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October 25, 1932 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-10-25

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The Weather
Cloudiness, showers by night
and on Wednesday; colder.




The Council Tries Out-of-
Date Magic; We Commend the
Interfraternity Council.



Plans Finished
For University

Leader Of Orchestra

Press Meetin;
Prepare Varied Program
Speeches By Prominer
Journalists Featured
Brumm To Present
Own Political Satir
Opening Session Devote
To Economic Parley
Sharf man To Presid
Plans for the fourteenth annu
meeting of the University Press Clu
of Michigan to be held in Ann Arbc
Nov. 10, 11, and 12 are virtuall
complete, according to a statemer
yesterday by Prof. John L. Brumn
head of the journalism departmen
and secretary-treasurer of the clu
Prominent Men to Talk
A varied program of speeches an
discussions has been arranged, feat
uring addresses by prominent news
paper men from all parts of th
country. One of the high-lights o
the convention will be the presenta
tion of a new play written by Pro
fessor Brumm especially for the oc
casion, a political satire entitled "Th
Mayor's Husband." Play Productio
students, under the direction of Prof
Valentine B. Windt, will present th
production Friday evening, Nov. 11
immediately after the banquet.
Among the speakers who have beer
engaged are Paul Y. Anderson, o
the Washington bureau of the St
Louis Post-Dispatch, Carl Mage
editor of the Oklahoma News; Mar-
len Pew, editor of "Editor and Pub.
lisher;" and J. C. Beukema, executiv
secretary of the Michigan Council 01
Government Expenditures.
The opening session will be devotec
to discussions of "The New Economic
Outlook." The speakers will be Prof
I. L. Sharfman, head of the depart-
ment of economics, and his associ-
Ruthven Will Speak
At the Thursday evening banquet,
President A. G. Ruthven will speak
briefly, followed by Dr. Frederick B.
Fisher, whose topic will be "Some
Dynamic Personalities, I H a v e
Prof. James K. Pollock, who has
just returned from Germany, will
make an analysis of Continental po-
litics at the Friday morning session.
Prof. A. S. Aiton of the history de-
partment will provide up-to-date in-
formation about South America.
rince the convention this year will
be held immediately after the elec-
tion, an invitation will be extended
the governor-elect to attend the Sat-
urday morning session and speak on
the topic of the discussion, reduction
of government costs.
Prizes Offered For
House Decorations
F o r Homecoming
Two silver loving cups and $25 in
cash will be given in prizes to the two
houses judged to be the best decorat-
ed during the homecoming week-end,
it was announced last night by
George Lambecht, '34, chairman of
the homecoming committee.
Goldman Brothers will give a lov-
ing cup to the first and second win-
ners, while the Ann Arbor Creamery
and Dairy Co. will award the $25 in
cash to the winner of first place. The
cups are on display at the "M" Hut
now, but will be transferred to the
S. University store of Goldman Bro-
thers sometime this week.

A pep meeting will start the home-
coming program at 8 p. m. Friday,
Speakers for the rally will be an-
nounced later.
The two lower classes will meet att
9 a. m. Saturday the sophomores at
the Water man gymnasium and the
freshmen at the Union, and march
down to Ferry Field.
Judges for the decoration commit-
tee will be announced Thursday,
Lambrecht said.
Conger Names Officers
For Campus Crusaders
Announcement has been made by
S. Beach Conger, director of the re-
search bureau of the Crusaders in

Campus Party
Drives Open
By Caucauses
Washtenaw Group NamesI
Townsend, Dibble; Two'
Choices Are Withheld

Disease Fight
A s Economy
Urges Federal Help For
Contagious Disease Fight
In Talk At Washington

