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October 29, 1932 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-10-29

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blicatton in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
iversity. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until
0; 11:30 a. m. Saturday.

Coaches Consider
T i g e rs Def ensie
Play Impressive

James K. Pollock Michioan G.O.P.
Explai1 NN WH Hr
Supports H00ve r pHas






No. 30

Faculty, College of Literature, Science and the Arts: It is highly de-I
*able that members of the Faculty should call the attention of all studentst
inerested in securing teaching positions to the meetings which have beenr
called for next week by Dr. Purdom of the University Bureau of Appoint-1
d1ents. Undergraduate students are asked to meet on November 3rd at 4:15
p. in. in the Natural Science Auditorium, and at 5 o'clock in the same place
Ob the same day there will be a meeting of all graduate students interested.
The actual registration is to take place in the office of the Bureau of Ap-
pointments between November 7th and 11th. Anything that can be done
to insure the attendance of students who are interested, should be done as,
prmmptly as possible. John R. Effinger
Le Cerdle Francais: All students interested in becoming members of the
Cercle Francais are invited to consult the membership committee on Mon-
gay, Oct. 31, Tuesday, Nov. 1, or Thursday, Nov. 3, between 4:00 p. m. and
5:30 p. m. in Room 408 Romance Language Building.
Earhart Foundation Scholarships: Students appointed as Earhart
Foundation scholars are requested to call at Sociology Office, Room 210
"conics Building, for their appointment blanks.
Freshman Group No. 10: Will all members of Professor Mickle's group
' lk&se report to him at their earliest convenience.
Graduate Students: Bridge: All graduate students interested in either
britige lessons or in a bridge club are asked to meet at the Michigan
League Monday, October 31, at 7:30 p. m. This will be an organization
Jeting for both groups. Ten lessons $2.25.
Dancing: Lessons begin Wednesday, November 2, at the Michigan
League, 7:30-8:30 p. m. Eight lessons $3.00.
fancing Club: Organization meeting Saturday, Nov. 12, at the Women's
Athletic Building at 8:00 p. m. An admittance charge of 25 cents will be
charged to defray 'cost of janitor service and music.
Eating Clubs: Breakfast Group: First meeting November 6, 9:15 a. m.
in the Russian Tea Room of Michigan League. Cafeteria service.
Luncheon Group: Tuesday noons, 12:15, in Russian Tea Room of Mich-
Igw League Cafeteria service.
Dinner Group: Wednesday at 6:00 p. m. Russian Tea Room of Michi-
gsn League. Cafeteria service.
Sports-Men Graduate Students-Swimming: Every week day except
Saturday, 11:00 to 12:00 a. in., Intramural Sports Building. Supervised by
poach Matt Mann.
tennis: Tuesday and Thursday, 2:30 to 4:00 p. in., Intramural Sports
Building. Supervised by Coach John Johnstone.
Golf: Every Friday, at 2:00 p. in., Intramural Sports Building.
Riding: Every Tuesday at 7:00 to 8:30 and 8:30 to 10:00 p. m. Meet
it Engineering Arch at 7:00 or 8:00 p. in. Free transportation will be fur-
nished to and from the stables. Supervised by Mr. Jensen and Mr. Riskey.
ArhMry: Every Sunday at 9:00 a. in., Yost Field House. For mixed
Tap Dancing: Every Tuesday at 7:30 p. in., Barbour Gymnasium. For
mixed group.
Mn and Women graduate sections will meet together on special occa-
ions in all activities except golf.
Oratorical Association Ushers: Report at Hill Auditorium by 7:30 p. m.
tonight for the first lecture.
Qualifying Examinations in Chemistry: Qualifying examinations for
th&,se wishing to become applicants for the Doctor's degree in Chemistry'
Will be held as follows:
Analytical Chemistry, Nov. 11, 1 p. in., Room 151 Chem. Organic Chem-.
istry, Nov. 18, 1 p. in., Room 151 Chem. Physical Chemistry, Nov. 25, 1 p.
In., Robom 151 Chen.
Those wishing to take any of these examinations are requested to leave
their names with the undersigned not later than November 7.
F. E. Bartell
Oriental Languages 105: There will be a make up test at 9 a. in. today,
Room 2021 Angell -Hall.
University of Michigan Oratorical Association: Lowell Thomas will
appear in Hill Auditorium tonight at 8:15. His subject will be "From Sing-
pore to Mandalay" and the talk will be illustrated with motion pictures.
Single admissions and season tickets will be available at Wahr's State
8treet store until 6 p. m. The Hill Auditorium Box Office will be open at
6:30 p. m. Congestion will be avoided at the box office if those intending to
attend the lecture will secure their seats early.
University Lecture: Wednesday, November 2, 4:15 p. in., Natural Sci-
ence Auditorium. Sven Hedin, explorer of Central Asia: "Tents and Temples
i Tibet."
University Lecture: Mr. S. R. K. Glanville, Assistant Keeper of Egpyt-
ian and Assyrian Antiquities in the British Museum, will lecture on "Egypt
and the Old Testament" (illustrated with lantern slides) Tuesday, Novem-
ber 1, at 4:15 p. m. in the Natural Science Auditorium. This lecture is un-
der the auspices of the Trustees of the School of Religion Fund. The pub-
lie is invited.
Beta Kappa Rho: The first Beta Kappa Rho meeting in the form of a
hard-times party will be held this evening at the Women's Athletic Build-
ing at 8:15 o'clock. This group is organized for girls residing outside Uni-
versity sorority and League houses and dormitories.

