The Weather QAdoogo Cloudy, oder; cloudy Wed- Bitig an ilIaiti Editorials Will the Proposed Tax Uripple Education?; Ii Rising in the Davly-Unioi lFA1 -.Vi ii.i. iT. AO.. i I VOL. AXL No. 32 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, NOV. 1, 1932 -- - i I U PRICE FIVE4 -1 Hoover Flays Roosevelt On Tariff Policies In N. Y.Speech President Cheered In East As Seaboard Campaign Ends; Western Tour Is Hinted For Next Week Dems See Hoover Stimulating Fears "Hoover Has Abandoned Argument To In d ul ge In Personalities," Says Roosevelt In Boston Riots Stir London As Jobless Mass Bandits Loot Monroe Bank; Take $40,000 Bernard Gets Washtenaw's Nomination Presidential Stra Vote Is Opened] Daily,_Union Tod MA policy in the Chee SQUARE GARDEN, Oct. 31.-(P)-President ght told a throng which this hugetauditorium, nklin D. Roosevelt was. sident of the United the Democratic tariff ed "the grass will grow s of a hundred cities." the echo as he climaxed tonight for the east's es-after a day of ac- :ning along the Atlantic .e President asserted that upon this inchoate new has been propounded in n would be to undermine our American system." 'as a wildly waving mass flags when Mr. Hoover ers and shouts lasted for (Associated Press Photo) Climaxing a series of unemployed disturbances, thousands of jobless marched on London for a demonstration against administration of the dole. Rioting and yelling defiance at the police, they participated in the most serious disturbance London has seen in years. Photo shows riot- ers being loaded into a patrol wagon. Two Policemen-Wounded As Six Thugs Flee With Immense Haul Robbery Completed In Record Speed 12 Employees, Cowed By Submachine Gun, Yield Without Resistance MONROE, Oct. 31.-In a daring mid-day raid, six bandits slouched into the National Bank of Monroe at 12:15 p. m. today, forced 12 em- ployees to lie on the floor, scooped up $401000 in cash and escaped amid a roar of gunfire in which two Mon- roe policemen were wounded. The robbery occurred at Front St. and Washington Ave., one of Mon- roe's busiest corners, in the presence of scores of persons out of their of- fices during the lunch hour. Alarm is Sounded The wounded policemen are Pa- trolman William Lynch and his part- ner, Charles Kanuth, who responded to the bank alarm. Kanuth was shot in the head and in the right arm when he opened fire on. the gunmen as they escaped. Lynch was missed by the flying bullets but sustained injuries from broken glass when win- dows were crashed ,in the fusillade. A third patrolman, Floyd Looker' rushed from his beat to join the fight. He was unhurt. It was. reported that the bandit car passed through Bolles Harbor three miles south of here, on the way to Toledo. Robbery Carefully Planned Apparently carefully planned the Party Names Briggs For Hop; Foster, Crandall, Sandusky Nominated Pearlstone Gives Party's Platform Bowen, Woodhams Named By State; Claim Four Dormitories' Support A strong bid for the Independent vote was made by the Washtenaw party of the junior literary class last night with the announcement of Charles Bernard, Independent, as its candidate for president of the class. At the same time the State Street Mosher-Jordan, Betsy Barbour, Helen party laid claim to the support of New berry and Martha Cook. Other members nominated by the Washtenaw party are Clinton San- dusky, Trigon, treasurer; Richard Briggs, Pi Kappa Alpha, J-Hop chairman; Prudence Foster, Kappa Delta, vice president; Louise Cran- dall, Mosher-Jordan, secretary; and Martin Cavanaugh, Phi Kappa, Wal- ter Brackel, Sigma Nu, Paul Pryor, Alpha Kappa Lambda, and Bernard Good, Phi Sigma Delta as J-Hop rep- resentatives. Martha Bowen, Mosher-Jordan and Delta Gamma, was nominated by the State Street party for vice-president las night, and Josephine Woodhams, Collegiate .Sorosis, was named the party candidate for the office of sec- retary. * Back Women's Caucuses The Washtenaw party, contrary to the strategy used by parties in the past, has adopted a party platform. The following is a list of the points which were issued by Irving Pearl- Patel To Speak Here Saturday On India Crisis Friend of Gandhi, Former Mayor Of Bombay, To Be Guest Of Fisher The Cosmopolitan Club will bring to the campus one of the most out- standing figures in Indian affairs at, 8 p. m. Saturday, Nov. 5, when Mr. V. Patel, Mahatma Gandhi's right hand man, will speak at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre on "Behind the Scene with Ghandi."' ving through five ecutive was riot- many stops, but hia and Newark boos 1 t0 t. to several times. The heck- as ejected by police, later himself as Jack Baron, a the Marine Workers In- ion and said he wanted to ar he is not a communist. iy friends of the President at he had tentatively de- a swift swing across the speaking at Springfield, afternoon and St. Louis it before continuing on to Ito, Cal., home where he re about noon on Nov. 8, vote. :f executive centered his .ight principally in an at- vthat he called the "philos- overnment" of the Demo- rship. velt Views ion Of Ballot Mounting Evil N, Oct. 31.