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October 23, 1932 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-10-23

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SUNDAY, OCT. 23, 1932

. .... . ........ ...

Established 1890

,- ,

and subsidies; and something under 800 million
on the government proper.
Economics totalling the promised 800 million
dollars might conceivably be effected by pruning
in each of these categories, exceptingg the first,
the public debt, which cannot be touched. Gov.
Roosevelt can save his face by saying that this
was what he meant. It is not what he said.
Screen ReflectionsI


Published every morning except Monday during the
Uiversity year and Sumner Session by the Board in
Co trot of Student Publications.
Mner r f the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
tion and the Big Ten News Service.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for' eulicatonof all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise creditedI n this paper and the local news
upicblshed herein. All rights of republication of special
dispaches arereserved.
Entered at the Post 0ffic at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third Assistant Postmaster-General.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,
$1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by
mail, *,50,1
Ofmes: Student Puibicatlonl Building, Maynard Street,
Ann'Arbor, Michigan. 'phone: 2-1214,
Representatives: College Publishers Representatives,
Into 40 East Thirty-Fourth1Street, New York City; 80
C ton Stret, Boson; 612 North Michigan Avenue,
Telephone 4925
ITQR ...........JOHN W. THOMAS
ASTISTAiT WOMENS EDITOR..........Miriam Carver
NIGHT EDITORS: Thomas Connellan, NormanF. Kraft,
JTollxi W. Pritchard, C. Hart Schaaf, Brackley "Shaw,
Glenn R. Winters.
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Fred A. Huber, Albert Newman.
RE.rTERS: Hyman J. Aronstam, A. Ellis Ball, Charles
G. Barndt, James Bauchat, Donald R. Bird, Donald F.
Blankertz, Charles B. Brownson, Arthur W. Carstens,
Donald Elder, Robert Engel, Eric Hall, John C. Healey,
Robert B. Hewett, George Van Vleck, Guy M. Whipple,
Jr., W. Stoddard White, Leonard A. Rosenberg.
Eleanor B. Blum, Louise Crandall, Carol J. Hannan,
Frances Manchester, Marie J. Murphy, Margaret C.
Phalan, Katherine Rucker, Marjorie Western and Har-
riet Speis.
Telephone -214
DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Advertising, Grafton Sharp;
Afdvertisirhg Contracts, Orvil Aronson; Advertising Serv-
c, Noel Turner; Accounts, Bernard E. Schnacke; CIr-
enlation, Gilbert E. Bursley; Publications, Robert E.
ASSISTANTS: Theodore Barash, Jack Bellamy, Gordon
Boylan, Charles Ebert, Jack Efroymson, Fred Hertrick,
Joseph Hume, Allen Knuusi, Russell Read, Lester Skin-
nert, Joseph Sudow and Robert Ward.
Betty Aigler, Doris Gimmy, Billie Grffiths, Dorothy
Larltn, Helen Olson, Helen Schume, May Seefried,
SUNDAY, OCT. 23, 1932
Coaches Should Not
Meddle With Studies
R EPORTS have come to us recently'
indicating that the r e a 1 h e a d-I
quarters for the University are not in University.
hall but down on Ferry field. Some members of,
the athletic coaching staff have interested them-
selves in the academic pursuits of the institution
to the extent of advising students that this or
that course is difficult and should be dropped in1
favor of a less strenuous one.
In a controversy between the athletic and the
academic sides of the university it must in all fair-
ness be pointed out first that while the athletic
interests have risen to power and prominance
more recently, they have done fully as good a job
and have achieved fully as much success meas-
ured in their own terms as have the academic or
intellectual sides of the institution. Michigan is
clearly as well oft athletically as she is intellect-
ually, and for this many congratulations to the
men who have contributed to this achievement.
However, a breach of sportsmanship is clearly
evident when the athletic interests step on the
toes of the intellectual interests. Does it not seem
as ridiculous for a coach to advise one of his
athletes to drop a course in trigonometry as it
would be for a professor to ask that one of his
students to give up basket ball. Yet it is easily
proven that coaches are s t e p p in g outside the
proper sphere of their jurisdiction and actually
advising students on their curriculum.
The decisions as to whether a student spend his
time and energy at one activity or another are
certainly up to the student himself and any at-
tempt of one member of the university staff to put
pressure on a student which would cause him to
alter his program in another sphere is clearly out
of order. It is with this in mind that we wish to
express a thorough going thumbs down on the'
athletic coach who presumes to direct the intel-
lect'ual activities of undergraduates.

