THE MICHIGAN DAILY ICHIGAN Established 1890 DAILY 1. 2 Illinois than Michigan music, for the reason that the Illini band did not make the Ann Arbor trip and we substituted for them as well as playing our own music. Furthermore, it must be remem- bered that during the football season the band has a rehearsal only once a week and that the music of two colleges must be gone through and memorized at that time. The "Victors" and "Varsity" are the Michigan marching songs especially written and appropri- ate for the Michigan team. We would not think of playing "Ypsi Girl" or "The Bum Army" as inspirational marches for the football team. The team looks to the thrilling marches for its inspira- Publiehed every morning except Monday during the Uu iersity year and Summer Session by the Board in 0nrol of Student Publications. XiZme of the Western Conference Editorial Associa- ion and the "Big Ten News Service MEMBER OF THE ASsOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use nr repubrlicatin Of all news dispatches credited to it or no~ ortherwse credited 'in this paper and the local news ubled herein.s-Allrights of republication of special c~ptcihs ~re reserved. fitered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as and class matter, Special rate of postage granted by 1hrd Assistant Postmaster-General. .ubscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mal, , $During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by a%,i $450.- aes: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, A~nArbor, Mchigan. Phone:- 2-1214. Representatives: College Publishers Representatives, ij, 40 'East Thirty-Fourth Street, -New York City; 80 B ton Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue, iago.' EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 NAGING EDITOR..........FRANK B. GILBRTH DITOR ....................KARL SEIFFERT PO'T EDITOR.................JOHN W. THOMAS OMN'S EDITOR........ ..MARGARET O'BRIEN NSSISTANT WOMEN'S EDITOR..........Miriam Carver GIGT EDITORS: Thomas Connellan, Norman F. Kraft, Jn W. Pritchard, C. Hart Schaaf, Brackley Shaw, Glenn R. Winters. FOTS ASSISTANTS: Fred A. Huber, Albert Newman. REPORTERS: Hyman J. Aronstam, A. Ellis Ball, Charles . Barndt, James Bauchat, Donald R. Bird, Donald F. lankertz, Charles B. Brownson Arthur w. Carstens, Donald Elder, Robert Engel, Eric Hall, John C. Healey, FIbert B. Hewett, George Van Vleck, Guy M. Whipple, Jr., W. Stoddard White ileanor B. Blum, Louise Crandall, Carol J. Hannan, Frances Manchester, Marie J. Murphy, Margaret C. Phalan Katherine Rucker, Marjorie Western and Har- riet Speiss. BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 2-124 BUSINESS MANAGER...... . BYRON 0. VEDDER FEDIT MANA9 R.................HARRY BEGLEY VQMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER........DONNA BECKER )EBARTMENT MANAGERS: Advertising, Grafton Sharp; dvertising Contracts, Orvil Aonson; Advertising Serv- 4ce, Noel Turner; Accounts, Bernard E. Shnacke; Cir- rulation, Gilbert E. Bursley; Publications, Robert E. J8ISTANTS: Theodore Barash, Jack Bellamy, Gordon Ioylan, Charles Ebert, Jack Efroymson, Fred Hertrick, oseph Hume Allen Knuusi, Russell Read, Lester Skin- ner, Joseph Sudow and Robert Ward. Betty Aigler, Doris Gimmy, Billie Griffiths, Dorothy Laylin, Helen Olson, Helen Schume, May Seefried,, Kathryn Stork., WEDNESDAY, OCT. 26, 1932' the President oFntradiets Himself.. IN his speech Saturday night in De- troit President Hoover declared hat, the "most menacing thing in the world today s the lack of confidence and faith." ( Because most political and economic observers re of a similar opinion, they will deprecate the1 ay in which the President ended this same] pech. Inconsistent with his plea for confidence, e said exactly the same sort of thing that will1 lake his listerers more timorous than they have1 'een. $is plea was that he is urging his re-election1 nly because he wishes to see the country "come afely into the harbor from dangers that* but ow men . . . will ever appreciate," thus insinuat- rig what he openly declared at Des Moines, that he country is and has been in a much morel ierilous condition than has commonly been sup- 'sed.l Republican editors will probably answer this! Alarge by saying that the President should ber iraised for his candor. Such a countercharge will illogical, since it is not his candor but his self-1 ontradiction that is criticized. . Through the past year the President and his. ,dministration have been constant in their decla- ations that the depression is over, or almost over; heir sudden shift cannot fail to have unfortu- lately stultifying effects on the growth of confi- lence that they and most thinkers say is of such feat importance. This sort of tactics is being followed, as