THE MICHIGAN DAILY CAMPuS Ak, 11 AI v , LAF E I I , f Aihena Specelh Society ld4 4Social Meeting ,'lii meting ThurLIsdiay niI1ht atthe Woien's League. The members and tryouts in uLce honor the party was ive, plyedbridge, and Wini- I i1ed Arthur, '33 SML enterta ined with- t wo pi'flO sele:'ti~ns. The next meeting; of the society Mil be the orcaiumofi pledging, Gladys Baker, '33, president, an- nounced. Many Alumni To Return For Illinois Game Fraternities Entertain Dis- tinguished Guests At Dinners And Dances DELTA SIGMA PHI Mr. A. Ford Dickerson, travelling secretary of the Delta Sigma Phi fra- ternity, will be a guest of the local chapter this week-end, possibly at- tending the game. Mr. Dickerson, who is a member of the chapter at Millikan University, was at the house the week-end of the Northwestern game, and attended the game. Another distinguished guest this week-end will be Mr. Charles Grace, '28, former Varsity goalie of the Michigan hockey team. 'KAPPA DELTA RHO A tea will be held at the Kappa Delta Rho house on Sunday, Oct. 23. The guests will be Prof. and Mrs. W. E. Lay; Prof. and Mrs. Eich; and Prof. and Mrs. Williams, who are all honorary members of the fratL -,ity. Dean and Mrs. Bursley wll be guests from the University. PHI SIGMA DELTA House will hold an informal dance this Saturday evening in honor of its pledges. Among the guests expected are Dr. and Mrs. Milton S. Godha- mer of Ann Arbor, .Mr. and Mrs. Arthur S. Purdy; Mr. and Mrs. Hai- old Desenberg; and Mr. and Mrs. Julian Teller of Detroit; Leonard Laser of 'Chicago; and Howard Brett and Robert ILieb Of Newark, N. J. SIGMA CHI For the week-end of the Illinois gane the Sigma Chi fraternity is ex- pecting among, their guests several from Indiana. They areMr. and Mrs. Leslie R. Bain, of Indianapolis; Wen- dall Schullenberger, of Gary; Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Woodard, 'of Indian- apolis, Mr. Thurlow Coon, '03, of De- troit is also to return for the game. The fraternity wishes to announce the pledging of Edwin King, '36, from Charleston, West Virginia. THETA XI Theta Xi is .giving a 'supper dance on Sunday .evening. MVr. -and Mrs. John C. "Mathes wil e 'the chap-~ erones. PHI KAPPA SIGMA The fraternity will entertain the following guests and alumni this week-end for the Illinois game: Jus- tin Weaver, James Barger, of Detroit. ters, and Leslie Butler, of Detroit. Paul Goebel, David Forbes, and Pau- line Gulliford, of Grand Rapids, Fred Lyon of .Royal Oak, and Fred Schweitzer of Milwaukee, Wis. STODDARD BEAUTY SALON 317 South State St. Entrance next to Quarry's Drug Store on State Street ANNOUNCEMENT Ladies Personality Haircutting will be done at our shop every Wednesday by Mr. A.,G. Kirk of Detroit. We advise making appointments early. All Work done by licensed operators Phone 2-1212 Fashion Highlights N o v e I Accessories For Daytime Wear By CAROL J. HANAN Somebody said once that it was "the little things that counted" and certainly it is true in the world of fashion. The accessories, the little oddseand ends, how they can make or break a costume. Neckwear has been of particular importance this year. Silk or pique collars and cuff sets, although they have been out for some time, are still popular as a "freshener up" of dresses. Something new in the line of neckwear has been introduced in the way of little round fur collars made of either ermine or mink tails that tie up close to the base of the throat. These were suggested to wear with untrimmed coats, or wool dresses. Sequin accessories are beginning to become more and more significant as the season advances. Sequin cape- lets, cowl effects and wide belts con- tribute much to the elaboration of the frock. In footwear, stylists are accenting the high cuts, as a marked contrast to last year's open sandal. Sandals are still popular, however, especially; for evening wear, but there is a ten-i dency to kClose up the toe of the shoe. One lovely evening shoe we noticed followed the trend of rich colors that is being shown in evening gowns. It was gold kid stitched in wine and red. Comedy club To Give Lynn Starling's Play "Meet the Wife," modern light comedy, by Lynn Starling, will be Comedy Club's first presentation, ac- cording to Mary Pray, '34, president. Russell McCracken, former member of the club, will direct the produc- tion, which will take place Nov. 10, 11, and 42 in the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre of the Women's League. Other officers of the club are: James Doll, vice-president; Ann Ver- ner, '33, secretary; James Raymond, '33. Mrs. Rudolph J. Bodner, Miami, Fla., owns a bullfinch which warbles two distinct melodies. A.A.U.W. Offers Speakers On Main Program Years Projects Include Completion Of Funds For Undergraduates Five general meetings featuring women speakers in addition to five International Relations Group lunch- eons will form the main program of the Ann Arbor Branch of the Amer- ican Association