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October 23, 1932 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-10-23

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SUNDAY, OCT. 23, 1932

hP L 3AG SIXN..15.4i T..A .4L. L'3 1 Z -~ Vr T T 1 ' ANl LL'AKiT. UDAOT 2,ll
Play.ByJPlay Account Of Michigan 'sSweigVcoyO r



time out. Froschauer replaced Cra-.

Hoeft replaced Schustek for Illi-
nois. Newman hit left tackle for one
yard. Bloom made the tackle. Petos-
key took the ball around Illinois' left
end for nine yards and then threw
laterally to Newman who continued
to Illinois' 32-yard line.
Illinois took time out. Petoskey
gained three yards through left
guard. Everhardus took the ball for
a fixe-yard gain but fumbled and it
was recovered by Berry on the 18-
yard line.
Everhardus tackled Craven for a
five-yard loss on a wide end run.
Yanuskus punted to Newman who
made the catch on Illinois' 14-yard
line and ran it back to Illinois' 31-
yard line.
Everhardus was tackled for a four-
yard loss when he fell over Regeczi.
On the same forward pass play that
scored against Ohio last week 'New-
man tossed to Capt. Williamson who
streaked through for a touchdown.
Newman place-kicked for extra point.
Score--Michigan 7; Illinois 0.
Berry kicked off to Everhardus
who made the catch on his 16-yard
line. With splendid blocking he car-
ried the ball to Michigan's 43-yard
line. On.a quick-opening play Petos-
key took the ball and ran 57 yards
for a touchdown. Newman again
kicked goal but Michigan was holding
and drew a 15-yard penalty and the
kick was tried over. Newman missed
the goal.
Score--Michigan 13; Illinois 0.
Cantrill, Hildebrand, Marcovsky,
Damm and Cox were sent in for Sav-
age, Wistert, Kowalik, Austin and
Newman returned Berry's kick-off
to the Michigan 43-yard marker.
Everhardus made 15 yards through
center for a first down on Illinois'
45-yard line. Newman fumbled the
ball and Gregg recovered for Illinois
on the Illlini 48-yard line. Berry's
forward failed. Berry made four
yards through left tackle as the quar-
ter ended.
Score-Michigan 13; Illinois 0.
Berry completed a long forward
pass to Yanuskus which netted 20
yards and a first down on Michigan's
28-yard line. The pass sailed-over the
heads of Westover who replaced Re-
geczi and Newman. Michigan took
time out for Everhardus.
Yanuskus made two yards through
the Michigan line, placing the ball
on Michigan's 26-yard line. Craven
added another yard at Michigan's
left tackle. Illinois took time out.
Froschauer was sent in for Craven in
the Illinois backfield. Illinois drew
a five-yard penalty for the fourth
time out during the half.
Berry drew a long pass that was
knocked down by Williamson and
Westover. Westover broke up an-
other pass thrown by Berry. Illinois
drew a five-yard penalty and Mich-
igan took possession of the ball on
its own 35-yard line.
Petoskey hit center for three yards.
an underhanded forward pass from
Newman. to. Everhardus. netted .30
yards and a first down on Illinois'
31-yard line. Petoskey gained ten






