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October 18, 1932 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-10-18

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Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Memhber of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
tion and the Big Ten News Service.
The Associated :Press is exclusively entitled 'to the ue
for republication ofrall news dispatches credited to itor
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ptblished herein. All rights of republication of special
dispatches are reserved.
Etered at the 'Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
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Subscription duringsummer bycarrier, $1.00; by mail,
"$1 $ S'During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by
mall, $4.50.
Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbpr,; Mihigan. Phone:-2-1214.
Representatives: College Publishers Representatives,
'Ine~ .40 East Thirty-Fourth Street New. York City; 80
Boylston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue,
Telephone 4925
CITY EDITOR.. ........... ..... KARL SEIBEET
NIGHT EDITORS: Thomas Connellan, Norman F. Kraft,
John W. WPrichard, Joseph W. Renihan, C. Hart Schaaf,
Braickley 'Shaw, Galenn R. Winters.
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Fred A. Huber, Albert Newman.
REPQRTERS: Edward Andrews, Hyman J. Aronstam, A.
REi Ball,DCharles G. Barndt, James Bauchat, Donald
R:: Bird, Donald F. Blankertz, Charles B. Brownson,
Arthur W. Carstens, Donald Elder, Robert Engel, Ed-
wrd A. Gent, Eric Hall, John C. Healey, Robert B.
Hett Alvin chleifer, George Van Vlek, Camern
W'alker, Guy M. Whipleg Jr., W.n StoddardC White,
Leonard A. Rosenberg.
Eleanor B. Blum, Miriam Carver, Louise Crandall, Carol
J. I annan, Frantees Manchester, Marie J, Murphy,
Margaret C. Phalan, Katherine Rucker, Marjorie West-
ern and Harriet Speiss.
Telephone 21214
LEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Advertising, Grafton Sharp;
Adyertising Contracts, Orvil Aronson; Advertising Serv-
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ASSISTANTS: Theodore Barash, Jack Bellamy, Gordon
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Joseph Hume, Allen Knuusi, Russell Read, Lester Skin-
nr, ,Joseph Sudow and Robert Ward.
Betty Alger, Doris Gimmy, Bilie Griffiths, Dorothy
Laylin, Helen Olson, Helen Schume, May Seegfried,
The College Student
Aud Politics. .
EDITOR'S NOTE: Following is the first install-
nmentof an essay on economic issues in the coming
presidenial campaign, written for The Daily by
Kurni Tonian, senior in the School of 'Business
Administration. The article will be continued in to-
morrow's Daily.
-COLLEGE students have been ac-
(.1 cused of indifference to political
problems. They have been branded as drifters
without logical opinion. Yet when some of them
go out of the way to seek information concerning
an important question in current politics they re-
c",ye the same old, familiar, vote-getting answer
that the uninformed laymen gets.
Last week after the speech of Rep. H. T. Rainey,
many students were disappointed because he did
not give sufficient factual material on the tariff
question to enable a student to arrive at a sound
conclusion on the subject. Besides, the facts that he
presented were so mixed with political attacks
that the issue was confused. In his opinion, which
denounces the high protective Republican tariff,
he Is in accord with the overwhelming majority of
economists of the country; yet, to the average
student, in his speech he was just another poli-
tician. Conseqently, the student tends to kick
the question overboard rather cynically and con-
cern himself with things which are more relevant
to his daily work and environment.
Thus he finishes not far from where he started
in his inquiry, while the giant, Politics keeps on
marching and fighting in the battle for victory.
But should the student continue to have no
genuine concern for crucial political problems
which sooner or later will affect his economic
status? The questions of a recent Daily editorial
show that the student interest in politics exists
but that the student mind refuses to be satisfied
with generalities designed to get the vote of the
uninformed layman. Now "politics" is on the go,
and the competitive party system, as it exists to-
day, does not permit the leaders to pause for
scholarly and comprehensive answers to every
question raised by the student.
Hence the student must resort to some other

sources of information. With respect to the tariff
issue, it is clear that the subject is more in the
realm of economics than of politics, and to the
economist we should turn for an answer to the
questions raised by The Daily.
Unfortunately, however, even the government
and the p r e s e r t administration ignored the
opinions of economists in passing the Smoot-
hawley tariff bill. Perhaps we can safely attribute
our failure to meet satisfactorily many national
and international problems to the dominance of
politics over sound economics,.it is high time to
realize that conferences on armament reductions,
and the glib talk of peace, will not get us to first
~ase as long as the basic problems of trade and
finance lie in a bewildered tangle, and as, long as
tariff wars keep up the suicidal economic struggle
between nations.
rnntatina on the tariff issues. we find the

