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October 28, 1932 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-10-28

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hed 1890

was emphasizing his views as ex~presed earlier:
Italy prefers peaceable expansion of power, I but
will fight for it if forced. to ~do so.
Certainly if viewed in this light, 11 Duce's senti-
ments are not particularly culpable. He is the
voice of a fiery nation which 'is suppressed 'to a
place of second imnportance among world powers.
At present, this' attitude in no way conflicts with
ideas of world peace. It is a "No Trespassing"
sign upon Italy's fronters, but scarcely a battle.

t Monday during thie
sion -bythe Board in
nce Editorial Associa-

elusivey enitled to the use
*dip'atrhes credited to it or
is"rar r nd the'; local ntiw*
of revubllc dticri of bEA)G I
{t Arnn Arbor. MIchiga?, lai
rate of 'postage granted by
er bl.y carrier, $1.00; by mail,
1 year by arler', $4.01); ey

: Student Punblcatlons ,Building, Maynard fStreet,
rbr ihig~an. ~Phone: 2-1214.
-setaives: ColleePublshers ,Representatives,
)Eat Tlry--outthStreet, "Now" York City; 8U'
n" Street, Boston; 6112 North Mlichigan Avenue,
Telephoione 492:
flITOR ........................ KA B EIFFERTL
S EDITOR......... .;.JOHN W. THlOMAS
V'S EDITOR. .....~........ -MARGARET O'BRE
'NT WOTJEN'S EDITOR.......... Miriamn CarvCT
EDITORS~: Thomas Coinnllan, Norman F. Kraft,
W. Pritchard, C. Hart' Sch~aaf, Brackley S6har
iR. Winters:
5 ASSISTA>NTS: Fred A. Luber;. Albert Newnig.
rERS: Hlyman J. Aronstani, A. ills Ball, Charles
tn-dt, James Bauchat, Donald R. Bird, Donald 10:
e1'Iz,,harles B. Brownson, Arthur W. Carstens,
ldaler. Robert_ Engel,- Eric jHall,- John C. Healey,
°tB T~e tt,QGeorge Van 'Vleok, Guy' -M. Whipple.
V. StoddardWhite
or B. Blumn, Louise Crandall, Carol J7. Hannan,
,es Manchester, Marie J. Murphy, Margaret C.
n, Katherine Rucker, Marjorie Western and Hiar-
Telepone 21214
1' S ANGE. .. ......BRON G. tEDDER
CS MANAR: ::::::.......... .. ..'ARRY BEG3LEY
L'MENT,.IMANTAQU: Advertising. Grafton ,Sharp;'
!tising QoFit' ~s;rvll Aonsn; -Adverisi*nServ-