-(2')-Franklin t said tonight that Presi- r in his speech at Indian- abandoned argument for s and thattthe adminis seeking to undermine fear. from the same platform Alfred E. Smith address- al to Massachusetts vot- ago to support the Demo- t, the presidential -candi- ed anew various policies before the people during nas tenL ora mayor o 01 UnIay. He passed the bar examinations in Lon- don when he was 22 years old and re- turned to India where he practiced law for a number of years, later leav- ing his practice in favor of a political career. He was instrumental in bring- ing about marriage reform and end- ing child marriages. Special reception committees have been organized in Ann Arbor and De-, troit to receive Mr. V. Patel, of India. when he arrives in Michigan this week. In Detroit James J. Walker, former mayor of New York will act as hon- orary chairman -of the reception, while Mrs. Walter B. Nelson, wife of a Detroit lawyer, will act as active reception chairman. President Alexander G. Ruthven and Mayor H. Wirt Newkirk have been chosen as honorary chairmen for Mr. Patel's visit in Ann Arbor, while Dr. Frederick B. Fisher will serve as active chairman. Patel wills be received at the city Hall Saturday morning, and will visit the campus and the city. The group will have lunch at Dr. Fisher's home. Plans are being made for a banquet at 6 p. m. at the League which will precede Pa- tel's talk at 8 p. m. NOTICE Republicans To Station Pickets At StawPolls University and Washtenaw Clubs Send Telegram.In Praise of Hoover Talk Republican pickets will be station- ed at all ballot boxes in the Daily- Union campus straw vote, it was de- cided last night at a rally at the Un- ion conducted by the University Re- publican club and the Washtenaw County Young Men's Republican club. Prof. James. Pollock of the political science department, in an address at the meeting, pointed to the respect which European nations regard Pres- ident Hoover as ample indication of his ability and reason for his re-dlec- tion. In his recent trip to Germany, Pro- fessor Pollock asserted that he had found implicit confidence on the part of the German people in the Amer- ican president. They believed, he said, that Hoover could, above all, lead the world out of the depression. Turning to the prohibition question, Pollock declared that the Roosevelt- Democratic plan would put us into another straight-jacket." George Meader, president of the Washtenaw club, and Hugh Conklin of the University club, sent a tele- gram to President Hoover in the name of the group, congratulating him on his New York address, to which they listened last night. Tryouts Are Sought By Staff of Gargoyle The business staff of the Gar- goyle has openings for several sophomores or second semester freshmen, it was announced yes- terday by W. F. Elliott, '33, busi- ness manager. Those desiring to try out should report at the staff meeting at 4 p. in today in the Gargoyle office, Student Publications Building. t Ohio Educator Will Speak On Tax Limitation J. W.Ficther To Discuss Similar Bills; Smith To Explain Amnendments The proposed state tax limitation amendments will be discussed in a talk here at 8:00 p. m. today by Jo- seph W. Ficther of the Ohio State Department of Public Education in the Pattengill Auditorium of Ann Ar- bor High School. Mr. Ficther will speak from the evidence he has obtained of the op- eration of a similar law in Ohio and its effects on the school system of that state. The Ann Arbor Teachers' Club co- operating with some of the-interested parents arranged to have Mr. Ficther come here in an effort to clarify, for local parents and teachers the tax situation and the influence it would have on Ann Arbor Schools. A short discussion of all the amendments to come up Nov. 8 will be given by Harold Smith of the Michigan Municipal League before Mr. Fiether's speech. The general public is invited, espe- cially parents and teachers. Junior Law Class Selecats Offer ZIAss't 'there club became "disgusted" withth Student Council yesterday, ater their election had been postponed twice, and held their election of officers without any member of the Student Council present to officiate. Joseph Zias, president of the Council, declared the election void last night but later after having talk- ed with Prof. E. Blythe Stason, who presided at the meeting, said that the? Council would accept the results as official, even though the Council was1 not represented. Francis M. Hughes, who was elect- ed president of the class, told the Daily reporter last night that mem- bers of his class were "thoroughly disgusted with the Student Council." The election was originally planned for