THE . ), THE MICHIGAN DAILY Established I890 y v -- Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa- tion and the Big Ten News Service. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches are, reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann- Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. apecial rate of postage granted by 'third Asistant Postmiaster- General. Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, $1.$0. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4,50. Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, Annu Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214. Reresentatives: College Publishers Representatives, Inc., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80 Boylston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR..............FRANK B. GILBRETH CI'TY EDITOR......................KARL SEIFFERT SPORTS EDITOR .................JOHN W. THOMAS WOMEN'S EDITOR.................MARGARET O'BRIEN ASSISTANT WOMEN'S EDITOR............Miriam Carver NIGH' EDITORS: Thomas Connellan, Norman F. Kraft, John W. Pritchard, C. Hart Schaaf, Brackley Shaw, Glenn R. Winters. SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Fred A. Huber, Albert Newman. REPORTERS: Hyman J. Aronstam, A. Ellis Ball, Charles G. Barndt James Bauchat, Donald R. Bird, Donald F. Blankertz, Charles B. Brownson,. Arthur W. Carstens, Donald Elder, Robert Engel, Eric Hall, John C. Healey, Robert B. Hewett, George Van Veck, Guy M. Whipple, Jr,, W. Stoddard White, Leonard A. Rosenberg. Eleanor B. Blum, Louise Crandall, Carol J. Hannan, Frances Manchester. Marie J. Murphy. Margaret C. Phalan. Katherine Rucker, Marjorie Western and Har-. !-et speiss BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER................BYRON C. VEDDER CREDIT MANAGER....................HARRY BEGLEY WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER......DONNA BECKER DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Advertising, Grafton Sharp; Advertising Contracts, Orvil Aronson; Advertising Serv- ice, Noel Turner; Accounts, Bernard E. Schnacke; Cir- culation, Gilbert E. Bursley; Publications, Robert E. Finn. ASSISTANTS: Theodore Barash, Jack Bellamy, Gordon Boylan, Charles Ebert, Jack Efroymson, Fred Hertrick, Joseph Hume, Allen Knuusi, Rnssell Read, Lester Skin- ner, Joseph Sudow and Robert Ward. Betty Aigler, Doris Gimmy, Billie Griffiths, Dorothy Laylin, Helen Olson, Helen Schume, May Seefried, Kathryn Stork. 1, RIDAY, OCT. 21, 1932 f Has President Hoover Lost His Trnnper.- from low prices as from a disequilibrium between different prices which intensifies the decrease in p u r c h a s i n g power to those who need it most. Doesn't this partly explain the terrible plight of the farmer? Do you blame him for turning Demo- cratic? Do you see how the vicious circle of high protective tariff, retaliation, reduced trade, gold hoarding, and currency deflation lead to lower prices, more unemployment and general stagna- tion? Dr. B. M. Anderson of the Chase National Bank in a speech delivered before the Foreign Policy Association on March 21, 1931, summed up the disastrous effects of the tariff in the following statement: "We are in the midst of a severe busi- ness depression which is world wide. The most serious obstacle in the way of early recovery is the state of our foreign trade. The most serious ob- stacle in the way of the revival of our foreign trade is our high protective tariffs." With the present maldistribution of gold and the obstacles placed before the pro- cesses of natural redistribution it is hard to see how foreign trade could be boosted and how the nations of the world could hope for financial stability. If we glance at the following figures we san see that in less than 20 years the United States has nearly doubled its monetary gold sup- ply at the expense of Germany, Russia and other countries. The figures are taken from "America Weighs Her Gold" by the well known authority on the subject, Prof. James H. Rogers of Yale. If the United States holds nearly 43% of the monetary gold supply of the world that leaves 56% for the trade of all other nations which, judging from post war history, is not sufficient especially when account is taken of the fact that 19% out of that 57% is held by France. Conse- quently, the price level abroad will keep going down, increasing business failures, and unemploy- ment, all of which in turn react on American business. Another reason why the tariff questions of fun- damental importance now is that, by the fall of prices, its schedule have become higher than the original drafters intended to have them. This is true because, in addition to ad valorem duties, specific duties were levied on many goods on the loss of dutiable items. Take for example the duty on dates packed in containers of 10 pounds or less. The specific duty on this commodity is 7 cents per pound. But, whereas the price of dates in 1930 was about 5 cents a pound before duty is paid to- day, the price is about 4 cents, which means that the severity of the duty is one third more than was contemplated. Likewise the duties on alu- minum, which is 2c per pound, on bags and jute, 10c per pound plus 10% ad valorem, on straw hats, $4 per dozen plus 70% ad valorem, on silver jewelry, 110%, on leather goods, iron and steel products,etc. have been superimposed on trade, resulting in virtual paralysis. The rates of the 1922 tariff act would have been greatly protective if we consider the fall in prices but whereas the average rate on