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October 21, 1932 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-10-21

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TIhe Weather

Cloudy; Saturday fair and


XiFwt igan t~


Has President Hoover Lost
Temper?; Protective Tariff and
the Gold Supply.



DetroitPaper s

Two Traditions Continued By
Student Council; Pots' Revived

Deficit Charg
Termed Fals(
President Ruthven Refute
Detroit Times' Assertion
Appropriations Failed
'University Can Ask
State For Money
St a t e Owes University
More Than $990,000
Is Paper's Statement
Replying to an assertion in th
Detroit Times last night that th
state of Michigan owes the Univer
sity of Michigan more than $990,00
President Alexander G. Ruthven sai
that actually the state owes th
University nothing.
"The University," he said, "call
on the state for money as it need
it. The fact that $993,341 of the Uni
versity's appropriation remains un
paid simply means that we have no
as yet called for that money."
Can Get Funds
"As far as I know," the Presiden
continued, "if we needed $100,000 t
complete the month's payroll we
would call on the treasury and get it
"I don't see where the Detroi
paper gets the license to infer that
the state could not meet this demand
unless they have added up all of the
expenditures and demands on the
treasury and then compred this to-
tal with the amount that they say
is in the state treasury."
According to last night's Times,
"The State of- Michigan, because of
government by deficit, owes the Uni-
versity of Michigan $993,341, due
LAST YEAR." The capitals are the
"The money has been collected,"
the report proceeds, "but never turn-
ed over to the University as provided
by law. The University and the state
college offer glaring examples of the
system of letting debts accumulate
until the Legislature can pass a def-
iciency bill or invent a new tax..
State Collects Tax
"The University of Michigan is fi-
nanced by a tax of six-tenths of a
mill on general property. By law the
state collects this tax, but is bound
to turn it over to the University on
demand. Like many other funds, the
University fund is a trust fund.
"Last July 1, when the new fiscal
year began, the state still owed the
Uiversity $1,968,341.05. All of it was
money due before the fiscal year's
end. This amount has since been re-
duced to the level of $993,341. The
state owes the University of Michi-
gan $4,182,724.67 on 1932-33 taxes,
however, so that its grand total of
debt to the University is $5,176,000."
Junior Women
In Preparation
For 1933,Play
Chairman, D e a n Lloyd
Address First Meeting
Of J. G. P. Planners
Plans for the 1933 Junior Girls
Play were discussed yesterday after-
noon in the Lydan Mendelssohn
theatre in the League at a mass
meeting of all junior women assembl-
ed for that purpose.
Alice Lloyd, dean of women, gave

a brief history of the production,
starting with the first Junior Girls
Play created and executed in 1904.
"From that time until now the play
has gradually increased in size and
skill of handling technilities until it
has finally become one of the most
important events in the career of any
college woman," stated Miss Lloyd.
Following Miss Lloyd's discussion,
Dr. Margaret Bell spoke on the im-
portance of health as an essential
element for participation in any
phase of the play, pointing out the
necessity for vitality on the part
of the committeemen, as well as the
actors, to make the production a suc-
Frances Manchester, '34, general
chairman, addressed the meeting
putting forth a list of the various
duties of each junior woman in co-
operating with committee heads and
members for the betterment of the


