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October 28, 1932 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-10-28

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The Weather
probably rain.

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An Honest Election Conduct-
ed by the Council; Helping the
Crowd See the Game.



Complete For
Fielding Yost, Franklin
Cappon, Fred Lawton
And Moore To Talk I

Prof. McFarlan: 'Why I'm Going
To Vote For Norman Thomas'

Michigan Will Be
Host To Alumni
Ferry Field To Be Scene
Of Class Games; Frosh
Final arrangements for homecom-
ing were made last night as the
speakers for the pep meeting tonight
at 8 p. m. in Hill Auditorium were
announced by Wilbur Bohnsack, '34,
chairman of the rally.
Coach Fielding H. Yost, Franklin
C. Cappon, assistant athletic director,
Frederick Lawton, '11, and A. C.
Moore will give short pep talks. The'
band will march from Morris Hall to
the auditorium at 7:45 p. m. Cheer-
leaders will be on hand to lead the
crowd through the cheers in prepa-
ration for Saturday's game.
Crowd Expected
Hill Auditorium is expected to be
packed to the limit. Returning alum-
ni will be back to cheer for the old
"alma mater," and leaders of the
freshman class said last night that
they would be there 100 per cent
Fraternities are planning elaborate
decorations for the week-end and
keen competition is being shown by
the various houses to win the prizes
which have been offered by local
business men.
Two silver cups will be presented
by Goldman Brothers to the winners
of first and second place and $25 in
cash will go to the winner of first
place with the compliments of the
Superior Creamery Company. In ad-
dition, the Michigan Theatre will
give two tickets to each of the fresh-
men who have worked the hardest in
the first five winning houses.
Games Saturday
Class games will take place Satur-
day morning at Ferry Field, and
from all indications, it will be a com-
plete victory for the first year men.
Turning out 200 strong last Tuesday
to elect their captain, declarations
were made by leaders of the class at
that time that they "mean business
this year." Only a handful of sopho-
mores met at their rally last night
to choose their class captain.
The program will be climaxed by
the Michigan-Princeton game Satur-
day afternoon. A crowd of over 40,-
000 is expected to attend the game.
Hoover Ready
For Journ ey
Four More Cities Added
To Itinerary; Will Talk
In Ohio And Indiana


Prof. Harold J. McFarlan, of the
engineering school, told in a Daily in-
terview yesterday why he intends to
vote for Norman Thomas. "Observa-
tion of social and economic pheno-
mena," he said, "makes it perfectly
evident to me that radical, funda-
mental changes in our economic sys-
tem must necessarily take place in
the near future.
"Activities in our industrialized
world are socialized and it follows
naturally that social interests are of
ever increasing importance. Much of
our present ideology developed when
production and distribution were car-
ried on by individuals. It is becoming
evident to many thoughtful people

that old traditions do not fit new cir-

London Mobs
Riot In Huit
Of Food Dole
Score Injured In Battle
With Police; Thousands
Watch Bloody Struggle

London Silent
t On U. S. Threat
To Build Navy
Germany Approves Move
Unofficially; No Com-
ment Heard In Paris
DLONDON, Oct. 27.-1P)-Norman
Davis, American disarmament repre-
sentative, left for Geneva today after
reaching an agreement in principle
with Prime Minister Ramsay Mac-
Donald for harmonizing the Hoover
disarmament proposals and British
counter proposals.
Mr. Davis will stop off at Paris for
a conference Saturday morning with
Premier Edouard Herriot. At Geneva,
where the Disarmament Conference
is to begin Nov. 3, he will meet Amer-
ican delegates to the World Economic
Conference, which is to be held in
Unless the Disarmament Confer-
ence is a success, Mr. Davis is con-
vinced little or nothing can be ac-
complished at the economic parley.
He conferred today with Tsuneo Mat-
sudaira, Japanese ambassador to
,GreatBritain, who informed him of
the new Japanese disarmament plan,
which will be presented along with
American, British and French pro-
posals at Geneva.
President Hoover's declaration that
if disarmament negotiations should
fail the United States would build its
Navy to full strength under the Lon-l
don treaty, was approved in official1
circles in Berlin, but comment was
withheld in Government circles in
London and Paris.
It was believed that Premier Mac-
Donald would be questioned in Par-
liament concerning the Hoover Navy
Day pronouncement. The statement
was expected to have little effect in
this country because Anglo-American1
naval relations are so sound basicallyg
and it was believed directed at othert
The conversations between Mr. Da-
vis and the Premier and foreign sec-c
retary, Sir John Simon, are believed
to have brought Anglo-American
unity of purpose at Geneva.
With every single copy sale of
The Daily for tomorrow morningv
a copy of the football schedules of
all the major elevens of thep
country will be presented.
The Daily will have a special
homecoming issue for Saturday.t
Secure a copy at newstands or atv
the office of THE MICHIGAN
DAILY on Maynard Street.
Roehrig, Matyi
Named To Leada
Class Of '35

