The Weather
Slightly cooler Sunday; rain
Good Teachers, Famous Men,
or Both?; Political Prophets
Interpret The Digest Poll.
Hoover Calls
em Charges
Entirely False
Brands Absolutely Untrue
Opposition Reports On
Economic Strain; Notes
Administrative Record
Says Stock Market
Not Original Cause
Headsinsull Probe
Speech Climaxes Journey
Through Four States;
Hearers Estimated As
More Than 100,000
CLEVELAND, Oct. 15.-(A)-Presi-
dent Hoover asserted tonight, while
a police-estimated throng of 40,000
people listened, t h a t Democratic
leaders had circulated "absolutely
untrue" reports as to the origin of
the nation's economic strain and had
i s s u e d "contemptible statements"
concerninjg his personal career.
Given a two-minute ovation as he
entered the auditorium - the same
hall where Calvin Coolidge was nom-
inated in 1924-the President time
and again launched o u t in his
lengthy address against statements
he quoted from speeches by "the
Democratic candidate."
He asserted that the Democratic
nominee had sought wrongly to give
the impression that the stock market
crash was "the prime cause of this
Upholds Hawley-Smoot Tariff
He characterized as "amazing state-
ments" quotations from "the Demo-
cratic candidate" that the Smoot-
Hawley tariff was "one of the most
important factors in the present
world-wide depression."
Interrupted time and again by ap-
plause, the chief executive's speech
came as the climax of a day in which
he spoke from the rear platform of
his special train as it crossed four
states to throngs estimated by police
to total more than 100,000.
The President's audience tonight
was divided into four parts, three of
the sections listening through loud
speakers in other section of the audi-
torium and outside. He was intro-
duced by David S. Ingalls, Ohio Re-
publican gubernatorial nominee. 1
Mr. Hoover turned to what he
called an accounting of his adminis-
tration on wage and employment;
The President outlined in detail4
the following 12 measures and poli-
cies as the record of his administra-1
tion in relation to wage and salary
Points to Record
1. Mobilization of national and lo-3
cal relief agencies; appropriation of
$300,000,000 for loans to states; andy
distribution of farm board wheat and
2. Calling on a conference of em-
ployers and labor to uphold wages1
and buying power "until the cost ofJ
living had diminished."
3. Use of public works to assist in
the stablization of employment which
by the end of th* year, he said, will
total $2,400,000,000.
4. Appropriation of $1,500,000,000
for construction of public and pri-
vate works of a reproductive charac-
ter which he asserted had already
resulted in starting works the ulti-
mate cost of which will be $400,-
000,000. ;
5. Application of shorter hours to
the government service to spread em-
Mentions Home Loan Banks
6. Creation of a system of home
loan banks, the anticipation of whichm
he said has "largely stopped forecls-
ing on homes."
7. Advocacy of high wages as "the
economic basis for the country."
8. Protection of t h e AmericanN
market for American labor by thet
maintenance ot a protective tariff,.
9. Prohibition by executive orderc
of all immigration except relatives of1
American residents.I
Recalls Guaranteed Dollar e
10. Preservation of the integrity of1
the American dollar, "in order thatI
we might protect the working peopleI
of the United States."
11. Restoration of normal jobs
through the maintenance of credit.c
12. Efforts to improve AmericanI
markets by improving the internalI
stability of other nations and freeing
(Associated Press Photo)
Senator Peter Norbeck, chairman
of the senate banking committee,
will take charge of the senate's in-
vestigation into the Insull case.
Effinger Named
Head Of State
Rhodes Awards
Michigan State Committee
Is To Meet Dec. 12 To
Make Selections
Dean John R. Effinger has again
been reappointed chairman of the
Michian S t a t e Committee on
Rhodes :cholarships, which will meet
on Dec. l3 to make its selections.
The Rhodes Scholarships provide
in the first instance for two years at
Oxford University, although they
may be retained for a third year. The
elections are based on excellence in
scholarship and participation in ex-
tra-curricular activity.
"It should be clearly understood,"
said Dean Effinger, "that the chair-
man of the commission recommend-
ing candidates from the University is
Prof. Arthur L. Cross of the history
department. The recommendations
of the local committee, together with
those from other local committees all
over the state, will be sent to the
state committee, which will meet on
Dec. 12 to make its selections. These
will then be sent to the district com-
mittee for the final elemination."