e The Student CounAil, in a speci
meeting behind closed doors las
night, decided that "vigilance" isf
horrid word.
's For this reason, the former vigi
n lance committee of that body was of
ficially renamed by a unanimous vot
and will henceforth be known as th
"pot committee."
Another horrid word was also dis
covered. It is "delinquents.",Fresh
men who did not wear their pot
were heretofore included in thi
category. They shall now, accordin
to another authentic and officia
y Council ruling, be known, strangel
enough, as "freshmen who do no
wear their pots."
Repealing the action of last year'
body, which decided that the fresh
e man caps should be worn fora
e month only, the Council continued
d Play Production
Tickets Placed
S On SaleToday
"Adding Machine," Past
Theatre Guild Play, Will
o Open Next Friday Night
. Tickets for Elmer Rice's "The Ad-
ding Machine," Play Proluction's
first attempt of the year which is to
be presented 'next Friday night and
the following week in the Laboratory
theatre, will be plated on sale today
in the theatre box-office, Herbert
Hisch han, '33, business manager for
the production; said yesterday.
Because of the small size of the
theatre and the large number of
persons expected to see the perfor-
mance on the week-end of the
Princeton game, reservations for
seats should be placed at once,
Hischman said.
"Interest in 'The Adding Machine,
has always been great ever since it
was first performed on Broadway by
the New York Theatre Guild, not
only because it was one of the first
successful expressionistic plays to be
written by an American playwright,
but also because of the unique stage
effects," Valentine B. Windt, director
of Play Production said yesterday.
Lee Simonson was the creator of
the s mnery for the first production.
The stage crews have almost com-
pleted the settings for the seven
scenes and have based them on the
original ideas. New effects planned
by Play Production, however, will add
even more variety to the production.
Preliminary work has been com-
pleted and final rehearsals will take
place next week, promising the first
night audience a finished production,
Mr. Windt said. Mr. Windt will di-
rect the play while the technical and
business end of the production is in
charge of Russell E. McCracken.
Taxes For Ann Arbor
Will Total $287,255
Total state, county and poor taxes
to be paid by Ann Arbor amount to
$287,255.81, it was deciued yesterday
afternoon at the meeting of the coun-
ty board of supervisors.
Of this amount the state taxes are
approximately $194,000, the city
taxes $82,000, nd the poor taxes $12,-
It was decided in yesterday morn-
ing's session to continue the suit for
back fees against County Clerk
Claramon L. Pray. The board de-
voted most of the morning to a dis-
cussion of the delinquent fee situa-

two traditions, the pot tradition an
al the tradition of changing the rul
t passed by the former incumbents.
a The reason for the changing of th
ruling, according to Joseph F. Zias
- '33, president, is "campus sentiment.
- He said that he had conducted a sur
e vey in the Engineering Arch on
e morning and that the student bod
had been in favor of the pots.
When asked if the freshmen ha
- been consulted, Zias said, "Everyon
s knows that the freshmen haven'
s anything to say about what goes o
g around here. If the campus want
l them to wear pots, we can mak
y them."
t First year students who do no
wear their caps will be declared in
s eligible for extra-curricular activi-
- ites, Zias said. He admitted that thi
a might have to be interpreted some
I what before it would be put actie
- ly in effect and enforced.
In the future, it was explained, te
Council will deal very severely, ever
more severely than last year, with
freshmen who violate the cap rule.
Last year, men, who did not obey
the rules were roundly scolded:
Maddy Radio Band
With 5,000 Pupils,
Is World's Largest
Few persons realize it, but the di-
rector of the largest band in the
world is right here on the campus.
It is not Prof. Nicholas D. Falcone
of the Varsity Band, nor Prof. David
'Mattern, who directs the University
Symphony Orchestra, but Prof. Jo-
seph E. Maddy, of the Division of
Fine Arts, who conducts weekly les-
sons in the playing of band instru-
ments over the University radio
Every Monday afternoon this gen-
ial gentleman gets out his piccolo,
or his tuba, or whatever he feels in
the mood for playing, steps to the
Morris Hall microphone, and asks his
4,000 or more pupils to sound their
respective A's.
"Of.course .I don't know how it
sounds when they all play says Pro-
fessor Maddy philosophically, "but
after the classes have been organized
for a few weeks I plan to go around
to various schools where students are
taking my courses and hear how well
they are learning."
Last year more than 5,000 letters
were received by the broadcasting
service requesting instruction book-
lets, and the registration this year
bids well to reach the same figure.
Prof. Boak Chosen
1932-33 President
Of University Club
Prof. A. E. R. Boak of the history
department was elected president of
the University Club for the coming
year at the meeting of the club on
Wednesday night.
Other officers chosen by the club
were Prof. C. V. Weller, vice-presi-
dent; Prof. E. E. Nelson, secretary;
and Prof. C. S. Schoepfle, treasurer.
The counselors chosen for three
years were Dean Edward H. Kraus,
Prof. I. Leo Sharfman and Prof. Carl
E. Guthe. Counselors for one year
are to be Prof. H. H. Willard and
Prof. F. N. Wilson.
Prof. Heber D. Curtis, director of
the observatory, spoke on "The Uni-
versity of Michigan Eclipse Expedi-
tion to Fryeburg, Me." The address
was illustrated with lantern slides
and with motion pictures of the

Hoover Busy
Making Plans
For Mid-West
President Retreats Into
Study To Complete Talk
For Detroit Appearance
Cuts Visitor List;
Cabinet Men Call