Musical Events
This might well be subtitled "Lost in the Wild
Wastes of Hill Auditorium" for, in- spite of a sum-
mer warm sun and a sky piled high with clouds,
Sunday afternoon was rather a forlorn affair-to
the listener, at least. One had the bewildered
feeling of not quite being able to catch up with
what was going on. Chamber music in Hill Audi-
torium is as futile as a poetry recital in Madison
Square Garden-among all the battling echoes,
overtones and cavernous depths, the actual sounds
are completely drowned and the result is-some-
what distorted. Chamber m u s i c is essentially
"friendly" music-music whose subleties must be
close-heard to be appreciated-and, while un-
doubtedly a very worthy edifice, intimacy is not
one of Hill Auditorium's points.
The first of the bread to be cast upon the unap-
preciative waters was the beautiful "C major trio"
of Brahms, a relatively late work in which he dis-
plays nearly all of his mature characteristics. It
consists of three movements on the largest pos-
sible scale and a short finale. There is a unity
and a cohesion about the work that makes it as
organic as any of his symphonies.
Mrs. Littlefield opened her group with Brahms
also. This composer's fondness for the German
folk songs was here shown in an obvious contra-
diction to the complex counterpoint of the previ-
.ous instrumental score. The two "Volks lieder"
on this program were splendid- examples of his ro-
mantic lyricism, which is as Teutonic as that of
Shubert and yet so very different. The Carpenter
son was the lullaby type of thing in a new setting
and charmingly done with the clearest of diction.;
Horsman's "Bird in the Wilderness" seemed to
have been very much lost, for it demanded an al-
most constant forte which must have been very
taxing on the voice. The encore, an old English
ballad, was beautifully sung with a rare sympathy
on both the part of singer and accompanist.
The performance of the Tansman opus gave
Ann Arbor one of its all too few opportunities to;
hear modern music. The School of Music trio is1
to be highly congratulated for its readiness to in-i
troduce new works to local audiences-and doubly
so because of the great difficulty of the music,
both from the standpoint of the ensemble and the
individual parts. It is an interesting thing with
places of decided inspiration balancing other spotsf
where the continued repetition gives a grind-
organ effect.t
The "introduzione" starts with one of the finesti
moments and then, after the intriguing beginning,
the bottom seems to drop out of it. After the
vacant middle section, the main subject is heard
again with even more liking and then is extended,
drawing to an unexpectedly conventional tonic
close. The allegro is rhythmically amusing with
its emphasized pizzicati. The fugue feeling at the
last gives it a jagged skyscraper outline. Of the
three main movements, the "canzone" is the most
original, beginning as it does with the high sus-
tained pedal point in the violin over the plucked
cello notes. The simple melody which follows
this, constituting the chief subject, seems too
clear for the shifting complexities of the accom-
paniment. The skilful way in which a climax is
avoided gives this movement a more definite mood
and unity of shape than any of the others. The
scherzo is built out of jazz rhythms and would
have been clever except for the great deal of repe-
tition which makes it something that should be
ground out by a machine rather than played by
musicians. The technical demands that it makes
of the players must be very great-one wonders
if perhaps they aren't more than the music actu-
ally warrants. 1 -Kathleen Murphy
G- 51
Screen ReflectionsI

Four stars means a super-picture; three stars very
good; two stars good; one star just another picture;
no stars keep away fromn it.
In the cast: GEORGE ARLISS, Mary Astor,
Evalyn Knapp and Hardie Albright.
Best shots: George Arliss attempting to getf
comfortable amid the modern furniture in his
"done-over" room; the young swain and his blue-
prints which form the strong point of his pro-
posal to blonde Evalyn Knapp; the Russian after-
noon-musicale pianist.
Added attractions: A Flip-the-Frog cartoon
(good, but not equal to the "Bears and Bees"
which you may have seen at the Michigan re-
cently); a ZaSu-Thelma Todd comedy which is
nothing if not painful; Paul Tompkins at the or-
gan in a program of popular songs; newsreel.
The program in brief: "A Successful Calamity"
is one of the series which Hollywood is issuing in
an effort (sometimes worthwhile, sometimes not)
to capitalize on some current feature, as the de-
pression, the newspaper columnist, tabloid jour-
nalism, the political race, and many others.
George Arliss is impeccable, suave as ever. Mary
Astor is sympathetically appealing and charming,
Evalyn Knapp a little too sugary as daughter.
You may feel that it is worth 50 cents to see the
Russian pianist play his "Skyscraper Symphony"
in which you hear the hammer, the saw, and the
riveter. We did.
The West-Coast moguls have yet to learn that