Roosevelt Makes
A Bad Blunder
IN a recent letter Governor Roose-
velt said "I believe that we can cut
down Federal expenditures from 20 to 2J per cent
by the elimination of unecessary offices and over-
lapping functions of government."
Annual federal expenditures roughly total four
billion dollars. Gov. Roosevelt hence claims that
he could save between 800 million and one billion
dollars. Republican editorialists throughout the
coun1try have been quick to point out t.hat this is,
The reason that such r e t r e n c h m e n t is not
feasible lies in the fact that at present the entire
mav of the fraarai gnvPrnmPan+ i hp. fim m] wh.

FQU vstars eans a super-picture; three stars very
good;vwo stars good; one star -Just another picture;
no stars keep away from It.- --
( (With Reservations)
"DOCT01 X"
Doctor Xavier .... ....Lionel Atwill
Lee . ....... ....,.. . Lee Tracy
Joan Xavier...............Fay Wray
Dr. Wells..............Preston Foster
Dr. Rowitz......Arthur Edmund Carewe
Dr. Haines .................John Wray
Dr. Duke.............Harry Beresford
Otto.................George Rosener
Mamie ..................Leila Bennett
The program in brief: This picture is undoubt-
edly the finest melodrama of its type that has
played in Ann Arbor in many years-we hesitate
in granting it four stars only because its appeal
to the more squeamish is doubtful. "Doctor X' is
strong meat.
In beautifully done techni-color which serves
to emphasize the remarkable opportunities for
distinctive photography, a well-rounded cast un-
winds a story of a strange passion, an all-consum-
ing neurotic hatred whose revelations is replete
with suspense and thrills. It's the kind of picture
that makes you want to warn the imperiled hero
or heroine to turn around-and watch out. And
you'll really lose yourself in fear for his or her
safety. .
Lee, a reporter on the Daily World, is investi-
gating a series of "moon murders," the victims
of which are always found with a brain-scalpel
wound at the back of the head and marks of
cannibalistic treatment on other parts of the
body. The reporter is carried in exciting and
swift adventures through the Pell Street morgue
to the Long Island Cliff house of Doctor Xavier,
whose surgeons are all under suspicion.
Dr. Xavier, in order to avoid publicity, prevails
upon the police to allow him 48 hours in which
to clear up the strange murders. After the first
psycho-neurotic experiments are conducted, Dr.
Rowi t is found dead with the characteristic
wound at the base of his brain, while Dr. Duke,
supposedly a paralytic, is found able to walk for
the first time.
Joan, who has fallen in love with Lee, is to play
the part of a murdered scrubwoman in the sec-
ond of the crime-reconstruction experiments.
When the "killer" is re-enacting the scene with
her, he is discovered to be the fiend himself. And
-the three who might aid her are handciuffed to
chairs, which in turn are bolted to the floors-
Guess what.
You will not solve this murder, yet the solution
is, after the macabre events which precede it, ex-
tremely plausible.
Credit should be given the superb photography,
the adept lines, and the tactful direction that
make ordinary movie-serial material into a fea-
ture picture you will enjoy to the fullest. And
that's why we rate it four stars.
Fay Wray as Joan Xavier is prettier than usual
in techni-color-while in bathing suit or negligee,
and technicolor she is, well you know. Lee Tracy
as the jittery reporter and Lionel Atwill as Dr.
Xavier are both ideal in their roles.
The Pell Street morgue, in which Lee finds him-
self tagged "John Doe," the shuddery disfigure-
ments of the killer, the maid's casket story, and
Dr. Xavier's experiments will bring chills and
laughs, as intended.
Added attractions: "Sea Going Birds," an edu-
cational picture which is easy to take; a "Jerry
the Journalist" comedy, not up to the high stand-
ard set by the feature; and Hearst Metrotone
Sunday Through Wednesday-Norma Shearer
in "Smilin' Through," with Frederic March. Also a
Mickey Mouse cartoon, "Whoopee," and Paul
Tompkins in a musical review of the football
season. News.
Thursday Through Saturday-George M. Cohan
in "The Phantom President." Also "Moonlight for
Two," a cartoon; "C'est Paree," a novelty. News.1
Nov. 9 (Matinee and Evening) -A three-act
comedy melodrama, '"Tompkins Corners" by

George Frame Brown.