Dem Nominee
Has No Fear
For Business
Roosevelt Claims People
Are Not Going To Be
Deceived By Threats

Radical Newsstand




sed By Police

Plan Monroe
On Detroit
Unable To

Run; Many
Get Tickets

WASHINGTON, Oct. 20.-(A')-
Temporarily abandoning his desk in
the executive offices, President Hoo-
e ver sequestered himself in the Lin-
coln study of the White House in
preparation for his departure tomor-
row night on a swift campaign swing
into three states.
Throughout the day the President
cut his ordinary visitor list to a
minimum. He did, however, in the
course of the drive to complete his
Saturday night's speech in Detroit,
call in Secretary Stimson and Mills
and Julius Klein, assistant secretary
of commerce. '
The treasury chieftain reported he
Ihad discussed not only the Presi-
dent's address but also that delivered
last night in Pittsburgh by Franklin
D. Roosevelt. Of the Democratic
nominee's statements there upon the
I soldier's bonus and the administra-
tion's fiscal policy, Mills asserted:
Says Roosevelt Dodged Bonus
"It was similar to his Topeka farm
speech and other great mystery stor-
ies. He indicated that if there was a
surplus in the treasury he would pay
the bonus next week. He hasn't met
the issue. He is still dodging. He
hasn't indicated whether as a Presi-
dent he would sign a bonus bill or
Mills said he would answer Roose-
velt's speech next Tuesday night in
Cincinnati "providing I can wait that,
Meanwhile, plans for the Presi-
dent's campaign activities after his1
return from Michigan were further
rounded out. Republican leaders in
New York said arrangements were
being made for him to speak there in
Madison Square Garden either Oct.1
31 or Nov. 1. It was said requests
were being made that the chief ex-
ecutive appear in Boston, Newark
and Philadelphia also. '
DETROIT, Oct. 20.--()-Definite
'word was received today that Presi-
dent Hoover will make at leastone
other appearance in Michigan wh
he comes to Detroit Saturday night
for one of the major addresses of his
re-election campaign.
The announcement from Washing-
ton said that the presidential train
would stop for five minutes in Mon-
roe, where it is scheduled to arrive
at 6:45 p. m.
A number of state Republican
leaders, including Gov. Wilber M.
Brucker, will board the train before
it reaches Detroit, probably at Mon-,
roe. The members of the governor's
party have not been announced.
Nor was the exact hour of the
President's arrival here known, but
it was certain it would be shortly be-
fore the address, scheduled for 8:30. '
Alumni Gallery
To Be lace Of
Annual Exhibit'
Ann Arbor Association Tot
Hold Tenth Annual Artt
Show Starting Oct. 28s
The galleries of Alumni MemorialC
Hall will be the scene of the tenth1
annual exhibition of the Ann Ar-c
bor Art Association from Oct. 28 tol
Nov. 20.g
Professional and amateur artistss
who are members of the Ann Arbor
Art Association and who are present,
or past resilents of Washtenaw Coun-
ty are invited to contribute original
work in the graphic, plastic, and dec-
orative arts.
All works submitted for the exhibi-t
tion should be delivered to the officee
of Prof. B. M. Donaldson in Rooms
B, Alumni Memorial Hall, today fromc
9 a. m. to 5 p. m. or tomorrow fromr

