THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRT~AY, ~ 4 ....... ..... Holding Companies Too Lare, Profes;or Waterman Deelares CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY No. 231 Oratorical Association Lecture Course: For the convenience of those who have not yet obtained season tickets for the 1932-33 lecture course, an over the counter sale has been opened at Wahr's State Street store. This sale will continue for a number of days. The opening number is scheduled for October 29 when Lowell Thomas speaks in Hill Auditorium. Sports-Women Graduate Students: Archery-Sundays at 9 a. m. at Yost Field House. Shooting ih Women's Athletic Building if weather is un- favorable. Swimming-Wednesday evenings at 7:30, Barbour Gymnasium. Golf-M.T.W.Th. at 4 p. m. Palmer Field. Practice in the Women's Athletic Building if weather is unfavorable. Tennis-M.T.W.Th. at 4 p. m., Palmer Field. Tap Dancing-Tuesday evenings at 7:30, Barbour Gymnasium. Field Hockey, Ann Arbor Club, Palmer Field. Sundays 9 a. m. If weather is unfavorable, phone 4121, extension 2197. Bowling-Season will begin during November, the date to be announced later. Outing Club-meeting for organization on Friday, October 21 at 7:30 p. m.,at the Women's Athletic Building. Graduate Students: The Sunday breakfast group will not begin until the first Su nday in November. Watch for further announcement in the bulletin. ACADEMIC NOTICES Prelininary examinations for the Ph.D. in English are to be given in the following order: Oct. 22, English Literature from 1660-1798. Oct. 29, English Literature of the Renaissance. Nov. 5, Old English and Medieval Literature. Nov! 12, History of Criticism. Nov. 19, Linguistics. Economics 51 and 52: Make-up examinations for those who missed the fnal examinations ini June in these courses will be given in Room 202 Ec. (,n Saturday, October 22, at 9 a. mn. Public holding companies t are often gigantic. institutions often larger than any economie operating and financial manager can justify," declared Prof. M Waterman of the School of Bus Administration in a study for' Bureau of Business Research. study was begun in 1925. Holding Companies Attacked Holding companies .have been tacked recently because some ofj policies have seemed dangerou the public, but these practices now proving to be unprofitabl the utilities themselves from standpoint of sound manager and such companies would be themselves by cleaning housev out waiting for possible public tion, states Professor Waterman Large concerns of the future not try to grow indefinitely, bel Professor Waterman, because it been shown that an efficient g half-hour at 5:30; supper at and program at 6:30. Sphinx luncheon meeting at noon. Members are requested prompt. Liberal Students Union: C. L. dell will speak on "Recent G malian Explorations." U n i t a Church, 7:30 o'clock Sunday. Entrants in the ping-pong an+ liards all-campus tournaments; sored by the Union must registE fore Saturday, Oct. 22 at 11 Tournament play starts on Mo Oct. 24. FOUNTAIN PEN arker, Sheaffer, Watetrmz Co n ., $100 nd u A large a ice assor 8pab,= a iL oday of self-supporting companies proper- OS and ly financed is always better off than LOST-Phi Sigma Sigma pledge pm, es of great and variegated organizations gold triangle. Seyril Schochen. ment jwhere complicated security issues are Phone 2-3281. Ext. 345. Reward. . H. necessary to finance the group, and ------_ iness when sound operating companies are LOST--On October 14--Small. black th e compelled to give up an excessive leather' bound loose-leaf note book. The share of their own profits to support Finder please call 23408 62 parent companies, fundamentally - - - - d sound properties are weakened and LOST-Six keys and oblong ring. at- security holders lose thereby. ring. Campus or eastern neigh- their The "bleeding" and mortgaging of borhood. Phone 4638. Mr. Rol- Ls to strong member concerns to finance linger. 