f TeWhar
Most theatre coltumnists stiffen up. the J Ck f
their neck, Or got a mutsiin lok An,.thc cyc, ])Cforc
a n oplenitn. But, this rcolumnii~t, ,~e'nag a rather
eni;tl laione, l'has 'somec'of the ecitcnicz (
properly reserved for actors on an oPping ni~ght..
Why not? Hec is a thwarted actor, isn't, he? Writ-
ers of theatre 001 riinn always are! Except, of
course, that m-ost venerable of .columnists , r~
Alexander Woolcott, who is a cracking good col-'
umnist and a cracking good actor too. So you will
please indulge in a little -reminiscing from your'
'writer, who is not a little hepped up over the.
opening of Play Production's season tonight.
Play Production is certainly the most, eilerget~ic
dramatic organization of the campus. It main-
tains' not only a high standard of plays, but ap-
proaches the various arts of the theatre with 'fine
artistic seriousness. Mr. Windt is to be thanked
'by e ver y honest-to-goodness-theatre-gger for
making dramatics at the University something be-
sides a social good time. The trouble with mobi,
little theatr'es 'is that Acting i~n themn is merely ;1
matVter of personal exhibition. Everybody goes to
~see "dear Jrs. ,Brown do the lead", "and come.;
away thinking "she's jlust 'like that in life, ain't
she!" Of course, such anl attitude is 'not Ito. be dis-
couraged entirely, for grown-ups like children
inust have their time to "play", or they get cross,
an4d spunky. But it is gratifying, and, even some-
thing of a relief, to find a more objective view
~fromn a theatre group. This Play Production main-
tainis, and simply like this - for -Play Production
actors are "going to school" to "learn"; how to act,
and a play to them is more than; just, something
to ".Play" with. The difference can nbe ,expressed,
as one between the "amateur player" ..and the
'"amateur artist". For kpurposes .of theatre -going
the latter is undoubtedly the more satisfying.
In recent years we have seen Play Production
develop into an important place in campus life.
Some of their plays are .better than others, sub-
Sject to 'time, talent, and other reasons, but with all
of them has been a gratifying feeling that s-
eious work has been at tl~e helm..Soame of their plays.
'have been .great,,pieces of produiction. "The, Good
Hiope", "The ,Taming of the 'Shrew", and Berkeley
Square," coming under t~his list.
The list of plays for the new season has not
bee completed yet. "'The Adding ,,Machine", ,of
course, which is now on ;he boards, is 'the first,'
~and there' is rumor that Mr. Windt. will ,Put up. his.
famious'"Beggar on Horseback" for the December
show. But we can urge every :pne of you ,who
thinks that he or she "just loves the theatre" to
support, the 1932-33 season. The invitation 'isalso
extended to those who really do.
F~our 6ATa.;m1ea46 aa uper-pleture;.threc ',r; veyy
gued two latri 4owod ne sLar fjust anotlGr pictulre;
.; tats keep naway fronf"it.
,,1'.' ',HE .MICHIGAN

will they -be allowed to do -money earning work
during vacations.
The alleged causes for the new restrictions ..are
,two: "first, .to .preserve such incidental jobs :for.
American students; and secondly to make the im-
migration laws more effective in reaching, fore i
students wh o after completing their education try
to evade the law and stay in America.
We ,know for a fact that about ten thousand.
'foreign students are receiving education in Ameri-
can institutions. 'And I take it,-.around three thou-
sand of these are partly self-supporting, that is,
they work for their board in the usual way. Also}
oiwce in a while you do find a foreign student who
ties to evade the immigration laws by attempting
to establish his domicile in this country.
Granting these facts to be true, do. they justify
such a drastic action on the par t of the Dep art-
mient of Labor? Shall it be said that America
shuts its doors5 before p-oo in idustrious, students,
a Lnliting only those uho'n whom Inaterial f or-
tunes have been poured through their parents?
Is not the good ,will of. those students worth more
to Amnerica than. the few meals which they earn
:by the sweat of their brows? Ame foreign students
really a dangerous com)petition for Amecrican-' who
~desire to work their w, y througwh college?
I know an ;Arabian stuident of my home town
(Jerusalem) who scraped his w ay through the
University of Columb~ia. Now, besides being one of
the .most prominent lawyers in Palestine, he is
responsible. for carrying to his home country three
automobile agencies. This same man refuses to
wear anything but American manufactured goods.
Hie introduced into Palestine the Walk-over shoes,
the Florsheim and many other things. Many of
his 'friends use those because of his influence.
:Above all, when you enter his. office :amongst the
first things that ,attract your .att'ention 'are the
Columbia colors.
I also wish somieday -- in fact this co111ig sum-
mer-to have the Maize and Bltie colors ins my
office in Jerusalem. I also am taking with me an
insurance agency .from here. The 'highest task
that lies ahead of me is to appear some dlay in
court and show that lawyer from Columbia 'Uni-
versity that Michigan can also ;produce good law-
yers. It perhaps will please you to know that I
had to.,do riuch scraping while-ini college lhere.
Well, how about those young Arabians in Pales-
tine: and elsewhere who through my ,efforts have
become so interested in Michigan that they are
=also planning to come and scrape their way
H., I.lialaf

