Bridge Talks
Begin Tonight
At The League
John Mathis To Instruct
In Culbertson System;
To Give Ten Lessons
There will be no excuse for trump-
ing your partner's ace or overbidding
a bridge hand after tonight. The per-
son who only plays "at" Contract is
going to be out of luck this season
'or he will have few sympathizers. A
series of bridge lectures will show
hiim a way out of his troubles. The
first lecture will be given at 7:30 to-
night at the League Building. Miss
Faith Ralph, '34, is chairman of the
project which is being sponsored by
the Michigan League..
Culbertson's system of play will be
taught by Mr. John Mathis who
comes here by personal recommenda-
tion of Mr. Culbertson. Mrs. Mathis
will assist her husband.
There will be a series of ten le- -
tures each dealing with a separate
phase of the game. Tickets may be
purchased for the entire series for
$2.25 or it is. possible to buy tickets
Eor single lectures for 25c thus mak-
.ng it possible for those who already
aave a general knowledge of the game
o attend only those lectures in which
hey are particularly interested.
The other members of Miss Ralph's
committee are Katherine Thompson,
34, Virginia Hartz, '35, Dorothy
Eood, '35, Rosemary Osburne, '35,
Alice Morgan, '35, Neda Dover, '34,
Marie Murphy, '35, and Ada Dunbar,
Women students at Louisiana
State University averaged 1.397
points out of a perfect three, while
men scored only 1.125.
Parents To Hear Talk
On Children's Religion
A series of six talks for parents,
to begin Nov. 2, on the general sub-
ject "The Child's Approach to Re-
ligion" has been arranged under the
direction of a group interested in the
problem of providing a religious
background for their children. The
talks will be given by prominent
members of the University faculty
and others eminent in the field.
It is planned tohave each talk
followed by a half hour of questions
and discussions. The group will meet
on Wednesday afternoons from three
to four o'clock in the Alumnae Room
of the League.
Each week the problem will be ap-
proached from the particular point
of view of the speaker. Prof. DeWitt
H. Parker will present the subject as
viewed from the field of philosophy.
Prof. W. R. Humphreys will discuss
the best method of presenting the
Bible as a story book for children,
and Rev. Henry Lewis will speak of
the child in relation to the church.
Other speakers will be Prof. Louis
I. Bredvold of the English depart-
ment, Miss Helen Platt, principal of'
the Eberbach School, and Prof. Mar-
tha G. Colby, of the psychology de-
partment. The complete program
will be announced later.
Christian To Entertain
At Dedication Of Organ
Prof. Palmer Christian of the
School of Music will play at the ded-
ication of the new organ in the
church of St. Mary the Virgin, Dec.
8 in New York City, it was announced
Other concerts scheduled for the
University organist include the Wo-
men's College at Oxford, Ohio, Nov.
5; the First 'Presbyterian Church,
Buffalo, Dec. 4; and a memorial pro-
gram at Steubenville, Ohio, on New
Year's Day.
Will Meet Here
This Week-End
Fifty Expected To Answer
President Ruthven's Bid;
To Have Run Of Campus
Matthews To Speak
McCallum, Zon Will Talk
On Legislative Program,
Attend Football Game
Forest land owners and others in-
terested in the best means of con-
serving and handling Michigan's for-
ests will gather here Friday and Sat-
urday for their sixth annual conven-
tion, it was announced yesterday by
Dean S. T. Dana, of the School of
Forestry and Conservation.
The convention, opening Friday
morning and continuing until Satur-
day noon, will include three business
meetings during the two days and a
luncheon on Friday.
Fifty Expected
About 50 are expected to attend in
response to the invitation issued by
President Alexander G. Ruthven and
making available all of the facilities
of the University. The University,
however, is not sponsoring any legis-
lative program, and will take no part
and have no interest in legislative
discussions carried on by the group,
Dean Dana explained.