was eared by many non-partisan obseryers, in the st scramble for votes. It is obviously logically uiconsistent to couple it with a plea for renewed. onfidence. We believe that in so doing the Presi- Ient made a political blunder as well as an un- ortunate gesture from the point of view of, ecovery. us Opinion i'ALCONE REPL , ... O STUDENT ATTACKS 1o The Editor. The impression created by a letter s i g 11 e d 'R. M. Z.," and which appeared in Sunday's Daily, i incorrect in my estimation and I wish here to nake a public statiiemnt of 'the actual facts. The letter, wMich was entitled' "So Learn the Victors," claimed that the Varsity Band was over- working the "Victors".and "Varsity" marches and he "Yellow and Blue" (which piece R. M. Z. called the "Maize and Blue," confusing it with the march, "Men of the Maize and Blue"). "Why must the band play 'Varsity' during. every .ull in the game?" the letter asked. Anyone who :eally checked the matter Saturday will find that 'Varsity" was played just twic'?-once during a time-out and once between halves, during forma- tions. It is a Michigan tradition that the "Vic- tion. The very excellent reason why "Varsity" and the "Victors" are not infrequently played during time- outs or when a player has been injured is because those two marches are naturally the best known to the Michigan- band. They were memorized years ago, and they can be played without music at a second's notice merely by giving a brief hand signal. Consequently, they are invaluable for such brief periods, and are of incalculable benefit in helping to keep up the morale of the team, which might otherwise die down in a temporary lull. It makes for much better drilling and forma- tions if the band can play without having to con- stantly refer to the music, and it is for this rea- son that we memorize so many pieces. I might add, a propos of this remark, that as far as we know, the Varsity Band is the only organization of its kind in the country which takes the field regularly and executes a complex series of forma- tions while playing its own and the opponent's marches and Alma Maters, without ny music, I hope this will clarify the question i the minds of R. M. Z. and other Michigan students. Nicholas P. Falcone , Assistant Professor of Wind Instruments; Director of the Varsity Band, THE VARSITY BAND AND POLITICAL RA LIES To The Editor: Since I do not hav the information, I should like to know how ope goes about securing the University of Michigan band to play at a political rally. I am referring to their presence last Satur- day at the Olympia in Detroit as a part of an elaborate welcoming committee for Herbert Hoover. Cannot the band be hired for other political rallies? I have in mind that for James W. Ford, Communist~ candidate for vice-president*, who will speak in Detroit Nov. 6 and possibly in Ann Arbor, Nov. 7. It would not cost the band anything to play for Ford in a parade through Ann Arbor streets and' I am sure the directors of the band, who are ob- viously politically unbiased, would give their con- sent. Lilya Sagal *Mr. Ford is a negro, the running mate of Wil- liam Z. Foster. WHAT EVERY VOTER SHOULD KNOW To the Editor: This is a time when every citizen, male andt female, and especially every student of voting age,' should make himself thoroughly familiar with the political and economic situation of the country. I consider this an indispensable patriotic duty for the reason that politics has fallen so low as to threaten the well-being nf every man, woman, and child in America. Both major parties, through their campaign oratos, high and low, to make1 the most exaggerated claims as to the manner1 in which they intend to regenerate our political and economic life. In a recent speech the Secretary of the Interior1 made the statement that the fate of the world4 depends upon our presidential election!-I have1 no intention to discuss Mr. Hoover. Tie has enough attention from competent hands. What I wish to bring home to the reader is the utterly hollow "stuff" with which the people are being regaled by the so-called prominent politicians. This sort of political quackery deserves nothing but ridicule and contempt. It should be denounced in the strongest language since it is unworthy of a man, who in order to plead his cause, appeals toI his hearers' lowest instincts, instead of trying to convince them by means of sound reasoning. Let us look at this: "Secretary Wilbur emphasized the fact that the economic situation is not the same as it was 20 or even 10 years ago by polting out the fact that a Pennsylvania farm that 20 years ago supported a family comfortably, now has to support, in addition to the family, an auto- mobile, a tractor, two colleges, a new highway, a piano, and a