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November 01, 1932 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-11-01

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stablished 1890

r I

must suffer unless other methods of taxation and
apportionment of funds are adopted.
Most of the able thinkers in the state, including
the majority of political reporters, have declared
against these amendments. We believe that every-
one who will seriously consider them must arrive
at a similar attitude. As supporters of education,
we hope that they will fail of ratification.
Interest Rising
in Daily-Union Poll..


ied every morning except Monday during the
y year and Summer Session by the Board in
of Student Publications.
r of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
i the Big Ten News Service.
sociated Press is exclusively entitled to the uise
lication ofPall newsdispatches credited to it or
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es are reserved.
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Student Publications Building, Maynard Street;
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ITOR ................... .AR L
EDITOR.... ..............JOHN W. THOMAS
NT WOMEN'S EDITOR.........Miriam Carver
eDITORS:aThomas Connellan, No rnanF. Kraft,
W. Pritchard, C. Hart Schaaf, :Bra(ckley, Sha*.,
R. Winters.
ASSISTANTS: Fred A. Huber, Albert Newman.
ERS: Hyman J. Aronstam, A. Ellis Ball, Charles
adt, James Bauchat. Donald R. Bird, Donald P.
tz. Charles B. Brownson. Arthur W. Carstens,
Engel, Eric Hall, John C. Healey, Robert B.
George Van Vleck, Guy M. Whipple, Jr., W.

OLITICAL interest in The Daily-
Union campus straw vote is reach-
ing a high pitch.
With the announcement that the local Repub-
lican club has received orders from the state com-
mittee to be sure that the poll results in a victory
for Hoover by a double majority, the Democrats
are reported to be planning some sort of reprisal.
The State Republican committee specifically
informed the local politicians that the vote must
not be in favor of Norman Thomas as was the
straw vote taken at Columbia University. It was
important, they said, that Hoover win because
the results of the vote are being watched all over
the 'country.
It is not. at. all impossible, however, that Norman
Thomas may win the election, for the Student
Socialists are working fervidly to have their party
make a fine showing. Also the general swing to-
wards socialism on the part of many intelligent
people, and the "protest" votes against the Repub-
licans and Democrats may account for a great
}many more Socialist tallies.
Ordinarily in a state so traditionally Republican
as Michigan the vote would automatically give
Hoover a large majority, in fact there would be
little necessity of a vote. This year, however, the
University Roosevelt club is claiming, a great
many Republicans have turned to the support of
Roosevelt. The Democrats on the campus are re-
ported to be bending all their efforts towards
defeating Hoover in one of his strongholds.
Republican partisans, on the other hand, have
been prognosticating an easy victory without a
As it stands now, before the first ballot, is cast,
the result is practically a toss-up. All three of the
three major parties are feeling confident, and
with reason.
The polls conducted by many other college
newspapers throughout the country so far thi
year have been real, honest, and mature expres-
sions of student opinioni. The other university
polls have been free of the type of adolescent
facetiousness that characterized last year's Mich-
igan poll. It is sincerely hoped by The Daily and
the Union, that this poll, the first ever conducted
on such a large scale here, will as truly represent
the convictions of Michigan's student body as,
for instance, the Columbia poll.

Art Reviews
When more than sixty-seven Ann Arbor artists
offer such a splendid exhibition as has just opened
in Alumni Memorial Hall, the work is observed
with great interest. Oil paintings, and water colors,
etchings, batiks, jewelry, pottery andsculpture are
included in the exhibit which is made up of over
200 contributions. In this variety of media and
subject there is something to 'interest everyone
and the quality of the work shown is striking.
So many names crowd to the fore that it is pos-
sible to mention only a few. 'John Clarkson's
large oil painting "Pour le Sport" attracts im-
mediate attention by its fine compositional value
and well compounded colors, which are decidedly
forceful. Ernest Barnes presents three landscapes
of contrasting atmospheric tone. One of New
England hills is yellowish; "Pequotespos" is dif-
fused with blue; "Autumnal Fields" is transparent.
In both oil and water color, Jean Paul Slusser
gives us many fine pictures. His vacation in Spain
evoked some delightful compositions done in a vig-
orous spirit that gives them lasting value. His
still life study (No. 158) is unusually lovely.
May Brown's water colors show skill crispness in
their spontaneously handled subjects and helps to
make the works done in water colors dominate
the show. Myron Chapin's also have spirit and
lovely color.
"College" is crisply presented by Peter Ruthven
in the modernistic manner.
As a regular contributor, Mina Winslow is ob-
served, always to have something interesting. "The
Old Foundry" has character and good color. Eliza-
beth Howard's paintings are pleasing.
Gay colors, good designs and vivacity are charm-
ingly captured to the eternal delight of children-
and grown ups - by Pauline Bittinger's wood block
prints of the four seasons.
Another interesting part of the exhibit includes
etchings, aquatints and drawings. Valerio's etch-
ings have beautiful flowing linse and delicate
Clear-cut, simply lined flower studies of deli-
cate precision characterize W a r r e n Lombard's
etchings. Pencil drawings by Henry Austin have
firmness that is pleaing. Jean Paul Slusser has
two sketches which remind one of some shown
here last year in the sculptors' drawings exhibit.
They have the same clear cut lines and feeling
for modelling and simplicity. Leon Makielski has
a great variety of ideas, as shown in his etchings.
He also presents pastels and oils.
Undoubtedly this exhibition is one of the finest

