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September 20, 1932 - Image 16

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-09-20

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-T-E--M---- --........LY............

miClhigan .Co-operiv'I-ie l b o a 1' d i a g
house, as it will be known, may do so
for the price of $2.50 per week. Such
students will not be asked to do
work. 'Typical restaurant jobs will be
assigned to those working for their
The boarding house is strictly a
non-profit organization, Quraishi de-
clared, having as it purpose the re-
duction of living costs in Ann Arbor.
Since it will cater to students who
would not otherwise be able to re-
main in Ann Arbor, it is in no sense
competing with householders.
Independence w i 11 be preserved
from all other campus organizations,
Quraishi said.
A dancing floor is available, and
musicians may be obtained for lunch-
eon and dinner dancing.
Rooming House Asks
$1.50 Rent Per Week
Third among the three units de-
signed to lower the cost of living at
the University is the Michigan Co-
operative rooming house, which will
give lodging to about 14 men for
$1.50 a week. Upperclassmen and
graduate students alone are eligible.
No suitable building has yet been se-

Socialists A yaii to Operate
Co-o te Li v Book Exchange
Again offering an opportunity to student with books for sale takes
all students to purchase used text- them to the sales headquarters and
books, the Student Socialist Club will marks them according to the price
begin receiving books for sale to-nor- he expects to receive for them. The
row at Lane Hall, according o an club offers them for sale to any other
announcement made by Zeldon S. student, deducting 10 per cent of the
Cohen, '33, who will be in charge of sale receipt cost of maintaining the
the exchange. exchange.
"We fostered this plan and first "We would appreciate any dona-
put it into effect at the time of mid- tions of student labor," Cohen an-
semester examinations two years nounced. "We will begin to receive
ago," Cohen said. "Under the plan the books in large quantities Wednes-
we believe that the student seiling day and will begin sale next Monday,
the books receives more and the stu- opening with classes. The sale will
dent buying pays less than is true at last about two weeks, or until sub-
the Ann Arbor bookstores." sequent notice."
This is the first time that the plan
has been effected in the fall, Cohen McCallumFlynn
said. It is a co-operative, non-profit ai F
organization. Under its plan, the f,, V;1

ary- treasurer of tI icclub. le will I
succeed Miss Lilly Kohl, who re-
signed last spring.
At the same time Professor Gris-
more announced the appointment of
Miss Bertha Flynn, of Tulsa. Okla.,
to the office of assistant director.
The new director is widely known
in state educational and institu-
tional administration circles. Her
experience was obtained at Northern
Aate Teachers College, University of
Chicago, Columbia University, and
other institutions.
Miss Flynn will come here directly
from supervising a Tulsa high school
cafeteria. She has had teaching ex-
perience also and obtained her un-
dergraduate training at Kansas State
Agricultural College, and took her
graduate work at Iowa State College
and Columbia University. She will
replace Miss Maude Miller, resigned.

C'ri tiy finishes h1'rd
In 1500-Meter Swim
Dick Degener placed third in the
low board diving. The young Mich-
igan star missed the high board team
by a slight margin but demonstrated
his ability on the low board. His
teammate, Jim Cristy, was the first
American to finish in the 1500-meter
swinm, placing third. He swam be-
hind two Japanese stars for his
points. Coach Matt Mann had ex-
pected Degener's fine showing but
was "highly pleased" with Cristy's.
In the preliminaries Cristy smash-
ed the existing record for the long
1wim but in the finals the two Jap-
anese stars set his aside in favor of
their own new record.
Purdue university at Lafayette,
Ind., is 63 years old.

lected by the students, headed by
Quraishi, who will manage the house.
Laundry and barber service will be
available, and an attempt will be
made to weld the students into a
unified co-operative body. Odd jobs
will be available for members of this

Appointed. to rin
Posts at Law Club
Miss Della McCallum, of Mar-
quette, will be the new director in
charge of the Lawyers Club, it has
been announced by Prof. Grover C.
Grismore of the Law School, secre-

II ____ 1




Eat and Sleep

Gym Suits


Wand Ball





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