radio." (The Mich ig1n Daily). Expressed in other words, the lon. Secretary holds that the farmer is well-off, highly prosperous- what more can one as? But what about the wretched plight of 99 out of every 100 farmers about which the Secretary says nothing? And why not a word about the 10 or 11 million people who are out of work? Taking it all in all, one is fully justified in con- cluding that political oratory has completely lost its force because it is lopsided and partisan, i. e. "right or wrong, my party." This brings me to the point of suggesting to those, who wish to enlighten themselves regarding politics and other issues to stop relying upon the speeches of professional politicians. To my mind the only way to learn what every voter ought to know is to have recourse to writers who are wholly outside the realm of politics-men and women who are working for the public good, instead of working for themselves as is the case with most of our professional politicians. I take the liberty of suggesting a few books, written by men who are not politicians: ct New Deal, by Stuart Chase; Facing the Facts, written by 12 specialists, and edited by J. G. Smith; The Coming of a New Party, by Paul St. Douglas. Of this book Dr. John Dewey writes as follows: "If I knew any way to make this book compulsory blems. As for our newspapers, they try to be fair and impartial, However, a somewhat careful read- ing soon reveals that their articles arc colored by a partisan spirit, slight though it may be. They are satisfactory as regards news-nothing more is to be expected from them. In conclusion I do not hesitate to refer to the writings of one politician, Norman Thomas, pres- idential candidate of the Socialists and of the League for Independent Political Action, of which Dr. John Dewey is chairman. Articles by Mr. Thomas have appeared in a number of magazines, such as the Atlantic Monthly, the Forum, the Christian Century, the World Tomorrow, etc. The official campaign publication of Mr. Thomas bears the title America for All. Two of his recent books are: America's Way Out and As I See It. What Mr. Thomas stands for may be seen from the follow- ing: "I pledge myself," he would say, "not to make a single appointment to office for political reasons or as a reward for activity on my behalf, and I pledge myself to put under the Civil Service rule every postmaster in this country, and every other office that I can possibly induce Congress to take out of my hands, believing that if I do so I will remove one of the greatest causes for the inefficiency and the corruption of our political life. I pledge myself to follow the American cus- tom of one hundred years and reduce our army and navy to a negligible factor, in so far as it lies in my power to do so, I pledge myself to strike at special privilege wherever I see it, and I will begin by laying my axe to the root of the power trust. I promise a Cabinet chosen without regard to residence, sex, color, or creed, of the ablest available, without asking their attitude to- ward me during the campaign, provided only that they are honest and sincere and desirous of genuine economic freedom. Above all, I pledge myself not to touch William Randolph Hearst, or anybody like him, with a twenty-foot pole." (From The Nation, Oct. 12, 1932, Page 324). This is the kind of politics of which we are sadly in need- it is neither Republican nor Democratic. M. Levi. (Professor Emeritus and member of the League for Independent Political Action). 100 PER CENT GRAFT AND PROHIBITION To The Editor: Professor Wilgus is to be congratulated for hav- ing pointed out the legal consequences of the repeal of the Eighteenth Amendment, although, as I understand it, neither political party advocates the extremes, so ably set forth by the professor. When Professor Wilgus ends his summary by calling attention to the political graft, bribery, and corruption that may follow in the wake of re- peal, the answer is that we are having now 100% of corruption, bribery, and graft, as we know for a certainty - and it is precisely this graft, bribery, and corruption, in connection with prohibition, that the people should fight. In addition to this, they should fight for per- sonal liberty as regardr eating and drinking - not for liberty, absolute or relative, to kill or steal. The attempt to regulate private habits by force or law will always prove futile. The prohibi- tion law is an unjust law and should never have found its way into the Constitution, since the Constitution was designed to lay down general principles of government, not to regulate people's daily conduct. M. Levi, Professor Emeritus UNIVERSITY CONTROLLED ENTERPIRISE NOT NEW To The Editor: Recently there appeared an article in the Edi- torial Comment column asking for students to demand a fully equipped, University controlled bookstore. I would like to call the attention of the campus to the fact that there already exists an instrument which can enlarge its facilities to in- clude such a venture. The chemistry store room already handles all student laboratory equipmenl There is no reason why the same dispensive system can not be utilized for the distribution of books. Let this be a further appeal in support of the Editorial Comment mentioned. Let students de- mand a University controlled bookstore. E 1, "T'33 CLASSIF ED A DV E RTiS IN G is INEXPENSIVE BUT. . 