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September 27, 1932 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-09-27

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Demand for Rooms Falling Of,
Supply Ristng, Bureau Reports

Museum Fish
Furnish More
Science Data
Hubbs Finds Some Hybrid
Fish Can Reproduce by
Laboratory investigation of hybrid
fish w h i c h reproduce parthenoge-
netically, the first occurance of this
phenomena e v e r recorded among
fish, is being carried on in the a-
quarium of the University Museums'
Division of Fishes, under the supervi-
sion of Dr. Carl L. Hubbs, curator, it
has ben announced.
Parthenogenesis, in its pure form,
is reproduction of the young by the
female entirely independent of the
male. In the investigations pursued
by Dr. Hubbs, he has found that the
male influence is confined only to
initiating the development, that the
germ plasn of the young is not ef-
fected by the male, and hence its sex
is always female and its inherent
qualities identical to the female.
'rhe fish studied are hybrids of
species found in a northern group
near Mexico and the gulf, and a
southern group found in Yucatan
and the Panama region.
Experimentation has been going
on since May.
Radio Service Praised
By Michigan Bankers
The University of Michigan Broad-
casting Service received a hearty
commendation front the Michigan
Bankers Association assembled for
their annual convention at Macinac
Island in a resolution made public
here yesterday.
After praising the authenticity and
the easily understood manner in
which Michigan radio lectures were
presented, the resolution went on te
list the names of those thought to
deserve particular commendation.

Ann Arbor Water
s i ifor Another
Hard, Cold Winter
Freshmen of 1932 this fall will add
their plaints to those of at least 30
classes of the past, and the subject
of their sorrow- will again be that
much-maligned substance known as
Ann Arbor water.
Despite all opinions to the con-
trary, the ghastly liquid is mostly
H20. Only about one-half of 1 per
cent of its content is foreign matter.
and even Andrew Volstead wouldn't
object to that.
The Huron river is just as inno-
cent as it looks. It hasn't any more
to do with that dishwater taste than
the Atlantic ocean. Three carefully
disguised wells, one on South State
street, one on the west side, and an-
other near Barton dam, are the
guilty parties.
Taking the Stecre farm contribu-
tion, for example, the for.ign matter
in the liquid consists of 295 units
of alkali to a million of water,
115 of calcium. and ;8 of mag-
nesium. And if that isn't enough
- - ii

to explain the taste, it might also be oral title of "miscellanies."
mentioned that a little iron is doing At any rate, they say the stuff is
its bit along with some other lesser pure. Which is all right as long as
contributors hidden under the gcn- nobody inquires "Pure what?"

Student's Supply Stor
1111 South University Avenue
Engineers' and Architects' Supplies
Stationery Fountain Pens
Loose Leaf Books
Typewriting and Pound Papers
College Pennants and Jewelry
Leather Goods

2000 SEATS
"Love Me Tonight"
Week Day Matinees . . 30c
Sunday Matinecs, and
All Night Balcony ... 40c
No Tax
Mair Floor 45c,
U.S. Tax c. . Total 50c
in effect every
at the Last Show!
Coming Thursday
"70,000 Witnesses"
Screen's First Football
Murder Mystery-

Humar. playet
Beasts preyed
It's Authentic,
-Next Attraction-
Edmund Lowe as

"Never the
Twoin ShalI


e , k


and be assured

W e!


is right on the job with loads and loads of



which we have priced to fit the flattest purse go
5upplies -- Some Unusual Bargains in Second-Hand
High Grade Sets of Instruments
Loose-Leaf Note-Books, Fountain Pens, etc., etc., at
-UN - 1R ITY


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