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Eleanor B. Blum, Louise Crandall, Carol J. Hannan,
Frances Manchester, Marie J. Murphy, Margaret C.
Phalan, Katherine Rucker, Marjorie Western and Har-
riet Speiss.
Telephone 2-1214
)EPARTMENT MANAGERS:' Advertising, Grafton Sharp;
Advertising Contracts, Orvil Aronson; Advertising Serv-
ice, Noel Turner; Accounts, Bernard F. Schnacke Clr-
culation, Gilbert E. Bursley; Puiblications, Robert E.
SSISTANTS: Theodore Barash Jack Bellamy, Gordon
Boylan, Charles Ebert, Jack Elroymson, Fred Hertrick,
Joseph Hume, Allen Knuusl, Rus sell Read, Lester Skin-
ner, Joseph Sudow and Robert Ward.
Betty Aigler, Doris Gimmy, Billie Griffiths, Dorothy
Layl in, Helen Olson, H-elen Schume, May Seefried,
Kathryn Stork.
TUESDAY, NOV. 1, 1932
Will The Proposed Tax
Haws Cripple Education?...
3' is interesting to speculate on the
extent to which the University
'ould be affected if proposed amendments two
nd four of the state constitution became laws
rd no change in the apportionment of funds
ere made. Designated as the "Homstead" and
Lie "Fifteen Mill" amendments, they have been
evised to reduce taxes. This they would most
ertainly do, but their ultimate desirability should
e seriously questioned.
The "Homestead Amendment" proposes in the
.rst place to exempt from taxation all property
ssessed at $3,000 or less, provided that the owner
also the occupant, and likewise to exempt $3,000
orth of every piece of property assessed at more
Dan $3,000, provided that the owner is the occu-
The principal source of the University's revenue
its state mill-tax on property. Since the "Home-
ead Amendment" would exempt a great deal of
his property, the University would consequently
se a great deal of its present revenue.
The consensus of analytical opinion in the stater
lost of which frowns on the proposed amend-
tent, estimates that it would exempt between 70
nd 80 per cent of the property in villages, some-
ping like 30 per cent in towns the size of Flint,

Screen Reflections
Four stars means a super-picture; three stars very
good; two stars good; one star juxtt another picture;
no stars keep away from it.


Garry King..........Richard Arlen
Whittlebottom ...........Andy Devine
Coach Knipe.. . . ......James Gleason
All-America, The 1931 All-America Team
All-Stars...........Former Grid Greats
You still have today and tomorrow to see this
picture; it gets three stars because it has so many
great names (football-ly speaking) in it. If you
like football and the sparkle of big inter-sectional
games, you'll like it.
Besides, it's worth the admission price to see
Messrs. Knipe and Whittlebottom (Devine and
Gleason) in action. They're at their usually mar-
velous highs. Jimmy Gleason as the pessimistic
coach is grand, particularly in the moments when
he says to his team, "I'm an old, old man," and
when he smiles in delight at a good play and then
hastily wreaths his face in gloom again before his
team can see him. Andy Devine is excellent on
the rubbing-table and in the fishpond.