Each of the six states in the dis-
trict sends two candidates, and four
of these are selected for scholarships.
Any number of these may be selected
from a given state, according to Dean
Effinger. Last year two of the four
district selections, George Tilley, '33L,
and Samuel H. Beer, '32, were from
the University; Dean Effinger con-
siders this a remarkable record.
For a furtherance of unity and ef-
ficiency in the district committees, a
modification has been made this
year, providing that the three com-
mitteemen shall each have served on
at least two of the state committees.
M. E. A. Closes
Final Session
Of Conference
Final Meetings Devoted
To Rural Schools, Man-
ual Arts, And Sciences
The sixth district of the Michigan
Education Association ended i t s
seventy-ninth annual conference here
with section meetings yesterday
Thefinal session was devoted to
section meetings divided according to
fields of specialization.
The sections meeting yesterday
were: commercial, compulsory educa-
tion, deans of girls, early and later
elementary, elementary school prin-
cipals, English, general science,
handwriting, home economics, li-
brary, manual arts and industrial
education, mathematics, m o d e r n
languages, music, physical education,'
physics and chemistry, rural, small
high schools, social science, and
Delegates met here Friday and
opened the session with speeches by
Dr. David Friday and Otto W. Hais-
ley. The session was continued in the
afternoon by division meetings in
Prof. Brumm
To Speak At
Wesley Hall
Del Toro Will Head Group
In 'T'alk On Christianity
At 9:30 This Morning
Varied Programs
Planned For Today
Student Groups Will Meet
At Ann Arbor Churches;
Rabbi Heller 'To Speak
Two prominent faculty men, Prof.
J. L. Brumm of the Journalism de-
partment and Prof. Julio Del Toro of
the Romance Languages department
will speak to student groups at Wes-
ley Hall -today. Professor Brumm
will address a gathering at 6:30 p. m.
on the subject "Standards of Valije,"
while Professor Del Toro will lead
the freshman group in a discussion
of "European and American Christi-
anity" at 9:30 a. m.
Dr. E. W. Blakeman, director of
Wesley Hall, will lead a graduate for-
um at 6:30 p. m. on "Religion and
To Give Sukkoth Message
"Mansions and Tents," a Sukkoth
message, will be delivered by Rabbi
Bernard Heller, director of the Hillel
Foundation, at the Women's League
Chapel. His talk will begin at 11:00
a. m.
Dr. Frederick B. Fisher, minister of
the First Methodist Episcopal Church
will preach at two services today.
The first, to begin at 10:45 a. in., will
concern "Falling in Love With Life,"
while the second, "Versailles," is
scheduled for 7:45 p. m.
Student classes will be held at the
First Presybterian Church House,
1432 Washtenaw Ave., at 9:30 a. m.
today. Further activities for, the col-
lege student will be conducted at 5:30
and 6:30 p. m. when the Social Hour
and Young People's Meeting are to
be held. Robert I. Shaw will speak
at the latter on the subject, "For
Two Years I Live."
Sayles to Preach
R. Edward Sayles, minister of the
First Baptist Church, will preach at
10:45 a. m. on "The Responsibility of
Hearing." Howard R. Chapman, min-
ister for students, will give two ad-
dresses later in the day, the first at
12 noon on the subject "Religion and
the Moral Life," the second at 6:00
p. m. on "Roger Williams, Pioneer of
Liberty." Refreshments will be served
after the supper hour talk.
At St. Paul's Lutheran Church
(Missouri Synod) C. A. Brauer, pas-
tor, will conduct morning worship at
10:45 a. in., the text to be "Precious
Saviour, Still Our Refuge." A stu-
dent hike, with lunch provided, is to
be held at 3:00 p. m.
Rabbi Bernard Heller will address
the members of the Student Fellow-
ship of the Congregational Church at
6:30 on the subject, "Jesus, the Jew."
The lecture and a half hour of classi-
cal and semi-classical music by the
Fellowship orchestra, under the di-
rection of J. Christian Pfohl, will be
preceded by a dinner.
A service with sermon by E. C.
