THE MICHIGAN DAILY TI )AY, -- . '£ E 3 room for additional passengers. Glid r Club W sBu V DAILY lFF ,IA JL BULLETINAlpha Nu meeting Tuesday, Oct. Four Awards t, er is Publioation in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the 25, in the Alpha Nu rooms, fourthP7itfonl As University. Copy received at the qflce of the Assistant to the President until floor Angel Hall. The program will 'C° etiu r hi i i 3:30; 11:30 a. m. Saturday. consist of two talks to be given by usi VbL. XLII TUESDAY, OCTOBER 25,1932 No. 26 LPhi Sigma, national literary frater- Attending the Akron Gliding meet, NOTICES nity of whicli Alpha Nu is the local held last Sunday in Akron, Ohio, the chapter, and Joe. Zias, President of University of Michigan Gliding So- Columbia UniVerSity Head Boston Symphony Orchestra Program: The Boston Symphony Orches- the Student Council. There will also ciety emerged with four prizes. tra, 110 players, Serge Koussevitzky, Conductor, will give the following pro- be a short discussion to decide the An altimeter, valued at $50 and the Addresses Institute On gram, Tuesday evening at 8:15 o'clock, Hill Auditorium, in the Choral Union topic for the humorous debate with highest prize awarded, was brought Ideals In Political Life Series. The public is especially requested to be seated on time as the doors Athena. All persons interested in back to Ann Arbor by the members. _ _ will be closed during numbers. Prokofieff: "Classical" Symphony, Op.~25, speech activity are cordially invited The altimeter will be used in the So- NEW YORK, Oct. 24.-Addressing 1 Allegro, II Larghetto, III Gavotte, IV Finale; Debussy: Two Nocturnes, to attend. ciety's glider. Ix addition to they dnrh ng _______ przethre exra rizs wre on.a capacity audience at the opening Nuages, Fetes; Strauss: Tone Poem "Don Juan" Op. 20 (after Lenaw): All the prizes given at the meet con- lecture of the Institute of Arts and Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 5 in E minor, Op. 64, I Andante, II Andante Adelphi, literary forensic societystAtltedzgien e tuhpmet od - Sciences, Dr. Nicholas Murray But- cantabile, con alcuna licenza, III Valse (Allegro moderato), IV Finale: regular meeting at 7:30 p. mjin ther nstuted glider equipment of dinther roos o th forthflor o Anellent kinds. The equipment won inth ler, president of Columbia University, Andante maestoso; Allegro vivace. rooms on the fourth floor of Angell contest will be used in an airplanephophesied the doom of prohibition. Holders of season tickets are respectfully requested to detach coupon Hall. A varied program including tow, to be held next Sunday at the Speaking on Ideals in American No. I "Boston Symphony Orchestra" from their tickets befolre leaving home try-out speeches-Everyone welcome. Ann Arbor airport. Political Life," Dr. Butler traced the and to present only this coupon for admision. Tau Beta Pi Dinner Meeting: Six members, all instructors in g o e polica i ,- gidig, eprsened te Uivesit. 'tutions. "Government and liberty are Michigan Union at 6:15 p. m. It s gliding, represented the University. the fundamental ideals of American Tickets For The Boston Symphony Orchestra Concert may be purchas- epcal motn htalatv Prof. R E. Franklin of the Depart- pltcllf, esi,"n ai- especially important that all active pProf.cR. E.fFranklinidof"the Depart- ed at $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, and $2.50 each. Tickets for the ten concerts in the members be there. ment of Mechanical Engineering, N. poliicy ldjes"mhetsaide"andhamsatis Choral Union Series at $6.00, $8.00, $10.00 and $12.00 each at the office of ___ H. McDowell, '33, president of the cory adjustmen bem e- comes the increasing problem of each the School of Music on Maynard Street. Sigma Delta Chi will meet in the Society, E. B. Marshall, '33, Stanley generation." Union at 12:15.j Smith, '34, Richard Bollock, '34, and Unnion ate12:'33.Referring to the popularly-conceiv- University Broadcasting: "The Behavior of Young Children" Dr. Mar- Ben Labaree 33 _t-- ed notion that "few things hav been guerite Wilker. 2 P. m. today over WJR. Zeta Phi Eta: All active and registered for a course in table serv- taken out of the Constituion," Dr. pledges are requested to be present at ing at the Michigan League will meet Butler maintained that many doc- Choral Union Ushers: Report at Hill Auditorium by 7:15 p. m. tonight 7:30 to hear try-outs for member- Wednesday, October 26, at 7. p. in., trines have been repudiated and that for the first concert ship. Plans will be completed for the Michigan League Building. See bul- "another amendment will be remov- children's play on Nov. 19, at this letin board for room assignment. ed before long. Furthermore," con- All women, old and new students, who are eligible to become active meeting. - tinued the learned scholar, "prin- lemibers of 'WA AK. are asked to report to the W.A.A. office in the League .appa Tau Alpha will have its first ciples of the Constitution should be to pay membership dues for 1932-33. Office hours: Monday, Friday 3:30, Transportation Club Meeting at meeting of the school year this eve- maintined, but they must reflect the 4:O; Tuesday, Thursday sfrom 130-5 inclusive; Wednesday from 2-4. 