THE MICHIGAN DAILY TIRSDnAY. OCT., '.1932 MAhI aMMYK le NAN R -e Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa- tion +and the Big Ten News Service. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for rxepulication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news dpblihed herein. dAllrights of republication of special dpatces are reserved. Entered at the Post Oflce at Ann Arbor,Michigan as s1cond class 'matter. Special rate of postage .granted by Third Assistant Postmaster-General. Subscription -during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, $1.50 .Thring regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214. Representatives: College Publishers Representatives, Inc., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City: $0 oylston Street, Boston; 12 North Michigan Avenue, Chiago, EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 495 MANAGING EDITOR..F......FRANK B. GILBRETH CITY EDITOR......................KARL SEIFFERT SPORTS EDITOR.................. JOHN W. THOMAS WOMENS EDITOR......... . .......MARGARET O'BRIEN ASSISTANT WOMEN'S EDITOR............ Miriam Carver NIGHT EDITORS: Thomas Connellan, Norman F. Kraft, John W. Pritchard, C. Hart Schaaf, Brackley Shaw, Glenn R. Winters, SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Fred A. Huber, Albert Newman. REPORTERS: Hyman J. Aronstam, A. Ellis Ball, Charles G. Barndt James Bauhat, Donald R. Bird, Donald F. Blanukertz, Charles B. Brownson, Arthur W. Carstens, Donald Elder, Robert Engel, Eric Hall, John C. Healey, Robert B. Hewett, George Van Vleck, Guy M. Whipple, Jr., W, Stoddard White, Leonard A. Rosenberg. Eleanor B. Bum, Louise Crandall, Carol J. Hannan, Frances Manchester, Marie J. Murphy, Margaret C. Phalan, Katherine Rucker, Marjorie Western and Har- ri et Speiss. JUSINESS STAFF Telephone 2-214 BUSINESS MANAGER....... ...BYRON C. VEDDER CREDIT MANAGER.-.................ARRY BEGLEY WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER.......DONNA BECKER DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Advertising, Grafton Sharp; Advertising Contracts, Orvil Aronson; Advertising Serv- 'ice, noel Turner; Accounts, Bernard E. Shnacke; Cir- cuation, Gilbert E. BurBley; Publications, Robert E. Finn. ASSISTANTS: Theodore Barash, Jack Bellamy, Gordon B.ylan, Charles Ebert, Jack Efroymson, Fred Hertrick, Joseph Hlume, Allen Knuus, Russell Read, Leter Skin- ner, Joseph Sudow and Robert Ward. Betty Aigle, Doris Gimmy, Billie Griffiths, Dorothy Layln, Helen Olson, Helen 3chune, May Seefred, Kathryn Stork. THURSDAY, OCT. 20, 1932 Campaign Hokum Vs. Democracy O better illustration of the differ- : 0ene, between political parties in this country and in Europe could be found than in the recent declaration of the English Labor Party, that "on assuming office, with or without power, definite 'Socialist legislation immediately must be promulgated, and the party shll stand or fall in the House of Commons on the principles in which it has faith." In England the people believe that democracy means government by public opinion. Political parties there are institutions for the orderly ex- pression of blocs in this public opinion. As such they may and do attempt to convert electors to their doctrines; but they almost never compromise with other parties, since this would mean re- nunciation of the principles for which they stand. In the United States the practice is antipodally different. Instead of attempting to persuade the electorate of the superiority of their respective policies, the parties reject all p r i n c i p 1 e s that might lose them votes. Platform framers do not say, "What do we want?" The question is always "W at may we say?" The result is a campaign strategy in which the opponents Vie to see who can talk the most and .say the least. It has been said that the chief qualification for a presidential candidate in the United States is never to have said or done anything to alienate any group in the. country. One corollary of this almost always obtaining proposition is that, sincc big, candid men have enemies, big, candid men are rarely elected to our presidency. By the foregoing excerpt from the recent, typi- cally English Lapor Party's declaration, it is seen that in England parties have faith in principles; in the United States parties fear principles. We do not consider this phenomenon, easily explainable though it may be, to be healthy. We have already urged you to vote honestly, and only after thinking. We repeat that counsel. Protective Tariff And Price Tnequalities . EDITORS NOTE: Following is the third install- ment of an essay on economic( issues in the coming presidential campaign, written for The Daily by Kamil Toonian, senior in to~e School of Business Administration. The article will be continued in' to- morrow's Daily. N OMINALLY, the Democratic party stands for reduction of tariff, Al- though Governor Roosevelt, if elected, would un- doubtedly oppose any attempt to let down the bars completely, there are many members in the party whose views are more extreme than ,his. They tell us that the strallguLationl of internation- al trade i a major' ca'use of- blsmess inactivity here as well as abroad. However, do the facts support the Democratic stand on the tariff if we strip -the question from its political dress? In the following lines the writer-presents the factual analysis of the subject. portalit today tilan ever before Lr the following J'easonis: first, 0In account of the new creditor position of the United States ill international fi- niance, the tariff' wall has