Y, OCT. 25, 1932 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Fay Reports In Uniform; Light Drill For Team V a r s i t y Romps Through Easy Workout; Holds Touch Football Game McClintock Injured' Play Of Petoskey At Full Saturday Makes Coach Wonder About Backs Yesterday afternoon saw the old Ferry Field gridiron virtually turned into a playground as Michigan's Var- sity squad went through a session of touch football without supervision by coaches. A wealth of talent was uncovered in the drill, as linemen flashed some dazzling runs and passes, while Harry Newman and Herm Everhardus shone at the line of scrimmage. Wistert Throws Passes Whitey Wistert was tossing aerials some forty yards down the field to guards and tackles made eligible as receivers by touch football rules, while the Newman to Everhardus combination was as effective as ever. 'Mitch' Regeczi and Ivy Williamson failed to put in an appearance due to pressure of classwork, but Ted Petos- key and Willis Ward were in their element, with plenty of speed as an asset in the open game. The fact that the practice was a light one points to the fact that Coach Harry Kip- ke is afraid of o v e r - condition- ing. Stanley Fay, recipient of a bad bruise in the Ohio State game a week __ ago was back in uniform again yes- terday, while the other cripple of the Columbus fray, Jack Heston, was FAV on south Ferry-Field looking on and limping around with his broken leg in a cast. Kipke Has Problem Fay's presence at the workout in uniform raises a problem for Kipke to solve. The backfield in the Illi- nois game Saturday clicked, and Ted Petoskey's shift from end to full- back seemed so amply justified that it is a matter of controversy whether he will again play in the line. Fay, however, will probably be out for an- other week. If /he should return, it seems doubtful as to whether Ever- hardus or Regeczi would hold down the other halfback post. On South Ferry Field, a scrimmage took place between a group of substi- tutes and a freshman eleven, with the subs holding a decided edge. Mc- Clintock, a tackle, suffered a broken nose during the fray, the only in- jury of the session. He was uncon- scious for several minutes. Women's Field Hockey Tourney Opens Today First round play in women's intra- mural hockey before actual elimina- tions begin will be well under way by this afternoon. Three games have been scheduled for 4 p. m. Kappa Kappa Gamma and Adelia Cheever meet to test their strength, Kappa Delta will play Jordan Hall, and Gamma Phi Beta takes on Bet- sey Barbour. The 4 o'clock games will start at 4:15 and the 5 o'clock games at 5:10. Wednesday at 4 p. m. Alpha Phi will play Helen Newberry, Sorosis will meet Zeta Tau Alpha, and Tri Delt is carded to face Alpha Omi- cron Pi. At 5 p. m. Alpha Epsilon Phi and Chi Omega will play off their encounter, and Martha Cook and Pi Phi will take the field. According to Miss Marie Hartwig, any girls who are taking interclass hockey for gym credit must take in- tramural work too. Any women un- afiliated with any team may come out to 'Palmer Field at 5 p. m. Wed- nesday when independent teams will be organized. JUST RECEIVED Large Shipment SNAP BRIM HATS $ 95. in all the new shades. Man to man, this wonderful hat news is spreading. Out-Smarts Illini From the PRESS BOX By John Thomas NEWS from Ohio State says that in the week before the Michigan game, Gailus and Cramer, Ohio's star guard and quarterback, ran against each other for Junior Class President. The battle definitely split the squad into two factions. At that time the Buckeyes had been tied by Indiana and was more or less a losing ball-club which can be split up easier than a winning one can. Michigan's coaches are more than "well satisfied" that in the forthcoming Senior elections no foot- ball player is involved. The Wolve- rines have too good a ball club to be broken up or divided unto itself by fraternity and non-fraternity politics, or by anything in fact. However, Captain Ivan Williamson once served as president of the class of 1933, in his sophomore year. We asked him who his candidate was this MAR F M]A .() Photo Michigan's brilliant quarterback Harry Newman, in addition to stellar mechanical play, has out-generaled four great quarterbacks, Jerry Jones George Potter, Carl Cramer and Cap- tain Gil Berry, in the games to date. Iowa To Go East For Night Game With Washington IOWA CITY, Oct. 24.