7:30 p. in., Room 1213 East Engineer- ning at 6 o'clock in the cafeteria tempo of the times. Nothing that is :0;_dyTudy___3-nc _ s ring Bldg. All members and anyone room of the League. Plans for future good can be still, least of all govern- All women who have previously earned W.A.A. points are requested to interested please attend- -eetings will be formulated,- men. check up on the number of their points with the Point Recorder in the U of Mich Committee for the Na- - W.A.A. office in the League, Tuesday or Thursday from 3-5 on or before tional Student Congress Against War Iovember 8. Any unrecorded points from last year not reported by this will meet at 4:15 in Lane Hall. Chriset ti :a ein e RE MN ' day will become void. _______ Christian S cie ii c aeorganization Notice: The box office for "The Adding Machine" will be open at the meets at eight o'clock this evening DINING ROOM in the Chauel of the Michigan League I , CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Place advertisements with Classified Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214, The classified columns close at three o'clock previous to day of insertion. Box numbers may be secured at no extra charge. Cash in advance-11c per reading line on basis of .five average words to line) for one or two insertions. Minimum 3 lines per Insertion. 10c per reading line for three or more insertions. Telephone rate--lye per reading line for one or two insertions. 14c per reading line for three or more inisertions. 10c discount if paid within ten days from the dlat" of last insertion. Minimum three lines pertinsertion. By contract per line-2 lines daily, one month.....................8c 4 lines E. O.D., 2 months..........8 2 lines daily, college year.........7c 4 lines E.O. D., college year ...... .'c 100 lines used as desired.........9c 300 lines used ass desired.........8c 1,000 lines used as desired.........7c 2,000 lines used as desired........ 6 The above rates are per reading 1 w, based on eight ieadling lines per inch. Ionic type. upper and lower case. Add 6c per line to above rates for alla pi- tal letters. Add 6c pia rline to above for bold face, upper and lower case Add 10c per line Lt above rates for bold face capital letters. The above rates are for 71,Z point FOR RENT FOR RENT-Large front room withj four windows. 1125 White St. Near campus. Very reasonable. Phone 8587. 85 FOR RENT-Near campus and Hos- pital. Three-room apartment beau- tifully furnished including lights, gas, electric refrigeration, garage. Price greatly reduced. Phone 3713 or 5792. FOR SALE IT IS NOT too early to order Christ- mas cards. Our greeting cards de- partment is large and complete. Francisco Boyce, 719 N. Univ. 29 WANTED WANTED-Ride to Marquette or vi cinity. Call C. Unger. 5929 before Sunday evening. W3 WASHING and ironing. Called for and delivered. Silks and woolens guaranteed satisfactory . 23478 611 Hoover. 15c CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY WANTED - Student and family washing. Phone 3006 6c LAUNDRY-Soft water, 21044. Towels free. Socks darned. 13c WANTED-Student laundry. Good work at reasonable rates. Mending free. Called for and delivered. Dial 4929. 81 STUDENT LAUNDRY-Good soft water, Will call for and deliver. Sure satisfaction. Telephone 4863. 12c W A N T E D-Student and family washing, rough dry or ironed. Rea- sonable, call for and deliver. Phone 5118. 14c NOTICE EAT-MEAL tickets $5.50 for $4.50. Lunches 25c, 30c, 40c. All steak dinners 40c. Forest Restaurant 538 Forest Ave. 25 ATTENTION!-Have your shoe re- pairing and hat blocking done at Liberty Shoe Repair Shop, 622 E. Liberty. 26 UPHOLSTERING REPAIRING Re- finishing. We specialize in Univer- sity and fraternity work. Johnke Yph Co. 334 E. Huron Ave. Phone 23730. 28c NEW HOME LAUNDRY-Liberty at Maynard. Free mending and darn- ing. Collars and cuffs reversed. Opening special, 12c a shirt cash and carry. Dial 8894. 8C STUDENTS' Laundry by experienced Laundress. Prices reasonable. Will call for and deliver. Stockings done free. Call 116 and ask for 769F13. 9 . WALKER'S Home Laundry-Student laundry a specialty. Terms very reasonable. Dial 4776. We call for and deliver. 