Although actual owners of forest
lands will make up the greater part
of the, attendance, there will also be
a good representation from the fol-
lowing government agencies: the
State Conservation Department, the
State Tax Commission, Michigan
State College, and the U. S. Forest
Service which consists of two branch-
es, the administrative branch, of
which Milwaukee is the headquarters
for the Lake States region, and the
research branch, of which St. Paul
is the headquarters. Both branches
will be represented.
The Friday meeting will begin at
9:30 a. in., with D. M. Matthews, pro-
fessor of forest management here,
giving a paper on the financial as-
pects. of destructive logging. The
luncheon will be held at 12:30 p.m.
President Ruthven will greet the con-
vention at this time.
G. P. McCallum, president of the
Detroit, Mackinac, and Marquette
Land Co., will give the report of the
timberland owners' committee on the
proposed legislative program at the
Friday afternoon meeting, beginning
at 2 p.m.
To Meet In Union
Action on this report will be taken
at, 9:30 a.m. Saturday, and the ses-
sion will continue at 10:30 a.m. with
Rafael Zon, director of the St. Paul
branch of the U. S. Forest Service,
speaking on "Developing a Land Util-
ization Program for the Upper Pen-
insula." All meetings will be held at
the Union.
Will Exhibit Samurai Coat of
Armor Given to Baseball Team
bronze, lacquered black outside and
A complete suit of samurai armor, red inside. The color effect is gener-
presented to use the donor's own ally one of black lacquer and bronze,
words, "in commemoration of Miehi- with blue cotton embroidered on the
gan University Baseball Team's Jap- collar and knee pads. The leather
an Tour, 1929," by Meiji University construction makes the whole consid-
of Tokyo, and now belonging to the erably lighter than steel armor, Mr.
athletic department, has been loaned March commented.
to the University Museums, and is in Conditions in Japan during the age
process of preparation for exhibition, of the samurai were much like the
according to Benjamin March, cura- better-known feudal ages in Europe,
tor of the Division of the Orient, Mr. March explained. Each knight
Museum of Anthropolegy. was entitled to carry two swords, the
"This gift is especially significant," longer of which was known as the
said Mr. March, "when one considers soul of the samurai.
the code of the samurai, or knights The samurai served as retainers to.
of old Japan, and the implication the diamios of the provinces, who in
made by its presentation to one of turn were subject to the emperor, or
our invading baseball teams. Their tothe shogun, the military dictator
code was called bushido,' and con- who from the fourteenth century
tamed the elements of sportsman-unith Meirfominwa
ship common to modern Japanese strong enough to overshadow the
youth in its athletic activities. The former.
gift, therefore, is a recognition of'
'samurai' qualities in Michigan ath- Grade School Teachers
letes." Visit Saginaw Forest
Mr. March explained that the sam-
urai were traditional figures in Jap- Correlation of forestry principles
anese history before the Meiji restor- with elementary school education is
ation of 1868, when the army was re- being studied by public school teach-
organized and equipped in the mod- ers in visits to Saginaw Forest, ex-
ern manner. The particular suit perimental tract of the School of
given to the University is probably Forestry and Conservation.
well over 100 years old, Mr. March Sixty teachers from Wayne County,
said. More can be told of its individ. eager to learn how to interest their
ual history when the crest is studied. pupils in forestry and explain the ob-
This crest, which appears on the jects and methods of conservation,
back of each hand guard, represents were the first to receive instruction
crossed feathers and four diamonds, by members of the Forestry School
which might be either that of a fam- faculty. Other groups are expected
ily, or that of a "daimio," or feudal from Alpena, Charlotte, Saginaw, and
knight, whom this knight served. other points.