Baptist Guild: Sunday. 12 Noon. Guild Study Group at Students Houses
503 East Huron street. Topic, "Foundations of the Home" Leader, Howard
R. Chapman.
6:00 p. m. Mrs. Judson C. King, who has been engaged in mission work
for many years on the Congo, will speak on "AFRICA ?"
Sigma Eta Chi: The Alumnae Chapter of the Congregational sorority
and actives are entertaining at tea at Pilgrim Hall in honor of returning
alumnae members immediately after the game today.
There will be a meeting of the Landscape Club at the home of Miss
Anne Hinshaw, 1908 Scottwood, at 6:30 following a hike which will start
from University Hall Parking place at 3:00 p. in.
Upper Room: Lane Hall, 7:00 to 8:00 p. i. All men interested in a
religious stud, group on Saturday evenings are cordially invited. Program
and social hour with refreshments to promote fellowship. Brief talks by
Registrar Ira M. Smith and four students. Out in time for lecture.
Howard R. Chapman
International Relations Club will meet Tuesday, November 1, at 8 p. m.
in the Political Science Seminar Room, 3026 A.H. Discussion will be con-
tinued on Inter-allied and International Debts.
Albert W. Palmer, President of Chicago Theological Seminar, will meet
with all students interested in discussing "Opportunities Open in Religious
Work," in the Russian Tea Room of the Women's League building. Sunday
morning at 9:15. All students interested in the ministry, missions. or re-j
ligious education are invited to be present.
Deutscher Zirkel: Meeting Tuesday, November 1st, in the Women'sl
T_ ...._ , .a n .e ..... .... . rr ...,s. C f . . 4- - , ;1 _ m ~ , a - _ m __