6 o 13





yards around Illinois' right end for on its own 28-yard line. Berry made
another first down on Illinois 21-yard a yard through the line. Yanuskus
line, made eight yards through Michigan's
Petoskey made seven yards in two left side. Snave-
plays at the Illinois line. Everhardus ly was tackled by
then went through center and over Cantrill and fail-
the goal line for a touchdown, a gain ed to gain. Yan-
of 14 yards. He was given some splen- uskus punted out
did' blocking. Newman kicked the of b o u n d s on
goal. M i c h i gan's 29-
Score-Michigan 20; Illinois 0. yard k i ne. De
Van Dyke, Bennis and Fischer went B a k eftrond
in for Illinois. Everhardus kicked-off n d
to Froschauer and he returned the for 11 yards and
ball to the Illinois 12-yard line. Yan- m a d e a first
uskus punted to Newman who return- _ _ down on Michi-
ed it to Illinois 33-yard marker. kan 40 -eytar
Michigan took time out. Berry inter- DeBaker 1 i n e. Westover
cepted Newman's pass on his own 17- took the ball off tackle for five yards.
yard line and ran down the side line Oliver went through Illinois right
to Michigan's 48-yard marker. guard for four more. DeBaker round-
Yanuskus took the ball out of ed Illinois' left end for 11 yards
bounds for no gain. Newman broke and a first down on Illinois' 40-yard
,up Berry's long forward pass over line. Oliver gained two yards at cen-
the center of the Michigan line. Ber- ter. Westover found a hole at right
ry tried another forward pass and tackle and gained three yards. Re-
Westover knocked it down and Illi- geczi was stopped at the line for no
nois drew a five-yard penalty for a gain.

end. Petoskey plunged over a mass
of players at center for a touchdown.
Newman's place kick failed.
Score-Michigan 26; Illinois 0. 1
Cox replaced Ward at Michigan's
left end.
Capt. Berry elected to kick-off to
Michigan and booted the ball to
Newman who made the catch on his
own 16-yard line and he ran it back
to the Wolverine 38-yard marker.
Petoskey found a quick opening at
Illinois' left tackle and ran 17 yards
to Illinois 45-yard line for a first
down. Petoskey took the ball on the
same play on the other side of the
line for an eight-yard gain. Everhar-
clus went through right tackle for
two yards and a first down on Illi-
nois' 35-yard line.
Straw tackled Petoskey for no gain.
Newman's forward pass to Cox was
knocked down by Berry. Newman
completed a pass to Williamson for
an eight-yard gain, placing the ball
on the 27-yard line. Newman then
threw another forward pass to Wil-
liamson and he caught the ball three
yards from the goal line andwent
over standing up. It was a gain of 27
yards. Newman again missed the
Score-Michigan 32; Illinois 0.
Yanuskus kicked off to Newman,
who caught the ball on his two-yard
line and ran it back to Michigan's
25-yard m a r k e r. Petoskey ran
through center for three yards. New-
man took the ball inside Illinois' left
end for a one-yard gain. Illinois took

time out. rschauer replaced Cra-
yen for Illinois.
Regeezi punted to Froschauer who
fumbled and Williamson recovered
for Michigan on Illinois' 34-yard line.
Time out for Michigan. Petoskey
was injured but he continued play.
Regeczi took the ball through Illi-
nois' left guard for a four yard gain..
Illinois took time out for Bennis.
Bloom replaced Bennis. Newman
completed a pass to Everhardus back
of the line of scrimmage but he was
thrown for a three yard loss. New-
man's pass was intercepted by Yan-
uskus and was returned to Illinois'
25 yard line.
Walser recovered the ball after a
mixup of signals for a six yard 'loss.
Yanuskus punted to Newman who
signaled for a fair catch on the Wol-
verine 47 yard line and made it.
Everhardus stumbled and was tackl-
ed for a one yard loss. Petoskey bat-
tered his way through center for a
22-yard gain for a first down on Illi-
nois' 32-yard line. Everhardus took
the ball through center for a four
yard gain.
Everhardus took the ball without,
interference through Illinois left
tackle for two yards on a quick open-
ing play. Newman completed a for-
ward pass to Williamson for 11 yards
and a first down on Illinois' 15 yard
line. It was a one-handed catch.
Newman gained three yards before
he was forced out of bounds. Hedtke
was sent in for May for Illinois.
Van Dyke replaced Abrahams for
Illinois. Everhardus hit off tackle for
a four-yard gain. Petoskey dove over
center for three yards and a first.
down on Illinois' five yard line. Pe-
toskey again dove over center and
gained a yard. Everhardus on a spin-
ner play through left guard failed to
gain. Petoskey went through left
tackle for two yards. Petoskey took
out Schustek and Everhardus came
within inches of a touchdown as the
quarter ended.
Score-Michigan 32; Illinois 0.
Kipke sent in almost a new team
as the fourth period started. Michi-
gan's backfield at the start of the
fourth period consisted of Westover