Stellhorn, pastor of the Zion Luth-
eran Church, is to be delivered at the
church at 10:30 a. m. His subject
will be "The Christian Doctrine of
Giving." Two students programs, the
first a supper at 5:30 p. in., the sec-
ond a discussion at 6:30 p. mn. on
"What to Believe About the Bible,"
are also listed.
To Give Student Supper
The Bethlehem Evangelical Church
(Evangelical Synod) will hold a
morning sermon at which Theodore
Schmale, pastor, will discuss "The
Joy of Discovery." A student club
supper will be given at 5:30 p. m.
with Prof. Phillip Schenk the speak-
er. There will be a Young People's
League meeting at 7:30 p. m.
The addresses of t h e several
churches are as follows: Wesley Hall,
State St., between Washington and
Huron; Hillel Foundation, corner of
East University Ave. and Oakland
A v e.; First Methodist Episcopal
Church, corner of State and Wash-
ington Sts.; First Baptist Church,
East Huron, west of State St.; First
Presbyterian Church, corner of Hur-
on and Division Sts.; St. Paul's Luth-
eran Church, corner of Third Ave.
and West Liberty St.; Zion Lutheran
Church, Washington St. at Fifth
Ave.; Bethlehem Evangelical Church,
South Fourth Ave.
Bonus Bloc Powerful
Minority in Campaign
WASHINGTON, Oct. 15.--(R)-The
pitching of the bonus issue into the
middle of the seething political pot
has sharpened interest in the so-call-
ed "ex-soldier vote" as a factor in
Presidential and Congressional
It constitutes numerically a com-
paratively small fraction of the total
voting strength of the Nation and is
smaller than such groups as the
"farm vote" and the "labor vote."
Political observers nevertheless con-
sider it a very sizable unit-its power
demonstrated in obtaining veterans'
compensation in the face of formid-
able opposition.
The Veterans' Bureau estimates
that on Jan. 1, 1932, there were 4,-
277,000 living American veterans of
the World War. That is only 6 per
cent of a potential voting population
in the United States, including men
and women, of 67,290,000 as figured
by the Census Bureau.
Representatives of veterans' or-
ganizations point out, however, that
the full voting strength of the ex-
soldier is probably considerably
greater, due to the influence on mem-
bers of their families, not to mention
distant relatives and friends.
They contend that a more accu-
rate picture of the ratio is obtained
by comparing some four million, or
at least three million, veterans' fam-
ilies with the total of 29,900,000 fam-
ilies in the United States.
Police Arrest
9 Detroit Men
In Radio Theft
Men Transferred Radios
From Speeding Truck
To Aides In Automobiles'
Sheriff's officers yesterday arrested
nine Detroiters for the theft of 24.
radios from a truck going between
here and Ypsilanti on the night of
Oct. 7.
The bandits had two automobiles.
One of-theni came up behind a truck
carrying International radios from
Ann Arbor to Chicago and two men
got out, climbed over the fender to
the front bumper of their car and
from there to the truck. They then
threw off 12 cases of radios contain-
ing two radios each. The occupants
of the second car collected the cases,
sheriff's officers said.
The men arrested are all from De-
troit. They are: Joseph Chmielew-
ski, 19, Norman Siwak, 18, Eddie
Wardzinski, 17, Mike Kuzenko, 17,
Tony Maciak, 15, Zigmund Warsyn-
ski, 17, Roger Shelton, 28, William
Mulawa,17, and Edmund Spieg, 18
Chmielewski and Siwak, accused of
complicity,in the theft demanded an
examination which was set for Oct.,
19. All the others waived examina-
tion and were bound over to circuit
Sheriff's Officers Clyde Bennett,
William Dailey, George Randall, and
Richard Klavitter worked on the case,
Friday and Saturday and effected
the arrests yesterday. They also re-
covered five of the radios and expect
to obtain more soon.
Regeczi Account For Scores
Brown Asserts
Repeal Unlikely
In Radio Talk
Slowness of Legislation
Hinders Definite Action,
Professor Believes
Prohibition is with us to stay for
at least the next few years, is the
belief of Prof. Everett S. Brown of
the Political Science department, who
spoke last night on the University
broadcasting program over station
WJR, Detroit.
"In the first place," said Professor
Brown, "a long debate in Congress
is probable. Then it must be re-
membered that the Congress which
convenes this December is the Con-
gress elected two years ago. The
members elected next November will
not take office until March 4, 1933.