Other College
I ADVISE all those who have begun to worry
about mid-semesters to clip out this article
and send it home to father. Dr. Luella Pressey,
psychologist at Ohio State says that college fail-
ures may be due to nothing more than a bad
tooth, self consciousness in classes, or an inability
to handle decimals.
"Not every student who flunks out of college
is a dumbbell. Nor are they all lazy," stated the
N OTHING like having the state legislature force
two universities to play football together! For
13 years Wisconsin and Marquette universities had
refused to engage in a gridiron contest. Due in no
small part to legislative demands, Wisconsin's
athletic department was reorganized and Mar-
quette was returned to the Badger football sched-
ule this fall.
H ANDICAPPED by one bucket and ten lengths
the California Varsity crew went down to an
excusable defeat last Thursday.
The crew was entered in a race on Lake Mer-
ritt with six industrial boats. The California boat
was rated as being ten lengths faster than any
other crew in the race, Coach Ky Ebright ex-
pressed some surprise when his boys crossed the
finish. line a good ten lengths behind the win-
Friday morning when the whaleboat, in which
the California crew raced, was taken out of the
water, a full sized paint bucket wmas found nailed
to the bottom of the boat. When the craft was
under way this had the same effect as a large
THE romance of canoeing has been eliminated
by Stanford University authorities in a recent
ruling. No longer can the shy young maiden be
rescued by the handsome hero, who had acciden-
tally overturned the canoe. Henceforth, all co-eds
must pass swimming and life-saving tests before
they will be allowed in a canoe.
-* * *
WHEN the president of the College of the City
of New York walked into the office of Mer-
cury, student comic publication, and found the
walls covered with the artistic effort of several
student generations, he was pretty mad. He went
out and bought some soap and brushes, and then
set the editors of the magazine to work scrubbing
the picturesque walls.
* * *
SILVERWARE from Leland Stanford university
dining room continues to disappear although
police periodically comb fraternities for the miss-
ing artidles. Some of it has been discovered in the
diing hall of a New England College and some
in China!
A Washington
WASHINGTON - To what extent democratic
activities in Pennsylvania represent any real hope
of carrying that historic stronghold of old guard
republicanism in November it would be hard to

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:. . . . .: . . . .I

On the face of the record the idea of raiding a
state still filled with members of the days of Boies
Penrose and where° influence of "Uncle Andy"
Mellon still is felt might appear fanciful.
Within the memory of man Pennsyvania has
never faltered in republican regularity but one.
It did flop to Theodore Roosevelt in the three-way
fight of 1912.
And that 20-year-old fact no doubt is what die-
tated democratic strategy in summoning Senator
George Norris from his Nebraska theatre of pro-
longed republican irregularity to fire the demo-
o'atic national campaign opening gun in Penn-
His Irregularity 'Regular'
If there is a man in public life today qualified to
speak from experience about holding lightly the
ties of party regularity, that man is Norris.
Nobody remembers a time when he was com-
pletely regular. And if there is a large state which
has a better record for republican regularity than
Pennsylvania, the books do not show it.
Offhand Norris might appear the last man to
"sic" on Pennsylvania.
Drafting Norris, however, is more understand-
able when it is recalled that the state ran up
some 444,000 votes for Theodore Roosevelt in 1912
against 395,000 for Wilson and 273,000 for Taft;
that Norris was an original Roosevelt man that
year and that he was the original republican ir-
regular to call for "another Roosevelt" this year.
As the senator himself said in his address, Gov-
ernor Roosevelt can carry Pennsylvania only if
enough old line republicans vote for him to do the
trick. There are not and never have been enough
democrats and independents combined in the state
to accomplish it.
The Norris address served as an introduction for
Governor Roosevelt's own campaign swing into
Pennsylvania. In the early days of the 1928 cam-
paign in which he figured so largely as conven-
tion manager of the Smith nomination boom,
Roosevelt had a notion that a Pennsylvania mir-
acle might happen.
It didn't. President Hoover got the state by
about a million votes, the biggest of all Pennsyl-
vania republican majorities. Yet Mr. Roosevelt
was back again in his own interest this year, ham-
mering at that citedel of republicanism.

Are Ther
Those stores through whose doors more people
pass each day are the ones who faithfully present
their products to the public. This is true In Ann
Arbor as in Oshkosh or Newark.
Mark Twain, the famous humorit, in support of the public
proclaining of merchandise once wrote
"When I was a newspaper editor, a subscriber wrote
me, saying he had found a spider in his newspaper.
He asked if it was a good or bad o6men. JI replied that
it was neither a good or bad omen. The spider was
there in his own interests. He was looking through
the advertisements intent on finding out who did not
advertise. When he discovered a tradesman who did
rot advertise, he was going straight to his shop to spin
a web across his front door, and for evermore live un
uninterrupted life."

Campus Opinion
No one will dispute the fact that Michigan has
one of the finest collections of college songs and
marches, nor will anyone deny that THE VIC-
SITY are three of the best in that collection; how-
ever even the best lose their appeal through con-
stant repetition.
In addition to having excellent songs, Michigan
has one of the finest bands in the Middle West,
an organization that should be capable of hand-
ling almost any selection put before it. With the
combination of good musical selections and a
band capable of rendering the same in a satisfac-

in Ann Arbor the Best Way to Avoid
These Webs ofInactivity
is Through;


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