Fair Voting Pledged Roosevelt Speaks
For Wednesday At Georgia Rally

r SyXmphon Y Will
SOpen Concert
. Series Tonight
Appearance Here Is Only
Program In Mid-West
By Boston Orchestra
Dr. Serge Koussevitzky, with his
110-piece Boston Symphony Orches-
tra, will open the Choral Union con-
cert series' at 8:15 p. m. in Hill Au-
' This will be the only appearance
of the orchestra in this section of
ithe middle west during the 1932-33
season. As usual a full schedule in
Boston prevents an extended out of
town tour.
The program will be featured by
a presentation of Tchaikovsky's
"Symphony No. 5 in E minor, Op.
second half of the concert. The eve-
64," which will be played during the
ning will be gin with Prokofiev's
"Classical Symphony, Op. 25," which
will be followed by two nocturnes:
"Nuages" and "Fetes," by DeBussy,
and Strauss' tone poem, "Don Juan,"
Op. 20 (after Lenau)."
The concert of the Boston Sym-
phony will be followed Nov. 2 by
Lawrence Tibbett, noted Metropoli-
tan Opera Company and motion pic-
ture baritone.
This is the Choral Union's fifty-
fourth annual concert series.
Freshmen To Vote On
Game Captain Tonight
A freshman rally to elect a leader
for the class games, to be held on,
Oct. 28 and 29, will take place in the I
Union at 8 o'clock tonight. Members
of the sophomore class will meet
Thursday night to choose their
Prof. John Muyskens, of the speech
department, will give the main talk
of the freshman pep meeting, while
Prof. John L. Brumm, head of the
journalismdepartment, will address
the second year men.
Included in the evening's program
will be wrestling,, fencing and box-
ing matches. Cider and doughnuts
will be served at refreshments.
Local Boy Killed When
Embankment Caves Ii
A tragedy occurred on Sunday
afternoon when Charles Atchison, 12,
was killed by an embankment cav-
ing in on him in a gravel pit behind
the University Hospital. He was the
son of Mrs. Elnora Atchison, of 210
S. Thayer.a

Hoover Sees Famished Varsity Band Calls

Rush, Braun, Johnston,
Schnieler Nominated By
State Street Faction
The campus political circus goes
into full swing at 4 o'clock tomorrow
in the Natural Science Auditorium
with the election of the officers of
the senior class of the Literary Col-I
During the past week, politicians of
the Washtenaw and State Street fac_
tions have been lining up their co- I
horts with the usual promises for
committee chairmanships. Caucuses
of both parties have met and electedt
their tickets.
New Generation Risest
With the graduation of the color-
ful political bosses of last year, a new a
generation of war-horses has come
up to fill the shoes left vacant by
such men as McCormick, Conger,
Gould, Nichol, Kline, and Ryan. d
The Washtenaw group, lead by Jo-t
seph Zias, Morton Frank, and Allanc
Schalzriedt met recently and nomi-
nated two of its candidates: John
Townsend, Sigma Phi Epsilon presi-9
dent, and William B. Dibble, Trigon,
treasurer. The other candidates',
names were withheld until tomorrow.g
The State Street clan, headed byl
John Huss and Robert Fouss, nameda
Charles Rush, Phi Kappa Psi, presi-c
dent; Barbara Braun, Delta Deltae
Delta, vice president; Marjorie John-t
ston, Independent, secretary; andt
John Schmieler, Independent, treas- s
"The Student Council is going to i
show the student body that it canf
carry off a fair election this year,"
said Joseph Zias, president of the
Council. "In order to do this we will
keep everyone, except members of the
Council, out of the room in which we
count ballots."
Balloting will be preceded by at
class meeting tomorrow. All seniors
who are going to vote must presentn
their identification cards before they:
receive a ballot.t
Election Rules Stated t
Rules governing the Literary col- p
lege elections a'e as follows:
1. No person may be nominated forA
office or vote in the elections who is t
not accredited on the University rec- w
ord with the required number of c
hours to be a member of the class for s
which he is a candidate or voting.w
2. Students taking a combinedr
course shall vote in the class elections
of the college in which they are now fi
registered. it
3. Eligibility slips must be present-
ed by all candidates before their l
nominations will be accepted.
4. To obtain a ballot every voter o
must present his University identifi-
cation card.M
5. All literary college elections shall
start at 4 p. m. and continue until
5:45 p. m.
6. There shall be no electioneeringe
in the balloting room. c
Donald E. Davison, 27 years old, t
was burned to death and his comn- n
panion, Richard Sawyer, 25 years old, t
was seriously injured in a fire Sun- g
day which destroyed the Sawyer cot- a
tage at Cavanaugh Lake, about 20
miles northwest of Ann Arbor. C

