THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, OCT. 16, 1932 THE MICHIGAN DAILY C Established 1890 Editoral Comment Other Campuses By Wood Conway - . X : - 1. iFG IOGmrSLJ9E N ( P4YU( tR4 U bICi1fU4#" -N- - . ~{ Published every morning except Monday during the University 'year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. -Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa- tion Iand the Big Ten News Service. liBER WO THE. ASsOCiATED PRESS The Associated Press is e0clusively enitied to lhe use for republication of all news dispatches creditcd. to IL or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special dispatchs are reserved. . Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mattei. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Postmaster-General. Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, $150, "Dring regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mal, $450. Oinces: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214. Representatives: College Publshers Representatives, Inc., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City 80 Boyston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago. EDITORIA STAFF Telephone 492 5 MANAGING EDITOR ............. FRANK CBILBRETH CITY EDITOR .. .. ...,. ..... ..... . KARL SEIFFERT SPORTS EDITOR................... JOHN W. THOMAS WOMEN'S EDITOR .... ...... . . ..MARGARETO'BRIEN ASSISTANr WOMEN'S EDITOR......ELSIE FLDMAN NIGHT EDITORS: Thomas Connellan, Norman F. Kraft, John W. Pritchard, Joseph W. Renihan, C. Hart Schaaf, Brackley Shaw, Glenn R. Winters. SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Fred A. Huber, Albert Newman. REPORTERS: Edward Andrews, Hyman J. Aronstam. A. Ellis Ball, CharlesFG. Barndt, James Bauchat, Donald R, Bird Donald F. Blankert, Charles. B. Brownson, Arthur W. Carstens, Donald Elder, Robert Engel, Ed- ward A. Genz, Eric Hall, John C. Healey, Robert B. 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SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1932 Good Teachers, Famous Men, Or Both?.. CONTINUOUSLY on campus there arises the question, "Should our faculty be composed of famous men and women, or of efficient teachers?" Experience with poor in- structors has made a number of students scepti- cal as to whether the primary aim of the Uni- versity is education or institutional glory. Careful thought? however, will disclose the fact that, almost invariably, lack of teaching ability is found, not in the more glittering luminaries of the faculty, but in inexperienced instructors. There are, of course, exceptions to this rule; but as a rule, it holds. Investigation discloses the fact that approxi- mately 150 of the University faculty members are listed in the current Who's Who in America. A study of this list, and a careful comparison with classroom experience, will show that, in most cases, those who figure in Who's Who are the pro- fessors particularly liled and respected for their teaching ability and for their success in making a classroom or a lecture session interesting. All of these men, as is attested by their appear- ance in the yearbook, have achieved a great deal of note in their own fields; and all of them are *Well known as men of high teaching ability. It would seem, then, that national recognition for talent in research does not necessarily preclude satisfactory pedagogy. Political Prophets Interpret The Digest Poll THE CASH MARKET VALUE OF HIGHER EDUCATION Only one per cent (1%) of those unemployed in November 1930 were college graduates, we learn from the statistics of the Employment Stabiliza- tion Research Institute. From this s t u d e n t s might conclude that a sheepskin immunizes 99% against unemployment. We might say at the same time, that less than (.01%) of the unemployed were one-eyed cobblers. one one-hundredth of one per cent (.01%) of the unemployed were one-eyed cobblers. Alas, in neither case do we have an index of our ability to avoid unemployment by belonging to a special group. We could make more intelligent use of these statistics if they showed what percentage of all college graduates are now unemployed. They may be suffering, in proportion to their number, equal- ly with the skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled wage earners. Incomplete statistics, or unjustified conclusions from them lead to other fallacies regarding the material worth of a college degree. High school students often hear that each day they spend in school is as good as $5 in future earnings deposit- ed in the bank. A college degree is worth $100,000 if we believe an insurance company which sells policies to par- ents ambitious to save for their children's educa- tions. We assume that these statistics are accurate and take from the actual earnings of all graduates and non-graduates. But the inferences drawn are confusions of cause and effect. We might say that all wealthy men have their shoes shined every morning, and that, therefore, the men who have their shoes shined every morning will be wealthy. Statistics which lend themselves to misinterpre- tation are especially pernicious in a day and age when justly materialistic students are expending their time