-Stepping into the last half of the 1932 sched- ule with the first eastern trip in a decade-a jaunt to the nation's cap- itol for a game with George Wash- ington university-is the next move of the University of Iowa football team. This game with the Colonials at Washington, D. C. not only ,is the first combat on the Atlantic seaboard for a Hawkeye team since the vic- torious invasion of Yale in 1922 but also is the initial night football game for an Old Gold eleven. Only three workouts before board- ing the train for the east await the Iowans. The squad of 33 men departs Wednesday afternoon, arrives in Washington about 24 hours later, and plays Friday night. Last season, the easterners came to Iowa stadium where they were, shut out, 7 to 0, when Iowa secured its only touchdown and registered its sole victory of 1931. Now George Washington appears stronger, having won three of four .games up to last Saturday. Coach Ossie Solem probably will retain about the same lineup which started the Minnesota game. Faced by a heavy line of veterans, the Hawkeye running attack may be somewhat impeded, so the coach will polish the passes since green men, not educated in defense, predominate in the Washington backfield. year, as he seems to be the est man in the class and he "John Townsend." H* * MICHIGAN N Player Times G Newman .......8 Petoskey ......23 1 Everhardus ... .18 Westover ...... 2 Regeczi ........5 Oliver......... 2 DeBaker .......5 ILLINOIS Net lain 14 197 105 11 8 1 27 Net Gain 21 19 -3 -4 -3 -1 strong- replied, Avge. 1.75 8.5 6. 5.5 1.33 .5 5.4 Avge. 3. 2.7 Capt. Howell I May Not Run Against State Cross Country Leader Is Nursing Injured Leg; Hoyt Lauds Brother Capt. Bill Howell, of the Varsity cross country team, may be unable to take part in Saturday's meet with3 Michigan State, because of a bad leg.1 He ran in the meet against the De- troit Y. M. C. A. last Saturday, against the advise of Coach Charley; Hoyt, who said he shouldn't have4 run, but left the decision up to him.; Hoyt was not at all surprised when he ran sixth, beaten by five men whom he could ordinarily defeat with1 ease. Asked for a statement regard-1 ing Howell's condition, today, Hoyt was non-commital, refusing to say that the captain was definitely out of the State meet, but did say that he would not work out last night or for some days. Rod Does Well Rod Howell, Bill's younger brother, upheld the honor of the family by finishing fourth in the good time of 16:03. Hoyt is auite enthusiastic about his sophomore star and pre- dicts that he will be as good, if not better, than Bill in a year or two. The only other newcomer to finish in the money was Archie McMillan, who ran seventh in 16:41. Although this is his first year on the squad, he is a junior since he attended a junior col- lege in New York state for a year and a half before coming here in 1931. Hoyt, yesterday, started all of his runners, except Bill Howell, working out in preparation for the dual meet with Michigan State, that will be run over a three and a half mile course, here, Saturday morning. State de- feated Butler last week, 23 to 32, tak- ing first, fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth. They seem to have a well balanced team with an outstanding star in Thomas Ottey. According to Hoyt, Ottey, although he is only a sopho- more, is a man of about thirty. He has been prominent in distance run- ning circles for some years, having run for the Meadowbrook Athletic' club of Philadelphia for six or seven years as well as having competed in the Olympic tryouts last year in the 10,000 meter event. Interfraternity Dual Swimming Starts Tonight Lambda Chi Alpha MNeets Psi Upsilon In Initial Swimming Contest Fraternity dual swimming contests will get under way at 7:30 p. m. to- night at the Intramural Pool when last year's champions, Lambda Chi Alpha, meet Psi Upsilon. The other swimming meets tonight, at 8:30 p. m., will be between Chi Phi and Phi Gamma Delta, and Phi Mu Alpha and Theta Xi. These swim meets consist of five events: the 25-yd. free style swim, the 25-yd. breast stroke, the 25-yd. backstroke, the 100-yd. relay, and a diving contest. Lambda Chi Alpha, last year's win- ning team, is handicapped this year by the loss of four of their outstand- ing performers : Richard Snyder, Robert Snyder, John Kagay, and Ray Schaubel. Along with the swimming meets, water polo games are on the Sched- ule. Theta Chi, champions for the last four years, have entered another strong team this year and meet Delta Kappa Epsilon in the first game to- night. SATURDAY'S STATISTICS He Diagrams Plays While Worrying Over Fate Of Wolverines Scouting games for Michigan is not an easy job but rather it is a lot of hard work according to Benny Oosterbaan. After helping coach the team all week it is rather hard to leave the day of the games. Ooster- baan says that he has been lucky, in that during all the games that he has scouted the first half of the Michigan games have been available before the game has started, because most of those games have been play- ed on Central Standard time while Michigan has played under Eastern Standard. Michigan scores have always been a source of anxiety to "Benny" when he has been out of town at a game; if they don't come in on time he is Scouting No Pipe, Benny Says; Totgh Leaving Day of Game a little worried untilvhe hears every- thing is all right with the "boys." So far this year Oosterbaan has scouted Northwestern, Princeton, and Minn- esota. In the scouting of a game a coach must be alert and able to see and in- stantly classify the plays the team he is scouting uses. After he has diagnosed the plays he must be able to diagram them correctly. To get each play diagrammed and to get every man's part in the play. "Ben- ny," because of experience on the gridiron is able to do this more cap- ably than most scouts by use of these diagrams of the opposing teams plays the Varsity has been prepared for almost every trick in their op- ponents' offense. All real estate assessments for tax- ation purposes in Jackson, Miss., will be cut 25 per cent this year. Player Time Berry ......... 