program:
"Care, Go Thou Away from Me"
(Old Scotch song), arranged by Mar-
garet Pierrepont; Arne-Endicott,
"Air" (comus); S. Donaudy, "Vaghis-
sima Sembianza" "(Fleeting Vi-
sion)"; Emile Vuillermoz, "Jardin
d'Amour (Garden of Love)"; Gustave
Ferrari, "Le Miroir ("The Mirror)";
Carl Loewe, "Maidens Are Like the
Wind"; Joseph Marx, "If Love Hath
Entered Thy Heart."
Mr. Wille, accompanist, will play
two piano selections: Debussy, "La
Terrasses des Audiences du Clair de
Lune"; and Dohnanyi, "Rhapsody
Opus II, Number 3."
British La bor
Leader Speaks
Thursday Night
Chairman Of Independent
Labor Party To Lecture
On Co-operatives
Fenner Brockway, chairman of the
British Independent Labor Party, will
speak Thursday night in Ann Arbor,
sponsored by the Student Socialist
club, it was announced last night.
The place of the meeting has not
yet been decided, but will be an-
nounced in tomorrow's Daily.
In his years of service as a leader
in the British labor movement, Mr.
Brockway has had a colorful career.
He has long been a leading exponent
of mass resistance to war by organ-
ized labor. During the World War,
ho aman - + ,n,. non r in mnp Q hAnnnima

apathetic attitude
the student body
versity characteriz
a straw ballot sp
Purdue Exponent
bert Hoover led th
convincing margin
Only 349 votes, c
than 10 per cent
body, deposited c
days of balloting,
with 221 votes foi
Roosevelt, 36 for
Foster, and 1 for L

voters," nevertheless, warned
dents in posters on the various bu
tin boards not to vote until they
heard Maynard Kreuger, Univer
of Chicago economist, who lecti
last night in Natural Science auc
The faculty vote seemed tc
small in comparison to the nun
of ballots cast by the student be
A larger turnout of the instructor
however, expected today. Fac
men are required to vote on pink
lots while students are using w
Ballot boxes in the presidential
will be placed in the lobbies of
dan !hall, Betsy Barbour and Ma
Cook dormitories from 5:15 to 6 p
(Continued on Page 6)
Engineering Seniors To
Hold Election Tomorr
Senior elections in the enginee
college will be held at 10 a. m.
Thursdayin room 348 W. Engin
ing building, it was announced
night by Alastair Mitchell, '33, mi
ber of the Student Council who
preside at the meeting. Identificai
cards will be necessary to obtainl
lots, he said.
Ontario School Confers
L.L.D. On Faculty 1V
The degree of Doctor of Laws
been conferred upon Dr. Willian
Bishop, librarian and head of the
partment of Library Science by
University of Western Ontario, it
learned yesterday. The degree
bestowed upon Dr. Bishop in con
tion with the conference on scien
research held at London, Ontario
Dr. Bishop, one of the speaker
the conference, delivered an add

'33 Engineers
Hayes For


The combined Independent and
Fraternity party of the senior engi-
neering class nominated candidates
for class offices last. night at their
caucus meeting.
Nominees are Robert E. . Hayes,
president; Gerald M. Smith, vice
president; Richard F. Becker, secre-,
tary; Edwin R. Boynton, treasurer;,
Duane Ericksen. honor committee:i

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