(Continued from Page 1) (Continued from Page 1'
the next week by holding Lou Little's government is only possible when the
powerful Columbia eleven to a score various administrative services are in
of 20 to 7. Against Cornell the the hands of trained and experienced
Tigers exhibited a staunch defense civil servants.
but a lack of offensive spark when If Franiiin oo : is elected
the end of the contest found the president, as a maer of necessitx
teams deadlocked in a scoreless tie. the jobs will have to be filled wit>
Edge Over Navy men who viii buihd up hi political
On the basis of Navy's poor show- fences in preparation for re-election
ing against Ohio University, Prince- four; yearshence, aid wo will keen
ton was given an edge against Navy1 the various local and setional no7ei-
last Saturday but the revived and tical machines on good terms with
exceptionally fast Midshipmen held his administration. Clearly the peo-
the Nassau team to another 0-0 ple of the country do not stand to
stalemate. Once again Princeton's gain as much from an untried ad-
superb defense was exhibited when lministration anxious for its political
suprb efese asexhbitd wenfuture, as from aI cont'inuing, secondi
the Tigers held the Navy and then administration led by Herbert Hoo-
threw it for losses in the critical ver. With economic recovery on the
places. way. it is not wise to cause uncer-
Two regulars were left behind yes- tainty even for a period of four
terday. They are Art Lane, veteran months.
tackle who showed unusual ability in "'This is not evangeiism. It is real-
that vital position, and Mil Draudt, istic analysis of American political.
flashy halfback. Lane broke his col- experience. There is no time now for
larbone in the Columbia game and donkey-business!"
Crisler had hadtto moveCharlie --
Ceppi, guard, to the left tackle post.
Draudt suffered a contusion of the M ichioan Aain
shoulder in the Cornell game and his
place has been taken by Jack Bales, F av or e d Over
regular second strig nalfback.
Lineup Given
Josh Billings, captain and veteran rinU etoieam
of the last two seasons, and Harry
Garrett, another regular of the 1930 Continued from Page 1)
and 1931 seasons, will start at guards
tomorrow, flanking Danny Hinman, and play the pivot position on of-
a junior, at center. The tackle posi- fense. Bernard is being watched as
tions will be filled by Pete Fortune possible All-American material as are
and Ceppi. Ken Fairman, last year's Harry Newman, Captain Ian Wil-
regular, will be at left end and either liamson, and Ted Petoskey.
Bill Marks or Ben Delaney, sopho- After Petoskey was withdrawn
mores, will start at right end. Kats from his left end position, it was
Kadlic, sophomore, will direct the doubtful if he would get considera-
team from quarterback, while Stan tion but his performance in the II-
Purnell, a fine kicker and blocker, lini game gave every evidence that he
will be at halfback. Jack James, will gain some honors in the fullback
whose running and tackling has been berth.
outstanding, will again start at full- This quartet of potential All-Amer-
icans are expected to stop the Prince-
back. ionoin.fwA4oin a1,uroi c sulsu-

Charles A. Sink

Party S

Senator Term in
Republicans The

Terming the University of Michi-
gan and other college Republicans
the intelligensia of the party, former
Senator Charles A. Sink. President
of the Music School, said in a talk
to the University Republican club
last night at the Union, that it was
their duty to educate other peoplc
so that they would know how to vote
intelligently whcn election came
Mr. Sink emiphasized thc fact that
the Republican party was a party
appealing to the intelligence and rca-
son as opposed to appealing to ih.
sense of misery 3nd emotions of the
In demonstrau)g he morePnteli-
gent policies of the Repv)Aican Party
'he pointed out thet muchm111.ore sen-
siblie campa:ign !tactics of the G.O.P.,
Whereasth Democrats have been
carryin on their campaign allsum-
mer full speed the Republicans have
just in the last two weeks started to
fire their big guns. The Republicansl
are working on the principle that
elections are won in November and
the Democrats are at the present
time almost worn out, he said. j

Ph d' ri e s it C~alamed
t' i iing;Depari inent, Phone e.-121
Th~e elar ::;iled olum-nsrlose t thtiree
o l)oe , prevous 0 da: of insertion.
I3n m rs may be secured at no
Cash in :1 ( .'alce- lis per reading line
n bsis of five avergNe words to
Oer two insertions.
MV:inin 3 lines per insertionl.
e erreadgline for three or more
Te'plne ra e-I5 per reading line
14e per "endg line for three or f
10,diseoif paid within ten days
Iro the dt to lat insertion hm
G, conhact per lne- 2nes aiy, on
r:o:u1................. ....,....8C
4line., E. 0. a., 2 finh....,.
l lne ;dily, colleg~e -ce:.........'; r
4 lns~ 0. D.. college year ........ 7,.
100 lines usea as desir'd .......,,...!9
u a ......c
1,000 lines used-cds it, 'd..,...,.'ic
2,000 lines used as de .......6c
The albf -rates:arc e re)~ ing line.
baQsed 1olleight ,re (3 Cing ;lines .p(r 1inch.
Ionic type, upper and lower ease. Add
6c per line to ah:;ave rates fo r all capi-
Lal letters. Add 6c p, ritu to above
for 1old face, upper and lower ease.
Add iOc por line ;o above rates for bold
fa:ce capits] letter, ,'
ea .bye ratere for 7- poInt
YOUNG MAN dirC evening work
from 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. or
thereabouts on a cas:h basis. Best
references. Call 9673 after 7 p.m.
WANTED-Window trimmer with
clothing experience. Apply The
Fair, 200 N. Main._92
WASHING and ironing. Called forI
and delivered. Silks and woolens
guaranteed satisfactory . 23478
611 Hoover. 15c
water. Will call for and deliver.
Sure satisfaction. Telephone 4863.
W A N T E D-Student and family
washing, rough dry or ironed. Rea-
sonable, call for and deliver. Phone
5118. 14c