operated as one of the chief obstacles to trade recovery, to international financial stability. and to the restoring of inter- national confidence. Willingly or unwillingly the United States has be-' come the leading banker and crcditor of the world. Every year foreign nations have to pay huge sums in payment of their debts and of the interest and dividends due on foreign securities held by Ameri- cans. They can pay either in kind, that is, in goods or in gold. The extremely high tariff pro- hibits them from paying their obligations in goods and commodities, hence they have either to pay in gold or suspend payments. But since their gold supply has already been drained by the United States, as the following figures will show, they are forced to suspend payments. In the case of the public debts to the United States, a new device was invented to legalize the virtual default of the foreign d e b t o r s and that was magnanimously. called "Moratorium." Nevertheless, no provisions were made which would enable these debtors to meet their obligations, and the tariff kept soaring to the seventh heaven to drive further away that "new era of prosperity" which supposedly was once on earth. Furthermore, the influx of gold into the United States, which was accelerated by the tariff, brought havoc to the financial systems of foreign countries. The threat of their collapse had its re- p e r c u s s i o n s on the financial system of this country, but who is to be blamed? We are no more living in an age of Washington. Business, banking, transportation, and even farm- ing are conducted along international lines and are ever expanding. It is through the economic activities by credit, gold and prices that the world has been knit together. Thus when gold shortage, currency deflation, and closed markets drove down the prices abroad, what happened? Since gold imports are being sterilized by Federal activities, the price level in this country was dragged down by the general price decline abroad. But not all prices go down equally, for the price structure could be divided roughly into international prices, strictly national prices, and those prices in be- tween the two named. Since most agricultural staple' products such as wheat and cotton are in- ternational in character, they were bound to suf- fer greater decline and no farm board could ever be expected to bring their prices up. To substantiate this fact clearly it is best to quote some statistics. If we take the price level of 1926 as 100, we find that in June, 1932 wholesale prices as reported by the Bureau of Labor Sta- Other College CAMPUSES "WE PRINT death notices and even give spane to fatal accidents," declares the Pomona College Student Life, urging Freshmen to sub- scribe for their mothers so that "they will know whether you are dead or alive." rWO University of Nebraska students hitch- hiked to Washington last summer to shake hands with President Hoover, reports the Okla- homa Daily. Covering the 6,000 miles in one month at a cost of about $30 auiecc, they esti- mated they walked only 15 miles on the trip. * * *: _ICHIGAN students who are wondering just how they can make ends meet will be glad to know that a student can live on 30 cents a day. Writing in The Daily Californian, Dr. Robert T. Legge says that students may keep their board bills down to 30 cents a day, or even lower, and observe the requirements of a balanced diet. Dr. Legge includes in his article a sample day's menu for an adult weighing 130 pounds and doing mod- erate work. Tle cost of the whole menu is 20 cents. * ' 4 "IUS and railway transportation costs will be a greater burden than ever to students in Vir- ginia this year. At least, such will be the case if section 80 of the new maotor vehicle code is en- forced. This new piece of legislation, which has been passed recently, prohibits bumming. It was passed over the protests and efforts of Virginia 'college student bodies who sought exception from the rule. According to reports from the state motorcycle police, there has been a great reduc- tion in professional and student bumming. ,, * , AN INNOVATION in the matter of cribbing on examinations is that practiced by Northwestern University co-eds. They place their notes under their fish-net hose. HERE'S one for the Ec department to shoot at. A professor at the University of North Carolina has taught a class in logic for the last 42 years and has given but two A's during that time. AUUTO BANS aren't handed out without proteCt at Oregon State College. Students there rode velocipedes, scooters, buggies, bicycles, and wore roller skates in a demonstration of protest against a university ban on student-owned cars., O ADMISSION prices will be charged here- after to any athletic contests at Bethany Col- lege," announced President Goodnight of that in- stitution. "We want our friends to see our teams on the field because they are made up of bonr fide college students, and we shall not continue to parade them like prize horses at a county fair." A Washington BYSTANDER WASHINGTON.