7 Yanuskus ..... 7 Froschauer.... 4 Walser ........ 1 Beynon ........1 Snavely ........1 iowTo AVow BONER: s r First Downs ... By Rushing .... By Passing .. By Penalties'. Yards Gained Mich. Ill. . .......... 14 4 ..........11 1 . . . . . 3 3 .0 0 MONOTONY is THE CUSTOM OF HAVING ONLY ONE. WIFE H E AVEN have pity on the poor lad! He also thinks parapet is a tropical bird. But where there's life there's hope. If somebody will introduce Bill Boner to a good pipe and good tobacco, per- haps he'll improve. You see, a pipe helps a man concentrate, think right. And be sure you fill his pipe with Edgeworth Smoking Tobacco. As you know, Edgeworth has proved to be the favorite smoke at 42 out of 54 leading colleges. Ah! There's a smoke for you! Notice how that blend of fine old burleys helps you think out a diffi- cult problem. See how cobwebs fly from a tired brain on its fragrant wisps of curling blue smoke! Edgeworth is available everywhere in two forms-Edgeworth Ready- Rubbed and Edgeworth Plug Slice. All sizes-15ยข pocket package to pound humidor tin. Want to try before you buy? Write for free sam- ple packet. Address Larus & Bro. Co., - - 120 South 22d St., Richmond, Va. * DID Michigan really find itself, or was Illinois unusually weak, es- pecially in open-field tackling? This is the question that is making the rounds among the close followers of the team. Was something wrong with the fundamentals that Illinois carried into battle or was the addition of Pe- toskey and possibly Everhardus also, the turning point? Perhaps Illinois was weak on blocking and tackling but we strongly suspectathat it marked the development of Michigan's dormant running attack. In the first place, the line opened holes that Petoskey and his mates could have pushed wagons through. Wistert, Austin, Ko- walik, Savage, and Bernard were outcharging and outplaying the Illini forwards to such an ex- tent that it made the line play look easy for Michigan. * * * Illinois held Northwestern for quite a spell in their game but against Michigan they folded-up before the first quarter was over. At least this is what it looked like although the players themselves said after the game that the Suckers were fighting for eevry inch. The Princeton team may decide these matters definitely. JOHN REGECZI has recently been the proud recipient of a nickname. "Mitch" is the new label that arose when he answered that the Univer- sity that he played for was, "Mitch- igan." By Rushing .............339 By Passing .............90 Passes Attempted ........11 Passes Completed ........5 Passes Incomplete ........2 Passes Intercepted .......1 Number of Punts ........ 10 Yardage ................457 Average................45 Yards Returned .........40 Yards Returned Kickoffs .190 Fumbles ................ 3 Fumbles Recovered....... 1 Time Outs .............. .4 28 85 18 6 11 4 13 455 35 94 13 3 5 8 EDGEWORTH SMOKING TOBACCO Penalties ...............30 25 Wolves By Conceded Title Illinois Followers CHAMPAIGN-URBANA, Ill., Oct. 24-(Special)-Their first-hand view of Michigan's team has greatly im- pressed the Illinois followers, who are willing, on the basis of what happen- ed to them, to concede Michigan the Big Ten championship. "Michigan's football team is not pennant bound. It is as good as there already. The power of its line, the accuracy of its aerial attack, the finesse of its block- ing was never more conclusively dem- onstrated than by the decisive defeat of Illinois' willing but out-classed eleven," is the verdict they give. CALL COURT MANAGERS There is still a chance to try out for the post of basketball manager, according to J. Noud Kelly, present manager. Those eligible are sopho- mores or second-semester freshmen. Anyone inteersted is asked to report at the Intramural building at 7:30 any night this week. EN AVANT' A A At At ora forwad A A An A Burr, Patterson & Auld Co. Detrot, Michigan & WaIIerville, Ontario A AA A For your convenience A nnArbo rStore A 603 Church St. FRANK OAKES Msr err 'INCE 1848, STATE STREET Fine Shoes--lower prices Variety of style is noticeable in men's shoes this fall. The universally worn broad-toe, Scotch- grain Oxford has been replaced by trim cordo- van wing tips, plain toe Scotch grains, with I, 4 III t n - , -and raw tobaccos have no place in cigarettes They are not present in Luckies ... the mildest cigarette you ever smoked WE buy the finest, the very finest tobaccos in all the world-but that does not explain why folks every- where regard Lucky Strike as these fine tobaccos, after proper aging and mellowing, are then given the benefit of that Lucky Strike purifying process, described by the words-"It's toasted". That's why folks in every city, town and hamlet say that Luckies , - . . IL -r U U d1 ;I I