ALTO SAX double on B flat So-
prano. Sight read; experienced,
Call 21822: ask for Beldt. 98
WANTED-Pairof Tan Ridifng
Boo;ts. 6430. 99
VANrED-Boarders: three meals,
$4: t wo meals, $3,50; served coun-
try style. 609 E. University. 97
SPECIAL-For Saturday only. Load
up your Cine Kodak. 100 ft. rolls,
$4.98: 50 ft. rolls $2.98. Francisco-
Boyce Photo Co. 723 N. Univ. 29c
BARGAINS--In repossessed cars.
1932 Plymouths, Fords, DeSotos, at
t reendous discounts. Investigate!
Finance Co. 311 W. Huron St.
FOR SALE -Children's play clothes
and snugovers, and girls hand-
made frocks. Call E. H. Connor,
1110 Olivia Ave. 6152 96
FOR SALE -Sweet cider. Paw Paw
g;rapesand grape juice. Call 9534
or 22413. Waner Cider Mill. 20
ALKER'S Home Laundry-Student
launry a specialty. Terms very
reasonable. Dial 4776. We call for
and deliver. 7c
Maynard. Free mending and darn-
ing Collars and cuffs reversed.
Opening special, 12c a shirt cash
and carry. Dial 8894. 8c
FOR RENT---Lage front room, three
windows, 1 1-2 blocks from campus,
$3.50. 602 Monroe, Phone 2-1502.
FOR RENT-Near campus. Clean
well furnished suite' on second
floor. Phone 3216 94
RENT-- Week-ends, large double
room in private home. 1520 Forest
Court. Phone 7957. 90
FOR RENT -near campus. Clean,
wcli f u r n i s h e d suite on second
LOST -Black suede zipper purse
cotainin glasses and pen. Finder
please dial 4367 93



Due to a typographical error in the
Montgomery Ward and Company
advertisement in Thursday's Daily
the price of men's suits was inadvert-
ently listed at 11 cents instead
of $11.00.
Graduate Outing Club: Hike to
Saginaw Forest Sunday, October 30.
Leave Angell Hall 8:30, return 12:30.
Second group, leave Angell Hall 3:00,
bring 20c for supper, cup and spoon,
return 8:30. In case of rain, hikes
start as scheduled, but others may
meet at W. A. A. building at 5:30.
Watchthis bulletin for overnight
hike next weekend.
To Lutheran Students: Secretary
Louis Hopkins, of the U. of M. Engi-
neering School, will speak Sunday
evening, October 30, to the Student
Lutheran Club, on problems of Uni-
versity life. The Club holds its meet-
ings in the Zion Lutheran Parish
Hall, corner Washington Street and
Fifth Avenue, at 5:30 o'clock.
Sunday, October 30th, 5:30 to 7:30:
Congregational Student Fellowship-
Prof. J. L. Brumm, from the School
of Journalism, will speak tonight at
the Fellowship meeting on "Jesus as
the Modern Thinkers See Him." Sup-
per at 6 o'clock. Special music by
the orchestra.
Michigan Dames: The regular
meeting will be held in the Grand
Rapids room of the Michigan League
at eight o'clock Tuesday evening, No-
vember 1. Business meeting is to be
followed by a presentation of Cosmo-
politan Club views and purposes.
President H. I. Khalaf and others
from that organization will be pres-
ent. A most interesting meeting is
anticipated to which' all students
wives are cordially invited.
Harris Hall: There will be the reg-
ular student supper Sunday evening
at 6:15 p. m. at a cost of 25 cents.
Mr. Randolph Adams, director of
Clements Library will be the speaker.
The program will begin at 7:00 p. m.
St. Andrew's Church: Services of
worship Sunday are: 8:00 a. m. The
Holy Communion, 9:30 a. in. Church
School, 11:00 a. in. Kindergarten,
11:00 a. in. Morning Prayer and ser-
mon by the Reverend Henry Lewis.
Wesley Hall: Sunday, The topic
for discussion in the graduate forum
at 6:30 will be "Religion and Cul-
ture." Roy Burroughs will lead the
group. The Guild will have a discus-
sion group at the same time on "The
Bible and a Philosophy of Life," lead
by Sherwood Messner.
At 9:30 a. m. the classes will meet
for their discussion. Prof. del Toro
will lead the Freshmen group and Dr.
Blakeman will have charge of the
The Oriental-American group will
meet at 3:30. J. K. Dunn, '24, willj
lead the group which will discuss
Dr. Fisher will speak Sunday at
10:45 on "Living with other people,"
and in the evening on "Geneva.
Presbyterian S t u d e n t Appoint-
ments: 9:30 Sunday, Student Classes-
Church hnse 1045 Sunday. Morn-

