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October 29, 1932 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-10-29

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29, 1932


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First Night Of
Adding Machine
Is Social Event
Many Prominent People
Attend First Showing
At Laboratory Theatre
First presentation by Play Produc-
tion of Elmer Rice's "The Adding
Machine,"' took place last night and
was a huge success if one may judge
by the crowds attending. This pop-
ular play is the season's first campus
dramatic effort. All seats at the Lab-
oratory theater were sold and many
socially prominent people were pres-
ent. In the audience were Professor
and Mrs. F. S. Dunham, Professor
and Mrs. W. D. Baten, Professor and
Mrs. G. R. Moore and Profesor and
Mrs. L. B. Kellum. Mrs. Kellum wore
a smart black crepe dress trimmed
with dainty white satin collar and
cuff 'set. Professor and Mrs. C. F.
> Meyer and Professor and Mrs. Van-
dervelde were also there. Mrs. Van-
dervelde wore a simple navy blue
dress, severely tailored. Mr. Allison
Ind, from the Ann Arbor Daily News
was also among those present.
Campus society seemed to be rep-
resented chiefly by the upper staff
of the Michigan Daily. Miss Margaret
O'Brien, women's editor attended
with Mr. James Inglis. Karl Seiffert,
city editor, and Frank Gilbreth, man-
aging editor were present also. Miss
Mary Pray and Miss Frances John-
so, who are both members of Play
Production were ushering. Miss Pray
wore a stunning gown of white satin
beaded in silver, while Miss Johnson
was dressed in an ultra sophisticated
black velvet formal.
The play will continue through
Thursday night and if first impres-
sions are any indication ought to be
very successful.
enior Society
Has First Meeting
To Assist At Teas
Senior Society held a meeting re-
cently in which extensive plans were
made for the year. The organization
is to assist at the teas given by
President Alexander G. Ruthven and
Mrs. Ruthven. These teas are given
the first and third Wednesday of
every month. Members of the so-
ciety will be at each of the dormi-
tories to accompany any of the girls
who care to attend.
The society is also planning to
publish an organization booklet, ac-
cording to the president, Elsie Feld-
man, '33. This booklet will be dis-
tributed to all the girls on campus.
Every organization will be listed giv-
ing the requirements for member-
ship, the number of members, and
its purpose. It will also contain a
chart listing all of the League ac-
tivities and the number of activity
points awarded for each.
The organization is also planning
a series of inter-dormitory teas, Miss
Feldman stated.f
A law has ben passed in Northern
Rhodesia restricting the use of auto-
mobiles and airplanes for hunting