50,000 Hear Talk
At State's Capital
Gives Proposals To Help
Business; Continues
Trip To Terre Haute
Gov. Roosevelt today told a cheering
throng that wedged into every inch
of the four blocks of space surround-
ing Monument Circle that he had
observed no fear on the part of busi-
ness as he had outlined his govern-_
mental program and that he felt cer-
tain "the people of this country are
not going to be deceived by threats."
Making a seven-hour stop in In-
dianapolis, the Democratic Presiden-
tial candidate made two talks and
witnessed a parade of several thou-
sands bearing banners denouncing
the Hoover Administration and call-
ing for election of the Democratic
ticket. From this city he went to
Terre Haute, before he swept on to
carry his campaign into Missouri.
Crowd Hears Speech
His speech from the balcony of the
English' Hotel, in almost the same
spot from which Alfred E. Smith
spoke in 1928, was heard by one of,
the largest crowds that has seen the
candidate since he started his cam-
Police estimated the crowd to be at
least 50,000. Men and women stood
closely packed in the Circle, wedged
tightly into every vantage spot,
After paying tribute to the charac-
ter of the Democratic State ticket
in Indiana and urging its election,
Gov. Roosevelt swung into a recital
of various proposals for business,
raiads4, 'governmental economy,
public utilities and for dealing with
the tariff.
Predicts Business Pickup
"I have described these policies in
the course of days and weeks of con-
tinuous travel over this Country,"r
he said. "As I unfolded these policies,1
I observed no fear or hesitation onr
the part of business. I did on thea
other hand observe as I set forthe
sound policies for conservation and
protection and development of a
quickening along the channels o
trade, so long sluggish with a dimin-c
ished flow of their essential life
League Hold St
Contract Bridgef
Lesson Series v
Protege Of Ely CulbertsonF
Will Teach His System;
Classes Begin Oct. 26 a
Ely Culbertson's system of play ato
contract bridge will be taught in ac
series of lessons to begin Oct. 26,
under the sponsorship of the Leaguec
it was announced yesterday.1.
John Mathis, a protege of Mr. Cul-t
bertson, will give the lessons, whichn
will be in the form of a series of 10
lectures to be given from 7:30 to 8:30r
p. m. every Wednesday night at theo
League. ,Mr. Mathis brings with himr
a letter of recommendation from thee
bridge expert, stating his qualifica-
tions as an instructor in the Cul-
bertson system. Mrs. Mathis will as-
sist her husband.
Tickets for the season will sell at
$2.25, according to Faith Ralph, '33, d
chairman of the project. Individual s
lesson tickets will be available at 25
cents each for those who alreadya
have a general knowledge of the t
game but who are interestel in its
special phases, Miss Ralph says. {

Yoakum Will Speak At
Port Huron Convention
Three faculty members are sched-
uled to speak and more than a doz-
en others will attend the second-day1
sessions of the Michigan Association
of Junior Colleges today at Port Hu-1

Aliens More
Says Forsythe
Health Service Director
Reports 3,231 Requests
For Medical Attentin
Over eight per cent of all entering
foreign students have active tuber-
culosis of the lungs, the monthly re-
port of Dr. W. E. Forsythe, director
of the Health Service, shows. This is
probably 20 times the rate prevalent
among our natives, Dr. Forsythe de-
The report indicates a total of 2,-
231 dispensary calls during Septem-
ber. This is an increase of about 800
calls over the same period last year.
Apparently more students were sick
a year ago, for the report shows that
60 students were cared for in the
infirmary last month, compared with
the figure for a year ago.
There was a drop of 200 men's
physical examinations and 100 wo-
men's examinations from last year's
total. This may .be explained by the
drop in total enrollment of the Uni-
versity, the report stated.
Troops Called ..
To Portsmouth
Second Time
Convicts Begin Rioting
Again; One Is Reported'
Injured By Guard's Fire
KINGSTON, Ont., Oct. 20.---)--'
Guards and hastily summoned troop
reinforcements opened fire tonight to
put an end to a serious riot by in-
mates of Portsmouth prison, where
an outburst last Monday, lasting sev-
eral hours, made it necessary for the
authorities to call on the militia.
Reports from within the walls were
meager, but said that at least one
convict was wounded. The trouble
was started by a goup of about 110
inmates of the "overflow popula-
tion," who subsequently released 110
others from their cells. Reports to
the Ministry of Justice said that the
two groups combined in the rioting.
In spite of the lack of detailed i-'
formation there was plenty of evi-
dence that the prisonbauthorities
were combatting an outbreak of ma-
jor proportions. They had called a
detachment of 150 members of the
Royal Canadian horse artillery from
Kingston, two and one-half miles
away, and an hour after the soldiers
arrived three truck loads of machine
guns were rushed to the penitentiary.
With the exception of soldiers and1
officials, no one was permitted to get
close to the prison. Roads were
blocked by sentries and heavy barri-
cades were placed across them. Be-
hind these barricades were massed
thousands of Kingston and. Ports-
mouth residents.(
The detachment of troops was
rushed to the prison after personsĀ°
outside the walls had heard the re-
port of what seemed to be a muffled1
explosion followed by gunfire.
The troops carried ful field equip-
ment and wore steel helmets. They
were transported to the penitentiary
by trucks.
The soldiers were marched imme-
diately inside the walls and were
sent directly to posts on top of the
wall. They stood there, their gun
at the ready, prepared for any even-
G. A. R. Commander Dies