78 are new companies and achieve greater le to size has been a chief factor in weak- LOST-Large, blue note-book, An- the ening all, the survey reveals. gell Hall steps, Wed. night. Notify ment "Profits should be reinvested in John P. Schilla, 330 Maynard. nefit the subsidiary companies with the 21147. 80 with- object of strengthening the founda- --------- --- - ------ ac- tion of the holding company. struc- LOST-Green Shaeffer eversharp n-. ture instead of being mortgaged in with name inscribed in gold. Kind- will advance to pay dividends on the ly return to Jordan Hall. Reward! lieves stock of an over-expanded "parent" 82 t has company," says Professor Water-LOST-Onyx ring with diamond i gr'oup man. grhun manidpcenter. Probably on T a p p a n When economic depressions come, Phone 8907. 79 6:00; such a holding company group, rea-_ sonable in size, the report points NOTICE out, with genuine and not theoretical NOTICE 12:10 management economies, can with- NEW HOME LAUNDRY--Liberty at to be stand decreased earnings without Maynard. Free mending and darn- serious distress. Giant groups, how- ing. Collars and cuffs reversed ever, due to being forced to man- -___ Lun- age both good and bad utility com- uate- panies, often find themselves in deep Announcing the Reoi r a in water. ..v er fb Opening special, 12c a shirt cash and carry. Dial 8894. 8c STUDENTS' Laundry by experienced Laundress. Prices reasonable. Will call for and deliver. Stockings done free. Call 116 and ask for 709F13. 9 . 1 -! . r a i WALKER'S Home Laundry-Student laundry a specialty. Terms very reasonable. Dial 4776. We call for and deliver. 7c WANTED WANTED-Student laundry. Good work at reasonable rates. Mending free. Called for and delivered. Dial 4929. 81 STUDENT LAUNDRY-Good soft water.TWill call for and deliver. Sure satisfaction. Telephone 4863. 12c W A N T E D-Student and family washing, rough dry or ironed. Rea- sonable, call for and deliver. Phone 5118. 14c L A U N D R Y- Soft water, 21044. Towels free. Socks darned. 13c WASHING and ironing. Called for and delivered. Silks and woolens guaranteed satisfactory . 23478 611 Hoover. 15c WANTED - Student washing. All Menliig nealy dolne. Phone 3006. 6! FOR RENT CLOSE TO CAMPUS--Very nice un- furnished apartment. Living room with rollaway bed, dinette, kitchen with gas stove cnd refrigerator, private bath and shower, with hot soft water, bedroom, steam heat furnished, laundry room in base- ment. Phone 7704. 426 Packard. SUITE of two rooms for $5.00, and single rooms very reasonable.7507 S. Division. '76 FOR SALE FOR SALE-Sweet cider. Paw Paw grapes and grape juice. Call 9534 or 22413. Wa z -ner Cider Mill. 20 t. t . I- .ickigan pening of r "'w fi club A bil- spon- er be- p. M. nday, $ I ANN ARBOR'S ONLY DOWNTOWN NITE CLUB invites you to tonight's pre-game celebration The WOLVERINE Dance to Benson's Lilting Tunes Come once-you'll come again NO COVER CHARGE Dancing 10:00 to (?) Every Wed., Fri., Sat. & Sun Nights liii I Cake Chinese and American Restaurant HOME COOKING and GOOD SERVICE You will be satisfied with our delicious dishes Bring your friends to dinner with you. LUNCH 35c DINNER 35c, 40c, 50c Try our Monday Lunch 25c and 35c Place: 314 State Street (Above Morrill Statoinery) CLIVE BROOK Charles Ruggks -Now- 411 Engineering Students are cordially invited to attend an inspection trip of the Research Laboratory of the Chrysler Corporation, Tuesday eve- iring, October 25. A bus will be chartered by the Student Branch of the A.S.VLE. Special roundtrip rate secured. Capacity of bus limited. Will leave Engineering Arch at 6:00 p. m. and return later ,in the evening. All those expecting to make this trip, please sign list at Bulletin Board near Professor Anderson's office. Lila Lee and I 'r- Paio-111t Casi nl 1 314 S. State St., Ann Arbr. I !I __ F Comedy Club Business Staff Tryouts: All those interested in working on the business staff of Comedy Club are asked to report to Ann Verner, Business Manager Monday, October 24, at 4:10 in the Rehearsal Room of the Michigan League. Only those with previous business experience need report. Cosmopolitan Cluab-: The fall initiation will be held in Lane Hall at eight o'clock Saturday evening, Oct. 22. Mrs. Frederick B. Fisher will de- liver the initiatory address. There will be a social program and refresh- nents. If you signed an application card for membership please try to appear promptly at eight. Those Interested in Swimming: The first meeting of the Swimming Club will be Saturday morning at ten o'clock in the Union Pool. Both the members of last year and new girls who are interested in the sport either for instruction and training, or merely for its enjoyment, are invited toI come. 1 Fl 11 M- it Downtown== .w.