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October 27, 1932 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-10-27

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[E MICHIGAN DAILY Our Appreciations
EItbished 189 To The Choral Union. ..


pt Monday during the
ssion by the Board in
rence Editorial Associa-

Assciated Press is exclusively entitled to the use.
publication of all news dispatches credited to it or
thrws ceitd nthspae and the local news
hed herein. Alrights ofrepublication of special
h are reserved.
j- et 1he Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
i ia t I ntr. Special rateof postage granted by
Assistant Post ina~ster-General.
;cription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,
During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by
es: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
rbor, Michigan. Phone: 2- 214,
resentatives: College Publishers Representatives,
0 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New YRork City;; 80
on Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue,
Telephone 4925
EDITOR.......................KARL SEIFFERT
rS EDITOR.................JOHN W. THOMAS
TANT WOMEN'S EDITOR.............Miriam Carver
P EDITORS: Thomas Connellan, Norman F. Kratt,
W. Pritchard, C. Hart Schaaf, Brackley Shaw,
n R. Winters.
'S ASSIS'IANTS: Fred A. Huber, Albert Newman,
R.TERS: 1Hyman J. AronstamnA jllli, Bull, Charles-!
3arndt, JamesBauciat. Donald R. Bird, Donald 1.
lkertz, Charles B. Brownson, Arthur W. Carstens,.
ald Elder. Robert Engel, Eric Hall. John C. Healey,
ert B. Hewett George Van Vleck, Guy M. Whipple,
W. Stoddard White
nor B. Blum, Louise Crandall, Carol J. Hannan,
ces Mlanchester, Marie J. Murphy. Margaret C.
.n. Ka.terine Rucker, Marjorie Western ande ar-
Telephone 2-1214
t MANAGERS: Advertising. Grafton Sharp;
Contracts, 0rvi Aronson; Advering Berv-
No Tuner; AcBrntsBernardnE., Shnacke; Cir-
ton, Gibert E. Bursley; Publications, Robert E.

F OUR thousand Ann Arbor music
lovers Tuesday night heard the
opening presentation of the Choral Union series,
which will bring nine more outstanding musical
organizations and individual artists here before
the famous May Festival week next spring. The
Boston Symphony, led by Dr. Serge Koussevitzky,
gave a great performance that amply justified the
enthusiasm of the audience. The program was ar-
ranged with remarkable care; the orchestra was
-just what one of the greatest symphony organi-
zations in the world should be.
So again we offer our congratulations to the
Choral Union; not only for the work of the or-
chestra, but also on the success of the ambitious
program of bringing the best in the musical world
to Ann Arbor, while other small cities, in the belief]
that good music is too great a luxury for this era
of depression, are permitting interest in such
events to lapse.
And we congratulate those who heard the con-
cert as well. It is through these discriminating
listeners, who appreciate the finest talent and
throng the auditorium to hear such artists as Dr.'
Koussevitzky and the members of the orchestra,
that the Choral Uniorr is able to make Ann Arbor
a real musical center.
e s n~t1nrirM e
Four stars means a super-picture; three stars very
good; two stars good; one star just another picture;
no stars keep away from it.

'artean-and yet the unflagging rhythmical en-
ergy, the clowning, almost coarsely vital humor,
and the angular melodic outlines, give it a very
different quality. It is a distinctly individual work
and essentially modern, in spite of all the restrict-
ing formulas, with a life and a vigor that need:
no explanatory titles or programs-a work that
is a delightful contribution to the unqualified
expressions of absolute music.
As Prokofieff has been called the "cubist in
music," Debussy is as wrongly termed the "im-
pressionist." His are no blobs of tone, smeared
in any order across ;;ie musical canvas. He is
colorful, he is ever changing, he is fragmentary-
but, in his best things at least, he is inevitable.
The two Nocturnes, Nuages and Fetes, were as
different in their own ways as a Whistler and a
Cezanne, yet each had a coherent unity, a single-
ness of impression, that is not wholly sensuous.
The gray white monotony of the slow passing
clouds-the whirling joyousness, the captivating
spirit, all the gay rags and tatters of the carnival
-each was expressed in his own peculiar clear,
sliding harmonies-and yet each was right. It is
unfair when he can paint with such a nebulous,
unlimiting power of suggestion, to accuse him of
narrow restrictions. When one can sketch so per-
fectly, why bother with the ponderous materials of
a symphony?