The suit of armor itself forms a
distinct contrast to medieval armor Oregon Repeals Auto
with which the western world is fam- Ban In State Colleges
iliar. The helmet, arm defenses and
leg defenses are of heavy bronze, but PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 25.-The
the body armor is composed chiefly stormy life of the auto ban has been
of heavily lacquered leather rather a brief one in the state university and
than of metal. The plates of leather colleges of Oregon. The new and
are joined with cotton tapes, and much opposed ruling went into effect
the arm pieces are combinations of at the opening of school in Septem-
bronze chain and narrow semi-tubu- ber and was repealed recently with
lar plates sewed to a cotton sleeve, minor reservations. The ban was or-
The anklets and wristlets are lined dered by the State Board of Higher
with buckskin. Education in Oregon and affected all
The face piece is formed of lighter state institutions.
JOHN TOWNSEND . ...... ..Pres.
POLLY WALKER .......Vice-Pres.
BILL DIBBLE ............. Treas.
Room 25 A.H.
4:00 to 5:45 P. M.
Identification Cards Necessary
-Political Advertisment
Ensian Photographs
We Ask Your Comparison
319 East Huron
Dial 5541
I -
CHARLES RUSH ............Pres.
BARBARA BRAUN .. . .Vice Pres.
Box Office Open Daily . .
25 Angell Hall
4:00 to 5:45 P.M.
Identification Cards Necessary
Political Advertisement
Elmer Rice's Ultra-Modern Drama
The First Offering on Play Production's
1932-33 Season
Much informal discussion is ex-
pected to follow the reading of the
paper at each meeting, according to
Dean Dana, who will preside as gen-
eral chairman.
The convention proper will be pre-
ceded by an informal meeting of
those interested in the Saturday
morning land utilization subject with
Mr.Zon at 2 pah. Thursday in the
dean's offce.
All who attend will be guests of the
University at the Michigan-Princeton
football game Saturday afternoon.
Music Teachers Will
Discuss Requirements
Plans to hold a special meeting of
the Commission on Curricula of the
National Association of Schools of
Music Thursday and Friday at Cin-
cinnati were made public yesterday
by Earl V. Moore, University Musical
Director and president of the asso-
The commission will discuss stan-
dards of admission of new applicants
for membership in schools of music,
and requirements for graduate de-
grees. The association's regular
meeting will be held in December.
On Thursday night Mr. Moore will
conductathe chorus and soloists in a
presentation of Bruch's o ra to r io,
"Cross of Fire," to be presented by
the choir of the Saginaw Congrega-
tional Church.
Cape Ann light station, Mass.,
which has ben improved by the gov-
ernment, was first established in 1773
by the Massachusetts Bay colony.
Your Opportunity
Every person who is planning on having
portraits for Christmas or for the Ensian
should come now and avoid getting into
the rush of the last few weeks-
If you do not need pictures immediately
they may be ordered now and will be
Oct. 28, 29, 31, Nov. 1, 2,,3
All Seats 50c
ready for you at any future date.
Studio: 332 South State Street
tance calls from Ann Arbor to representative
points are shown below. Day rates are effective from
Friday Night
Dial 5031
4:30 a.m. to 7 p.m.; evening rates from
8:30 p.m.; night rates from 8:30 p.m. to
7 p.m. to
4:30 a.m.
zie Forever
Ann Arbor to:
(4:30 A.M.-
7:00 P.M.)
(7:00 P.M.-
8:30 P.M.
and His
Michigan League Orchestra
that are TIMELY
SIR ARTHUR SALTER - Recovery, the Second Effort. . ... ..... ............ $3.00
J. G. SMITH, EDITOR -"Facing the Facts,", An Economic Diagnosis. ...............$3.00
WALTER LIPPMAN'S Interpretation ... . ..........$2.50
Bay City....... $ .70
Benton Harbor .... .95
Chicago .......1.05
Detroit . ... .30
Flint .... ..... .45
Grand Rapids .......80
Houghton . . 2.00
Jackson .......30
Kalamazoo ....,..70
Lansing .45
Marquette 1.80
Menominee 1.50
8:30 P.M.
4:30 A.M.
$ .35