- °d The Night of June 13dth- inest Food at Reduced Prices LUNCHEON . . . . 35C Sta ing Suniday- RA T H ER IN NOVAT ION A STRING QUINTET is being .idded to the music program Ann Arbor's Large4t Restaurant THE STRING ENSEMBLE DANCING TO THE MUSIC OF THE F RIARS sunday . ..... ... 12:30 -2:30 Sun day .... ....6:00 -11:00 Mondar Tuesday, Wednesday Friday..6 7::0 anti 9:30 -1:30 and ''hursday ..... .6:00 - 7:15 Sat.. . 6 -7:30 and 9:30 - 12:30 OtUR PRiCES are still lowest in Ann Arbor consistent with the Food Quality Andy Clyde comedy News and Novelties SUNDAY I 11 DINNER. r 65c =75( TE-- - TEA G ARIEN NORMA SHEARER in "SM ILIN' TH ROUGH1 6 South Main Phone 5515 Rhythm Classes for Children: Classes in rhy be given on Saturday mornings ii Barbour Gym urday, October 22. Children from the ages of 4 to 6 will meet at 10:15 and those from the ages of 7 to 10 at 11:00. As these groups will be used as demonstration classes only a small fee will be charged. Student Lutheran Club is having an "International Night," Sunday evening, October 23, at Zion Lu- theran Parish Hall, corner Washing- ton Street and Fifth Avenue. Certain foreign students on the campus will speak about religious and social cus- toms of their native countries. Social vthms for children will! inasium beginning Sat- o i-- ___. v _ F-i _ V ... , 7-7 , .: ., BtlBttli j ,. pl u .,iBiP 99 /// 1 110 M1 VE I I Sparkling with Health Did you ever think of that when you raised a glass of Arbor Springs Water to your lips? Its Health lies in its Purity! Physicians advise drinking "lots of water" as long as it is pure! Have Arbor Springs Water on hand at all times in the home or at the office. We can also supply you with chemically pure distilled water. ARBOR SPRINGS WATER Co. 416 West Huron Phone 8270 Fraternities- Phone2-14 The DAILY has inaugurated this service for the convenience of the merchants and stewards of Q" r Ann Arbor. Each week the market section of the paper will carry lists of unusual values beng offered by Ann Arbor dealers in foodstuffs. Jersey Pasteurized Milk Pasteurizedilk and Cream WEST SIDE DAIRY e, -- ICE CREAM TWO-LAYER BRICK Vanilla and Butterscotch Phone 2a3181 i F They are all merchants who understand needs of fraternity and sorority managers and are all able to offer the high type of service which is demanded by that type of market. The Daily recommends that house managers and stewards pafronize the advertisers in this section exclusively. THE MICHIGAN DAILY. the pT Check the following special; hey will make a big saving on your budget. BULK EVAPORATED APRICOTS-Check competive prices 2 lbs. for 25c - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ __ _____-.--. -.------ -I Holoween Will Soon Be Here! SERVE THESE INDIVIDUAL MOLDS Cat . Owl Witch . Pumpkin . Candle Stick Corn in Husk . Brownie TRY THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL: SOLVO-A fine closet bowl cleaner BABO-A saving for your budget POTATO CHIPS-Made fresh daily BLACK TEA-Best grade. per can 15c 2 for 25c pound 35c pound 49c NON ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES-We carry a complete stock of all varietes, London dry, Grenadine, Creme De Ceriser, Creme De Choma, Creme De Menth, etc., at today's low prices. MEAT-We carry only branded meats of the finest quality and price them on today's low prices. ORANGES-Full of juice, selling at a new low price doz. 28c CAULIFLOWER-Fancy wh-ite heads ...each 9c Black Raspberry Ice Cream Lemon Sherbet 11Caarhel IC1' e rri Fl I MP" e 11