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Betty Algler. Dorls Giinamy, Billie Griffiths, Dorothy,
Laylln, Helen Olson, URn Schumne, Way S5eefrled,
Kathryn Stork.
FRIDAY, OCT. 28, 1932
An 5QnesI 1Elect ion
Cox~IIctd dB yCw
TH E .Stdent Council 15 to 'be ,con-
gratulated for the manner in
which the Senior Literary elections were, conduct-
ed. In -the past, we.'have oftenl found loccasion to
criticize the Council. It is with added pleasure,
therefore, that we take opportunity to commend
them for ) job well done.
Not- only wert, the elections conducted i1n an'.
honest an~d dignified manner, 'but every possible
,Precautin was take~n to prevent a recurrence of
the digrac~f~ll hapenings in the ,all-campus
election' 'of last spiring.'
We hope: that in the 'future 'we may have more
Oppo~t "jties to gg.Vethe oc nl due credit:
see 'The7 G ane.
r UEannoui at the football gajles
~.is of great assistance to .the spec-
tatgors bu)(t there isone way in which he' might iim-,
prove h)is-;service. ,l*(rm anysetsinithe stadium
it is practieally impossible to-see (m'what ypu d-
li1 e th' ball is ye sting. It would [.1)s a great heli)
to 1iaorc ian _11,f pf the0 auldiecc if the a-0
nloI n(e r Wou'10 ld ddk)hi.; rem1ark-s;the posi.tion o f
th~e b-111,
bloc a10e t (ne end of the field, it t i 1flpos-
ibe o ;se e lr'e, for histance, a punl' has gon"
ouft (A bo~uds. .It is equally iarno~ssibl ,_or° tll osc
illniW4Peld to- gau~ge the l9ca io-1of ..hepl"Iy
wlfenl' re arce. but afew yard~cs to go for a

Rest ini proper dosage is the most commonly
prescribed medicine today. It is often bitter but
usually very effective.
It may mean rest of "a broken arm by, keeping it
in a sling, or rest ,on an iron :frame to protect -a
diseased or broken spine .from 'the danger of
.motion; it may demand the rest of a lung through
,collapse of =the chest wall. More often .rest de-
mands confinement to bed to conserve energy ,for
,aj~ailing heart, a diseased lung or a fight against
a general infection. Rest, as a treatment, is em-
ployed in every branch of medicine. In this age
when all forms of medication are being subjected
..to a great deal of critical scrutiny-, rest .remains at+
the head of, the list-of therapeutic agents.
Among students, rest is prescribD-ed not only, by
doctors, but by coaches, trainers and enlightened
instructors. Athletes have long appreciated the
part played by regular adeqiualte sdep 'in. kcPin
up the morale and the physical condition of play_
el;s. At least a few' profesors take a great intre;
in their students as integrated individuals and
make an effort to stress the importance, of ade-=
quate rest in any effi ient rottine of life,.m
'techrs m ke a special point of ais:sriug rest and
recreatinto their candidates who a,,to appear
for oral exam12s for the ;dqctor's gcC

We will repair free of ctharge an~y silk hose purchased
in any of our 12 shops in Michigan. Honse must be
laundered. 20c a pair for other. makes.

I '"' "' .''"I




> . , .,




M+r. Varncy ,.........Gcerge'D. .Colant
7 -P r.c ent's cdaughtrClautdette Colbe rt
The .a............. Jimmy Duate
They progrI'am in br"ief: GeorgeC M. Cohafn'.i talk-
lng: ieLre4utis all excellent o:fille otwmth-vJ
st rnding t e fact thai the p?-lslentlal electilit
theme e cmployecd has 41-ready bCem impaled o),.
thet) publ icmn din Guy Ki bbee's "VTe Da"r]
1or e" i d elBarrympore's Wsig olMs
querade," and o e or two others.

ail-g Recital

13ut many students have not enzjoyed the bene-zc
fits, of athletic training nor the. wise counsel of
appre1' ciation of the benefit of regua r ,adequate
sleep. They still have :t1he ieaa t dison .jWas5
great b1ecause iche slAept so it-tle, thatItheP1hi Beta
_Kda ,, is aChie.ved by sittingupunl.),an
that soa 'l opula rityv is, deli~idant upon abiity to
resist isleep.