"Again," continued Professor Brown,
"the state legislatures will all meet
in January 1933. If no amendment
is ready for them then they will de-
lay action until they meet again."
Asked if the Congress could legal-
ize light wines and beer, Professor
Brown stated that by revising the
Volstead Act it would be possible to
make legal light alcohol drinks, but
that the fight over the exact defini-
tion of the word "intoxicating" would
probably be carried to the Supreme
Koo, Chinese
Speaker, Will
Address S.C.A.
Engineer And Diplomat
To Be Present At Second
Open Forum Monday
Dr. T. Z. Koo, prominent Chinese
engineer and diplomat, will be pre-
sented in the second Student Christ-
ian Association open forum, Monday,
Oct. 17. Dr. Koo was graduated
from St. John's University, Shanghai.
For nine years he has served on
the administrative board of the
Chinese Railway Service and has
served on the board of the Second
Opium Conference called by the
League of Nations. He is a promi-
nent lecturer in English University
circles and has been greeted with
favor in his present series of Ameri-
can lectures, according to dispatches
from the National Council sponsor-
ing his appearance here.
Dr. Koo will speak in the after-
noon lecture on practical christian-
ity and devote the evening to a com-
prehensive discussion of the Man-
churian situation as it effects China
and Japan. While here he will be
entertained by the Cosmopolitan
BANFF, Scotland, Oct. 15.-.')-
Gaelic seems dying in this Scottish
county. Only 159 persons know the
old tongue now, according to a re-
cent census compared with 258 in
Star Quarterback
Harry Newman's Accurate
Heaves Render Buckeyes
}}Helpless; Michigan Line
Is Invincible In Crises
Wolverines Score
d In OpeningMinutes
Scarlet And Gray Make
First Downs With Ease
As Regulars Are Out;
GameWon In First Half
Two Passes
Michigan Downs Ohio, 14-0;
Williamson And
Petoskey ....
Wistert .....
Bernard ....
Cantrill ....
Damm ......
Newman .....
... LE ........ Ferrall
.. LT. .....Monahan
... LG........ Varner
... C .......R. Smith
...RG. ....... Gailus
...RT...... Rosequist
...RE....... Gillman
... Q I....... Cramer
..LH. ..... Hichman
Fay ..........R H.......Carroll
Regeczi ........ F.... Vuchinich
Michigan .......7 7 0 0-14
Ohio State .... 0 0 0 0- 0
Michigan 14, Ohio State 0.
Pittsburgh 18, Army 13.
Brown 7; Yale 2.
Pennsylvania 14, Dartmouth 7.
Indiana 12, Iowa 0.
Minnesota 7, Nebraska 6.
Carnegie Tech 6, W. & J. 6.
Ohio Univ. 14, Navy 0.:
Harvard 46, Penn State 13.
Northwestern 26, Illinois 0.
Purdue 7, Wisconsin 6.
Chicago 20, Knox 0.
Notre Dame 62, Drake 0.
Michigan State 27, Illinois Wes-
leyan 0.
Valparaiso 27, Detroit C. C. 0.
Hillsdale 20, Kalamazoo 0.
Holy Cross 9, Detroit 7.
Columbia 22, Virginia 6.
Kansas 26, Iowa State 0.
Rutgers 32, Delaware 0.
Colgate 28, Cook 6.
Southern Methodist 16, Syracuse 6.
Princeton d, Cornell 0.
Georgia 6, N. Caro. 6.
COLUMBUS, O., Oct. 15-Helpless,
against Harry Newman's accurate
passing, Ohio State bowed to the
mighty Wolverines, 14-0, here this
afternoon before 40,000 spectators.
Although the Buckeyes worked the
ball from midfield to the 20-yard
line on several long power drivves,
Michigan's line kept them at bay
when the goalposts were in sight.
Michigan showed little regard for
Ohio's highly touted running attack
and used a long list of reserves, some
of whom played for an entire half.
With the Wolverine regulars on the
bench, the Scarlet and Gray team
piled up first downs, but to most of
the fans, the game was won at the
end of the first half.