Socialist Party
"The Socialist Party," Professo
McFarlan said, "stands for the so
cial ownership and Democratic con
trol of all the social means of pro
duction and distribution, and for th
economic planning that this implies
As a Socialist I see this, not as ax
ideal to be aimed at, but as a neces
sary adjustment which will have t
be made. The conflict of interest
between those who have property and
those who do not MUST be settled.
"The undignified conduct of the
leaders of our major parties at bes
is evidence of muddleheadedness, a
worst is evidence of insincerity.
"The situation we are in challenges
us to think clearly and honestly. h
am not personally convinced of the
efficacy of the reform aspects of the
Socialist platform. I believe it to be
the patriotic duty of every citizen to
inform himself and then to throw
his support to the clarification of is-
sues. Any candidate's personal hon-
esty or ability would not cause me to
supporthim, unless I agreed with his
stand on vital issues.
Why Vote For Thomas?
"My reason for voting for Norman
Thomas: not because of a belief in
his sincerity (although I have this
belief); not because I believe in the
details of his program of reform;
but because his platform states as
its ultimate aim the socialization of
wealth. My opinion is that this is
the question we will very soon have
to stand for or against, and that the
sooner we have it before us as an
issue,' the less serious are likely to
be the frictions involved in its settle-
ment. However wrong this stand
may be, it cannot be reasonably at-
tacked by uninformed prejudice."
Michigan's Hope
For Big Game
Up To Coaches.
Big Ten Committee Must
Pass Special Ruling To
Permit Rose Bowl Game
Michigan's chance of playing in
the Tournament of the Roses next
New Year's Day at Pasadena will lie,
if the invitation is extended to the
Wolverine team and accepted by the
athletic officials, in the hands of ten
.aculty representatives of Conference
iniversities, who will meet Dec. 2.
The Big Ten board of directors can
lecide by vote to relax a long stand-
ing rule against post-season games
in order to permit a Michigan trip
to the West Coast, but the attitude of
the other schools represented is
Prof. Ralph W. Aigler, chairman
of the Board in Control of Athletics
aere and Michigan's representative
on the Big Ten board, declared yes-
terday that he had not decided what
stand he would take on the proposal
if it is submitted. In the last 10
ears, many such requests havesbeen
presented to the Big Ten committee,
he said, but none has been granted.
The last exception to the regula-
tion was made for Ohio State, whose
team went t9 Pasadena in 1920 and
was defeated in the New Year's day
game by California, 28 to 0.
Prof. Fielding H. Yost, director of
athletics, also declined to announce
any final decision on the suggested
Rose Bowl match. He pointed out,
however, that the Big Ten restriction
has stood for 27, years, since 1905,
and other Conference schools may
refuse to approve the game even if
Michigan receives an invitation.
Michigan's famous point-a-minute
team of 1901, coached by Yost, inau-
gurated the Rose Bowl tournaments
on Jan. 1, 1902, defeating Stanford

University, 49 to 0. The game was
stopped when Stanford ran out of
substitutes in trying to stop the
great Wolverine eleven.
Conservation Meet
Opens Today With
Program At Union
A two-day gathering of timberland
owners and others interested in for-
est conservation will open with a ses-
sion at 9:30 a. m. today, according
to Dean S. T. Dana, of the School
of Forestry and Conservation. To-