of University omen. it was announced recently. Projects for the year will include the completion of a fund of $1,000 for Fellowships, which is the quota apportioned by the national head- quarters, and the awarding of schol- arships to undergraduate women, from a fund of $399. Both Junior and Senior groups plan a rummage sale to be held jointly in the near future. French, German and Italian classes are being organized, and the usual study by Pre-School, EElemen- tary School, Adolescent and College groups is being followed. The total membership for Ann Arbor and Ypsi- lanti is 279. Newly appointed committee chair- men for the year are Mrs. W. F. Gie- fel, international relations; Mrs. Ar- SHE'S ON A BUDGET and she's a HOLEPROOF HOSIERY FAN Sheer Chiflon.....' 19c to $1.95 Service and Seni-Ser viwe 6e = $9e A full line of ladie's Capeskin and Pigskin Gloves at $1.95 The CAMPUS SHOP 229 S. State Sororities Plan For Wek-E d diii Iianers, Bufet Suppers ALPHA CHI rOM ed this week end by a visit from their 4 Alpha Chi Omega will entertain national inspector, Miss Julia Riser at a formal tea Sunday afternoon in of New York, N. Y. honor of the sorority house mother, THETA PHI ALPHA Mrs. Boon Gross. Theta Phi Alpha will hold open The receiving line will be composed house,tand wil entertain at a buffet of Constance Beery, '33, house presi- supper after the game on Saturday. dent, Mrs. Howard McCluskey, and PHISIGMA SIGMA Mrs. John Mathes. The tea table, to be laid in the Phi Sigma Sigma wishes to an- dining room, will be attractively dec- nounce the pledging of Sarah Rosen- orated with yellow talisman roses baum, '36, Ann Arbor, Thursday and yellow tapers, night. Among those who have received in- The sorority will hold formal open vitations for the affair are Miss Alice house Sunday afternoon in honor of Lloyd, Dean of Women; Dr. Margaret out of town guests. Bell, Dr. Helene Schultz, Mrs. Alex- PI BETA PHI ander G. Ruthven, and Mrs. John R. Pi Beta Phi will hold open house Effinger. All the sorority house Saturday after the Illinois game. mothers, dormitory heads and house SIGMA KAPPA presidents on campus have also been Following Saturday's football game invited. Sigma Kappa will give a buffet sup- ALPHA GAMMA DELTA per for the pleasure of the week end Alpha Gamma Delta will be honor- house guests of the sorority. - ZETA TAU ALPHA thur B. Moehlman, education; Mrs. Miss Charlotte Munch, '30, of Robert Hall, program and hospital- Flint, was the guest of Zeta Tau ity;Mrs.H. P. Marley, publicity; Miss Alpha Thursday. Ethel McCormick, scholarship; Miss The sorority is planning open Sara hedon, legislative; Mrs. E. L. house for Saturday afternoon follow- Adams, membership. ing the game. AI IfA .. . , i JACOBSON'.S 3rd Big Day. OUR 8th ANNIVERSARY SALE tI a Thrilling Array of NEW They are values almost unbelievable for the price BLACK-BROWN SMART OXFORDS f in black or brown or STREET WEAR that really fit $5 per Pair Also-ARCH-PRESERVER SHOES for MEN and WOMEN 95, AAA to C 1\ EARLE BOOT SHOP 123 East Liberty Street Hundreds of Other Styles in Brown Kid . Black Kid . Fialle Calfskins In High and Medium Heels h.1 FRIDAY - SATURDAY The Sensation of The Season! FUR COATS The 11 eo0000"' 11 " pp- 1931-32 Styles Specially Purchased and Priced Ridiculously Low New Formals Charm one like the blossoms of springtime. They are here in all the tints of the season - Peach, Gold, Nile, Azure, White, Black. Copies of models from famous Paris de- signers at prices almost unbelievably low. Crepes, Gapins, Laces and Rough Weaves vie with one another for popu- larity. It is time well spent to come down town and save on your purchases. 11 If You're Going Il Formal . . . 1) $3 We've got a lot to tell you. All about the grand, new things that have just come in .Formal gloves in eight, twelve and sixteen button lengths . . . from $3.95 to $5.50 ... and formal under- ,things that you'll know are right. Then there are new bags in a variety of materi- als .. . and just all sorts of new accessories. You'd better drop in . .. especially if you are going formal. Pony! BroadtaI Caracul! Muskrat! Australian Seal in Popularity Gold Stripe "Adjustabees*' $1.3 and $1.65 the pair Smart Chiffon Stockings That Fit every Length of Leg. si ti.. k .., $9.85 Special Valutes This Week!p - $12 - $19*75 Smart Gowns . . and Others They're genuine, first quality furs, coats with the warmth, luxury, and distinction that only such fine furs can give. It's the opportunity of a lifetime - coats of this price were never before so low priced - 11 In our Gown Room you'll find the new things in Street and Afternoon gowns. The new SILKS, the new VEL- BLUE SUEDE VETS, the new LACES are being shown In regular and BLACK SUEDE half sizes in all the new colorings that the fall season has put its stamp of approval on. High grade garments from AAAA to C Sizes the best makers, but at little prices. Widths 3% to 9 . I - - ririk ,, i DOWNSTAIRS II nimi I 1 I 11 11