about 25 per cent of the property in Detroit. 'Ihis has been called the "greatest football game
s thus obvious that if the amendment is rati- ! ever played." Anyway, it brings together on the
in November, the loss sustained by the Uni- 4screen more than 30 of the game's outstanding
ity will be substantial. stars. The 1931 All-Americans play as a unit and
a the second place the "Homestead Amend- there are a number Qf others who in recent years
it" proposes that all property shall be as- iscored in the nation's headlines. You'll see
ed by its owners. What is meant to be a I Nevers, Booth, Cagle, Carideo, Schwartz, Pinkert,
guard against assessing below value is pro- Baker, Dalrymple, Munn, Schwegler, Riley, Quat-
d in a phrase stating that the owner of the se, Orsi, Cain, Yarr, and Shaver, as well as lots
erty must sell if a buyer offers a cash amount of others.
al to the owner's assessment. . There are three women in the show too-June
a considering the way in which this plan Clyde, Gloria Stuart and Merna Kennedy-but
Id work it may be wise to regard a specific they're not essential to the story and aren't too
mple. The Detroit Edison Company has good.
perty worth something like $50,000,000. Yet The story of "The All-American," has an ab-
Detroit Edison Company could not be sold for sorbing interest aside from football. Garry King,
000,000 cash. Hence its controllers could star at Pacific University, becomes so inflated
ss it for $10,000,000 and run no risk of losing with the magic of his name in his senior year
There is no reason to believe that most large that he leaves school and goes into bond sales-
ustries in Michigan, hotels, and other busi- manship. He isn't as successful there as on the
ses holding valuable property, would not re- gridiron and gradually descends via the liquor,
to this scheme, thus materially reducing gambling, and park bench route to a point where
i property tax. Since the mill-tax is a prop- he bums a job shoveling gravel for a classmate's
r tax, govern.,nental institutions and the tJni- construction firm. There he is brought to his
ity, which depend on a mill-tax, would senses and is able to rehabilitate himself in so-

held by Ann Arbor Art Association members.
Mediocrity is almost absent. The exhibit should
arouse enthusiasm and pride of the University and
The Theatre
A Review by Hubert Skidmore
If for no other reason, Play Production's pres-
entation of Elmer Rice's "The Adding Machine"
should be seen because, despite some poor mo-
ments, it is the best physical representation of
the actions of the human mind the theater has
given us in recent years.
"The Adding Machine," an expressionistic satire
shows us the mind of a weak, ineffectual record-
ing clerk who is driven to murder by a squalid,
domineering wife and an unappreciative boss. He
is convicted and executed, meets Daisy Devore, his
former office-mate, in the Elysian Fields and re-
fusing her entreaties because he feels the place
is not respectable he goes on into Heaven where,
because of his ineffectuality he receives only scorn
and is ultimately returned to earth to resume his
It is in the early scenes of the play, particularly
in the opening scene and the one in the office
that Mr. Rice is most forceful and accurate of
point. Again in the courtroom scene--which has
some grand satire-and in the opening of the
graveyard scene he reaches this height. From
there on he falters and wanders aimlessly. I did
not see the importance of Shrdlu as a nart of
the whole, nor was I certain just whose idea of
Heaven Mr. Rice was satirizing. It was not Mr.
Zero's. Then too, even in so weak a person as
Zero it is illogical that his basic and physical emo-
tions are not stronger than Mr. Rice would lead
us to believe.
Though the author might be accused of using
expressionism as a theatrical trick and not a
means of expression he must be credited with
rapid show that keeps rolling along once it is
under way.
The show was well staged with the exception of
the Elysian Fields scene, which needed more
brightness than it had. The Bedroom and Place
of Justice scenes were both well executed.
We feel that at this particular time Mr. Windt
is handicapped in that he finds himself with only
inexperienced material from which to draw his
cast. He has done a splendid job with what he
Leonard Stocker as Mr. Zero has some good
moments. In the courtroom scene he does some
especially fine work but this he counterbalances
with many repetitions that are not accurately mo-
tivated and stressed. As Mrs. zero, Jean Rosen-
thall falls a little short of the acid, bitter woman
she should be. Her constant reutterance of rising
and falling inflections without g>enuine feeling
made her very tiresome.
With training to overcome a decided accent Miss
S nhn h.rncme an nasset to Play Production..




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i I


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he other proposed alteration in the constitu-
i is known as the "Fifteen Mill Amendment."
rould limit the total tax which can be levied
inst property to 15 mills per dollar. The
;e, county, city, village and township govern-
its; the school districts; and the University
present derive their principal revenues from
Pill tax on property. Their combined demands
omt to considerably more than 15 mills per

ciety when he realizes that his younger brother,
also a Pacific U. footballer, is beginming the same
sort of career.
There is a lot of nice martial music in this
movie, as played by what is obviously a newsreel
shot of the Stanford band and by studio orches-
tras. Particularly "California's Golden Bear"
sticks' in our head.
On the whole you'll like the feature. The Hearst
t.Twrm c tvnin11 jlltinctuld with nolitics ht has1



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