Michigan Scores Early
Michigan scored in the first two
minutes of play, after kickingroff to
Ohio State. Cramer fumbled on the
third down and recovered, losing five
yards. On the next play Cramer
kicked 14 yards to his 29-yard line
and then Everhardus was stopped
at the line of scrimmage. A pass,
Newman to Fay, made only two
yards, but another from Newman to
Everhardus made 15. Fay was stop-
ped on the line on the first down and
repeated the play for nine yards. On
the third down Fay lost six as the
line gave way to Ohio forwards, and
Newman elected to pass on fourth
down. John Regeczi slipped over the
line of scrimmage, gathered in the
pass, and swept over the goal line
untouched by an Ohio back. New-
man kicked the extra point.
It was Michigan's third pass of the
day. The Ohio backfield could not
decipher the pass formations, and
after only two minutes of play it was
evident that Michigan could score at
will on this kind of offense.
Throughout the first half, during
which most of the Michigan regulars
were in the game,
the ball was in
Oh i o Territory.
This was due to a
long pass after the
second kick-off
.' that brought the
ball to the 26-yard
line. Regeczi
hurled the ball to
Petoskey for the
31-yard gain.
From this point on
86EV4W t h r o u ghout the
first two periods. Michigan was not
in danger, while Ohio was threatened.
Make Second Touchdown
Cramer made an opening for the
second touchdown when he ran on
the fourth down after he himself had
called the play a punt. Regeczi had
also done this on one occasion, im-
mediately before Cramer's boner.
Newman took the ball on the first
play and made 16 yards around end.
Michigan received 15 more as a gift
as Ohio was penalized for holding.
Newman shot one of the two incom-
plete Michigan passes of the after-
noon to Petoskey and then sent Fay
into the line for five yards to draw
in the Buckeye backs. Williamson
made a touchdown by taking the ball
from Newman in the clear and cross-
ing the line, a gain of 22 yards. After
this pass, the Wolverines used but
one more pass all afternoon. New-.
man again made the extra point.
Michigan Ohio
First Downs.... ......7 8
by rushing........ ..2 6
by passing........ ..4 1
by penalties........ 1 1
Yards gained by
rushing ..........76 172
Yards lost by rushing. 28 18
. 1
« ,'
Deadline For 'Ensian
Senior Pictures Dec.
More than 50 seniors had applied
for their 'Ensian picture coupons by
yesterday noon, John A. Carstens,
'33, business manager of the publica-
tion said yesterday.
The price of the coupons is $3.00,
Carstens said, and they pay both for
having the picture taken and having
it placed in the 'Ensian. The dead-
line for having the pictures taken is
December 5.
Reservations must be made by all
seniors with one of the official 'En-
sian photographers as soon as they
have purchased their picture cou-
pons. These are Rentschler, Dey, and
The price of the yearbook is still
$4.00, $3.50 with a $1.00 coupon
which can be purchased for 50 cents.
The cost of the book will be raised
to $5.00 early in December.
Student Injured In Auto
Accident Last N i g h t
Weni Liao, Grad., 22 years old,
was seriously injured at 10:30
p. m. yesterday while driving on S.
Main St./ He was taken to the
University Hospital with a frac-
tured skull.
It was learned at the Hospital
Band Displays New Formations
At Michigan-Ohio State Game
O., Oct. 15.-(Special)-Some of the
most complex maneuvers ever enter-
ed into by the University of Michi-
gan's 105-piece Varsity Band were
performed today before the crowd of'
50,000 persons who witnessed the1
Ohio State-Michigan football game
this afternoon.
Probably the most effective single
formation was the word "OHIO,"
spelled out in script diagonally across.
the field in the double-deck Ohio
stadium, to the accompaniment of
the O. S. U. marching song, "Fight
the Team." Other Michigan band
end of the giant concrete horseshoe.
Mr,. Falcone also directed the playing
of "The Star-Spangled Banner" by
both bands before the game.
Both Play "Victors"
At 1:30 p. m. the "Fighting Hun-
dred" took the field in advance of
the Ohio State band, marched from
the horseshoe-end tunnel to the cen-
ter of the field, halted, spread its
files, and awaited the Ohio band,
which interlocked with it. Both
bands then stepped off playing "The
Victors." At the goal line they halt-
ed to play the national anthem, un-
der Mr. Falcone's direction.
At the signal of the Ohio State