and money in college solely to increase earning power and economic security. There is no doubt that increased training in- creases a man's worth to his community and to himself, and that in certain professions college training is essential. But education is only a tool, and like a pipe wrench or a piano, its results de- pend on the quality of its user as well as on the quality of the instrument. The importance of fuller and more widespread education should not overshadow the need of adapting training to the personal qualifications and needs of individuals. -Minnesota Dily These books inquiring "Are you a genius?" are becoming more and more popular. Back in 1928, nobody needed any such reassurance. DEAN Alice Lloyd's "dating bureau" of last year was a mere nothing compared to what goes on at Arkansas Polytechnic College. A similar es- tablishment there has a scale of prices, and fees are in accordance with the desirability of the date secured for the subscriber. According to the Okla- homa Daily, men or women at Polytech must sub- mit four names in the order of their choice. If the dater gets his first choice, it costs him 25 cents. Second choice costs 20 cents, third choice 15 cents, and fourth choice sells at 10 cents. * *- * NO women at the University of Missouri may speak to any male student while on the streets for a period longer than three minutes, according to a recent order of the dean of. women there. * * * TOPCOATS sold for $2, trousers at 25 cents, and neckties for 10 cents at the first monthly sale of lost and found articles at the University of Wisconsin. Lost and found sales are held at the first of each month, and all goods found during the previous month may be purchased. The pro- ceeds of the sale go back to maintain the service. * * * 'RATERNITY men here should be on the look- out for a "brother from Cheyenne," who claims to be a member of the University of Wyoming football team. According to the Columbia Specta- tor, an imposter has been traveling from one chapter of a certain fraternity to another for several weeks, borrowing as much as he can at each place. In one town, he proposed marriage, and left the girl waiting at the church. CHALK up one more university that throws its support to Norman Thomas! The Daily Neb- raskan, in coming out for the Socialist candidate, writes as follows: "No movement in modern times has been more misunderstanding and prejudice- ridden, yet surer of its inevitableness as the only alternative to follow greed-ruled order than Socialism. * * * SUBJECT for a recent debate at McGill Uni- versity: "Resolved, that it is better to be drunk than to be in love." * ** GARDA Oleson, famous model for the recent series of "Do You Inhale" pictures, advertiz- ing Lucky Strike cigarettes, is the subject of a feature article in The Daily Princetonian. The Princeton paper quotes her saying: "I like the campus at Princeon, the bowl at Yale, and the hats and afternoon tea at Harvard." The article says that, after studying dramatic art for a short period, Miss Oleson is now playing in the cast of "Mademoiselle," soon to open in New York. She plans to enter the movies as soon as her present contract runs out. She's one person who really may attribute her success to cigarettes. * * ' JUST the other day we carried an item about a North Carolina bonehead Frosh. Here's one from the same school that goes it one better. One of the new men at Carolina, under a queer impres- sion as to the University's "ablutionary facilities," brought with him an old-fashioned bathtub and a broom. S"EASON TICKETS 10 AlI-Star Concerts $6.00 -$8.00- $10.09- $12.00 TICKETS for SINGLE CONCERTS $1.00 - $1.50 - $2.00 - $2.50 CONCERT~ TI ES On Sale at School of Music Oct. 25 BOSTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Serge Koussevitzky, Conductor Nov. 2 LAWRENCE TIBBETT, Disting uished Baritone Nov. 30 DETROIT SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA, slip Gobrilowitsch, Conductor Dec. 12 EFREM ZIMBALIST, Distinguished Violinist Jan. 16 NATHAN MILSTEIN, Russian Violinist Jan. 27 MYRA HESS, British Pianist Feb. 8 BUDAPEST STRING QUARTET Jose Roisman, fi rst violin Alexander Schneider, second violin Stephan Ipolyi, viola Misch Schneider, cello Feb. 15 SIGRID ONEGIN, Leading Contraulto. t Mar. 6 Mar. 15 VLADIMIR HOROWITZ, Russian Pianist IGNACE JAN PADEREWSKI, Dean of Pianists Governor Roosevelt is a member of Phi and a trustee of Vassar College. velt should get together. Alpha Delta Mir. Roose- Student Health T HE Literary Digest poll, which now has nearly two million votes tabu- lated is approaching that stage at which political prophets and national committeemen study it hopefully or distrustfully, depending upon their political affiliations. This year it is the Democrats who arc hopeful and certain that the poll ac- curately indicates the manner in which citizens will vote. The Republicans are distrustful, and quite assured, anyway, that a "drift to Hoover" has started, which will not be recognized in straw polls but will be seen on Nov. 8. That, at any rate, is the way they will express themselves publicly from now until election day. The poll as it stands contains a number of sur- prises. First, Massachusetts