last Thursday, according to Hughes, "but ias apparently forgot all about it and the meeting wasj postponed until 3 p. m. Monday. Yes- terday we all met but no Student Council member showed up, so wej asked Professor Stason to preside." Other members elected were Bruce Shorts, vice president; "Charles Sprowl, secretary; Robert Keb, treasurer and Lee Olwell, J-Hop rep- resentative. ECONOMIST WILL SPEAK Taking as his subject "The Real Issue of the Campaign," Prof. May- nard C. Krueger, of the Department of Economics at the University of7 Chicago, will speak tonight .in the] Natural Science Auditorium at 8 o'clock under the auspices of the Michigan Socialist Club. The 1932 Universit all-campus president conducted by the U Daily will open at eig morning. The poll w two days, ending at5 row. Ballot boxes will be central points on th Engineering arch, th- lobby, and the Diago: the library. The poll both today and tom a. m. to 5 p. m. All will be required to pre tification cards. Fac be checked with the tory. Michigan Vote A count of ballots Third Vote In Ann A District; Hoover Has In Previous Polls; ulty May Vote bank rob] in the spa y was carried out of five minutes. Ro( Cc entrance as the six men walked into the bank. There they brandished weapons, one of which was a sub- machine gun, and forced several cus- tomers to the rear of the lobby where they were lined up against a wall. Vaulting the cashier's cage, one gunman covered Harold Rammler collection clerk, and compelled him to open the door to the bank's safe, while two others made their way be- hind the cages, scooping up currency in the drawers. Three women em- ployees were locked in an office and the rest of the employees made to lie face down on the floor while the robbery was in progress. Roy Meyer, assistant cashier, was forced to unlock a chest within the vault from which the gunmen took most of their loot. They then fled from the bank, opening fire, appar- ently to intimidate passersby, as they reached the sidewalk. Cohen Talks At Peace Parley ieldYesterday New Pacifist Group May Send Representatives To National Meetings "Wars are simply the continuation of politics, taking a violent form." Joseph Cohen, of Brooklyn College, New York City, said last night in a talk at the Natural Science Audito- rium, under the auspices of the new- ly organized Michigan Committee of the Student Congress Against War. "In the formation of international monopolies, we find the world being divided into spheres of influence. The extension of the world markets for surplus goods inevitably leads to the necessity for redivision of territory, for new spheres of influence," Mr.' Cohen quoted, from the manifesto is- sued by the World Congress, which convened at Amsterdam, Holland, last August and at which he was a delegate. Production has developed to such an extent that further development is not compatible with class exploita- tion. The solution will be found in in- ternational socialism, Cohen said. The speaker urged his audience not to remain apathetic to the forces which a,,- wm.nrkin tn.,d annifm,. Ballot Boxes To f At Engineerin Diagonal At Angell Hall Lol Final Returns Be Given Tli laced 1. Strict umversity control of J- Hop. 2. Selection of th'e band for the class dance deemed the best in the country at the time of the J-Hop. 3. Advocacy of a University con-. trolled book exchange with all neces- sary executive powers residing in the Board of Regents. 4. Continuance of permanent wo- men's political caucuses. 5. The establishment and mainten- ance of permanent class commit- tees, Parties Meet Tonight, Both parties will hold caucus meet- ings at 7:30 p. m. today to decide upon the final drive to be used to secure the most votes for the election which will take place from 4 to 5:45 p. m. Welnesday. The Washtenaw party will meet at the Pi Lambda Phi and the State Street party will meet at the Phi Delta Theta. Candidates nominated for the oth- er offices by the State Street party are Richard Degener, Chi Psi, presi- dent; Charles Jewett, Alpha Delta Phi, J-Hop chairman; Francis M. Wistert, Phi Delta Theta, treasurer; and Wallace Graham, Psi Upsilon, Cyrus Huling, Pl'i Gamma Delta, Robert Salzstein, Zeta Beta Tau, and Robert Moreland, Theta Chi, J-Hop representatives. THREE KILLED IN PLANE CRASH MOORESVILLE, N. C., Oct. 31.