Democrats Add To Farm
Relief Program With
Ref orestration Plan
WASHINGTON, Oct. 24.-(A)-A
government encouraged campaign
against contagious diseases "as a
constructive measure of public eco-
nomy" was urged tonight by Presi-
dent Hoover in an address before the
opening meeting of the American
Public Health Association.
Saying that he was opposed gener-
ally to federal subsidies to the states,
the President added he regarded con-
tagion an interstate question and had
recommended federal contributions
to such- a cause. He indicated he
would make similar recommendations
in the future.
Dr. Louis I. Dublin, retiring presi-
dent of the association, followed the
President with an address saying that
despite economic doldrums the na-
tion's sickness and death rates are
close to the lowest point in history.
The President, in speaking of the
need of a campaign against conta-
gion, said:
"I am in favor, as a constructive
measure of public economy, of a pro-
gram to be carried out on such wise,
lines, to reduce contagious diseasesa
with government encouragement. If
communicable disease could be reduc-
ed by even one-third, such a reduc-
tion would repay the country more
than a thousand fold its cost, by its
saving of the present losses in pro-
ductive time of workers and its sav-
ing of the present losses to school1
funds by absence from classes."
Roosevelt Opposes A iy
Loan To Foreign Nations
ATLANTA, Ga., Oct. 24.-(A')- 1
Franklin D. Roosevelt tonight said |
the object of the Democratic party
must be "the rebuilding of the ruralt
civilization of America."
Speaking to a crowd of southerners
hat jammed the big Atlanta audi-
orium to the rafters, the Democratic
presidential candidate added:
"I am, moreover, enough of an
American to believe that such a res-
oration of prosperity in this country
will do more to effectuate world re-
overy than all of the promotional
chemes of lending money to back-
ward and crippled countries could do
n generations.
"In this respect, I am for America
Mr. Roosevelt reviewed three of the
oints in the agricultural problem he
laid down in his Topeka and later
peeches and added to them the item
)f reforestation.
"In most of the states east of the
Mississippi it will undoubtedly be de-'
ermined that somewhere between 10
nd 20 per cent of existing farm
creage now used for agriculturalJ
,rops should be abandoned as such
nd converted into use for tree
"The use of the labor of man en-
ers into the picture when.it becomes
necessary to eliminate the less val-
iable types of trees among the young
rowth, to cull out the crooked trees,
nd the decayed trees."
Contnunity Chest Votes
2,000, For StudentAid
The budget committee of the 1932I
'ommunity Chest, under the direc- 1
,ion of Rabbi Bernard Heller, has ap-t
>ropriated $2,000 toward emergencyn
student relief with the approval ofy
he fund trustees, it was learned yes-t
erday. The money will be turned7
ver to the dean of students office, v
tnd the annual fund drive will bejs
ield next month.
The decision of the fund commit-
,ee marks a new departure in the dis-i
ribution of the Community Fundn
)rive proceeds, no appropriation forr
;tudent aid ever having been madef

by the group in the past. i
Among the organizations partici-
>ating in the Community Fund aref
he Salvation Army, the Y. M. C. A.,%
he Y. W. C. A. and other smallerf
;roups. The new appropriation, Rab-
bi Heller said, is being made for thee
purpose of providing students with a Y

Republican Promises 'Fiasco'
Republican campaign promises are, r delay is not quite clear, except that
as far as the Varsity Band is con- word came back to the buses (after
cerned, something of a fiasco; this some anxious telephoning) that "the
is a story of Steak vs. Chow Mein. motorcycle escort can't leave immed-
Saturday afternoon with consid- iately because it would break up our
erable fanfare of trumpets, blaring of: detail."
air horns and screaming of police But finally they came and at a
sirens, the band left the Stadium for, more moderate pace the cavalcade
Detroit, to furnish music for Presi- proceeded along McGraw avenue to
dent Hoover's campaign speech at the portals of the auditorium.
Olympia auditorium. Another wait, while Managers A.
In 45 minutes, thanks to the good Stanley McGaughan and Kenneth
work of two hard-riding State troop- Campbell and Drum-Major Frank O.
ers, the band's three buses had run Riley investigated the probabilities of
all the red lights in two counties and getting the steak dinner the Repub-
were at the Detroit city limits. There licans promised. Evidently they were
they stayed for half an hour pending promises, and just that.
arrival of Detroit police to escort McGaughan's father is Democratic
them to Olympia. In the time they candidate for Register of Deeds in
were waiting for an escort to guard Oakland County; Campbell vowed he
them from the dangers of metropoli- was turning Socialist; Riley frothed
tan traffic they could have driven to at the mouth. No steak.
Olympia and back, easily. And presently came the word-"Do
Who was responsible for the police the bandsmen like chow mein?"
There was a roar, but chow mein is
M ol Talks W th [food and the buses pulled out for a
rI. 'estaurant near West Grand Boule-
vard. And the chow mein vanished
Yvrmost astoundingly under the nimble
!- iY forks of a hundred starving musi-
e e cians.
On Detroit Trip Herbert G. Watkins, assistant sec-.
r__etary of the University and treasur-
er of the band, couldn't make the
President Of University trip but he has heard plenty about
epublican Club With A. He is somewhat irritated, after
Republican'Cu Wt spending an entire afternoon in De-
Brucker Group On Train troit making arrangements which
eventually proved futile.
Martin J. Mol, president of the And maybe there were words in the
Watkins family. Mr. Watkins' bro-
University of Michigan Republican ther, James K. Watkins, '09, is police
club, was a member of Governor commissioner of Detroit and maybe
Wilbur M. Brucker's official party he heard something about the es-
that greeted President Hoover at To- cort's delay.