* (Or Less)


ore Barash, Jack Bellamy, Gordon
ert, Jack Efroymson, Fred Hertrick,
1Knuusi, Russell Read, Lester 3kin-
and Robert Ward.
0inmy. Blliye Grffiths, Dorothy
Cor, Helean &hume, May Seefried,y

THURSDAY, OCT. 27, 1932.
ducation Or4
'rohibition1 . wil b
M ICHIGAN voters will be given their
first opportunity since the enact-t
ent of the Eighteenth Amendment to register
eir opinions on the matter of morals legislation
their decision on the State Dry Law Repeal
oendment this fall.
That prohibition has failed is no longer a matter]
question to nearly all fair-minded persons. A
w obstinate fantatics still hold to the principle
legislating morals but the average man realizes
at laws which cannot command the respect of
e great majority are detrimental to the insti-
ton of law itself. The dry law has tended to in-
ease not only the number of persons indulging
alcohol, but has carried the drinking habit to
ass in which it has been hcretofore: unknown
-wmen, adolescents, ad the so-called respect-
Ale classe. It has also tended to increase the
coholic ogntent of liquor. Final eloquent testi-
ony to the failure of prohibition is evident in
ie inroads that the Al Gapones and Legs Dia-
onds of Volsteadism have made upon our na-
>nal security.
The repeal of the state dry law, however, en-
munters other complications. The claim of the
ponents of the measure that it is a nullification
the national law by the state deserves some at-
ntion. Does it nullify the national law? It
ight be well here to ask another question. Call
te state nullify a national law? According to all
gal precedent, it cannot. Then, why pass a state
peal amendment?
The answer is quite simple. The national pro-
ibitio law amnd the state dry law are two en-
rely different things. Their own relation is in
iat they deal with the same problem, i. e. the
>etrol of the liquor traffic. The state law was not
aacted as an enforcement agency for national
rohiition. It was enacted BEFORE the Eight-
enthi Amendment The Federal law does not call
!3j the 1tate for it enforccmenu. It must be en-
)rced by Federal officers and its off enders tried
i Federal courts. The repeal of the stale dry law-
annot obstruct the enforcement of national pro-

The Queen ......... ....... Pola Negri
The King ................ Roland Young
Alex . , ... . ... ... . Basil Rathbone
The Major-Domno ..I. . H. B. Warner
The program in brief: While not wishing to
condemn a moving picture in toto or even in part
without adequate reason, there is a time when it
does become necessary to follow in George Jean
Nathan's steps and attack in whole-hearted vein.
"A Woman Commands" has, probably, nothing
whatsoever to recommend it other than Roland
Young, who is a perennial favorite and so can
hardly be counted among the attractions of this
certain production.
Taking place in a mythical kingdom of central
Europe, the picture tells of the adventures of
Maria Draga (Miss Negri), a cabaret singer who
becomes the wife of the king of the country in
question. After a revolution, a charge of illegiti-
macy against her son, a proposed firing-squad
at dawn, a few conferences between domos and
senechals, the singer is released to her lover, Alex,
played in the accepted manner by Basil Rath-
bone. Mr. Rathbone, who by his own confession
in an early talking picture, is Bah-sil Rath-bun, is
too tall, too dark, too much a lover, too much the
height of militarism to be interesting,
"Paradise," which was banned from the radio
some weeks ago for its alleged "suggestiveness,"
is sung very well by Miss Negri, but the American
public patently does not care for its popular:
music after weeks of repetition. To use a trite
phrase, "Paradise" is as old as yesterday's news-
The climax of "A Woman Commands" is, to the
reviewer's mind and to the minds of many others
who witnessed it, a fnff. When the revolution
seems at its height, and Miss Negri's hour darkest,
and the priest who is to bless her before the
dawn shootigg is on her very threshold, Alex
hands her into a carriage and . . . there is a
fadeout, as utterly imprevue as Miss Negri's col-
lapsed return to stardom.
Added attractions: "Scram!" a Laurel and
Hardy comedy, uproariously funny; Hearst Metro-
tone News. -G. M. W., Jr.
Musical Events

The Strauss tone poem, Don Juan, has, if one
can forget all the various labels and tags which
have been attached to it by over assiduous musical
researchers, a very real emotional quality of its
own. There is a certain naivete, an unquenched
eagerness, a youthful egoism that make it the
incarnate spirit of all the young seekers of all
time. If it must be a Don Juan, then at least it
should be a very adolescent one-one who has
yet to know the meaning of boredom. There is
nothing of the cynic-of the world weary profli-
gate in this music. It, too, has a definite sensuous
appeal-a glamorous one that sweeps you off your
feet to ride along with it on the top of life. But,
if one can read all the various loves, the bitter
revulsions, the unfilled desire for the ideal, and
the final repentance and death, into this vital, un-
confined, and highly emotional music, they arc
both to be congratulated and condoncdd.
The Tschaikowsky Fifth Symphony is almost
purely surface music. Its "attractive luxury of
feeling" makes an immediate appeal to the senses
which takes no second hearing to be appreciated,
and has given it a wide popularity among concert
goers-and justly so. It is quite perfect-for that
kind of music. Mr. Koussevitsky's liberties with
the interpretation are very understandable from
that point of view. After all, if emotion is tlh
essence of the work, that, and that alone, should
receive the chief emphasis. And: it did, The char-
acteristic Tschaikowsky orchestration was espe-
cially evident in the fourth movement with its
circular flourishes in the strings and ammunition
effects among the brass and drums. It is the
kind of thing that can be simply wallowed in
until every sense is thoroughly satiated, just as
certain good ladies will go to sad movies for a
"good cry." The audience was very responsive and
quite rightly rewarded the musicians with an en-
thusiastic ovation, which, one may hope, was
not entirely in response to the closing work.
Little can be said of such an orchestra under
the leadership of such a conductor. The string
section was especially fine, with a vibrancy and a
life that makes it unsurpassably eloquent. In all it
is a superb orchestra, under the baton of a very
great musician-the limitations of the English
language let one go no further.