Suddenly At Lansing
Maj. Albert Dunham, adjutant-
general of the Michigan branch of
the G. A. R., died suddenly at 5 p. m.I
yesterday at his Lansing rooming
house, according to word received
here by Mrs. Theodore Brown, 1503
Brooklyn avenue, his niece. Maj.
Dunham made his home on week-
n" LxYih Tvr |Pr i

Member Of Campus Group
Claims Chief Of Police
Gave Consent To Open
Stand In Ann Arbor
Statement Denied
By Chief O'Brien
Committee Plans Protest
To University And The
City Board Of Aldermen;
Will Hold Mass Meeting
Ten minutes after the opening of
a bookstand for the sale of rodical
literature by the Michigan So-
cialist Club yesterday morning, po-
lice authorities interfered and or-
dered the stand closed because of the
alleged violation of a "city ordin-
Although a member of the Social-
ist Club stated that he had obtained
permission from Chief of Police
Thomas O'Brien to operate the stand,
which was located at North Univer-
sity and State streets, O'Brien last
night denied that he had ever sanc-
tioned the sale of the books.
At the time that the police step-
ped in, no books had been sold by
the Socialists. Wors by Lenin, Marx,
Sinclair, and Thomas were among
those on sale.
O'Brien Denies Permission
A member of the committee spon-
soring the book-stand told The Daily
last night that Chief O'Brien had
given him permission to operate the
stand about 10 days ago. The com-
mittee, he stated, they: went ahead
with its plans, built the stand and
bought literature at a considerable
Following the closing of the stand,
Zeldon S. Cohen, '33, another mem-
ber of the committee, was told by
Chief O'Brien that he had not given
the club permission. Mayor H. Wirt
Newkirk was then consulted and, af-
ter looking at the stand, referred the
Socialist Club back to the Chief of
Police, according to Cohen.
When O'Brien was asked why news
stands were allowed to operate in
violation of the city ordinance, and
why an exception was being made in
the case of a stand for the sale of
radical literature, he said that the
stand was too large, and added that
he would be holding himself open
to criticism by the mayor and the
Board of Aldermen, if he allowed it
to continue, a member of the com-
mittee said.
Stand Must Move Today
Chief of Police O'Brien said last
night that he would not allow the
stand to open anywhere in the city
on public property and told them to
move by this morning, Cohen stated.
The Michigan Socialist Club con-
siders this stand one of its major
projects for this year, and is deter-
mined; to put up a fight to keep it
open, according to the committee.
"We are contemplating an immed-
iate lawsuit against Chief O'Brien
with the support of the American
Civil Liberties Union, on the grounds
that Chief O'Brien violated an agree-
ment he had with us several days
ago," Cohen said.
The committee intends to get up a
petition to present to the University
and the Board of Aldermen, demand-
ing the same privileges as any other
newstand. A mass meeting is to be
held soon in protest, "against the vio-
lation of the principle of student civil
liberties," he said.
British Drama
Authority Will

Prof. Allardyce Nicoll, of the Uni-
versity of London, internationally
known authority on drama, will give
two lectures in Ann Arbor next week,
under the auspices of the English
department, it was announced yes-
terday by Prof. 0. J. Campbell.
Professor Nicoll will speak on "Sen-
+m a+ rmaa ..+ Ad-I . a t

Model Sailboat Building Hobby.'
That Deveop Int A Fin Art

Profitable hobbies are evasive
things that are sought by all and at-
tained by few, but Malcolm V. Otis,
'33, has succeeded in practicing one
that is an example of time well
Otis' particular hobby is building
scale models of famous ships of his-
tory, in which he has been engaged
since, as .a youngster, he began by
tacking sails on shingles and sailing
them. The time that Otis spends
working on each boat runs as high
as 300 hours and is usually spread
over a period as long as an entire
The boats are made entirely by

the best and fastest sailing ship ever
built and first took to the water in
1851. Its record run was 433 1-2
miles in 24 hours and its maximum
speed 24 miles per hour. The Flying
Cloud was built by Donald McKay,
who built more famous sailing ships
of this type than any other man in
the history of sailing s'ips, accord-
ing to Otis. Both it and the Sea
Witch were three-masted full-riggedj
clipper ships.
Otis has used the Flying Cloud as
the inspiration for the majority of
his models. "I like it best of any ship
because it represents the culmination
of the art of modern sailboat build-
ing," he said.
The completed models are sold to

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