players are shunted into a newreel stadium by
the synthetic methods described above, and in "A
Successful Calamity" the polo injury scene, which
shows the juvenile lead riding into danger (in the
peace and quiet of the studio.
We recommend this latest George Arliss picture,
especially for the Arliss school fan. And the whole
is a well-rounded, fresh, and entertaining attrac-
The comedy is a stock-situation pushover, as we
have already hinted. Thelma and ZaSu are doing
a series, and are evidently making the rounds of
the pie-slingers gallery.
-G. M. W. Jr.

______________ ___ - -__________ _______ I

TEXT book revisions are even more vogue in
this year of depression than they ever have
been before, according to a survey of book stores
near the University of Minnesota campus. Dur-
ing the past summer, states a report of the sur-
vey, more authors have rewritten their texts than
in previous years. This works a double hardship
on most students, for besides paying top prices for
new texts, they must discard their old books at a
total loss.
* * *
FOLLOWING a vote of the undergraduate coun-
cil at Johns Hopkins University, no woman will
be allowed to take part in any campus activity in
the future. The action was the result of objec-
tions from students, alumni, and activity heads
after a woman had been chosen editor-in-chief of
the campus magazine,
NWYORK University freshmen made an at-
tempt last week to discard the orange ties and
purple caps which first-year men are required to
wear. The class of '36, aggravated by upper-class
ridicule, held a mass meeting. Several sophomores
appeared and the scuffle that ensued brought po-
lice to the sene. The officers subdued the group
in a few minutes and then left. When the fresh-
men declared themselves victorious, however, the
class of '35 once more started a free for all fight.
This time the youngsters gave the sophomores
such a severe beating that there was no doubt,
even in the minds of the second-year men, as to
whom the victory belonged. The Frosh finished
things up by marching across the campus, cheer-
ing their class and throwing away the hated ties
and caps.
A Washington
WASHINGTON -When Senator George Moses
of New Hampshire came down to New York long
enough to predict that the re-
publican ticket would sweep
unchecked "from Maine to
Maryland," word that Al Smith
would campaign personally in
four of those states had not
yet been noised about.
- :, "Friend Al" was as yet a man
of mystery, so far as his part
in the election doings was con-
It would be interesting to
? Q $&&% know if Moses would care to
repeat his prediction and take in quite as much
territory in the face of the forecasts of Smith's
actual participation in the national campaign in
New York, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Con-

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e e

There can be no doubt that the former gover-
nor's aloofness from the Roosevelt-Garner cam-
paign up-to that point has been among the im-
portant factors entering into the calculations of
both campaign organizations in reckoning their
electoral chances on the eastern front.
"Big Jim" Farley, democratic national chair-
man, said that right out loud in his address to the
democratic faithful of Rhode Island. The Smith-
Roosevelt rapprochement at Albany, he said, was
the "greatest event in the campaign thus far."
But be the electoral effect of Al Smith's active
intervention in the campaign what it may, the an-
nouncement of his four-state stumping program
and that he will crowd much of it in that last
week in November before election day serves to
emphasize that tle eastern front is going to be
a lively place that week, and for several weeks be-
fore that.
Why not? Take that Maine-to-Maryland sweep
of which Mr. Moses speaks. It includes some 108
of the 531 electoral votes to be decided November
8. That is a solid chunk of political power.
President Hoover is to deliver an address in New
York city. That was the first step of his personal
campaign decided upon, although he probably will
take it last, or near the last.
Governor Roosevelt has shaped his touring so as
to close his campaign in his home state on the

10 All-Star Concerts
$6.00 - $8.00 - $10.00 - $12.00

$1.00 -$1.50- $2.00 -$2.50


Oct. 25
Nov. 2
Dec. 12
Jan. 16
Jan, 27

ege Koussevitzky, Conductor
LAWRENCE TIBBETT, Distinguished Baritone
Ossip Gobrilowitsch, Conductor
EFR EM ZIMBALIST, Distinguished Violinist
NATHAN MILSTEIN, Rissiran Violinist
MYR A HESS, British Pianist

Jose Roisman, fi rst violin
Alexander Schneider, second violin
Stephon ipoIyi, viola
Mischo Schneider, 'cello

Feb. 15

SIGRID ONEGIN, Leading Contralto


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