Talks For Roosevelt

President Hoover
Wins In Local Poll
jByWide Majority

Communist Flags
S Wave In Parade
Trouble Starts As Resul
t Of Brick Thrown By On
Of Those Demonstrating
s LONDON, Oct. 27.-(A')-The'hun-
Sger march of the unemployed reach-
ed a bloody climax this afternoon in
a riot at Hyde Park in which scream-
ing and cursing men and women, who
battered police with bricks and
stones, kept the place in turmoil for
more than an hour.
More than a score of persons were
injured in the fighting, none of them
seriously enough to require hospital
The trouble started as footsore
groups of hungry marchers, who had
been coming for days from all parts
of the island, poured through the
marble arch leading into Hyde Park
from Great Cumberland Place. With-
in the park 50,000 to 100,000 specta-
tors were assembled.
As the marchers, singing songs of
revolution and bearing the Commu-
nist banner of the hammer and the
sickle, moved toward their places,
someone threw a brick through a
postoffice window. A policeman
swung his club, and the most serious
rioting that London has seen in years
was under way..
Recess From Classes
On Nov. 11 Announced
Classes will be dismissed from
10 a .m. until noon Friday, Nov. 11,
to enable students to take part in
Armistice Day observance, it was
announced yesterday by Dr. Frank
E. Robbins, assistant to President
Alexander G. Ruthven. Laborato-
ries, hospitals, libraries and clinics,
however, will remain open as
This is a variation of last year,
when Armistice Day was celebrat-
ed as a half-holiday.
First Parley Of
Cinema League
Held At Union
Organization Will Bring
Artistic And Scientific
Films To Ann Arbor
To plan its program for the
year, the Art Cinema League held its
first meeting last night at the Mich-
igan Union.
The object of the organization,
which is a new one on the campus,
is to bring to Ann Arbor films of
artistic and scientific merit. "We feel
that there is a definite need for films
of cultural value, for outstanding
films which are not presented at the
popular theaters," Phillip Seidel,
Grad., of the executive board, said
last night.
Most of the films, which have al-
ready been selected, are foreign ones,
and silent. All will have English sub-
titles. "Jeanne d'Arc," a French film;
"Mother," a Russian film; "The Cab-
inet of Dr. Calligari," a Russian film;
and "The Working of the Brain," a
German film, are among those se-
lected. The board decided last night
to present first the French film
"Jeanne d'Arc."
Several prominent faculty members
have endorsed the program of the Art
Cinema League. Prof. Oscar J. Camp-
bell, of the English Department; Prof.

Valentine B. Windt, director of dra-
matics; Prof. J. E. Thornton, and
Prof. M. E. McFarlan, are helping
with the sponsoring of the program.
Tickets to see these films, the first
of them to be shown within two or
three weeks, will be offered for sale
at not more than twenty-five cents,
the board decided.
Helen Hicks To Attempt
'r 1 C .1C P a


Associated Press Photo
Smith Blames
Hoover For All
Country's Ills

Speaking In Boston Arena
He Pleads For The Full
Support Of Roosevelt
ARENA, BOSTON, Oct. 27.-(R)-
Alfred E. Smith brought a hall full of
cheering Democrats to their feet to-
night when he told them he came
into New England to ask for the "un-
qualified, full, and complete support
of Franklin D. Roosevelt," at the
Nov. 8 election.
It was many seconds before he
could continue.
"I want to weave a little melo-
drama," Smith then said. "I'll call it
"the Republican failure' or 'what
Smith said he would take the
"leading character of the play," and
the President of the United States
as the first subject of discussion,
Country in the Dark
Smith said the Republican admin-
istration had left the country ."en-
tirely in the dark as to financial con-
"In 1920 the country was facing
a deficit of one billion of dollars and
nothing was said about it," he con-
"That was all right," he said a mo-
ment later, "they got away with it
for a while."
Smith said every form of taxation
imaginable was "pressed upon the
people when they were least able to
pay it."
"In the meantime absolutely noth-
ing was done by the Republican ad-
ministration to curtail the cost of
government," he went on.
"Worse than that was the incom-
petent handling of the proposed
sources of revenue," he said. The Re-
publicans believed they were "the
only party fit to govern."
He said he saw in a paper the
other day that the forecast for this
fiscal year is a half billion dollar
In speaking of that amount Smith
inadvertently called it "a half a mil-
lion." In correcting himself he said,
"I mean half a billion. A half mil-
lion--chicken feed."
Former Presidents
Every "successful and progressive
president" during his time, he said,
had been a governor of a state.
He mentioned Cleveland, Theodore
Roosevelt, Wilson, and Calvin Cool-
Smith then turned to President
Hoover's Detroit speech.
"I wasamused in that Detroit
speech to see the president blame all
the failures on the Democratic House
of representatives. That is an easy
way to get out of it-blame it on
someone else.
"How about the Republican mem-
bers of the House? Was he able to
handle them? He was not.
"How about Governor Roosevelt
who had a Republican legislature to
deal with and yet was able to make a
record of achievement great enough
to be nominated for the presidency
from among us?"
Medical School Seniors
Elect Meyer President
Robert B. Meyer was elected
president of the class of 1933 of the
Medical school in an election held
yesterday afternoon in the amphi-
theatre of the University Hospital.