Bookplates Subject
Of New Exhibit In
Main Library 'Hall
Bookplates are the subject of the
new exhibition on display in the
cases of the first floor corirdor of the
Main Library. The display includes
bookplates from other libraries as
well as from those on the campus.
Of special interest is the display
of bookplates of famous people. The
bookplates of Thomas Carlyle, Hugh
Wapole, Alfred Austin, former Poet
Laureate of England. and many fa-
mous book collectors may be seen.
A Reproduction of the earliest
kinown bookplate, made by Albrecht
Duerer for his friend and patron,
Willibald Pirckheimer, about the
year 1500 is also on display.
Many of the bookplates on display
are of interest because of the associa-
tion of their owner with the Univer-
sity. There are other cases devoted to
armorial and foreign bookplates and
to the standard types now used to
denote the subject matter of the
at quarter, Regeczi and DeBaker at
the halves and Oliver at fullback.
Yanuskus punted out from the end
zone the punt going out of bounds
on the 50 yard line. DeBaker lost a
yard, Regeczi made up the loss.
Regeczi punted to Berryi who made
the catch on his own 10-yard line
and ran it back to Illinois' 25- yard
marker. Berry completed a pass to
Froschauer but it failed to gain. Can-
trill tackled Berry for no gain.
Yanuskus rounded Michigan's right
end for 15 yards and a first down on
Illinois' 40-yard line. Illinois took
time out.
There was no further scoring.
Parker, Sheaffer datex,
Conklin, etc., $.OOaud. up.
A large and choice assortbrent
314 S. State St., Ann Arlor.


second incomplete pass in the same
series of downs.
Yanuskus booted the ball out of
bounds at Michigan's 21-yard line.
Ward replaced Capt. Williamson for
Michigan at right end. Everhardus
was held to no gain at left tackle.
Petoskey went through the center
of Illinois line to the 40-yard line for
a first down. It was a gain of 19
yards. Westover failed to gain. Ever-
hardus found a hole at Illinois' right
tackle for five yards. He was tackled
by Snavely. Everhardus punted to
Froschauer who made a seven-yard
return to the Illinois' 20-yard line.
DeBaker replaced Everhardus, Fuog
replaced Bernard, and Oliver replac-
ed Petoskey. Berry completed a lat-
eral pass to Froschauer but he was
tackled for a 10-yard loss. Yanuskus
punted out of bounds at Illinois' 47-
yard line.
Oliver replaced Petoskey for Michi-
gan. DeBaker found a hole at left
tackle for six yards. Illinois took
time out. May went in for Gragg for
Illinois. Regeczi replaced Newman in
the Michigan backfield and West-
over went to quartet back. Hladik
went in for Illinois. Illinois drew a
five yard penalty for too much time

Regeczi punted the ball out of
bounds on Illinois' 12-yard marker.
Borgmann and Singer went in for
Marcovsky and Cantrill in the Mich-
igan line. Jacobson replaced Damm
at tackle for Michigan. Van Meter,
Illinois end went in for Fischer.
Chapman went in for Hildebrand.
Yanuskus made four yards through
left tackle. Berry completed a short
forward pass to Petty back of the
line for three yards as the half end-'
Score: Michigan, 20; Illinois, 0
Capt. Berry kicked-off to Newman
who caught the ball on his nine-yard
line and running without interfer-
ence went to the Illinois 19 yard line
before he was forced out of bounds.
Petoskey made two yards through
left guard. Everhardus was tackled
by Bennis for a.two-yard loss.
Newman completed a forward pass
to Ward for 15 yards and made it
first down on the Illinois 4-yard line.
Everhardus gained two yards around




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"Bids, Rebids, and Responses"
on Culbertson Official System.
Official System of Bidding
"Official Summary"

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