S4outern, BautyStars In Vanities

i i

WeekEnd Of Homecoming Finds
Houses Thronged With Alumni
ALPHA OMiEGA Dunn, of Grand Rapids; and Leslie
Alpha Omega will entertain its Butler, Lanrsing.
guests this week-end with an infor- TAU DELTA PIA
mal dance tonight after the Prince- The Detroit Alumni club of Tau
ton game. Delta Phi is sponsoring a celebration
Included among the guests will be of the fraternity's 10th anniversary
Dr. M. Hart and Dr. S. Eder. on the Michigan campus this week
DELTA SIGMA PHI end. Various chapters throughout the
An invitation has been extended United States and Canada are ex-
by the Delta Sigma Phi house to pected to be represented at this na-
"Fritz" Crisler, head coach of the tional get-together. For Friday night
Princeton football squad, and a mem- a banquet followed by bridge is
ber of the University of Chicago planned, decorations to be those suit-
chapter of the fraternity, and to his able to harvest time. An informal
line coach, "Tad" Wiem an, to spend dance will be held Satui'rday with the
part of their stay in Ann Arbor at tea dance on Sunday afternoon to
the fraternity house. conclude the celebration. Chaperones
The fraternities entertaining the for the week end affair will be Dr.
following guests over the Princeton and Mrs. Sacks and Mr. and Mrs.
week-end: Dr. and Mrs. Elyings, and Adrian Rosen.
Miss Lorraine Dandoy of Flint and Among the guests expected are
St. Louis, Mo., Miss Jane Mitchell of Judge E. Feinberg, New York; Mr.
Redfern, Mr. Diebute, Mr. Tubbs, Mr. Erwin Rapper, director of Paramount
Mootus, Mr. Dillan, Mr. Paulson, Mr. and Warner Bros. Motion Pictures;
Brown, Mr. Collins, Mr. Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Greenwald, '25,
and Charles Washer. Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Phillips, '26,
DELTA THETA PHI Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. David Gould,
Delta Theta Phi fraternity will en- '27, Cleveland. Ohio; Mr. Fred Wilk,
tertain the following guests this '29, Minneapolis, Minn.; Mr. Jerome
week-end: Carl Berger, '33, Detroit; Jackson, '23, Indianapolis, Ind.; Mr.
Earl Sullivan, '30, Detroit; A. F. Kel- and Mrs. Ralph Benyas, '25, Mr. and
ly, "31, Cleveland; Richard Stark, '30, Mrs. Maurice Abrahams, Dr. Milton
Cleveland; A. A. Bocknowski, 32, E. Marks, '31, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Paul,
Chicago, Ind., W. M. Carland, '30, '25, Mr. Herbert Eliges, '26, all of De-
Corunna, Mich. troit; Mr. Jack Alisohn, '32L, Luding-
PA APPA' ton, and Mr. Jahn Gutterman, Mon
Phi Alpha Kappa will hold open roe.
Phi lph Kapa wll hld pen Campus women to be guests at the
house this week-end for the Prince- aus oe ae emis Lux-
ton game. Among the guests are Tau Delta Phi house are emily Lux-
Betty London, Irene Schuiling, emberg, '33; Blanche Goldstone, '36;
Myrtle Hendra, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Roselyn Greenburg, 35; Helen Green-
Kock, Dorothy Kuipers, Alberta Rob- wald, '33; Barbara Stromberg, '36;
ertson, Ruth Verseput, Lillian Van- Florence Kent, '36; Elsie Feldman,
der Veen, Ted Brunger, Wilma Van '33; Sue Malvoy, '35.
Slooten, Hilda Geisel, Mr. and Mrs. TAU KAPPA EPSILON
N. Jelles, Sr.. and Mr. and Mrs. Wil- Tau Kappa Epislon fraternity is
liam Steenland of Grand Rapids. expecting many alumni to return for
Other guests are Jessie Zylstra, home-coming this week end. Arlon
Kelly Feenstra, Margie Harkema, Ley, '30, of Grand Rapids; Paul
Harriet M. Batts, Anne Batts, Robert Routson, of Kalamazoo; Raymond
Schrieber, John Kuipers, John Van- Rasmussen, of Grand Rapids; Thurb
der Wagen, and Gerrit Vanderreit, all Woolson, of Detroit; Douglas Puler,
of Grand Rapids, and Mr. and Mrs. of Detroit; Victor Barnes, of Grand
W. Van Appledorn and Gertrude Van Rapids; William Hough, of Cleve-
Hemert of Holland, Mich. land; and Ed Goddard, of Detroit,
PHI SIGMA KAPPA are among those expected.
Phi Sigma Kappa will entertain The fraternity will hold an infor-
after the Princeton game Mrs. H. F. mal dance Saturday, Oct. 29.
Russel, Anne Russel, and Margaret
Fisher, of Rochester, N. Y.; Mr. and A number of Clinton County, Iowa,
Mrs. C. A. Nyman, Detroit; Elizabeth farmers have formed a co-operative
Cooper, Grosse Pointe; and Mr. and association for crushing limestone
Mrs. C. J. Baldwin, Edgar Halbert, for fertilizer.
Dorothy Laney, and Jacqueline Hen-'
I ry, of Grand Rapids. Home coming With letters 50 feet high, Holly,
alumni who will also be present at Mich., claims the largest aviation
the tea dance include Ford Stoddard, sign in the state.
Peter Cornwell, and Jack Shaversan, ~
of Chicago; Deb Barger and Jud
Weaver, of Detroit; Thoren Brown, f-
Paul Goebel, David Forbes, and Earl x,

Flo Ward, a South Carolina beauty, attracted Broadway's attention
while appearing in the Vanities, New York musical show which is

famous for its beautiful girls. She
of Bobcaw, a suburb of Aiken.

is the daughter of Bernard Ward

Women To Check
On Activity Points
With Dean Lloyd
Women who wish to check their
activity points may do so in the Dean
of Women's Office, according to Jane
rhalman, '34, chairman of the Point
system Committee.
The purpose of the committee is
'o check on girls who are participat-
ng in activities but are not on the
eligibility list and to see that they
ire not carrying more activities than
allowed, Miss Thalman said. Points
are recorded in the undergraduate
office and are used for honorary so-
cieties or in making committee ap-
Miss Thalman also wishes to re-
mind all organizations that they
must turn in a membership list so
that individual eligibility may be de-
termined. Blanks for the purpose
may be procured from the Dean of
Women's office and are to be re-
turned there after the necessary in-w
formation has been supplied.
League, Union Dances
Chaperoned By Faculty
The dance at the League last night
was chaperoned by Prof. and Mrs.
W. H. Waterman and that at the
Union by Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wolfe.
Tonight Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Goodale

ealth Service Holds
Gay Masquerade Party
Beginning at 8:30 last night the
antire Health Service "went tacky."
The Athletic House, disguised in
,ornhusks and pumpkins; was the
scene of the affair. Doctors and
nurses in full attendance arrived in
their attires of " 'way back when."
Prizes were awarded to the tackiest
persons and to the winners of the
races, charades and other games
which comprised part of the enter-
tainment. Supper was served at mid-
night. During the evening Bill Tem-
ple, '32, featured tap-dances, He was
accompanied by C. M. Lowell, '34.
Members Of Facultyr
Honored At Events
Dean and Mrs. Henry M. Bates
entertained faculty members of the
Law School and their wives at dinner
last night at the Union.
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander G. Ruth-
ven entertained the regents and their
wives last night at dinner. Regent
and Mrs. Perry Shorts of Saginaw
and Regent and Mrs. Ralph Stone of
Detroit are house guests of the Ruth-
vens for the week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. Ruthven are to be
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earhart to-
night for dinner.
will chaperone the Union dance and
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Eardley will be
at the League.





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