1. - i VERY EFFECTIVE Dial This most fatsciria!ing of all hob~biesIis mas terfully na~l- yzed and explained in "Thei- Lure of Stam~p d.Gollcting," a S o r non- 2-1214 collector, will greatly benit by it,. It. is F7,ET; ,n approval cover mnnii G G LOB E ,s STMPT ACO., Dp kA-3k 270 F'our'th Avc., New!:York City.' Or Stop At the Publications Buldtng O$USINESS 'TRAINING FALL CLASSES FOR MING Special Classes for University Students and Complete Secretarial and Accounting Courses ACCOUNTING STENOTi YPY SHoRTI-fANtJ TYPEWRITING PENMANSHIP ENGL ISH am Allied uobjects T P W I T 'l yI HAMiLTON BUSINESS iynerators a m*d ra r, Phone 7831 17th Year S S, D M 0 R R I L _ Approved by State Department of Pu h , ____ _ _____,,A____A_ ___ COLLEGE MT. & William Sts. blic Instruction ~ In Both Stores Bargain prices on many titles in both Fiction and Non-Fiction. Make your selection now of a fine book for the youngster for NATIONAL JUVENILE WEEK. We have an exceptionally fine stock displayed in both of our campus stores. We offer a ten percent discount on personal engraved XMAS cards if ordered from as before November 15th. We invite your inspection of the new display catalogues to be found at our State 'Street store. A Fine Selection of Quality Stationety at still lower prices. Come in and 'Browse'. "At Both Ends of the Campus' Your Patronage Sincerely Appreciated Slater's T o Campus Dookstores FA ____-____-_________-___.____.____.. Gigantic $40,000 Reorganization Furnishings .WaHats - Caps FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING Mr. Wodhoms is retiring from this firm. Now come this the greatest sale in the history o this city. 11 It's a good number to keep in mind* You'll want it if you've a book, or ey or fountain pen, then if you've by chance FOUND a coat, a badge, or hat wil help to find the owner. But that isn't all. If you would like to Other College CAMPU SES By W00P CONWAY SING SING got even with the Port Jervis cops this year. The prison boys beat the police 7=0 at their annual game last Sunday. According to reports, the largest crowd in history watched Cap- tain Jumbo (Powerhouse) Moran lead his prison- mates to a victory over their traditional rivals from the neighboring station. Joe Hayes, Brooklyn check artist, sprinted 41 yards for the only touch- down of the game, and Alabama Pitts, all-Amer- ican star from last year, kicked the extra point. It was a big day for many of the old grads who returned with bottles in true collegiate fashion. FRATERNITY affiliation has at least one asset- fifteen fraternity pins were found in Los An- geles pawn shops last week. *I* * GARBED in pajamas and bathrobes, Georgetown university students set out last Friday night to tell President Hoover that they were going to beat New York University the next day. After marching two miles to the White House, they were pulled in by police and booked on a variety of charges, ranging from parading without a permit to violating traffic ordinances. The Oklahoma Daily says regarding the matter: "The President had better take advantage of his chance and re- ceive all the guests he can. There are rumors Thursday Morning Specials STORE OPENS AT 9 O'CLOCK I Up to 35c Fancy Sox . Up to 50c Fancy Sox. 50c Hickok Garters B.V.D. Union Suits..... 1.00 Athletic Unions Up to $2.00 Pajamas ... Up to $1.50 Men's Shirts Men's Caps to $2.00 .. 1 Oc White Hdkfs Odd-lot $1 .00 Neckwear. Arrow Collars......... Van Husen Collars .... Men's $1.50 Unions. Chalmers Unions...... To.75c ShirtsShorts-... . .3 for $.100 To $3.00 Pigskin Gloves $ 17c .27c 29c 69C .59c 95c 87c 69C .6 29c .19,C .19C 89c .69C 35c P.,85 MEN'S TAN TRENCH COATS. MEN'S $15.00. LEATHER COATS. 5,195 MENS FALL SUITS1375 MEN'S SUITS UP TO $35.00 18.75 11 MEN'S SUITS 21 UP TO $40.00 $4.001 $7.50 Up to Up to Up to Up to Corduroy Slacks. . $2.95 Silk Robes. . . . $3.95 $2.00 Shirts. . ..$1.15 $2.50 Shirts... $1.29 $2.00 Sweaters . . .95c $2.50 Sweaters. $1.95 QVERCO ATS SOLD TO $25.00 OVERCOATS SOLD TO $30.00 16.85 a room, or have one rented, the same little number will do it. A kit of other things too ... try it i1-chigran Daily C assifieds OVERCOATS 19 RI Ali 11 I M I