and Rhode Island, the only two states in the north to go Democratic in 1928, are now favoring Hoover. Second, Roosevelt has the lead in a number of states which are traditionally Republican, including Michigan. Third, Norman Thomas is amassing a much greater vote than a Socialist candidate usu- ally does, getting much of his strength from per- sons who voted for Hoover in 1928. In the past the poll has been remarkably ac- curate, and it will be interesting to see if the HEALTH AND BODY WEIGHT Body weight concerns students in several ways. The most real interest in the question is probably that dictated by prevailing styles of clothing and personal appearance. Of at least equal importance if not of equal interest to students are the health questions concerned with body weight. It is for- tunate when the interests of personal health and style are the same. These interests coincide oc- dsionally but some recent trends of styles for student girls in particular are away from the path of Hygeia. Insofar as the straight dress lines, the slender figure, and the drawn expressions have dis- couraged obesity they may be given credit,, but that is rather little consolation for the probable harm that has come to large percentages of girls because of restwicted diets. There seems to be no question but that the de- cline in tuberculosis has not been as rapid for young women as for young men. Among the pos- sible causes for reduced resistance to tubercu- losis and other diseases, inadequate nutrition is foremost in consideration. The best health weight has been well defined as a range between ten per cent and twenty per cent over the accepted standard averages for age and height. For people under thirty-five years, a margin of overweight is better. After that age safety lies on the side of being under the average. Research at the University Hospital has done much to clear up confusion as to the factors which determine body weight. There is a prevalent pop- ular idea that weight is determined by some in- dividual of family difference which makes it impossible for one to gain or lose weight by at- tention to diet and exercise. This idea has been proved wrong. It is well established now that the weight of body fat is a simple question capable of regulation as certainly as is the amount of coal in a storage bin. It is simply a question to the amount burned up in bodily activity. Every person at rest requires a certain minimum of food above which the requirement is determined by what is commonly recognized as activity or exercise. This question is no longer a matter of debate by those in a position to know; the only questions of uncertainty now are factors which determine ap- petite or food intake. This simple explanation is i i F t x 1 , J J S WASHINGTON - 011-hand it might appear a tough break for a former executive director of the democratic national conmittee to have the first major duty of a new job turn out to be endorsing a republican against a democrat for the senate. Yet that is what happened. As president of the Association Against the Prohibition Amendment Jouett Shouse found it necessary to announce the unanimous approval by the association's executive committee of Tallant Tubbs, republican, as against William Gibbs McAdoo, democrat, in the Cali- fornia senatorial race. UP FROM CHICAGO There are those who, recalling the Chicago con- vention, look upon the association's desicion to support Mr. McAdoo's opponent as something that might bring Sho use a certain satisfaction, if he were inclined to view it in that light. For be it recalled that Mr. Shouse in convention and pre-convention days became the focal point of the stop-Roosevelt movement which suffered so complete a colapse finally at Mr. McAdoo's hands. Not that Mr. Shouse openly opposed Roosevelt's nomination. He did not. He merely battled in his pre-convention capacity as national committee spokesman for an "open," uninsructed convention. Then Mr. Shouse's candidacy for permanent chairman of the convention against Senator Walsh of Montana, Roosevelt candidate, tended to make Shouse the personifleation of the stop-Roosevelt effort at an important stage. 'I'* * PREPARING THE WAY Hindsight now makes it clear that the defeat of A Washington BYSTAN DEPR By Kirke Simpson TICKETS NOW ON SALE MICHIGAN DAILY ADVERTISEMENTS PAY Are These U.e Those stores through whose doors more people pass each day are the ones who faithfully present tlheir products to the public. This is trite in Ann Arbor as in Osihkosh or Newark. MatrksTwa n, the famous humrorist, irr support of the ptiblic prodlaimning of n4rchandise once wrote "Whlen 1 was a newspaper editor, a subscriber wrote me, sayIng he had found a spider in his newspaper. He asked if it was a good or bad omen. I replied that it was neither a good or bad omen. The spider was there in his own interests. He was looking through the advertisements intent on finding out who did not advertise. When he discovered a tradesmuan who did not advertise, he was going straight to his shop to spin a web across his front door, and for evermore live an uninterrupted life." In Ann A rhor the Best Way to Avoid These Webs of Inactivity is Through e/ A