-One man in p a r t i c u l a r among the important folk at the New York demo- cratic convention must have breathed a great sigh 2-1214 It's a good number to keep in mind. You'll want it if you've LOST a book, or key or fountain pen, then if you've by chance a coat, a badge, or hat 2-1;214 will help to find the owner. But that isn't all. If you would like to RENT a room, or have one rented, the same little number will do it. A lot of other things too . . . try it Miehicraii Dany CIa s sifieds Phone 2-1214 fl One thing BOTH parties qgreed on Both Chicago conventions of the major political parties pro- vided those who addressed them from places on the floor of the hall with a means for perfect freedom of action in speak- ing. Both used Western Electric microphones of a new type- sensitive instruments which fasten to their wearers' lapels and let speakers move about casily. Alecting new needs by the production of new equipment is an interesting out- growth of Western Electric's work for the pat 50 years as manufacturers of telephone equipment for the Bell Sylsem. Western Electr"ic Manufacturers . . . Purchasers . . . Distributors SINCE 1882 FOR ' ETEL BEL YSYSTEM tistics were as follows: Farm 'products ............ . Grains ................... LiVestock, poultry .......... Other products ............. Foods..................... Chemicals and drugs........ House furnishings........... . 45.7 per cent ..36.7 per cent .54.1 percent . 48.4 per cent .58.8 per cent .73.1 per cent 74.7 per cent .71.6 per cent; .70.8 per cent .53.9 per cent .79.2 per cent MICHIGAN DAILY ADVERTISEMENTS PAY Fuel and lighting materials... Hides and leather products.,.,. Textile products .............. Metal and metal products..... Total ....................... 70.1 per cent We will not discuss these figures here and now. We submit them to your consideration until to- Inorrow, when we will attempt to interpret them in a logical and orderly fashion. OtkL a'e What Others Say NORTH CAROLINA'S 'BEST' CITIZENS SPEAK About 100 of the most prominent persons in North Carolina have sent a plea to 0. Max Gard- ner, governor of the state, asking him to "save our state from further predatory acts by these so-call- ed modern educators against '-things of the spirit." Without pausing here to ask just what is the meaning of "things of the spirit" we shall go on to say that any reactionary attack upon the Uni- versity of North Carolina is not surprising, be- cause it has become known as one of the most liberal institutions in the realm of state universi- ties. It is much less surprising, for example, that the University of North Carolina, amidst the influ- ences of southern medievalism. and. all its con- sequent virulent fanaticism .against change and progress, be attacked, than that our own liberal University of Wisconsin in a supposedly liberal state so maligned. A liberal university, seeking to find a sensible and reasonable way through the maze of radical and conservative absolute systems is bound to suf- fer attacks from both sides. Being also possessed of money, and consequently influence, the attacks of fanatic conservatives represent a very real dan- ger confronting any liberal university seeking to follow a middle ground. Inasmuch as the con- servative-influence is so preponderant, radicals are wont to applaud any departure toward the field of liberalism and then the fanatic conservatives are doubly re-enforced in their 'only malediction, "See, there is the road to Red Russia and Godlessness!" Bertrand Russel, British philosopher, was at- tacked by these one hundred fanatics in North Carolina.. Langdon Hughes, Negroe poet, was con- demmed, but this is not to be marvelled at in the minds of these white southerners to whom a Negro is half-beast. Their attitude toward new ideas and a reasonal liberalism is precisely analo- CONCt:R On Sale at School of MusiOc' x: . , : s::;:=:.: s :;:::::s :;::sz::z, . .. l . of relief when it was over. That convention and the days preceding it probably were to Senator Bob Wagner among the most personally trouble- some he has known in his career. Not that Senator Wagner lacked for honors. Far from it. They were showered upon him with lavish hand --- too lavish he must have thought some- times. He was keynoter and apparently enjoyed the job. Apparently he was given more serious con- sideration than anyone else as a possible guber- natorial candidate in lieu of Lieutenant Governor Lehman. Yet consider the case from the senator's own angle. Here is a man who long ago worked his way to high judicial service in his state and found it completely satisfying. Most reluctantly and as Governor Smith's in- timate friend he entered the senate race and was elected. * * * BUT HE LIKED IT Wagner came to Washington very dubious as to how he would like senate life. A surprise awaited him. He found it so congenial a job and received such a degree of national prominence for a new senator that he appears to like it now even better than he did his judicial role. Conning over the senators up for re-election this year, Wagner seems among those of the "ins" who have least to fear. More than that, Wagner likely will be consider- ed for cabinet honors, possibly as labor secretary, in the event of a democratic presidential success, The New York senator was an important ele- ment in the pre-conventional strategy of the Roosevelt campaign SO WAGNER'S HAPPY TOO SEASON TICKETS 10 All-Star Concerts $6.00 -$8.00 -$10.00 -$12.00 TICKETS for SINGLE CONCERTS $1.00 - $1.50- $2.00- $2.50 A . . I Oc t. 25 Nov. 2 Nov. 30 Dec. 12 Jan. 16 Jan. 27 BOSTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Serge oussevitzky, Conductor LAWRENCE TIBBETT, Distinguished Bari lone DETROIT SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA, Ossip Gbrilowitscl, Conductor EFR EM ZIMBALIST, Distinguished Violinist NATHAN MILSTEIN, Russian Violinist MYRA HESS, British Pianist Feb. 8 BUDAPEST STRING QUARTET Jose Roismon, fi rst violin Alexander Schncide,.second violin Stephon Ipolyi, viola Mischo Schneider, 'cello Feb. 15 IGRID OEGIN, Leading orriralto