- (P)-Two men and a woman were killed near here today when their, airplane crashed in a heavy fog. ty of Mi, ial strav Jnion an ght o'cloc ill contin 5 p. m. 1 boxes. These cards will be mar to prevent plural voting. Stude will receive white ballots, Facu members will ask for pink ball Their names will be checked a last year's student directory, The Michigan vote is being wa ed with interest in political ci throughout the country becaus the uncertainty of Michigan's1 tion in the election. In the Michigan has been a solidly Rep can state, but the primary ele returns in September showed large Democratic gains, especial the Detroit area, that the state into the doubtful column. Both Literary Digest and Hearst s votes show Governor Roosevelt l ing President Hoover in the stag a large margin. President Hoc recent visit testified to the uncer ty of the state vote. Seek Republican Vote The University of Michigan publican club held a rally at ion last night in effort to get ou Hoover vote. Del Pfrommer, p city director of the club, yestei said that he believed Hoover w receive a 2-1majority if a heavy was cast. The Socialist club made no active campaign for vi but Republican headquarers pressed fear that the Thomas would run close if the voting light. Three polls have been taken in Ann Arbor area. In two of these Who's Who poll conducted by Daily, and the Literary Digest President Hoover has led his op ents. The Who's Who poll gave ver 86 votes, to 19 for Roosevelt 11 for Norman Thomas. In the gest returns Hoover led Roose 573 to 563. The third poll condu in the Main Street business se gave Roosevelt a four to one lea The University of Detroit ret announced last week, showed Go nor Roosevelt holding an impre lead, with Norman Thomas rur second. President Hoover receiv very small vote. Hoover Leads in Colleges Other college returns from va parts of the country show Ho leading in most instances. The F ident led at Stanford, U. S. C., Chicago, Northwestern and Wis sin. Roosevelt led in all the sout colleges, including Tulane, Van bilt and North Carolina. Thomas in turn strawr vnte shth in +. Junior Medical elections held .at 10 a. m. tomorrow Clinical Mic. laboratory. will be at the Democrats Uphold Protective Tariff, Says Prof.Cuncannon Politics 'Put On Spot' In Latest. Gargoyle; Hoover, Zias Noted at "as the storm of ap- he Democratic policies veral moods have come rances of the President orters." e added, "they were pologetic; then they nt at Congress. ey have in desperation e breeding of fear. ie President refused to t he was in a contest. :ople have responded to with enthusiasm he at we were both caneli- .en dignity died. apolis he spoke of my iisquoting them, but at he went further. He rgument for personal- Bence of a situation like Despite all- their denunciation of the Hawley-Smoot bill, the Demo- crats really favor a protective tariff, according to Prof. Paul M. Cuncan- non of- the political science depart- ment; who spoke Saturday over the facilities of the University Broad- casting Service from station WJR, Detroit.- Democrats Vague "While vigorously denouncing the Republican tariff," said Professor Cuncannon, "the Democrats are very, vague about lowering specific sched- ules. Their platform .-"speaks of, a 'competitive tariff for revenue' and the candidate declares, that 'trade, barriers of all kinds ought to be re- Dancing Classes Begin For Tnior (irlc' Plo moved.' However, when the governor gets down to. brass tacks, he says the farmer must receive for that por- tion of his. produce which he sells in the United States 'the equivalent of what the protected manufacturer gets from the tariff.' " Professor Cuncannon continued to paint ' to other fields in which the Democratic platform favors protec- tion. On the question of the federal tariff,'commission, he stated that the Republicans favor letting the Presi- dent pass on its recommendations, while the Democrats would change that control to Congress. Favor State Control The Democratic party, Professor. Cuncannon said, favors the trans- fer of the control of the liquor traf- fic to the several states, with no au- thority whatever vested in the fed- By BARTON KANE Politics, both local and national, are on the spot. Gargoyle, campus humor maga- zine, will come out Wednesday morn-. ing with the second issue of the sea- son, an edition written and illus- trated on the theory that nothing is too big nor too small to be the vic- tim of its satire. Gargoyle, in fact, goes all the way from President Her- bert Hoover to Student Council President Joseph Zias in its search for the ridiculous, President Hoover, with his rivals, Gov. Franklin D. Roosevelt and Nor- man Thomas, and his embryo rival, Zias, provides the topic of a page cil chief into an article entitled "Up the Stump-A Political Panegyric." Football is again taken under con- sideration in "How Do You Like Your Football? An Attempt to Please Everybody," a humorous article set-. ting up two ideals for the gridiron neither of which will please anybody. The campus critics retail several stories on inside life at a great Uni- versity. Notable is one which proves Prof. Paul Leidy of the Law School is the old maestro of repartee. Poetry, cartoons, and shorter fea- ture articles bear the usual stamp of Gargoyle's genius, whatever that is. A page spread in the issue turns the spotlight on recent sayings of the great and near great with surprising resits A vern seby Gnre eurn.'