Initial Student
Play Of Year
Opens Tonight
Leonard Stocker and Jean
Rosenthal Appear In
Leads Of Production
The curtain on the 1932-33 Ann
Arbor dramatic season will open at
8:15 o'clock tonight in the Laboratory
Theater when Play Production pre-
sents its first play of the year, "The
Adding Machine," Elmer Rice's fa-'
mous expressionistic play.
Noted for its unique scenic and
lighting effects, "The Adding Ma-
chine" has always proved of interest
to playgoers ever since it first ap-
peared a decade ago in New York.
Since the play has never been pre-
sented in Ann Arbor, high interest
has been shown in the local dramatic
group's performance and from all in-
dications, sell-outs for tonight and
tomorrow will occur.
Rice Won Pulitzer Prize
Elmer Rice, the author of "The
Adding Machine," is also the author
of such noted plays as "On Trial,"
"Street Scene," "Counsellor-at-Law,"
and "Left Bank." In 1928 he was
awarded the Pulitzer Prize for "Street
Scene." In the piece to be presented
tonight the playwright departed from
his usual method and as a result
"The Adding Machine" is now re-
garded as one of the outstanding ex-
amples of American expressionism.
The principals for the play include
Leonard Stocker, '33, who will play
Mr. Zero; Jean Rosenthal, '33, as Mrs.
Zero; Vivian Cohen, '33, as Daisy;
Charles Harrell, '34, as Shrdlu; and
Harlen Bloomer, Grad., as Charles.
The supporting parts will be taken by
Edward Freed, Grad., Jack Nestle,
'33, Jerry Rosenthal, '33, Wayne
Dickens, '34, David Decker, '34, Don-
ald Brackett, '34, Paul Williams,
Grad,. Zeta Barbour, Spec., Eleanor.
Riker, Grad., Frances Manchester,'
'33, Gladys Diehl, '33, Mary Hunt,
'33, and Elinore Broderson, '33.
Windt in Charge
Valentine Windt, who is beginning
his fifth year as director of the or-
ganization, will again be in charge,
and has as his assistant and stage
manager Russel McCracken.
Name Degener
To Lead State
Streetj uniors

Brucker Tops Comstock
In Balloting For State's
Officers; Many Hoover
Men Favor The Latter
Prohibition Repeal
Closest;_Drys Win
Bonus Payment Defeated
By Heaviest Vote Of All;
Majority Of Those Vot-
ing Are Faculty Members
'In the final returns of a poll con-
ducted by The Dailyduring the past
week among Ann Arbor persons list-
ed in "Who's Who in America," Her-
bert Hoover led Franklin D. Roose-
velt by the wide margin of 86 to 19.
Norman Thomas, Socialist candidate
for the presidency, followed close be-
hind the Democratic nominee with a
total vote of 11.
William A. Comstock, Democratic
candidate for the office of governor
in Michigan, ran far ahead of the
top of the ticket but trailed Wilber
M. Brucker, the incumbent, 62 to 35.
Comstock received support from a
large number of Hoover men.
The closest race in the poll de-
veloped on the question of national
prohibition repeal. The drys finally
gained the decision, 60 to 58 but it
was not until the final vote had been
tabulated that the result was known.
The wets held a lead of four votes on
Wednesday night.
VoteAgainst Bonus
Ann Arbor's elite were very defi-
nite in their decision upon the final
question, that of the immediate cash
payment of the soldiers' bonus, cast-
ing a vote of 117 to 1 against the
measure. The discrepancy in the
gubernatorial vote was due to the
fact that a large number refused to
state a preference on the state elec-
Expressing the viewpoint of the
Republican majority in the poll,
Charles A. Sink, president of the
music school and former state sen-
ator from this district, said last night
that, in his opinion, Herbert Hoover
was one of our country's outstand-
ing presidents.
He should be re-elected, Sink said,
"in order to insure the carrying out
of the public policies which he has
inaugurated for the recovery from
the stress and strain of the times. His
wise and effective understanding of
public problems and his resourceful-
ness have saved the country from a
condition that might have been in-
finitely worse. His have been prob-
lems more subtle than those of war-
ware and have been harder to fight
for. In war the needs are so obvious
that public sentiment arises to as-