dutiable items under the 1922 act was 34% the average rate un- der the Hawley Smoot law is 41%. Taking into consideration the decline in prices during 1931 and 1932 the average rate isestimated to be now over 50%. Thus, international commerce is fur- ther strangled by the sheer cumulative effect of the tariff. One of the chief reasons which renders the tariff question highly important, is the retaliation which the Hawley-Smoot tariff has invited from other nations. Over 32% of the nations p r o t e s t e d against that notorious act, and when the act be- came a law, they followed suit and imposed duties on their own imports. Other College CAMPUS ES ,sl - --- - u i By WOOD CONWAY JOE ZIAS isn't the only student council prexy who has his trouble with Freshmen. The first- year men at the University of Missouri have been reprimanded by the president of the student body because they are not buying the traditional fresh- man caps. ADDLING of fraternity pledges is absolutely forbidden at the University of Oklahoma. In fact, Dr. W. B. Bizzell, president of the University, recently announced that any fraternity violating the anti-paddling rule would be expelled from the campus and have its pledge list cancelled. He said that his order for enforcing the rule followed numerous complaints by parents of pledges who have been made to "a s s u m e the a n g l e." The action came after nearly 300 fraternity and sor- ority pledges walked out on weekly pledge night court aId went to dance on the roof of an Okla- homa City hotel. "WOULD never have thought that the girls one sees here were students," commented a young lady graduate student, a recent arrival from Ger- many on the University of Wisconsin campus - "The girls at the German universities look stu- dious." i i , .; HOSIERY AND LINGERIE SHOP ] 305 South State Street, Half a Block from the Campus. * When in quest of a hose for general wear try our Picot-Top, 42-Gauge Pure Silk, Semi-Serv- ice Weight, French Heel, and Cradle Foot . . . All the leading colors and all first quality. per paitr S0c * ' I WHEN the Alumni Campus Association of the City College of New York appointed as editor- in-chief a student who was thought unfit by his staff, the whole staff on the "Campus," publica- tion in question, resigned. Now, the self-desposed staff is editing a protest publication which goes under the name of "The Student. THERE'S a.e old ballad that goes something like "and when they asked her why she wore it" - Well, co-eds at Northwestern university have fit- ted this old sentiment to their recently organized Widow's Union. It is not, as the name implies, an association of "College Widows." but rather an association of girls who want to keep faithful to their far away loves and refuse dates. The insig- nia, which is none other than the "yellow ribbon" of the ballad, is worn around the neck snd serves to ward off ambitious males. NO USE hoping for the early demise of your most disliked professor, for according to the Wisconsin Daily Cardinal the Carnegie foundation 'found in a recent im o r t a 1 i t y survey that "the cloistered classroom and the quiet life of the col- lege professor gives him a longer lease on life than the average man." The Lafayette suggests in addition to the above comment, that perhaps if he gave fewer exams, the professor's life span would be lengthened still more. We also carry a large line of Lingerie, such as Vests, Panties, Union Suits, Slips, Pettislips, Pajamas, Gowns, etc. - all at prices that will please. FREE REPAIR SERVICE, We will repair free of charge any silk hose purchased in any of our 12 shops in Michigan. Hose must be laundered. 20c a pair for other makes. OW that the presidential campaign has entered its last month, the great period of mud-slinging and personal at- tacks has begun. The Democrats have u n d o u b t e dl y been the worst offenders in this regard in the past, but during the present campaign, the G. 0. P. has been just as guilty. When the campaign began, President Hoover announced that he would make only two or three speeches and that these would not be of a politi- cal nature. This was probably too conservative a stand. His later decision to take the road was not surprising. It is no crime for the President to campaign for his own re-election, although the time he spends in such activity should be cut to a minimum, for the country is still paying him $75,000 a year to carry out the work of his office. But the president should remember at all times that he is the president. He should retain a digni- ty, even in the heat of a political campaign, be- fitting his high office. This President Hoover has failed to do. When he charges the opposition with "contemptible lies," and states half-truths so as to pervert the truth, when he shouts names at his opponents, he is violating the confidence that the nation has placed in him. Has President Hoover lost his temper? After the hectic three years through which he has lived, as he sees even his friends turn against him, President Hoover cannot be blamed for be- coming irritated. But if he possesses the mental stature which the public has a right to expect, he should keep his feelings locked within his own mind, and present an outward confidence which may be reflected to the nation as a whole, for the country needs a show of confidence above all things today. Further it might be well for the president to re- member that Robert Lafollette lost the Progres- sive presidential nomination in 1912 largely be- cause he first lost