Daily, Union
Will Conduet
Campus Straw
Vote Nov. 1-2
Results Of Poll Will Be
Published Nov. 3; Part
Of All-University Vote
Throughout Nation
Identification Cards
Must Be Presented
Names Of Four Candidates
To Be Placed On Ballot;
Thomas Expected To Get
Unusually Large Total


ledo, O., and accompanied the chief
executive to Detroit where he deliv-
ered his campaign address Saturday
The Michigan delegation boarded
the private car of the president and
remained with him until his appear-
ance at Olympia, where the address
was given.
Mol said that the president and
Mrs. Hoover chatted freely with,
members of the party and appeared
encouraged over the enthusiastic re-
ceptions they had received along the
way. During the conversation Presi-
dent Hoover inquired about the out-
come of the Illinois-Michigan foot-
ball game and smiled when he was
informed of the result.
When the president was told that
the University of Michigan band was
to play at the Olympia he remarked,
"Let's all hope that they're with the
Victors tonight."
Union Offices To Open
For Night Registration
Night registration for the Union
will take place tonight and Wed-
nesday night, it was announced
yesterday by John W. Lederle,
Union president.
The purpose of permitting regis-
tration in the evening is to allow
those who have been unable to ob-
tain their Union cards during the
day to get them this week, Lederle
T he registration will take place
in the student offices of the Union
from 7 to 9 p. m.-
England Paves
Way For Arms
Pact With U. S.

Brucker Talk
1 Scheduled For
County UG.O.P.
Rep. Michener Will Help
In Rally Wednesday;
Also Plan Rural Meetings
Gov. Wilbur M. Brucker tops the
list of speakers in the Washtenaw
County political campaign this week.
Governor Brucker and Representa-
tive Earl Michener of Adrian will ad-
dress a Republican rally Wednesday
night at the Masonic temple. Pre-
ceding the rally, the governor will be
the guest of honor at a dinner at-
tended by the members of the Wash-
tenaw County Republican committee.
Governor Brucker will speak on state
questions while Rep. Michener will
discuss national issues. The dinner
will begin at 6 p. m., the address at
8 p. m. Don Clement, of Milan, coun-
ty campaign manager, is in charge of
the affair.
Republican Club to Meet
The University of Michigan Re-
publican club will meet at 8 p. m.
Thursday in Room 302 of the Un-
ion, according to an announcement
last night by Del Pfrommer, publi-
city director of the club. A promin-
ent local speaker will be obtained for
the meeting, Pfrommer said, and all
students interested are invited. Plans
for a campus drive during the last
week of the campaign will be discus-
sed at the meeting.
Burke, Moore to Speak
Two rural rallies are planned for
the week, one by the Republicans at
Pleasant Lake on Thursday night
and a joint discussion at Salem Fri-
day night at which George Burke,
local attorney, will represent the
Democrats and Andrew Moore, can-'
didate for state senator, will speak
for the G.O.P. John Lehr, of Mon-
roe, congressional candidate, and Ed-
ward Staebler, former mayor of Ann
Arbor, addressed a Democratic pep
meeting at Manchester last night,
while a Republican crowd at Ypsi-
lanti High School heard Congress-
man Earl Michener and Andrew
Contract Bridge Lecture
To Be Given At League
The first in a series of lectures on
Contract Bridge wil be given from
7:30 to 8:30 tomorrownight at the
League Building. Mr. John Mathis,
who is to give the lectures, comes
here highly recommended as an in-
structor by Ely Culbertson, bridge
expert. Mr. Mathis will teach the
Culbertson system of play. He will be
assisted by his wife,
The lectures will be given every
Wednesday evening at 7:30. The
tickets are priced at $2.25 for the