On 'Sale at

Nov. 2,-8:15 P.M.


rady iDesires Peace
;ut Wants To Tight..
B ENITO .MMVssolini is ;: ai maOterof
aztbiguity.lie hs 5nudc a practice
fsaying forcefu~l things which, when analyzed,
ave on'e wondering as to their real meaning. His
eech Tu~esday, heralded as an Italian battle-cry,
as double-tongue~d as anything he has previous-
Certainly there was a savor of militancy about
is statement that Italy pis ready to fight anyone
,ho attempts to prevent her 'from 'regaining the
adership which was ancient Rome's. But this
Ziiitancy appears som~ewhlat inexplicable in the
ace. of previous repeated assertions that Italy
-ants peace. Furthermore, it would appear odd
hat as wily a dictator as Mu4ssolini wopuld deliber-,
,tely advertise the 'militaristic views of a nation
hich as yet is comparatively weak, and thus pro-
oke other countries to armament measures
gainst Italy.

There is, too, Jimmy "'schnozzle" Durante inia,
violenly stripedl suit and yard--wide grin to supply
th' omedy, and Cl)utte cColkbrtfor11he fc- -
Mr. Cohe(4n is gjycut a djual role, taking the partsj
of both th(, acid 1. onlker who can't, sillglehalided,
get ally votes, and the vofluble Mr. Varney, side-
1-how medicine mand with "poisonality,"hs Schnoz-
zle wouldl say. The scenes wherein Mr. Cohen is
talking with "hinmelf" are adroitly managed,
while the innumerable situations involving double
Septendre and Similar well-known stage devices are
well han~dled.
Schnozzle, a former side-show pal 'of Cohan 's,
becomes his campaign manager, and Claudette
Colbert is cast as the daughter of an ex-President.
Needless to say she is loved by :both the true
presidential candidate and the medicine-man im-
personating him.
There are plenty of :laughs, the greater part of
1which are supplied by, Durante.
Added attractions: A Merrie Melodie cartoon;
"C'Est Paree," ;a novelty. in color which is rather'
good; newsreel. --C" X. W. Jr.

Among these studenzts many cure,5 are akchieve d
by rest in proper dosiage. Remiar'kable c relkf fromt
indIgcstioniiand, headche i bouhtcbutbyth
readljijtment of their livinghait and working
,whedttle to provide for :iate perAo wiiodls of rest.
The student who ineeds more res;t may f tll J'u
one or more of several groaup,
'Thrcce is the student, who dlec lares chis eirnratwi-
,pation from parental discipliner by disr crding r
everything thaat reseombles routine. Tie goes,,;to bed
only when there is nothing betterr to dot le has
,no reguclar time for anything. Hec aspires' com-=
plete freedomn; yet he does not live such a carefree
life as it would seem. He is constantly struggling.
to make up work that has been neglected and is
of ten lacking in the energy to do it. His appetite is
poor, elimination is irregular and faulty, resistance
to infection is low. His thinking is apt to be un-
critical ,and lead him into various unhappy mental
There are other types of students who make no
allowance for their mental, physical, social or eco-
nomical handicaps. They attempt to carry so much,
work that there is no time for adequate amounts.
of rest. They develope states of anxiety, exhaus-
tion and depression. They are unable to concen-
trate, they, lose all zest for life and develope every
physical complaint known to man. When these
students learn to realize their handicaps, adjust
their ambition to their capabilities and allow ade-
aua~te time for rest, they are well.

(9 Cepcerts)
(,, $109,$1I2





The 'RI-' NCE -4OF' SONG"



It appears, rather that Mussolini's purpose was
,o point out that, when Fascism (as he confi-
ently expects) becomes the ruling order of
iurope, Italy, will be queen of Fascist states. This

0 0V
Campus Opinion

7a Ar !"'&, 3 T' V' T C l r i n J E

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