his temper and that Alfred Smith's cause suffered much in 1928 through his angry outbursts in the latter days of the cam- paign. A rambling, incoherent speech by President Hoover, like the Philadelphia speech of Lafollette in 1912, would be disastrous in these times. But President Hoover, from Des Moines to Cleveland, has been rapidly approaching that point. Mr. Mills and Mr. Reed may say they will. They will do their respective parties no good. But the President must, despite all, keep his head. A Washington BYSTANDER I 3 Screen Reflections Four stars means a super-picture; three stars very good; two stars good; one star just another picture; no stars keep away from it. AT THE MICHIGAN "THE NIGHT OF JUNE 13" By KIRKE SIMPSON WASHINGTON-Everett Sanders, Hoover cam- paign manager, says he takes small stock in straw vote polls. But others must have been paying attention to them, as Mr. Sanders busied himself with repub- lican strategy. The poll business seems to have flourished more this year than in any other presi- dential campaign. If the unofficial nose counting results are given 'any weight at all by old-party stalwarts, one as- nect of the September and October straw votes must have served to send chills up the backs of old-line democrats and republicans alike. The indicated size of the. so-called "protest" vote to be cast this year, while it might not in- flirp the pletoral outcome in any state had -.nuence ue elcui u4ltuu11cl~ u , w ** a slant to it disturbing to folk quite content with John Curry .,.....'........Clive Brook the two-major-party system under which national Trudi Morrow ................ Lila Lee politics has been run in this country almost time Ginger Blake ...............Frances Dee out of mind. Herbert Morrow ........Gene Raymond * * Mr. Strawn ............ Charlie Ruggles A SIZABLE PROTEST Mrs. Strawn ....,..........Mary Boland Theprogramn .b.i.f. . T.h.i.s. l...att " de Some of those who studied the figures of 1932 The program in brief: This latest "murder icmlt ol oea osbescaitvt mystery" in which the true facts are known to the incomplete polls foresaw a possible socialist vote of 2,000,000. Take into consideration the fact that audience from the first is at its best when it there are upward of 25 party designations of na- depicts the suburban life in a large city-its petty ional and state ballots this year, many of which jealousies, love affairs, triangles, and hatred, and represent only a variation, of the protest vote, and its joys and its sordidness. It is at its worst, with the aggregate of this break away from both old the exception of one or two shots, when it at- temps te cort-oom cens, te tunde ofparties conceivably could become highly signifi= tempts the court-room scenes, the thunder ofcant. which has been stolen by countless other movies Dipping back io fairly recent history for a here which have treated the same subject. line on what the ebb and flow of the protest vote John Curry is a 7:17 commuter, burdened with has been, it is surprising to find that Eugene V. a talented but despairing wife who has been the Debs as socialist presidential candidate rolled up MICHIGAN DAILY ADVERTISEMENTS PAY On Sale -at Scool ofMusi~c SEASON TICKETSI TICKETS for 10Al!-Star Concerts SINGLE CONCERTS $6.00-$8.00-$10.'00-$12.00 j_$1.00 - $1.50 -$2.00 - $2.50 Oct. 25 BOSTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Serge Ko ussevitzky, Conductor Nov. 2 LAWR ENCE TIBBETT, Distinguished Baritone Nov.30 DETROIT SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA, Ossip Gabrilowitsch, Conductor Dec. 12 EFREM ZIMBALIST, Distinguished Vi li.nist Jan. 16 NATHAN MILSTEIN Russian Violinist Jan. 27 MYRA HESS, British Pianist Feb. 8 BUDAPEST STRING QUARTET Jose Roisman, first violin Alexander Schneider, second violin Stephan Ipolyi, viola Mischa Schneider, 'cello Feb. 15 SIGRID ONEGIN, Leading Contralto ,t rl ! t ' sirs 1 ,. i '1.t. A ..n .. A., rK...r-Y _ .___ __ n' I j roTdteGtive .Tariff Andi The Gold Supply. . victim of a recent automobile crash and subse- quent nervous breakdown. Her ultimate suicide brings Curry and the various sets of neighbors into a dragging, repititious murder trial. Herbert Morrow and Ginger Blake are the younger leads, played by Gene Raymond, a new- comer, and Frances Dee. Raymond has a typically unconvincing part of the weak, spoiled youth. All the honors go to Grandpa Strawn, whose real name we didn't get. It is his humor which in part makes up for the staleness of the remainder of the offering. Best shots: Grandpa when he's in court; Mrs. Strawn running un and down stairs in order to only 95,000 votes in 1900 as against 920,000 or so he got in 1920. In 1900 eleven of the states gave him not a single vote. They were Alabama, Georgia, Idaho, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nevada, North Carolina, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Vermont and Wyoming. In 1920 Louisiana and Vermont stood pat, with no socialist vote reported, but the other states in that group changed to Montana, New Mexico and South Dakota. Probably the most interesting figures on the protest vote, however, are those of 1912. In that ,.< ,_-. 1- -C, .L.4. )..., ,-. ma. EDITOR'S NOTE: Following is the fourth install- ment of an essay on economic issues in the coming presideutial campaign, written for The Daily by Kamil Toonian, senior in the School of Business Administration. The article will be continued in to- morrow's Daily. ROM yesterday's figures you find *t' a f.Dipfavrmpr ba i ostnot onlV