7c A9 ,Laboratory Theatre from 10 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. every dlay through riay. Black Quill will continue to accept manuscripts for tryouts (from all but first semester freshmen) until Thursday of this week. Time cannot -be extended further. Please put phone number on your paper. Manuscripts may be sent to 1236 Washtenaw Ave., (or) left at League desk. University Men and Women: Bridge lessons will begin Wednesday, October 26, at 8 p. m., Michigan League Building. 10 lessons for $2.25. For further information call Miss McCormick, Michigan League. Faculty and Wives: Bridge lessons will begin Wednesday, October 26, at 8 p. m., Michigan League Building. 10 lessons for $2.25. For further in- formation call Miss McCormick, Michigan League. Sophomore Cabaret: Tryouts will be from 4-6 p. m. Tuesday and Wed- nesday at the League. See bulletin board at League for room. Night Registration at the Michigan Union Tuesday and Wednesday Oct. -25 and 26, 7-9 p. m. All those who have not yet procured their Union Membership cards may get them during the above hours. building. All faculty and students interested are invited to attend. Bookshelf and Stage Section of the Faculty Woman's Club will meet with Mrs. J. M. Cork, 2034 Day St.,2:45 p. m. All members of the section are urged to attend. Michigan Dames: The dm tics group will hold its first meeting at 8:00 p. m.,, Michigan League. Any member of the Michigan Dames is cordially invited to attend. COMING EVENTS Quarterdeck Society will meet in room 340, West Engineering Build- ing, at 7:30 Wednesday evening, Oc- tober 26. Michigan Dames: Book Section will meet at the Michigan League Wednesday, Oct. 26, at 8:00 p. m. Room will be posted on the bulletin board. This meeting is for the pur- pose of making plans for the year, so bring your ideas. All wives and mothers of students are welcome. Table Serving Class: Students Who 1MAJESTICI One Block North from Hill Auditorium WEEKLY RATES Lunchand Dinner . . . . . . . . . $4.50 Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. . $6.00 Lunch 30C Dinner 50c Sunday Dinner 6ce PROMPT SERVICE - EXCELLENT FOOD Serving Michigan Men and Women for the Twenty-ninth Year ---------- 7 t 4l 1 ARTISTIC piano tuning. Kempf Music Studios, 312 South Division. Phone X328. Official tuning, Mich. Union, Mich. League, Lawyers' Club, Martha C o o k Dormitory, Betsy Barbour House, Helen New- berry Residence, Moser - Jordan Halle and many fraternrities a n d sororities. 27 4 I' - I I -ii Political Science 108: The make-up final examination will be held in Room 2032 A.H. today at 2:00 p. m. Polish literature class meets each Tuesday at 7 p. m. in room 1300 of the East Engineering Building. Polish language class meets each Wednes- day at 7 p. m. in the same room. A. P. Gwiazdowski LECCTURES Prof. Dr. Heber Curtis, Director of the Observatory will give an illus- trated lecture on "The Contribution of the Stars" today at 4:15 in Natural Science Auditorium. The Public is invited. University Lectures: Professor Allardyce Nicoll, of the University of London, is to give the following lectures in the Lydia Mendelssohn Thea- tre: Wednesday, October 26, at 4:15 p. in., "Sentimental Comedy"; Thurs- day, October 27, at 4:15 p. m., "Eighteenth Century Comedy, the Licensing Act and the Newspapers." The public is invited. University Lecture: Professor Ojvind Winge, of the Royal Veterinary Agricultural College, Copenhagen, Denmark, will lecture on the subject "The Genetics of the Millionsfish," Friday, October 28, at 4:15., Natural Science Auditorium. The public is cordially invited. EVENTS TODAY Physics Colloquium: Dr. K. G. Emeleus of the University of Belfast will tak on "Negative Sections of the Cold Cathode Clow Discharge," at 4;15, in Room 1041, East Physics Building. All interested are cordially invited to attend. Professor R. V. Southwell, of Oxford University, will give a general lec- -1 .T C 1 - Today-I "DOCTOR X" FAY LEE WRAY TRACY Michigan Daily Gave It 4 Stars! I r STARTING TO-MORROW ! NEGRI..ncarnation of drama at its hgest ritche DON'T FAIL TO FOLLOW THE REST OF THE GAMES IN THE COLUMNS OF THE MICHIGAN DAILY COMPLETE STATISTICS and up to Date Summaries of Other Games Are Also Carried in These Live Wire AP Columns. I 4 I in "drama of romance and i-pectacke A WOfllAn COmmAnDS 'BASIL RATHBONE 'Sin Takes a Holiday R OLAND YOUNG The Guardsman'H. B. WARh'ER Five Star Final'. 'FOR YO ...NEGRI PLAYS WITH ALL HER IMPASSIONED BRILLIANCE... EXTR LAUREL & HARDY TRY THE DAILY For its Campus News, its Feature Columns, its Society Page, its Appealing Ads - or Maybe Just to Read The D.o.lB. -AND- Best of All - Students - Why Not Send The Daily Home to The Family. Do it by Phone. Just Call 2-1214. FOR The Michigan Daily IIII 11111 I II I