Before turning westward tonight for
the fourth successive time in 25 days
of active campaigning, President
Hoover today concentrated on an al-
most unbroken drive of preparation
speeches scheduled for the next few
With appearances before at least
twelve audiences arranged for to-
morrow on his way to Indianapolis,
the President took time off only for
a brief round of conferences and pic-
ture taking.
Late in the day, White House aides
announced that an even more strenu-
ous journey had been arranged for
the President than that originally
announced. Four more stops were
added to his itinerary-Hamden and
Oxford, 0., and Liberty and New Pal-
estine, Id.
Meanwhile, reports came to the
White House from Indianapolis that
the Chief Executive and Mrs. Hoover
could expect to find the Hoosier cap-
ital in a political buzz upon their ar-
rival at 4 p. m. tomorrow.
Gov. Ritchie, of Maryland will
speak there tomorrow night also and
rival torchlight parades with all of

Jewett Nominated For
J-Hop Chairman; Four
Named For Committee
The second round of the campus
political battle swung into action last
night with the nomination of Rich-
ard (Dick) Degener, '34, Chi Psi, by
the State Street juniors of the liter-
ary college for the presidency of the
class of 1934, and Charles (Chuck)
Jewett, '34, Alpha Delta Phi, for J-
Hop chairman.
The Washtenaw juniors in a cau-
cus at the Alpha Sigma Phi house
chose Irving F. Pearlstone, '34, Pi
Lambda P h i, permanent caucus
chairman, and Albert Lowery, '34,
Sigma Pi, for caucus secretary. Party
nominations will be made Sunday af-
ternoon at a caucus at the Lambda
Chi Alpha house.
Twenty-three houses were repre-
sented at the State Street caucus at
the Sigma Phi house that nominated
Degener and Jewett. Gilbert E. (Pe-
ko) Bursley presided at the meeting
and promised eventual success for
the State Street faction.
Frances M. Wistert, '34, Phi Delta
Theta, was the nominee of the party
for the position of class treasurer,
while Charles W. Graham, '34, Psi
Upsilon, Cyrus Huling, '34, Phi Gam-
ma Delta, Robert Salzstein, '34, Zeta
Beta Tau, and Robert Moreland, '34,
Theta Chi, were nominated as the
J-Hop committeemen.
"There was an excellent spirit at

With only 15 present, the Sopho-
more class elected two men at their
rally last night at the Union to lead
the fall games, which will be held
at 9 a. m. Saturday at South Ferry
Field. Harold Roehrig, '35E, and Jim
Matyi, '35, were unanimously chosen
Professor John L. Brumm, who
was supposed to be the principal
speaker of the evening, left without
giving his talk.
Those present decided on a plan
to recruit other members of their
class today and claimed that they
would have sufficient forces by Sat-
urday morning to compete with the
first year men.
In spite of their small numbers,
the sophomores said that Black Fri-

Handman Favors Roosevelt
Prof. Max Handman of the eco-
nomics department, in favoring the
election of Roosevelt, assailed the Re-
publican party for its failure to see
the human being behind the means
of production. "Our economic struc-
ture," Prof. Handmian declared, "has
reached a point where production
cannot be allowed to go on merely
guided by the desire of the manufac-
turer and the investor to produce
large quantities of goods and get
large returns on his investment.
"The Republican party," Handman
continued, "cannot see economic life
in any other terms because it tacitly
assumes that what is good for busi-
ness is good for everyone. The Demo-
cratic party, on the other hand, is
more committed to seeing the human
beings involved in the economic pro-
cess. And in this emergency this hu-
man being, (the much-maligned 'for-
gotten man,') is bitterly in need of
urgent and careful attention."
Handman pointed out that "it is
perhaps significant that of the 16
presidents since Lincoln, 14 have been
Republicans and two Democrats, and
of the truly great, two have been Re-
publicans and two Democrats."
Chapman for Thomas
Howard R. Chapman, University
pastor for the First Baptist Church
here, spoke for Norman Thomas. He
listed two reasons for supporting
Thomas. These were

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