The Daily, in co-operation with the
Union, will hold an all-campus straw
vote on the presidential election on
Tuesday and Wednesday of next
week, it was announced last night.
Results of the poll will be printed in
The Daily on Thursday, Nov. 3, and
will be used in theal-University poll
which is being conducted in the lead-
ing Universities of the nation.
In order to make the results of the
poll as accurate as possible, identifi-
cation cards must be presented by all
students desiring to cast a ballot and
members of the faculty must be list-
ed in the student directory.
Co-operation Urged
The Daily and the Union combine
in urging everyone connected with
the University to co-operate in order
to make the results truly authentic,
It is believed that, if a large number
of persons vote, the results will be
valuable in showing the political
trend of the section.
The names of-the four outstanding
party nominees, Herbert Hoover,
Franklin D. Roosevelt, N o r m a n
Thomas, and William Z. Foster, will
be placed on the ballot. It will be
necessary for any incorrectly marked
ballots to be confiscated.
Booths for the voting will be plac-
ed at several points on the campus
and will be kept open all day for the
two days of the poll.
Thomas Rated High
Although Michigan, in recent straw
votes, seems to be leaning toward
Roosevelt, authorities on the question
believe that other polls, having been
started before the Hoover campaign
went into full swing, were not truly
Norman Thomas, Socialist party
candidate is expected to receive an
unusually large number of votes with
William Z. Foster, Communist, run-
ning a very poor fourth.
adicalB o o k
Store Refused
University Site
The fight carried on by Michigan
Socialist club to have a newsstand at
which radical literature will be sold
received another serious setback yes-
terday with the alleged refusal by an
administrative authority to allow a
stand to be erected on University
According to a member of the com-
mittee in charge of the sale of the
literature, Shirley Smith, University
Secretary, stated that it was not the
custom to permit student stands to
operate on the campus.
He said,-however, that it would be
possible to petition the Board of Re-
gents on the matter, if the Socialist
club desired to go over his head, the
Socialist stated.
In the meantime, the club is con-
tinuing its battle against the local
police force, which closed its stand
last week after it had been in opera-
tion for only 10 minutes,
Further developments are expect-
ed very soon by the committee. The
American Civil Liberties Union is still
investigating the matter, and a final
report is expected tomorrow, Zeldon
S. Cohen, '33, a member of the com-
mittee, told The Daily last night.
"We are anxious to get the stand
started again since it is one of the
major projects of the club this year,"
Cohen said. "We have invested con-
siderable money and energy indthe
stand and hope that an immediate
solution may be reached upon peace-
able grounds. However we are deter-
mined to see the stand operated,"
Cohen said.


Proposal May Be.
At Geneva; To

Lowell Thomas 'Afflicted' Wit h
Leion Of Honor, Mild Phobia

"Nothing but death or serious ac-
cident" can prevent Lowell Thomas
from lecturing here on Oct. 29. This
is the dictum of the NBC artists'
Service, Mr. Thomas' management,
as expressed in a recent letter to the
Oratorical Association.
Mr. Thomas will come here Satur-
day laboring under the twofold bur-
den of a high honor and an alleged
phobia. The honor is the Legion of
Honor medal which was presented
him Oct. 22 in New York City, at an
international banquet which prevent-
ed his being here to lecture on that
evening. The phobia is said to be a
mild form of claustrophobia, which
is a dread of small places and a ter-

ion of Lawrence, the "mystery man
ters and kings. He was the compan-
of Arabia," and confidant of "Red"
Rosa Luxemburg and Carl Liebnecht,
the German nihilist.
He was the only American observer
who witnessed the reclaiming of the
Holy Land, the assembling of the 60,-
000 camels, the gathering of troops,
and the final campaign in the desert,
and he was the only recorder of these
events through the motion picture
camera lens.
Mr. Thomas, however, has not been
rendered blase by this kaleidoscopic
career. He will attend the football
game with Princeton, his alma mater,
Saturday afternoon. Relative to this

LONDON, Oct. 24. - (A) - The
United States and Great Britain were
believed in official circles to be closer
to complete agreement on disarma-
ment than at any time in recent
years today as a result of conversa-
tions between Prime Minister J.
Ramsey MacDonald and Norman Da-
vis, American disarmament repre-
Although there was no official an
nouncement at No. 10 Downing St.,
it is believed that Great Britain fi-
nally has agreed to end its passive
resistance to President Hoover's plan
for a general reduction of one-third
in world armaments.
It was considered likely that the
British might even take steps to ad-
vance the plan at Geneva as a basis
for reducing arms.
Meanwhile Sir John Simon, for-
eign secretary, who talked for two
hours today with Mr. Davis and the

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