tan offense. Ward is a strong substi-
tute for Petoskey's old job and team-
ing with Williamson is expected to
turn in all of the wide end runs that
Crisler sends against the Maize and
Blue line,
Wet weather will stop Newman
more than any team can, Coach Cris-
ler prophesied yesterday during his
workout and the indications were
that a rain might be Fate's aid to his
team today.
Princeton will have a heavy line,
despite the loss of the 210-pound
tackle, Art Lane. Michigan will not
out-weigh the Tiger forward wall by
more than a pound or so, it was in-
timated last night as Coach Crisler
left for Dearborn Inn. His team will
return at game time today while
Kipke will keep his players at Bar-
ton Hills until about 12:30 p. in.

At the Theatres
The football season is appropriate-
ly graced at the Majestic with "The
All-American," a Universal picture,
starring Richard Arlen, with a sup-
porting cast composed of Andy De-
vine, Gloria Stuart, James Gleason,
John Darrow, Richard Schayer, Dale
Van Every, the 1931 All-America
football team, the All-America board
of football, and the All-Star foot-
ball team, including players from all
sections of the country. The picture
opens Sunday to run through Wed-
Also opening a four-day run on
Sunday at the Michigan will be an
epic of the Southland, "Cabin in the
Cotton," with Richard Barthelmess.
This is Barthelmess' first picture
since "'Dawn Patrol," in 1930, and
Warner Brothers list it as one of his
greatest. Bette Davis, Dorothy Jor-
dan, Hardie Albright, Henry B. Wal-
thall, Dorothy Peterson, and David
Landau support Barthelmess. Pic-
tures of the Princeton-Michigan
game will be shown if they can be
prepared in time, it is also an-
nou nced.

WANTED - Student and
washing. Phone 3006.
LAUNDRY-Soft water,
'T'owels free. Socks darned.


200 3:40
7:00 - 9:00
SUNDAY CONTINUOUS 1:30 to 11:00 P.M.
P.S.-The All-A merican Players Eat PEP

s m

Not "lust another football picture," but THE
SCREENEDI... Far greater than "The Spirit of
Notre Dame."... Greater in human drama...
greater in football thrills...Greater in foot.
ball names ... GREATER IN EVERYTHING t

Icm coverd Wid

r a
r. .
' ' ,;

cON fusion, buddies"
-Vas I mortified when they asked me to run
for President .. the humidity of it .. I don't
want to be President .. There's no chance for
advancement..I'm ambitious..and I got other
reasons too,.. millions of 'em.. But this Vice.
President job is okay by me. . If I'm elected
I promise you that George M. Cohan will do

I .5

-. ' t
s .,f
.. -

U .. "




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