Wear these
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Light in weight and inexpen-
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Soft, thick, cushioning sioles of
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W/hcn you buay any kind of
rubber footwear, remember
the name Ball-Band and insist
on seeing the famous Red Ball

Desert air, is wet


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Making tel phome eq uipment prCscnts many
an interestinrg problem to the engineers of Western
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A case in point is the drying of telephone cable
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step is of utmost importance, for the tiny copper
wires cannot carry your vo ce properly unless their
paper insulation is thoroughly dried. To this end,
Western Electric engineers devised special drying
ovens in which the air is thiriy timc's drier than
desert air!
The same ingenuity and thoroughness go intO
every step of making cable, telephones, switch-
boards and many other kinds of telephone equip-
ment. The dependable apparatus that results is
one reason why Bell System service is dependable.


Sf Io,

Don't Risk




-; =
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a e



--Kathleen Murphy

Other College





SLEEPING in class was required at Colgate re-
cently. A psychology professor was trying to
determine the most effective pitch for an alarm

Song Recital

On Sae' at
School of Music

0-EDP play football and men knit at the Uni-
versity of Melbourne, Australia. The men tool
up knitting as a protest against the women who
have adopted rugby as one of their major sports.
* * *

Nov. A, 8:15 P. M.

The repeal of the state law will not bring the
gal distribution of liquor back. But it will bring
out a tremendous reduction in state expendi-
[res. It will mean that Michigan can cut a large
mnbe'r of law enforcement officers from its pay-
11 who have been retained for the sole purpose
enforcing the dry law. The elimination of the
'y enforcement machinery would certainly be
uch more practical than the reduction of the
lucational facilities of the state, which however,
ill undoubtedly be the result if no better means
tax reduction is evolved.
One-third of the cases tried in Michigan's crim-
al courts are prohibition cases. So the police
idently spend one-third of their time apprehend-
g liquor law violators and the courts one-third
ftheir time trying them. If the dry law cases
ere removed, not only would the expenditures of
ie law-enforcement agencies and the courts be

Most deservedly has Dr. Serge Koussevitsky,
conductor of the Boston Symphony, been called a
genius in the rare art of program building. Such a
concert as was presented Tucsday deserves tp be
considered in its entirety as well as in its purts for,
because of his skillful blending of musical flavors
he conceived a unified medium of expression be-
sides the various ones of the individual compos-
ers. By his cleyer juxtapositions he evolved a
perfect whole that in itself, by its merging of one
emotional tone into another, achieved an organic
unity. One work framed a background for the
next and e,ch set off the other - pseudo classi-
cisne of the Prokofieff with its vigorous joviality
made an ideal foil for the kaleidoscopic expres-
sionism of the Debussy Nocturnes, and against
anything but the Don Juan, the Tschaikowsky
Fifth would have seemed ever more luxuriously
sentimental than it did. A fine painting loses
many of its values when it is not properly dis-
played and lighted - how much more so music,
where the time element is predominating, so that
the final impression is often no more than a re-
membered emotion. An artist builds with colors,
one against the other, to please and gratify the
senses; a composer builds with fleeting, ever-
fading sounds - the most subtle architecture of
all. There is no physical object to return again
and again - when the last tone dies away it is
over. So it is with the conductor, that is, such a
one as Koussevitsky - by an expert placing of
personalities, by a combination of separate styles
of emotional expression, he, too, must complete
the one impression, must weld the bits and pieces
into a unified creation. And so he should not only
be called a conductor of other people's music, but

A PLAN for the conentration. of Northwestern
University students buying in Evanston in ex-
change for student employment has been institut-
ed at that school. The Daily Northwestern report
that more than one hundred and fifty studenti
have gained part-time employment through the
new plan. One pseudo-corporation which has re-
sulted from the drive is the University Window-
Washing Service. already used Iy some 3 Evan-
ston merchants.


$1, $159 $2, $2.50
(9 cQuerL)
$6,1$, $10, $12



* * *

WHEN the president of the Colorado School of
Mines ordered sophomores not to paddle
freshmen this year, the sophomores made the
freshmen paddle each other.



"EDUCATION is becoming a major student ac
tivity at the University of Chicago under th
new plan," declared Chauncy S. Boucher, demn
of the college in an interview recently, "This atti-
tude is in marked contrast to that formerly dis
played by college students to whom scholastic
work was the least important phase of university


S TUDENTS at the University of Nebraska ar
being used as agents of a liquor racket
charges Federal Judge J. C. Munger. "Responsibl
men are hiding behind telephone numbers, ant
hiring students because they aren't likely to b
arrested," the Judge says. "They all agree t

stick together, give no information, take punish
ment, and resort to violence if necessary."
* * *

nTn~TT.T? cQm A P

FORTY-TWO trunks containing the complet


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